M arch 31, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age fió Brian McKnight Concert To Benefit Urban League Young Professionals Candlcligh t.. ./.Romance ‘B r i a n 'y íc B jú a h t, Ypiat s tÁ/ Way L eit Çeu /• iV a ltc r B e a s h y - Jazz & Æf**® 5avTuJn a n i *' ou. A n upcom ing concert by singer B rian M c K n ig h t and ja zz artist W alter Beasley w ill benefit the Urban League Y oung Professionals. The concert takes place Wednesday, A p ril 7 at 8 p.m. at Roseland Theater (8 N W 6th A ve.) Tickets are $ 15 in advance, $ 17 at the door, not in clu d in g service charge. One d o lla r from every ticket sold w ill be donated to the Young < ÎA A p r il 7, 1993 * 8:00 pm USI O niy^ Ensci/md‘Theater Roseland ‘Theater uñth I-Z>aya Spedai Quest: Ewan nUtft In an attempt to “ put its mouth where its money isn ’t,” the Portland State U niversity music department w ill present a concert by The M ea­ sure 5 ensemble, described as “ an e v e r c h a n g in g c o m b in a tio n o f in s tru m e n ta lis ts a n d v o c a lis ts ” fro m among PSU’ s music faculty. T h e en se m b le w i l l p re s e n t an evening o f chamber w orks Saturday, A p ril 10, at 8pm at the Jamison/Tho- mas G allery (1313 N W G lisan) tic k ­ ets at $ 10 w ill be available at the door. Proceeds w ill benefit the music schol­ arship fund. “ It is a com m only held b e lie f that the state legislature w ill not make any effort to alleviate the current budget crunch u n til the next Ice Age. M em ­ bers o f the music faculty, therefore, decided to take matters in to their own hands and present th is benefit con- is currently showcasing his album “ In ­ tim acy.” Local gospel rappers I-Zaya and R & B E rvan complete the b ill. Tickets may be purchased at the fo llo w in g Fred M eyer Fastixx outlets: Beaverton, Stadium, Tigard, Tualatin, Oak Grove, Gresham, Gateway, H o l­ lywood West, East Salem, M ill Plain, Johnson Creek and W a lke r Road Tickets are also available from D i­ rections’ The Salon and House o f Sound. Y ou must be 21 years or older to attend the concert. The Y oung Professionals are an a u xilia ry o f the Urban League o f P ort­ land created to provide a forum for networking, professional development and com m unity service. For more in fo rm a tio n, contact Sandra W a d sw o rth o r K im b e rly Ma tier at Unforgettable Entertainm ent (282-7042.) cert,” says Jeffrey Payne, a member o f PSU’ s music faculty. The evening w ill involve artists know n regionally and internationally as soloists and members o f illustrious ensembles, including: Ruth Dobson, soprano, Stan Stanford, clarinet; A nn Obcnour, Bassoon, Karen Strand, oboe; Bry an Johanson, guitar , M a rilyn Shotola, flute; H arold Gray and Jef­ frey Payne, piano. The program w ill in c lu d e P o u le n c ’ s F lu te Sonata, Schoenhberg’ s Cabaret Songs, and Ibert’ s T rio fo r Clarinet, Bassoon, and Oboe Also on the program is a new w ork by Bry an Johanson, w ritten in memory o f M ark Whitehead, a PSU student kille d fu lfillin g his duties as a M ultnom ah County Deputy Sheriff. For more inform ation, contact the Portland State U niversity music de­ partment at 725-3011. usJ it/»««* f l 00 Q o i a t v n p tr M m L io fu t t U> U rbozi Professionals. B ria n M c K n ig h t calls his music “ R & B on the ja zz tip .” He is best know n fo r his duet w ith Vanessa W il­ liam s, “ Love Is” , on the Beverly H ills 90210 soundtrack H is debut single “ T h a t’ s The Way Love Goes” is also clim bingthecharts. Twenty-two-vear- old B rian is the younger brother o f Claude M c K n ig h t o f the jazz/pop/ gospel group Take 6. Jazz saxophonist W alter Beasley Concert To Benefit PSU Music Scholarships 90.7 FM P O R TLA N D Portland Repertory Theater 1968 is proud to present a play by Phillip Hayes Dean I Vll Cl :St )N 1993 25 YEARS OF COMMUNITY RADIO CHECK OUT THE MOST ECLECTIC