P age B5 T he P ortland O bserver • M arch 31, 1993 David Frost Interviews South African Political Leaders Campaign Launched To Promote Earned Income Credit C hildren First fo r Oregon today President F W de K le rk , Nelson viewers w ill see, these are men o f fo u t-a n d -a -h a lf year tr ia l e n d ing 1961. However, in 1964, Mandela launched an intensive campaign to M a n d e la and C h ie f M a n g o su th u extraordinary stature.” was sentenced to life im prisonm ent increase public awareness o f the fed­ Fredenk W ille m de K le rk Buthelezi are featured guests on A p n l F redrik W ille m de K le rk was A fte r an in te rn a tio n a l "R elease eral Earned Income Credit (E IC ). The OPB program. The three political lead­ elected Sate president o f the Republic M andela Cam paign” and 28 years in campaign w ill include television Pub­ ers w ho w ill shape the end o f apart­ o f South A fric a on September 14, prison, he was released in 1990. lic Service Announcements, Portland heid in South A fric a w ill be D avid Frost’ s guests in the next program o f 1989, replacing P W Botha. Before M andela is w idely expected to as­ neighborhood tax preparation day s and his m o n th ly series. T a lk in g W ith assuming the presidency , de K le rk sume the presidency when w h ite r targeted outreach to e lig ib le fam ilies Leticia Maldonado, Vice-Presi­ held a number o f Cabinet posts since rule ends. D avid Frost. M angosuthu Buthelezi dent o f C hildren First, stated, "The Taped last m onth in a week-long 1978 The p o litic a lly moderate de C h ie f M angosuthu Buthelezi, a Earned Income C redit is good new s for series o f back-to-back recordings, the K le rk is w idely considered to be re­ descendent o f Z u lu royalty and a w o rkin g fam ilies A t a tim e o f rising hour o f edited interviews w ill be broad­ sponsible fo r the S outh A fric a n hereditary chief, was raised in a tra ­ ch ild poverty and unemployment, the cast on Thursday, A p ril 15 at 10:00pm governm ent’ s decision to open dia­ d itio n al household and spent his early E IC rewards w ork w h ile it supports logue w ith the once-outlawed A frica n on Oregon P ublic Television. T h is years a herdboy He is the leader o f fa m ilie s-fa m ilie s that face a d a ily N ational ‘ Congress and the decision program w ill also a ir on OPB R adio’ s the Inkatha Freedom Party, supported struggle to put food on the table, pay to free Nelson M andela in 1990. N oon Report, Wednesday, M a rch 31 by South A fric a ’ seight m illio n Z u lu s - the rent and keep warm .” Nelson M andela at 12 noon. The Earned Income credit is a As a ch ild , Nelson Mandela was -the na tio n ’s largest ethnic group. In the program , Frost conducts fu ll-le n g th interview s w ith the rarely groom ed to become c h ie f o f the O ften referred to as one o f South refundable tax credit from the Internal interview ed President F.W . de K le rk Thembu, the largest single tribe in the A fric a ’ s most controversial figures, Revenue Service (IRS) for w o rkin g o f the ru lin g N ational Party ; Nelson Transkei region. N ow leader o f the Buthelezi is a the center o f every fam ilies w ith a least one ch ild liv in g at M andela, leader o f the A fric a n N a­ A fric a n N ational Congress, he began m ajorpolitical dispute. Independently home and w ith earnings o f less than tional Congress (A N C ); and C h ie f his legendary p o litic a l career in 1944 m inded and p o litic a lly conservative, $22,370 in 1992 The maximum credit M angosuthu B uthelezi o f the conser­ as one o f the founders o f the A N C he is often at odds w ith M andela’ s is $2,211. C h ild re n F irst fo r Oregon and A N C and the N ational Party. He has vative, Zulu-based Inkatha Freedom Y outh League. Urban League o f Portland are jo in tly published tw o books: "Power Is Ours” H is firs t act o f defiance against Party. The three are p a rticip a tin g g in sponsoring “ tax preparation days on and “ South A frica : M y V is io n o f the apartheid was in 1952, when he and d iffic u lt negotiations to devise a power­ the next tw o Saturdays. M arch 27 and sharing plan fo r South A fric a n that 51 others broke curfew regulations. In Future.” T A L K I N G W IT H D A V ID A p ril 4, in slx Portland neighborhoods w ould grant effective p o litic a l control the same year, M andela and O liv e r to the co u n try’ s 30 m illio n blacks, Tambo opened the firs t black law prac­ FROST is a production o f D avid Fam ilies w ill be able to have their state and federal tax returns completed by w h ile preserving a voice in the gov­ tice in the country. M andela was seen Pardine