M arch 3 1 , 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B4 MYCAP Basketball Team Has Skills One might ask what is MYCAP? Well, MYCAP stands for Minority Y outh Concerns Action Program MYCAP provides temporary shelter for youth w ho do not have appropriate alternative housing It also provides direct case management with numer­ ous additional youth w ho are living in the community rather than at the MYCAP facility Each of the youth have access to all of M YCAP's ser­ vices. Some of the se n ices pros ided by MYCAP is alternative school, street law courses, pre-employment coun­ seling, job placement program, sum­ mer community revitalization, peer, family and community support, drug and alcohol abuse counseling, Afri­ can American male connections pro­ g ra m , an d a p ro g ra m c a lle d Family .families as models instilling leadership in our youth MY CAP operates under the work ing assumption that these y oung men. in order to make real and lasting changes in their lives, need inters c a ­ tion and stabilization, not simply in­ carceration. Detention does not nec­ essarily help youth develop all the coping skills they need in society And the traps and obstacles that these youth faced before incarceration are often community is a positive one. MYCAP High School, Tyrone Hammick and is here to make sure that our minority Kenny McDonald of Jefferson High youth do not fall into the cracks of School, All Team All-Star Derrick either the judicial system or of the community One of the posi­ tive things that has come out of MY C AP is th e ir basketball team Since 1990 MYCAP has won the Salvation Army M id­ n ig h t L eague six times, w hile winning the league playoffs tournament five times and 2nd place once. The age of these play­ ers are 13 to 19 years old MYCAP’srecord over three years is 88 w ins and only 14 losses. M YCAP is coached by Steve Huffman who has helped y oung people for many years in the North/Northeast community. Members of the MYCAP basket- ball team are A lbert and Kenny Hammlton, Dan Rassmussen, Dion Top: Steve Huffman, Middle: Walkine Irby, Justine Rodarte, Front and Walkin Irbv, David Jefferson, Jus- Dan Rasmussen, Kenny Hamilton tin Rodarte, Demetrius Vaughn, Or- still in place when they are released, as a transition program in order to lando Reed, David Jackson of Wilson MYCAP has deliberately placed itself insure that this move back into the Griggs In March, MYCAP was invited to Hillsboro for a Mid­ night League, where they won the league by an average of 20 points per game. In N ovem ber 1990, after only two and a halfyears of full operation, MYCAP was endorsed by the chair of the National BranchofThe Ameri­ can Correctional As­ sociation. The staff at the P o rtland O bserver take our hats off to coach Steve Huffman and his MYCAP . bas- . kctball team for the outstanding job they have done representing MYCAP and the North/Northeast community. If you would like more mforma- tion on the MYCAP program, you can write Steve Huffman at P.O. Box 17332, Portland, Oregon 97217 or call at 503-280-1050. Executive Di- rector of MYCAP is Timothy C. Holt. In March, MYCAP was invited to Hillsboro fo r a Midnight League, where they won the league by an average o f 20 points per game and prospective Debutantes and Cav a- hers will be held Saturday April 10, lv93 at Peninsula Park beginning at 11:00am. V / " > ! : Í Y O A V*. i to - 3pm. Cliff Robinson and I rsrzsrt Jerome Kersey from 3 to 4pm. Rod Strickland, Mario Elie and Mark Bry ant from 4 to 5pm. All proceeds go to the Portland Sainis W omens’ Basketball team. All donations are tax-deductible. Ifinfonnation is needed call Greg Swain at 761-9597. A SHOOT FREE THROWS? You can see Mark Bryant this Sunday at the Midway Shopping Mall from 1:00pm to 4:00pm at the Portland Saints Auction. Bryant along with Mario Elie, Rod Strickland, Dave Johnson and Tracy Murray will be there to sign autographs. LET'S PLAY BALL! W ho: M ake th e m o st c o n s e c u t iv e fr e e th r o w s a n d a d v a n c e to a fin a l r o u n d c o m p e titio n . A n yon e w h o can sh o o t fr e e th r o w s *(m usl be at least 18 years old to w in) B A SK ETB A LL CAMP UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND BASKETBALL CAMP - 4 weekly sessions Outstanding basketball facilities at the University of Portland campus Quality instruction, team games and skill sessions. Day and night activities fully monitored by staff Overnight and day camps. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS 9 - 18 YEARS OLD W hen: F irst R ound A p ril 10, 1993 F in a l R o u n d A pril 20, 1993 Ä rh e re : B e a v e r to n M all lla y d e n M ea d o w s E a s tp o r t P la z a S a le m L a n c a ste r G.I. J o e 's s to r e s NO RTHW EST FREE THROW SHOOTOUT F ir s t H ound F in a l B o u n d Blazers game M em o ria l C o lise u m Entry: G.I. Joe's stores. P resented in cooperai ion wi th Overnight Camp $315 p e r week - Day Camp $ 185 p e r week Ask us about team discounts CALL WOW FOR A BROCHURE OR INFORMATION (503) 283-7117 FREE - NIKE BASKL TBALL SHOES with REGISTRA TIONS Postm arked by APRIL 15th T he P ortland T rail B lazers SPNW .1-93 M.L.K., JR.BLVD STEADY IMPROVEMENT One dollar. All proceeds benefit the YMCA. •CttnipliiW tules available al all participating 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 Cleveland High School “IForWors” April 1 April 6 April 16 April 20 April 22 April 28 May 5 May 7 May 18 Lincoln Jefferson Marshall Grant Madison Franklin Wilson Roosevelt Benson 4 00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4 00 4:00 4:00 Franklin High School “Quakers" April 1 April 13 April 22 April 27 May 4 May 5 May 11 May 12 May 20 Benson Wilson Roosevelt Marshall Lincoln Jefferson Grant Madison Cleveland 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4 00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 G rant High School April 1 April 8 Apnl 13 April 20 A pnl 22 May 11 May 18 May 20 So, YOU THINK YOU CAN W hat: Lincoln Grant Wilson Cleveland Roosevelt Franklin Madison Madison Franklin Jefferson Wilson Roosevelt Benson Cleveland Lincoln “Democrats All children between the ages of 1 and 10 are invited to participate The children will be divided by age groups and prizes will be given away also P rove it and win up to $25,000! “Techmen" Opponent Time 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 Jefferson High School THE G.I. JOE'S NORTHWEST FREE THROW SHOOTOUT »<5- April 8 April 13 April 16 April 27 April 28 April 30 May 4 April 8 April 16 April 28 April 30 May 4 May 7 May 12 May 18 Easter Egg Hunt The annual Easter Egg hunt for children of the community spon­ sored by Prince Hall Masonic Lodge #3 and members of LES FEMMES Date “Generals” lazers Players Assist Saints . .... Members of the Portland Trail tographsfrom 1 to 6pm at the Midway Blazers will take their time this Sun­ Shopping Center, on Division and day April 4, to help raise money for the 12 2nd Street Players will also auction Portland Saints Women s AAL Bas­ their ow n game shoes and basketballs ketball Team The Saints are going to signed by all team members. The line up for Sunday s auction the W omen's National AAU Basket­ ball Championships in Milwaukee, looks like this, Dave Johnson and Reggie Smith from 1 to 2pm, Kevin Wisconsin April 15 to 18, 1993. The Blazers play ers will sign au- Duckworth and Tracy Murray from 2 Benson High School YOU CAN SEE IT!!! Marshall Franklin Lincoln Wilson Benson Roosevelt Madison Grant * 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4.00 4:00 P ortland Schools O ffe r Early Introduction To K indergarten Portland School District elemen­ tary school offer early registration and introductions kindergarten for 5-year- olds and their parents April 19 to Mav 30. T h e a n n u a l k in d e rg a rte n “roundup” allow s parents of children who will be 5 years old on or before September 1 to register early for this fall’s kindergarten classes. To register, parents must provide d o c u m e n ts c itin g th e ir c h ild 's birthdate, up-to-date immunization records and other information relat­ ing to the child's home address and emergency contacts For more information please con­ tact your neighborhood school. To learn which neighborhood school your child w ill attend, please call 249-3304. SIX TIPS FOR CUTTING FAT 1. Cook with nonstick pans to cut down on the added fats you'll need. Brown and saute with chicken broth, wine or nonstick cooking spray instead of oil or margarine. W hen b a k in g , s u b stitu te unswceetened applesauce or prune puree for part of the fat whenever possible. 4. Use evaporated skimmed milk instead of cream or whole milk if the recipe allows. 5. Create sauces and toppings from fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs instead of oil and butter. 6. Dress your salads with lemon juice and fresh herbs instead of mayonnaise-or oil-based dressings. T he U .S. N a tio n a l S e n io r S p o r ts O r g a n iz a tio n w ill hold its b ie n n ia l c o m p e ti­ tio n , th e S e n io r S p o r ts C lassic, J u n e 12-18, 1993, in B aton Rouge, La. You can g e t m o re in f o r m a tio n on a tte n d in g the gam es by c a ll­ ing 314-878-4900.