PROGRAMS ON YOUR DIAL: Folk* Blues* Jazz*Bluegrass«Soul*Reggae*Latin*Public Affairs* Women's Programming’ Local Music*Classical*World Music’ AlternativeRock* Spiritual*African’ Spoken Arts’ Live Event Coverage*Live Music* New Music*lnterviews*And much, much m ore-Tune In! For a FREE Program Guide of listings and information Call: (503) 231-8032 , ' , WINNER-Pordand Music Association Crystal Award 1992- OUTSTANDING RADIO STA TION Starring JOHN HENRY REDWOOD Paul Robeson, he was an all-American football hero, valedictorian at Rutgers University, Phi Beta Kappa from Columbia University Law School, and is remembered for his stunning bass singing in “Show Boat'. John Henry Redwood, so powerful last year in “Fences", begins this extraordinary national tour in Portland. doors to the com m unity on Sunday, A p ril 25 from 1 to 6pm, in v itin g the A Portland Repertory Theater production at the Winningstad Theater. Tickets: 224-4491 or any Ticketmaster outlet. March 25-April 3. Group discounts available public to peek behind the scenes at what OSF is all about A dm ission is free, and adults and children are in ­ vited to enjoy an afternoon o f musical entertainment and take par, in inter­ active theatre displays and activities Oregon Shakespeare Festival, w hich is in its 58th season in Ashland, has also been a part o f Portland's cultural life fo r five years The open house, organized and staffed by OSF's 160-membcr volunteer corps, w ill be held at the Festival’ s home at the Portland Center fo r the Performing A rts, located at the corner o f Broad- B rian M c K n ig h t (Beverly H ills 90210 Soundtrack, D uet w ith Vanessa W illia m s) Jazz A rtis t W alter Beasley Local gospel group I-Zaya and R & B Ervan Roseland Theater 8 N W 6th Ave Wednesday , A p ril 7,1993 8:00 pm Unforgettable Entertainm ent $15 in advance $17 @ door (Does not include service charge) The Best In Clean Comedy I ! W ith Y o u r Host R ubin W arren! I A lso O ther Comedians & The K om cdy Jam Dram a C lub! S tarting A p ril 10th A t The Interstate Firehouse C ulture Center 5340 N Interstate Ave. F irst Showing Starts at 8:00 PM Second Showing Starts A t 9:45 PM Cost Is O n ly $5.00 Advance $5.50 A t 21 and Over A ll Fastixx outlets in fo llo w in g selected stores: B eaverton, S tadium , T ig a rd . T u a la tin , O ak G rove, G resham , Gateway,Hollywood West, East Sa­ lem. M ill Plain, Johnson Creek, and Door U nder 12 $1.00 Fun For The W hole Fam ily ! T ic k e ts -IR V ’ S Cafe Roseland W alker Road ’ D irections' The Salon, House o f Sound. Theater Attraction D ir ty L ooks produced by Double Tee Promotions, Inc., w ill perform Saturday, A p ril 10,1993 at 9:00pm at the Roseland Theater. Rock n ’ R oll is not about lo oking pretty, i t ’ s about anger, defiance and intensity. A nd D ir ty Looks has got plenty o f a ll three W hen you add a cocksure rhythm section, rip p in g gu i­ tar w ork and a raw, untamed approach to life , you get D irty L o o k s -w h a t rock should be O pening this all ages show is the lush, h a rd -d riv in g sound o f ' V £ 't¡V >’«’ . »••¿»J-- • The O re g o n S hakespeare Festival’ s Portland company opens its Funded in part by Metropolitan Arts Commission & Oregon Arts Commission. A Benefit for Urban League’s Young Professionals Auxiliary y .* î Oregon Shakespeare Festival Hosts Open House For Community Seattle’ s Syrnon Asher T ickets are at a ll Fastixx outlets in the fo llo w in g selected Fred Meyer stores: Beaverton, Stadium. T igard, T ua la tin , Oak Grove, Gresham, Gate­ way, H ollyw ood West, East Salem, M ill Plain, Johnson Creek and W alker KOIN-TV To Broadcast Morning Program K O IN -T V w ill premiere a live one-hour news and inform ation pro­ gram beginning M onday, M ay 3 form 6 to 7am. The announcement was made by K O IN -T V D irector o f New s and P rogram m ing Peter M aroncy. Road Now available at