M arch 31, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B 10 ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS 25 HOMES WANTED To Train Applicators (Under Supervision- Pully Guaranteed) To Install NEW 1993 Vinyl Siding MAIL COUPON OR CALL ANDERSON BUILDERS & CONSTRUCTION, INC. 3511 N.E. 74th Portland, OR 97213 (503) 281-1855 NAM E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ADDRESS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CITY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PHONE Financing O.A.C. CCB#52603"™ ANKRBC135RI? Patrick LaCrosse Resigns As PDC Executive Director Patrick L. LaCrosse announced his resignation as Executive Director of the Portland Development Com­ mission (PDC) after 12 years in that position, citing a long-standing desire to make a change and a sense of satisfaction with PDC’s achievements in the past decade. LaCrosse’s resignation is effec­ tive March 31st. Douglas E Butler, PDC’s Deputy Director, will take over as Acting Executive Director on April 1st. LaCrosse who was appointed Executive Director in 1981, has served PDC for almost 20 years He w as PDC housing director from 1973 to 1980. A decision on a permanent suc­ cessor to LaCrosse will not be made until after voters decide on the urban renewal local option ballot measure proposed for a June 29th statewide ballot. 288-0033 Filing Of Lawsuit To Replace Low- Cost Housing To Be Destroyed as required by federal law. 194 low-cost single residential occupancy (SRO) units at the hotels will be destroyed as a result of the new federal courthouse project Susan Emmons, Executive Di rector of North­ west Pilot Project, stated that “this represents the single greatest loss of low-cost housing units in Portland’s history at a time when we have an acute shortage of affordable housing in our community. Between 1978 and today there has been a loss of nearly 1,000 SRO units in Portland repre­ senting a 20% reduction in this impor­ tant housing stock. During this period of time the estimated number of home­ less people has increased by over 750% from 225 in 1975 to 1,700 in 1992 (including children). The additional loss of low-income units by this federal action will contribute to more hope­ lessness and place an additional bur- den on local taxpayers to replace the housing.” Ms. Emmons also stated that “ad­ vocates of low-cost housing and the general public were assured by the federal government during the past year that these low-cost housing units would be replaced by federal dollars. Notwithstanding those assurances and even though the federal government has only authorized approximately one-half of the necessary financing, GSA is rapidly moving forward with the courthouse project.” Northwest Pilot Project is a non­ profit social service agency serving elderly, disabled, poor and homeless people with a primary focus on pro­ moting decent affordable housing. Multnomah County Legal Aid Ser­ vices is a non-profit agency providing legal se n ices to low-income people in Multnomah County. small drip. Minor drips can cause rot­ Tiot-water heater, central air condi­ ting in vanity cabinets and in the wood tioner. and furnace for these valves. In the event that you ever detect the or wallboard, often going unnoticed odor of gas, do not turn on any lights until it is too late and a major repair is or use any electrical fixtures, open all necessary. doors and windows to ventilate the The main shut-off valve for the area, turn off any valves to the appli­ house usually is located in the base­ ment or garage at the front or rear of ances, and immediately call your gas the house. In the event that the indi­ Company s emergency number, w hich vidual fixtures' shut-off valves do not you should keep handy at all times. work or were not installed, use this There also is a main shut-off before and after the gas meter. It usually is valve to isolate the water. P ropane/N atural G as Accord­ an in-line valve, and requires pliers or ing to building codes, shut-off valves a wrench to turn off. The valve should also are required for all gas-fed appli­ be perpendicular to the piping to shut ances. Check your dryer, oven. off the flow. Never try to replace any gas fixtures on your ow n. A licensed, insured plumbing contractor should be con­ tacted for any gas-related work. O il — The same shut-off valves should be located before oil-fed equip­ ment. In addition, a main shut-off valve is located near the oil tank. In the event of a break in the line, turn off the main valve. Electric — Most houses have one electric panel, located in the basement. Hopefully, the labels indicating the areas served by each breaker or fuse have been filled in. If you are buying a new house, insist that this labeling be completed. In addition to the indi­ vidual breakers, there is a main breaker usually located at the top of the panel. In the event that you work on any mi­ nor electrical repairs, always turn off the main breaker. On Friday, March 19 representa­ tives from Northwest Pilot Project and Multnomah County Legal Aid Service held a press conference at the First Congregational Church, 1126 SW Park in Portland. At that time. Northwest Pilot Project and tenants residing at the Hamilton and Lownsdale Hotels announced the filing of a lawsuit in Federal District Court against the United States General Services Ad­ ministration (“GSA”). The suit in­ cludes a class action by tenants for a declaratory judgment and injunctive relief challenging GSA’s actions in approving acquisition of the Hamilton Hotel block and notifying tenants to vacate prior to evaluating the impact of the loss of low-cost housing on the hum an environm ent in downtown Portland The lawsuit alleges the GSA has failed to prepare a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement (E1S) by Joe Z orc Dad's heating Oil oils Sarrica PM Editorial Services The follow ing are a tew basic main­ tenance items you should know about your house: W ater — It is important to know a little about the water sources in your house and how they can be isolated in Speedy Best Cash Prices the event of a leak at one ot the fixtures Service 104 NE Russell or plumbing lines. Friendly Portland, OR 97212 It is common to install a shut-off M IL Call for Quote! 