Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 31, 1993, Page 16, Image 16

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M arch 31, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
P age B8
¿Scripture O f ¿7fie T fe e f
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\ \ I N D W A R N IN G S
I recently travelled to the east
coast to see my new grandson Two
d a y s la te r , a n u n u s u a lly fie rc e
storm hit the eastern coastline w ith
violent gale w inds w hich blew, in
som e places, up to one hundred six
m iles per hour.
The day before the storm hit,
there were w arnings being broadcasted
regularly over the radio and television
stations. For a person not to have
heard the forecast, they had to be
blind, deaf and locked away in a cav e
or dead The storm w as com ing and
everyone knew . T here were w arning
signs on the beaches (flags), w arning
signals being heard throughout the
city (w arning horns); and, there was
the wind
Hav e thine ow n wav Lord
Ev en though Friday began sunny
and mild, the later it got--the w inder
it got T hrough the night and continu­
ing into the next day, the w inds got
stronger and stronger.
As I sat looking out the balcony
window, 1 could see evidence o f the
w inds’ strength. T he trees, w hich were
once standing tall and lending shade
from their branches, were swaying
back and forth; to and from and, fly­
ing. Yes! T he tops and/or the large
branches could be seen sailing with
the w ind Shingles from the roofs,
tiles, gutters, paper, barbecue pits and
k id ’s toys were unable to hold their
positions as the w inds blew.
Y e t-w ith all the w arnings and
the phy sical ev idence, there were some
w ho challenged the forecast and the
repeated w arning to do some last
m inute shopping or m ail a letter or to
. .G • .
every day.]
God sends us w ind w arnings each
and every day In the Holy Scripture,
there are many, many verses that w arn
us by saying, “ W atch O ut!" or "Look
U p!” or “H e’s com ing! Get Ready!”
W ind w arn in g sall around us: the
w ars in the M iddle East, the fam ine in
Som alia and other nations, the greed
and carnage in Russia, the disease and
flight o f the H aitians, the earthquakes,
sink holes in Florida, floods, the inva­
sion o f locusts in Utah, tornadoes
rip p in g acro ss not one b ut eig h t
states at a tim e, erupting volcanoes on
land an d in the oceans, m ud slides,
plane crashes, oil spills th reatening
our food an d w ater supply, w ars an d
ru m o rs o f w ars, s e lf p ro c la im e d
“C hrists” , corrupt governm ent, a m ul­
tiplicity o f civil w ars, and C h ristian
Believers are being attacked by the
presence o f evil.
“Lord, be my fiend an d be my
guide w hatever may be tide. E ach
day, across th is earth, a C h ristian
pulpit is under siege. “If you can kill
the head, the entire body dies.”(Dr.
Jam es E M artin-1991) T h is attack
on the pulpits is a w ell orchestrated
plan w ith Satan holding the baton.
B ut—d o n ’t give up! D on’t give in !
God is nigh!
“You can m ake it. H ang in there!
On my sisters in C hrist shared a story
w ith me A friend, o f h e r’s, was trav ­
elling by plane. He sat by another m an
and began to strike-up a conversation
He was saying a prayer, as he always
does before the plane takes off-w hen
the m an asked, "1 co uldn’t help notic­
ing that you w ere praying. Do you
pray often?” He told the m an how he
loves the Lord and that he prays every
day. T hen he asked the m an, “ Do you
pray?” T he m a n ’s reply was startling.
The m an replied, “O h, yes. I pray
every day to Satan th at he destroys all
the pulpits in these so-called C h ris­
tian churches.”
As C hristian Believers, we should
be arm ed to the teeth. B u t-y o u know
w hat 1 ’ve discovered? T here are many
o f us w ho don ’ t know how to use w hat
God has given to us. T he Holy word
says for us to put on the w hole arm or
o f G od so th at we can stand against
the evils o f the devil. [Eph. 6:11]
Some C hristians are like little
tee-tee ch ild re n w ho d o n ’t know
how to put on th e ir shoes They
keep p u ttin g them on the w rong
foo t...o r c a n ’t b u tto n th eir sh irts
straight .or it’s cold outside b ut you
d o n ’t know how to snap-up or zip-up
your jacket. Y ou have the right equip­
m ent but you d o n ’t know how to use
it,. Therefore you stand unprotected.
W hen the w inds com e arc you pre­
T he race is not for the swift but
for the one w ho can endue (hold on,
hold-out, stand, abide) until the end.
[Eccl. 9:11, M att. 10:22] D on’t let
Satan side track you! Endure!!!
O pen your ears and your eyes.
God has w arned us over and ever
again T he w ind is blow ing. R ight
now. T he signals an d signs are very
clear. “.. Look up an d let Jesus come
into you life. T he joy o f salvation to
you he w ould bring. Com e into the
sunlight and w alk w ith the K IN G I
w alk w ith the King. ..H allelujah! I
walk w ith the K ing.... Prai se Hi s name.
No longer I ro a m -fo r my soul faces
home. Yes! 1 w alk—and I talk w ith the
K ing...” [Rowc/Ackley]
Scripture References:
I John 4:1-6, 3:1-10
Ezekiel C hapters 8-14
Friday, April 9th, 1993 n
Noon to Two PM
Procession is an outdoor prayer procession t
The fO P
ptadons o vj f —■
the w.-—
Cross. . We
comriiemoraiing piuuuns
— wiU
■— walk through our
comnunitiel logo,her and recognize the signs of pain & hope. Member .
coneregatu+is ojj POP will prepare reflections and read scripture at the
vin i t in this witness.