M usic M ille n ­ “ T h is is another opportunity for nium on East Burnside, N W 23rd K O IN -T V to provide our viewers w ith A lso in Eugene at the H u it Center Box local news and info rm a tio n program ­ office For more ticket inform ation, m ing when they wan, it” , according to call 2 2 4 -T IX X or 1-800-992-8499 Maroncy. Further details w ill be forthcom - < * ' V way and M a in Streets. Displays and activities demon­ strating the elements w hich make up an OSF production w ill fill the lobbies o f the Intermediate Theatre Onstage, w ork crews w ill dism antle the set from Spunk, the fin a l production o f the season, and members o f the public may observe that process Other ac­ tivitie s include: • Interactive theatre games w hich allow participants to improvise and perform * a stage combat and sword fig h tin g workshop • tales from the im agination by lo ­ • cal storytellers quick costume change demon­ strations and photo opportunities Theatre displays w ill include set sketches and models, props, demon­ strations about the technical side o f productions, and inform ation about past and future seasons. M u sica l entertainment w ill be provided by local artist including jazz m usician M ichael Harrison; vocalist and g u ita r play cr Craig Caruthers; the papular Back Porch Blues jazz an gospel group, and the mellow sound o f T a ll Jazz. Portland Camerata w ill perform acapella period music. A more complete schedule w ill be released soon The goal o f the open house is an increased awareness in the Portland com m unity o f the quality, affordable theatre offered by Oregon Sliakespeare Festival KBPS Celebrated 70th Birthday Thanks to.our listeners, and the Coast, to Southwest W ashington, to- Portland Public Schools, KBPS has grow n from a sm all, A M station that started broadcasting in 1923, to two stations, A M and F M , that sene lis ­ teners from Portland, to the Oregon day in 1993. To comm emorate 70 years o f Portland Public Radio, KBPS held an Open House at the station to celebrate th e ir birthday. Sober Jazz Fest II The Ron Steen group w ith vocal- ist Ralph Black, fresh from a smash appearance on “ Coffee. Tea and OPB” , w ill be the headline attractions fo r the second annual “ Sober Jazz” concert, “ Sober Jazz Fcst I I ” . The concert w ill be held Friday evening, A p ril 2, from 7:30 to 10:30pm, at the atriu m a, Montgomery Park, (2701 V aughn) Master o f Ceremonies w i 11 be Les S a m o ff o f K IN K -F M , in Portland City Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury w ill be honorary chair Besides great ja zz music by some o f Portland s hottest performers, (and some surprise guest appearances, too!), the even, w ill feature coffee d rin ks by Cafe Roma, and desserts by Pazzo’ s. Proceeds from Sober Jazz w ill benefit women and children in addic- » A fi A A A Z ¡A * / f I * 9 Listeners visited KBPS at 515 N E 15th Ave., on the east side o f the Benson H ig h School campus, and toured the new building, b u ilt last year w ith money donated by listeners, foun­ dations, and corporations. tio n recovery; specifically, the Letty Owings and Clare houses, w hich arc operated by Ecumenical M in istrie s o f Oregon. “ Since we started our addiction recov ery programs, nearly four y cars ago, more than 50 babies have been born addiction free!” , said Kathy S trom vig, one o f the organizers. “ These arc babies who lite ra lly have been given second chance a, life, because o f this m in istry ” Tickets arc available at G 1 Joe’ s tickctm astcr outlets, and retail for $21 50 Tickets arc also available a, the door, the evening o f the concert A ll contributions arc fu lly tax de­ ductible “ I t ’ s a great chance to have some fun. listen to sonic great music, said Strom vig r M U S IC M IL L E N N IU M 32nd & E. BURNSIDE 2 3 1 -8 9 2 6 23 rd & NW JOHNSON 2 4 8 -0 1 6 3 a * , «.< ,«.4 . .. . - w