P age B? M arch 31,1993 • T he P ortland O bserver Want Designer Soft Drinks? You’re Not Alone COUPON COOKBOOK CORNER Marion Joyce Pork Piccata Sandwiches SAFE FOOD HANDLING TIPS 4 3 to 4 ounce pork cutlets, 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick Lemon pepper 2 teaspoons butter 4 large sandwich buns, split Lemon wedges Coal cutlets w ill w ith lemon pepper to taste In an large non-stick skillet, heat butter to sizzling Add cutlets (do not crowd) to hot pan; cook quickly to brown both sides, turning once. Place cutlets on buns; serve w ith wedge o f lemon. Makes four sandwiches Approximately, per serving; Calories: 269; Fat: 10 gm; Cholesterol: 85 mg Served w ith sliced tomatoes Hospital emergency rooms treat thousands o f cases o f food poisoning every year. Improper han­ dling o f your food can cause illness or even death. One cannot always see, smell or taste that something is wrong with your food. 85 percent o f cases o f food poisoning could be avoidedifpeoplejusthandledfoodpioperly. Bacteria can m ultiply to the m illions in a few hours. When you shop, buy foods that need refrigeration or freezing last. Get them home and refrigerate immediately. Check expiration dates. Don’t buy anything you won't use before that date. Once packaged food is opened, it often needs to be refrigerated. Read labels. When you serve food that needs refrigerating, never leave it out over 1 hour. In hot weather food may spoil sooner than this. Serve hot food hot, and cook until bacteria are destroyed. Keep cold food cold till serving. Eggs, meat, pou 1 try and fish products should always be cooked thoroughly. Cook red meat to 160°F. , poultry to 180°F. Use a meat thermometer to check that it's cooked through. Check visually: red meat is done when it's brown inside. Poultry is finished cooking when juices run clear, not pink and meat has no pink, fish flakes with a fork. Never buy or use cracked or dirty eggs, but Salmonella, a bacteria that causes food poisoning, can grow inside fresh, unbroken eggs. Cook eggs until the yolk and white are firm textured, not runny. Don't use recipes in which eggs remain raw or only partially cooked. Even i f you have followed cooking time directions, your microwave may leave cold spots in food. Continue cooking food until cooked through­ out, because bacteria can survive in these spots. Stir and rotate food for even cooking. Observe the standing time called for in a recipe, so food finishes cooking. Insertoven temperature probe or thermometer at several spots to check that food is done to proper temperature. Remember, if you even suspect food may be bad "WHEN IN D O U B T ,T H R O W IT O U T !" Sentry ■■n P rices E ffe c tiv e : SUN. mon . Teu. «m SeHoas about sew/ce,, fi/nis & Robert We have all heard o f designer Our Slice trademark is best known as shoes, designer shirts, designer dresses a fru it flavored soft drink which makes and designer furniture. W ell, what it ideal for expansion in this area. about designer soft drinks? Yes, they do exist. And nobody knows this better than Tammara M illette Lewis, a food scientist at pepsi-Cola’s modern re­ search and Technical Services Center in Valhalla, NY. Ms. Lewis said during a recent interview, “ Today’s consumers want new tastes, different fruit flavors and new twists to traditional brands.” Ms. Lewis and her team went to work on developing new ideas in March o f 1991. Since (hen, five new flavors have been developed forthecompany’s popular “ Slice: brand soft drink : grape, strawberry, red, fru it punch and pine­ apple The team also reformulated two existi ng flavors, orange and lemon- lime. Pepsi’s Debra Sandler, market­ in g D ire c to r, F la v o r Brands, concurs:” The opportunity to increase and improve soft drink choices is an important contribution to Pepsi ’ s goal o f becoming a total beverage com­ pany.” She adds: “ Consumers today want variety. They want new tastes. V* , * M A R C H / A P R I L 19 9 3 SU P ER M A R K ETS 31 Sentry 4 5 tour nú. sat . 1 2 3 6 - T ■ ■ ■ ■ SUPERMARKETS V Science Of Soft Drinks-Tammara Millette Lewis, left, a food scientist fore the Pepsi-Cola Company, joins Pepsi marketing director, Debra A. Sandler, to launch new flavors for the popular “Slice" brand soft drink at Pepsi's Research and technical Services Center in Valhalla, N.Y. E&M SENTRY SAVER SHIELD SPECIALS It pays to stick with Sentry. We believe in rewarding o u r customers fo r getting in the Sentry habit. T h at’s w hy w e offer Saver Shields. Here’s how they w o rk : fo r every five dollars you spend at Sentry, you get a Saver Shield stamp!* Stick six stamps on a card, and bring it back to Sentry fo r unbelievable savings on items all through the store. H ere are this week’s Saver Shield specials: Valid M arch 31-A p ril 6 , 1993. A Pepsi employee for three years, Ms. lewis said o f her career choice: “ 1 was fascinated by the great variety o f work assignments available in the field o f food science and by the fact that the opportunities for growth and profes­ sional development are very encourag­ ing at Pepsi.” The relative lack o f participation by African Americans in a field w ith so much potential, however, gives her cause for concern She said A fric a n Am ericans should remember that history has shown how many Blacks-including George W ashington C arver and Norbert R illiew ux-have made im por­ tant and unique contributions to the food needs o f the modern world. Carver, ofTuskegee Institute fame, helped to modernize farm systems in theU .S ,and developed more than 100 practical uses for the peanut Rillieux, a free person o f color in New Orleans during the 1840s, developed a process for refining raw sugar that revolution­ ized that industry worldwide _ _ _J“ P E R F E C T H A R ~ B O IL E D EGGS 1 _______ , 1"^ Prick each egg w ith a pin al large end to help prevent cracking. Cover . | eggs w ith cold water in high sauce pan. Have 1 inch o f water above the top | o f eggs. C ooko verh ighhe at;B ring justtoa boil;R em ovefrom h eat, cover J ■ pan. Let eggs set in the hot water 17 minutes. Pour out water. C h ill eggs I ' fo r 2 minutes under cold running water for easier peeling.Crack eachegg | I all over by gently tapping against sink. Peel eggs starting with large end, | | holding egg under cold running water. Put eggs into bowl o f cold water to | •D oes n o t apply to tobacco o r alcohol purchases ^ co n tin u e io cool. Slorc hard boiled eggs in refrigerator uncovered in water, j BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY S t u d i o 1 4 H a i r D e s ig n M r. Tuna Brown, President for men & women Natural Flair for Hair M arsha Brown Brian Sims Dom inique Gill T exas I I MOVE-OUT 1710 N.E. Alberta Portland, Oregon 97212 503/287-5145 TR AN SPO R TATIO N SER VIC E T exas I P O. Box 11084 Portland. OR 9 7 211 5 0 3 /2 8 8 9849 ÍARCO 0 M IN I-M A R T Nick’s Arco 7509 N.E. M.L. King Jr Blvd. Ask about our specials coke classic 4/8oz btls $1.25 30w oil $1.09 (503) 286-5303 3530 N. Vancouver Portland, Oregon 97217 503/281-2936 Insurance and Investment 2 8 2 -7 1 4 2 ATLAS U Serving N.E. Portlands T One on One S weet ' s M ar I ket up to 70 cars-many under $1000 Sat. 12 noon - gates open at 9:00 am 65OO NE MLK • 2 4 0 0 4 4 8 GRESHAM Ä Where Deals Are Made With A Handshake 4 5 4 5 N.E. MLK Jr. Blvd. (503) 289-0851 Valerie Çurrie T O W IN G A V A ILA B LE Tax C on sulta nt (5 0 3 ) 4 5 2 -2 4 3 0 exp. • D o m e s tic s & Foreign M iA i'S tA food \|Ai *i * % * * ’ 4 ' k * •