Television Inc., and W E T A, as responsible fo r the A N C ’ s more W ashington, D C . Executive produc­ professional tax preparers or trained ernm ent fo r the w hite m in o rity. volunteers The events have been pro­ “ It was a very e xcitin g opportu­ radical and confrontational tactics and ers are John M . Floreascu and D avid moted through flie rs sent home last Frost Producer is W allace W estfeldt, n ity to be able to ta lk to the leaders o f was frequently ja ile d through the 1950s week w ith 20.000 Portland elementary C o o rd in a tin g producer is Robert South A fric a -b o th present and fu- and early 1960s He successfully de­ school children. M u lle r, E x e c u tiv e -In -C h a rg e fo r tu re -a t such a c ritic a l tu rn in g point in fended h im s e lf and 156 other p o litica l The tax preparation days w ill be W E T A is Sue Ducat the co u n try’ s history,” said Frost. “ As activists on charges o f treason in a held on M arch 2 7 ,10:30am to 1 30pm, at U niversity Park Com m unity Center (9009 N orth Foss), M t. Scott Commu- Thursday, A p ril 8, from 1 la m tc funds rrom sources outside our m em­ The Friends o f History w as estab- REVEL IN SUCCESS 6 pm in the “ m a ll” between Sm ith bership,” says A n n C larke, president lis h e d in 1984 to benefit PSU’ shistory I've found that d w e llin g on m y " fa il­ C e n te r a n d N e u b e rg e r H a ll o n o f Friends o f H isto ry. “ We hope not department and the urban com m u­ ures" allow s me to continue to fail. th e P o r tla n d S ta te U n iv e r s ity o n ly to raise some money but to serve nity. Members believe that the study But when I actually sit down and campus, the PSU Friends o f H istory the p u b lic by selling history books at o f history is essential both inside and record all the good choices I've affordable (read bargain) prices.” w ill present a book sale to benefit outside the halls o f academe and that made, I realize that one slip-up Books w ill be donated by PSU scholarships to PSU history students objectivity and a historical perspec­ doesn't mean a ll that much. This faculty, students. Friends o f H istory and to support gu\est lecturers in the tive are tools w hich serve people in helps me to stop feeling sorry fo r members, and Portland booksellers fie ld o f History. public service, business and other pro­ m yself, and keeps me feeling posi­ “ T h e A p r il book sale is o u r M ost paperback books w ill sell fo r $ 1, fessions. tive. o rg a n iza tio n ’ s firs t attem pt to raise tions. Friends Of History Book Sale has secured the participation o f a ll five Portland com m ercial television sta­ tions to a ir EIC inform ation kits have been m ailed state wide to com m unity groups and agencies deserving low- income people and a ll ethnic groups E IC flie rs are available in more than ten languages.” A t a m orning news conference held at the Urban League, Portland C ity Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury read a Proclamation from M ayor Vera K atz nam ing "M a rch 22 to A p n l 15 as Earned Incom e C re d it Awareness M o n th in the C ity o f Portland and encouraging a ll eligible fam ilies to apply fo r the Earned Income Credit from the federal government so as to provide economic stability and inspire economic grow th.” A d d itio n a l partners in the O r­ egon EIC campaign are Jackson Hewitt T ax Service, the B lack U nited Fund o f Oregon, United Way o f the Colum bia- W illam ette, U S . Bank, U S. West and First Interstate Bank. M ost fam i lies that earned betw een $6,000 and $14,000 in 1992 w ill qualify' fo r a basic credit o f up to $ 1,324. Three extra benefits are available to q u a lify­ in g fam ilies: to $451. M aldonado stated that c h ild pov­ erty ison the rise in Oregon. The 1980s saw a 27% increase in the num ber o f fam ilies liv in g in poverty-surging to 15.2% o f a ll children in 1990, and 19 l% o f ch ildren under the age o f six. A t the same tim e there has been a dram atic grow th in the num ber o f fam ilies headed by a single w om an- now nearly on one five Oregon fa m i­ lies. By necessity, these fam ilies rely on a single wage, ch ild support and/or welfare assistance For a fa m ily liv in g on one m inim um -w age salary, the E IC can increase annual earnings by more than 20%. C h ild re n F irst fo r Oregon is a state wide c h ild advocacy organiza­ tion w hich aims to establish ch ild re n as O regon’ s firs t priority. T hrough public education, advocacy and com ­ munity organizing, it works to effect p o s itiv e changes in the liv e s o f Oregon’ s ch ildren and fam ilies. For more inform ation on the O r­ egon Earned Income C redit campaign, contact C h ild re n First for Oregon at 800-544-0376, or by w ritin g C h ild re n F irst/E IC , P O Box 23519, Portland Or. 97281 Neighborhood Discussion To Focus On Proposed Closure Of Vocational Village V ocation V illa g e H ig h School parents, students, sta ff and neighbors w ill attend a “ Save Vocational V il­ lage” strategy meeting Thursday, A p ril 1 at 7pm in the school’ s gymnasium, 8020 N E Tillam ook. Vocational V illage, Oregon’ s old- estand largest alternative high school, may be elim inated because o f pro­ posed cuts to contend w ith revenue DREAM S FO R SALE. shortfalls. C elebrating its 25th anniversary this year, Vocational V illa g e is a na- tio n a l model fo r h e lp in g students whose needs have not been met in more tra d itio n a l high schools. Comb­ ing academics, jo b tra in in g and coun­ seling in innovative ways, Vocational V illa g e has helped more than 10,000 Portland students become successful adults. For more in fo rm a tio n, please ca ll Paul Erickson, p rin cip a l. Vocational V illage, 280-5747 o r Lynda D a rlin g , teacher, V o ca tio n a l V illa g e , 280- 5747. S O M A L IA : Restoring Hope and Peace y o u 'v e a l w a y s h a d t h e d r e a m I o f o w n in g y o u r o w n h o m e , y o u r d re a m * Fam ilies w ith more than one ruty Center (5530 S.E 72nd) and St. ch ild may receive an ad d ition a l $60. Andrews Com m unity Center (4940 * Fam ilies w ith a c h ild b o m in N.E. 8th) A lso on A p n l 3 , 10:30am to 1:30pm, at W oodlawn School (7200 1992 can receive an extra benefit o f up N .E . 11th), Sunnyside M e th o d ist to $376. * Fam ilies that pay at least part o f C hurch (3520 S.E. Y a m h ill), and U r­ ban League o f Portland (10 North the prem ium fo r a health insurance policy w hich includes coverage fo r a Russell). c h ild may receive an extra cre d it o f up Maldonado added, "The campaign m a y h a v e ju s t c o m e t r u e . F o r a s l it t l e a s y o u ’r e p a y i n g in m o n th ly r e n t a n d a m o d e s t d o w n p a y m e n t , y o u c o u ld b u y a H U D U S H o m e . T h a t 's r ig h t . T h e D e p a r t m e n t o f H o u s in g a n d U r b a n D e v e lo p m e n t MOHAMED ABDIRAHMAN T H E D REA M O F O W N IN G Y O U R O W N H O M E C A N C O M E T R U E F O R A B O U T W H A T Y O U ’RE P A Y IN G IN R E N T . A m e ric a n F rie n d s S e rv ic e C o m m itte e S o m a li P ro g ra m D ire c to r ( H U D ) h a s p r o g r a m s t h a t m a k e o w n in g a h o m e e a s ie r Monday, April 5 at 7:30 p.m. Friends Meeting House 4312 SE Stark, Portland t h a n y o u t h in k . P r o g r a m s t h a t w ill e v e n h e l p y o u c o v e r m o s t if Sponsored by: AFSC For more information call: 230-9427 n o t a ll o f y o u r c l o s i n g c o s t s AFSC has assisted development projects in Somalia since August 1982, and in recent years has also engaged in relief work. If y o u 'd lik e m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e h o m e y o u 'v e a l w a y s AFSC Somalia Program Director To Visit Portland d r e a m e d o f. c o n t a c t y o u r r e a l e s ta te a g e n t. O r. fu r a fre e b ro c h u r e o n h o w to buy a H U D h o m e , c a ll 1 8 0 0 7 B z d H L ID T h e r e ’s n e v e r b e e n a b e t t e r t i m e t o f o ll o w y o u r d r e a m , b e c a u s e n o w y o u c a n a f f o r d it - 1 X tzì W E ’Ll. 11ELP Y o u O W N A PIECE O F AM ERICA. To qualified buyers, only on homes with FHA-insured financing Closing costs and fees additional ■V 5S»••••* * * * ••• * & The Am erican Friends sen ice organization more than 10 years He Committee hopes to expand ils relief and Lis s ia tf o l eight aie a ll Somalis The AFSC has assisted develop­ and com m unity des elopment projects in the m idst o f w ar and fam ine in ment projects hi Somalia since A u ­ Somalia by raising funds, the Quakci gust. 1982. and in recent years has organization’ s Pacific Northwest A ct­ alsocngagcd in re lie f w o rk In a report in g E xe cu tive Secretary, M a rtin ju st received at the A F S C 's P h ila d e l­ phia headquarters. A bdirahm an told Gonzalez, said today On Monday, A p ril 5, 7 30 p m , o f several ongoing projects in c lu d in g at the friends M eeting House. 4312 SE help to g irls ’ and boys’ orphanages in Stark. Mohamed Abdirahm an, AFSC the town o f A lg o i. a h alf-hour drive Somalia director w d l report on the Irom the capita! M ogadishu 1 uturc sen ice C om m ittee's re lie f and devel­ activities in A lg o i w ill include in ­ opment w ork in Somalia Mohamed come-generating programs at the o r­ A bdirahm an has been w ith the Quaker phanages.