282-5111 valve before a toilet, sink, shower/tub, etc., are put in place. These usually are just below the fixture, inside the van­ ity cabinet, or found behind an access panel directly behind the wall of the shower or tub. It is recommended that you test the shut-off valves and inspect them for leakage. Often the packing Oregon’s 16 community colleges are ational vehicle, raft, horse-drawn car­ around the valve needs to be replaced, ;elebrating April as National Com- riage, bicycle, car, hot air balloon, or a nut needs to be tightened to stop a nunity Col lege Month with the theme, helicopter and raft throughout the Oregon Community Colleges: Roads state. The flag depicts a map of Oregon, the :o O pportunity” The highlight of the month is a state­ locations of O regon’s 16 community wide road trip during which students, colleges and the theme of the celebra­ staff and community college support­ tion. ers will carry a flag from college to Tb»» «•»„- >f the road trip will be illcy Community College Many volunteers are needed to college, presenting it to Governor Roberts art a rally kicking off the in Ontario on April 2. Treasure Val­ assist in the 1993“’! Remember Mama” national convention of community ley was selected as the starting point M other’s Day Brunch hosted by Vol­ college educations in Portland on April since it is closest to the starting point unteers of America Oregon. This spe­ of the Oregon Trail in Oregon. The cial event will provide a free brunch 28. Each college is planning unique and flag will travel to each community for 200 elderly women who would innovative methods of moving the college in Oregon throughout April, otherwise spend the day alone Volun­ flag to the college next on the trail arriving at Clackamas Community teers are needed to greet women, es­ route. Plans are underway for trans­ College in Oregon City-roughly the cort to tables, and assist with brunches porting the flag by foot, ski, recre­ end of the Oregon T ra il-o n April 27. from 11 00 a m. to 2:00 p.m on Sun­ day, May 9. “This event is a really nice way to With Us spend M other’s Day if you can’t be with your own mother. The women really appreciate the assistance, and its fun to help them,” said Jeri Sager, Volunteer Coordinator. Those inter­ ested in volunteering for the event J U S T I C E R E A L T Y should call Volunteers of America at 235-8655. 3 0 3 -2 0 5 -3 6 2 5 Zanette Johnson, a senior at Or- 6501 N o r th I n t e r s t a t e ^ P o r t l a n d , O r e . 97217 egonEpiscopal School, lias progressed to Finalist status in the National Achievement Scholarship Program for Outstanding Negro Students Community College flag follows Unique “Oregon Trail” In April Volunteers Needed To Assist Elderly On Mother’s Day ec. ‘Happiness is a place called home” 0%, 3% & 6% Home Improvement Loans Join Other Portland Homeowners with Neighborhood Pride! H o m e improvement loans are available in Piedmont, Woodlawn, Concordia, Sabin, Eliot, Boise, Humboldt, King and Vernon neighborhoods. At 0%, 3% and 6% interest, depending on your income - these are probably the best rates in town. You may qualify to borrow up to $12,500 from the Portland Development Commission (PDC) and show your neighborhood pride by making your home and neighborhood an even better place to live. Y o u r chances of qualifying for one of these City loans are good if you own your home, need city-approved repairs or improvements, and have a qualifying income. Fair Housing Conference Held Here The ninth annual Oregon Fair Housing Conference will be held in Portland at the Convention Center on Friday, April 2, 1993 from 8:00am to 5:30pm. The conference, which marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the passage of Title VIII o f the Civil Rights Act of 1968. is expected to draw more than 400 participants from Oregon and southern Washington. The annual fair housing conference is one of the largest gatherings devoted to civil rights in housing in the county. Representatives expected to attend include urban and rural housing ad­ vocates, government officials, hous­ ing providers, real estate profession­ als and members of the financial com­ munity. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 bans discrimination in the sale, rental, finance, advertising, and the brokerage of housing based on race, religion, color, sex, and national o rig in . T he 1988 F air H ousing Amendments Act added non-discrimi­ nation protection for families with children and people with disabilities The law also strengthens enforcement procedures for fair housing com­ plaints. as well as imposes substantial fines for those engaged in discrimina­ tory housing practices. The event’skey speakers include Hazel Lewis, a member of the Na­ tional Association of Realtors, a real estate broker and expert in equal op­ portunity in housing from Arlington, Texas; Stephen Dane, a nationally- recognized litigator and expert on mortgage lending discrimination is­ sues; Judith Chaney, Vice President and Community Investment Officer for the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle; Congresswoman Elizabeth Furse, member of the U S. House of Representatives who represents the firstdistrict of Oregon; Judge Michael Marcus, a district court judge for Multnomah County and advocate of housing civil rights, and Rcy Ramsey, the Director of Oregon s Housi ng and Community Services Department The conference will also feature panel discussions and workshops con­ ducted by professionals in the hous- ing and banking industries, public sector and non-profit agencies. Work­ shop topics include affordable rural housing; fairness in real estate, lend­ ing, appraisal and insurance prac­ tices; cultural diversity issues; and discussions of legal issues in advertis­ ing, accessibility, senior housing, and federal, state and local housing laws. Sponsors of the conference in­ clude the U S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Portland Community Housing Re­ source Board, M ultnomah County Community Development Program, the State ofOrcgon Housi ng and Com­ munity services Department, d a rk County Department of Community Serv ices, the cities of Vancouver and Portland. N ational A ssociation of Housingand Redevelopment Offidals, Oregon Association o f Realtors, O r­ egon League of Financial Institutions and numerous Portland area banks For more information about the conference or registration, contact Carlsic Sprague at (503) 248-3617 or Janet Hawkins at (503)248-3707. Before and after photos o f a successful home repair loan project — one more family showing neighborhood pride. I f you have questions, or would like to find out if you qualify for a loan, call PDC's Eastside Neighborhood Housing Preservation Office at 823-3400, Monday through Friday, 8 a m. to 5 p.m. Remember, City funds are limited for this program, so call today to begin enjoying the benefits of your home repairs. LJI PDC is the City's agency for urban renewal, housing and economic development. The home repair loan program is funded through a federal Community Development Block Grant administered by the Bureau o f Community Development. PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION