Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 31, 1993, Image 1

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“Serving the community through cultural diveil
Volunin XXIII. Number 13
®ij£ ^ n rtlan ù ODhseruer
Portland State University And Self
Enhancement, Inc., Launch Innovative
Partnership For Inner-City Youth
World Trade Bomber
The leader o f the W orld T rade Bomb­
ing, a New Jersey taxi cab driver,
arrested overseas O thers to be a r­
Day C are Provider
A rrested
D ouglas C ousin accused o f m olest­
ing and giving w ine to two children,
ages 3 and 5.
Suprem e Court
Backs P etitio n ers
The O regon Suprem e C ourt is back­
ing the petitioners w ith reasonable
restrictions in the shopping centers
in Oregon.
Craig W alker
Undergoes Surgery
Disc Jockey for K K CW -FM “M orn­
ing Show” received a liver tran s­
Red Cross Accused
o f Bad Blood
Bob Jones says the blood given him
had the H IV virus because o f screen­
ing procedures used at that tim e Red
Cross and he settled out o f court.
Olin and C rew ’s
D eaths Shocking
Portland Stale U niversity (PSU) Presi­
dent Judith Ramaley and Self Enhancem ent
Inc. (SEI) President Tony Hopson announced
an innovative program aim ed at preparing at-
risk, inner-city youth for college.
T hrough the new Partnership for Pro­
gressive College Experience, inner-city ch il­
dren from second grade w ill have an o pportu­
nity to learn first-hand about college and the
benefits of higher education At the sam e time,
college students w ill put their classroom learn­
ing to work helping com m unity children
“ It’s critical to direct young people to­
w ard college at an early age, particularly at-
risk young people w ho might consider college
out o f their reach,” according to Hopson. “The
Partnership for Progressive College E xperi­
ence teaches and reinforces, ov er several y ears,
the im portance o f education and our philoso­
phy that these young people have options.”
T he partnership takes advantage o f Port­
land State U niversity’scom m itm ent toeduca-
tion and S E T s successful teaching an d p re­
ventive service program . Children as young as
seven years will be introduced to higher
ed u c atio n th ro u g h to u rs an d classro o m
discussions. As the children advance into
m iddle school, they w ill learn about selecting
S tate U niversity. “T he future o f O regon
dem ands a w ell-educated citizenry and a
w ell-trained work force. SEI and Portland
cation Network (PEN) and Portland State
Univ ersity associate professor o f education.
“T his signing form alizes a special rela­
to begin visiting PSU this year. Eventually
PSU students will work w ith SEI students at
the C enter for Self E nhancem ent at U nthank
co lleg es a n d m ajo rs. By th e tim e they
reach high school, they can register and earn
college credits for classes they take through
Portland State University.
“Portland State University' is pleased to be
able to participate w ith Self E nhancem ent
Inc. in a co llab o rativ e p ro g ram o f such
high quality an d potential ” according to
Dr. Judith Ramaley, President o f Portland
State are com m itted to giving young people
ev ery opportunity to be prepared to share both
in the work load and in the vision T his
p artnership is another opportunity for Port­
land State to serve the needs of the com m u­
T he P artnership for Progressive college
E xperience was conceived by Dr. Samuel
H enry, executive director o f the Portland Edu-
tionship between S elf E nhancem ent, Inc. and
Portland State Univ ersity,” said Henry . It is a
special relationship that will prov ide a model
for the institution, both in PEN and through­
out the region, to cooperate on an intim ate
level o f sharing and nurturing our young
W hile program details are being final­
ized, the plan is for participating SEI students
Park in North Portland.
A capital cam paign is underw ay to raise
the $ 15.9 m illion needed for (he center— $8.4
m illion for construction and $7.5 m illion for
the first five years o f operation. SEI expects to
break ground this year, with com pletion sched­
uled for 1994 The center will include class-
Boating accident costing the lives of
baseball players O lin and C rew 's left
fam ilies and friends in a state of
E arthq u ake!!!!!
Beverly M. Coleman, W ashington D C.
based m anagem ent consultant w ith over fif­
teen years o f experience as an executive, m an­
ager, consultant and practitioner in the areas
o f finance, m anagem ent dev elopment, public
relations, m arketing, employee benefits de­
velopm ent and employee training and devel­
opm ent
Prior to 1988 w hen she began her career
as a m anagem ent co n su ltan t Ms. Coleman
held positions with the Com m onw ealth of
V irginia, Office of the Governor; X erox C or­
poration; Blue Cross and Blue Shield Associa­
tion; Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f New
M s Coleman lists many noted consult-
Law suits Involve
D enny’s for not serving, prepaym ent
required; birthday m eals denied; hos­
tile rem ark s to black custom ers.
Shoney’s for hiring procedures; pro­
motions; dem eaning office behavior
for blacks.