Convene ; at Noon at:
I n th p r a n Church
C h u rch
Bethel Lutheran
5658 N . D en v e r (N. D en v e r ,& Jessu p )
ssio n ends
___ at Two PM at: . Z ,
; 4
‘ $
„ _ t.
, /
St. Andrew Catholic Church -N
G -a ' .^3
«A- ‘
NE 8th & Alberta
Car pools back to Bethel from St? Andrews ; /
will be provided at the close.of (he procession
L— —— —————
~ "
For More Information, contact your church’or POP ?
282-0087 or 282-0088
t - g
S o o n so r e d by th e M em b e r C o n g r e g a tio n s o f th e P ortlan d O r g a n iz in g P r o je c t? r
SAU Saints Calhulk, Bethel Lutheran, Bethlehem Lutheran, Blessed -
‘ '
Immaculate Heart Catholic. Kenton PrcsbyUnan VtBmn ^ u Juan M adiuA J^ cn of
..... oik, Redeemer Lutheran, SL Andrew Catholic, SL Charles Catholic, SL reier
Catholk, SL Rita Calholk and Vernon Presbyterian Churches
■ -
s..' . ’
A ’' M
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1425 NE Dekum & 15th
“Y O U K N O W H O W
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.. *
“ D ID Y O U H E A R T H E
O N E A B O U T ...”
« *.
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When yon hear jokes
or comments that
against or ridicule
others, say
k • >•••
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Good Friday Prayer Procession
T he P eople ’ s C hurch
St Andrews Parish
Celebrates Birthday
.• ?. ’ •
go over to a relative’s or a frie n d 's
house w hose electricity and heat w ere
still on In the m ist o f a storm, guide
and keep us Lord. Ev en though it was
pitch dark, from the lack o f electrical
power because many transform ers had
exploded w hen a tree had fallen on a
pow er line causing a dom ino effect
w ith the telephone poles, our unit still
had light and h ca t-ex c ep t for an occa­
sional flickering. “C a n ’tyou hear God
calling y ou?
A ll you could do w as to sit and
listen to the how ling, rum bling and
the pounding w ind T he w ind seem to
be sp e a k in g , “R-u-n-n! C hildren r-u-
n-n! Find you a hiding place!” As for
me, 1 prayed. A lot! Praying n o to u t o f
fe a r-b u t for the lost, w andering souls
o f m en and w om en, boys and girls
w ho are so caught-up in doing their
own “th an g ”—they co uldn’t (or c a n ’t)
see or hear the w arnings
“O pen their ey es Lord so they can
see Jesus.
O pen their ears Lord so they can
O pen their m inds Lord so they
can understand
O pen th eir hearts Lord so they
can love like Jesus
O pen th eir m ouths Lord so they
can speak the gospel o f peace.
T hank you! T hank you Lord!”
[We w o n ’t say "A m en!" only “ T hank
you Lord! " because w e need to say this
prayer every hour, every m inute o f
(H o u se d in th e W o o d la w n M e th o d ist C h u rc h stru c tu re .)
Pastor Robert Probasco, Sr.
Sunday Morning Worship
Thursday Evening Bible Study
(E a s ie r
Join Us This Sunday For
Palm Sunday
Frieda Murray celebrates her eighty-second birthday with friends
from St. Andrews Parish. ‘Mark’ pictured in the background is always
on hand when he is needed.
t . , >
----- r • * * ------
■ Maranatha Church
What's Easter All About
C e le b r a le D iv e r s ity
Don’t let racist,
sexist, homophobic
or other bigoted
remarks continue
without expressing
how you feel.
S O L U T IO N .
jjJortlanò Æ)
750 AM ©beer tier
A dramatic reenactment depicting the
biblical account of Easter.
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. A
; ■ ■
. • .
• • ‘,V ’
Como to mo all you who aro
uueary and heavy laden and
I will give you rest.”
7 30pm
F ree w ill o fferin g a c c e p ted
Funeral Home * Cemetery
Sunday School
M orning W orship
Tuesday ß ilble
Study and Prayer
Memorial Garden
Inter-racial Congregation
*3 i
* ’ I
The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell gat
hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow.— Reproach hath
broken my heart; and I am full: of heaviness: and I looked for
some to tako pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I
found none.— I looked on my right hand, and behold, but there
was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared
for my soul.
M allory Avenue
Christian Church
A p ril 11,1993
6:00 - 8:00 p .m .
M a ra n a th a C h u rc h
4222 N.E. 12th
» -■
Watch this space f o r next
Sunday' 's Sermon Topic
F o r Easter We Welcome
You With Open Arm s
T h is p r o g ra m is d e d ic a te d
lo th e m e m o ry o f
G lo ria G o ld e n
26 N.E Alberto
t Portland. OR 97211
(503) 288-5173
Lombard Chapel
3018 N. Lombard
Portland, Oregon 97217
(503) 283-0525
Killingsworth Chapel
430 N. Killingsworth
Portland, Oregon 97217
(503) 283-1976
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