B l
From left to right
Tina Alexander,
Darryl English,
Charles Denis,
Jeffrey Brown, Kart
Pavelic and Mario
continued on page 8
ants opportunities to educational institutions,
private and public sector organizations and
non-profits to her credit including • Howard
University, W ashington, D C.; * V irginia
Council on Social W elfare, Richmond, VA; *
General Electric, Inc. Richmond, VA; * Prince
George, Mary land; * Specialty Care Develop­
ment Corporation, Chicago, II; * INROADS
G reater W ashington. Inc , W ashington, D C.;
* Association o f Black Psychologists,
W ashington, D C.; an d * The Federally E m ­
ployed W om en’s A ssociation (FEW).
Ms. Colem an is a graduate o f V irginia
Com m onw ealth U niversity w ith masters D e­
grees in Social W ork an d Business Adm inis­
M s.
C o le m a n
s e rv e s
th e
n a tio n a l a n d lo c a l b o a rd o f tr u s te e s
o f the G ranville Academy, a non-profit “coun­
seling and coaching” laboratory for inner-city
youth. T his program provides exposure to the
professional w orkings o f business and indus­
try. She is also on the board o f directors o f
Pennvision, a non-profit organization dedi­
cated to developing, presenting and perpetu­
ating dance arts prim arily w ith visually im ­
paired persons.
Ms. Colem an, a Richm ond, V irginia n a­
tive, is m arried to the H onorable J. Gary
Cooper, A ssistant Secretary o f the A ir Force,
continued on page 8
The Private Industry Council Celebrates
National Employ An Older Worker Week
D rexler R eturns
Clyde D rexler m issing 13 gam es be­
cause o f a ham string injury com es
back to assist the B lazers to a 122-
110 w in over the clippers.
Clinton Potpourri
' ’ E*
s H
. . C ongressm an Ruslan K ahsbulator
gives Boris Y eltsin a com prise an ­
nouncem ent to end pow er struggle.
April proposal o f voters saying who
would have pow er canceled.
C onsidering proposals to segregate
troops by sexual orientation; sup­
porting Y eltsin; Pam ela H arrim an
chosen am bassador to France; pro­
poses tax increase on higher income
Social Security recipients; 12 years
ofanti-abortion laws may be reversed;
com ing to O regon in April.
S ÌTìn
Yeltsin W ins
S tanding on the com er o f 15th and
A lberta, brought dow n by a drive by
shooting we have lost another young
life to senseless rivalry.
- V .
Conference Of Minority Transportation
Officials COMTO New Executive Director
A w hole lot o f shaking going on! 5.7
on the R ichter Scale. A n unusual
5:35 alarm aw akening!
A nother Young Life
‘S n u ffe d ’
Ê lL
M ilwaukie Center; Jim Stewart, W ashington
County C om m unity Corrections; Torrence L.
Royer, Rainbow Adult Living Facilities; Robin
Hyatt, Oasis; Gary Knepper, Sandy Com m u­
nity Center; James Pavnbter, Hollywood Se­
nior Center; Alice Scannell, PHD. Portland
State Institute on Aging; E ric Owens, U niver­
sity Park Community Center; Carol Synder,
East County Employm ent and T raining C en­
ter; Joan Wray, A m erican Red Cross; and
C ynthia Hall, Em ergency Food Bank. Key­
note speaker Pat List, Program C oordinator of
the O regon Senior and Disabled Services D i­
vision will speak to the significance o f older
w orkers in the labor market.
In celebration o f National Em ploy an
O lder W orker Week, The Private Industry
C ouncil’s O lder W orker T raining Program
hosted and O lder W orker Forum on Friday,
M arch 19,1993.
T he following work experience training
sight supervisors were recognized for their
com m itm ent to the training and em ploym ent
o f older w orkers (age 55 and over) during an
aw ards ceremony: Jam es C. Nelson, Portland
Police D epartm ent; Karen Snell, K aiser H u­
m an Resources; Bob Erickson, I R S. special
Procedures; S arah E. Carver, Mary Ihurst C ol­
lege, Ed M edrano, City of Portland License
B ureau; V erla B locker, C o lu m b ia R iver
Correction Institute. M ichael M alizo, C olum ­
bia River Correction Institute; JcanC ocharan,
continued on page 8
“Reach For Success”
UO visitation we invite parents to partici-
pate... by offering information regarding
preparation o f their children fo r college.
Food & Nutrition
“High Blood Pressure”
“Want Designer Soft
“MyCap Basketball Team
Has Skills”
We have all heard o f designer shoes,
shirts, dresses, and furniture. Well what
about designer soft drinks.
MyCap is coached by Steve Huffman who
has helped young people fo r many years...
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Exciting new information gathered in
recent years demonstrates that blood
pressure can be lowered...”
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