Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 24, 1993, Image 9

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L ife in the P ortland M etropolitan A rea
® I| e ^ o rtla n b (©bseriier
N/NE Community Invited To
Kaiser Permanente’s AIDS
Preventon Play “Secrets”
embers o f n o rth
and northeast Portland are invited to at­
tend a special perform ance o f kaiser
Permanente’ s A ID S education play Se­
crets on Tuesday, M arch 30, at 7pm. The
performance w ill be held at Jefferson H igh
School, 5210 N. Kerby Avenue, i t ’ s open
to a ll interested area residents and there is
News From
Bob Packwood
U.S. Senator For Oregon
Packwood Supports
Legislation To Help
Disadvantaged Youth
Oregon senator Bob Packwood co-spon­
sored a b ill to make the Targeted Jobs Tax
C redit (TJTC ) a permanent provision in the
tax code. The TJTC program provides fin a n ­
cia l assistance to employers w ho hire and train
disadvaitagcd in d i­
vid u a ls w ho may
in c re a s e d
tra in in g o r supervi­
sion “ In to d a y ’ s
d iffic u lt jo b market,
this program is an
economic life -lin e
fo r people who may
lack jo b s k ills o r
adequate education.
In 1990, n e a rly
6000 O re g o n ia n s
were w o rk in g be­
cause o f the TJTC.
T hat includes more than 2000 disadv antaged
youth, more than 1000 disabled people, more
than 300 Vietnam V etcrans-and more than
one m illio n others nationwide. These hard­
w o rkin g people are productive an self-reliant
thanks to this program ,” said Packwood.
For the past few years, the TJTC has been
extended one year at a tim e because o f budget
constraints. This legislation w ould make it
program is
an economic
life-line fo r
people who
may lack job
no admission chargbe.
W r itte n by p la y w r ig h t P a tric ia
L o u g h re y a n d sp o n so re d b y k a is e r
Permanente, the play shows the conse­
quences o f h ig h -ris k behaviors n today’ s
A ID S era. Based on true stories, the 60-
m inute show uses o rig in a l music, dance,
hum or and dram a to convey up-to-date
A ID S in fo rm a tio n, dispel myths about the
disease, encourage responsible behjavior
and anser questions from the students.
Thomas Hardy is a youth m inister and
an adolescetn sbustanceabuse spccialsit
w ith the M ainstream Y outh Program in
Northeast Portland. A fte r seeing Secrets in
February at a performance fo r the C o a li­
tio n o f B lack M en, Hardy said the play,
“ w as p o w e rfu l and p a c k e d f u l l o f
inform aton. I was impressed that absti­
nence was put forw ard as the surest method
In Secrets, a play for
teens about AIDS
prevention, a decision
by Eddie (in front,
played by Jason Wood)
to share a needle with
another student has
tragic consequences
for a chain o f other
people. The
educational theatre
production is sponsored
by Kaiser Permanente,
and endorsed by the
Coalition of Black Men,
and will be presented at
Jefferson High School,
5210 N. Kerby Avenue,
on March 30, at 7pm.
The 60-minute program
is free as a community
service to high schools
and colleges. Other
cast members include
Elana Isaacs, Rob
Buckmaster. Dale
Johannes and Janet
Photo by Adam Bacher
fo r avoiding A ID S .”
C o a litio n member Rhybon M a yfie ld
says h i sgroup endorses “ Secrets” because,
“ it crosses c u o ltu ra l lines to raise th
eawareness o f a ll people about A ID S . It is
necesary to have this kin d o f educatoin in
every com m unity statewide.”
“ As a m ajor health care program , we
believe we have a responsiblity to our
members and to the com m unities we serve
to help increase awareness o f A ID S ,” says
K a ise r Permanente R egional manager
M ik e Katcher. “ W h ile there is now cure fo r
A ID S , it can be prevented. W ith “ Secrets” ,
we hope to help reduce the H IV epidem ic
through educatoin.”
A ccording to the H 1V /A ID S S urveil­
lance Report published by the Oregon
H ealth D iviso in , 3 percent o f the state's
1,759 A ID S cases have occured among
A frica n -A m e rica n s and 3 percent among
Hispanics, nationally, hoever, A fric a n -
A m ericans account fo r 30 perenet o f a ll
reported cases adn Hispanics 17 percent.
Packw ood is the senior Republican on the
Senate Finance Committee w hich has ju ris ­
d ictio n over tax issues.
RSVP Needs
Volunteers For
Puppet Show
People over the age o f 60 are invited to
breath life into three-foot-tall puppets de­
signed to bridge the generation gap between
seniors and young people. The program is
about a grandmother w ho has had a stroke, her
grandson and his Boy Scout leader, and is
presented to th ird grade classes. C all the
Retired Senior Volunteer Program at 229-
RSVP is jo in tly funded by A ction, the
Federal Domestic V olunteer Agency and
Legacy Health System w ith Good Samaritan
Hospital and Medical Center as the sponsor­
in g agency Transportation reimbursement as
w e ll as free supplemental accident, personal
lia b ility , and excess auto lia b ility insurance
are ju st some o f the benefits available to RSVP
“The Lane College Concert Choir To Appear
In Concert At Jefferson High School”
The forty-voice Lane Concert Choir Is under the direction of
Dr. William B. Garcia, Professor of Music and Humanities.
Portland, Oregon, M a rch 9,1993— A lle n
Temple C M E Church announced that the
Lane College Concert C h o ir from Jackson
Tennessee, w ill present its A nnual Concert
tour 1993 Program at the Jefferson H igh School
A u d ito rium , 5210 N Kerby, on Wednesday
M arch 31. 1993 The concert w ill begin at
fro m Franz S chubert’ s “ Ave M a ria . F.
H aydn’ s “ The Heaven's Are T e llin g ," Rene'
Clausen’ s “ Clap Y o u r Hands” to W illia m
D awson’ s stirrin g setting o f ’ Soon A h W ill Be
Done,” andGlenn Bur1cigh’ s“ W ith His Stripes
7:00 p m
The Lane College Concert C h o ir consists
o f students from a ll classifications and m ajor
areas o f study at thee College They h ail from
the State o f Tennessee and from other states
in c lu d in g A labam a. Illin o is , M innesota,
program for the entire community to enjoy.
A n added feature o f this year's program w ill
We arc Healed.”
There w ill be something on the concert
be small ensemble performances by the Lamte
M ichigan, and W isconsin.
The concert program w ill feature short
choral pieces from a variety o f styles and
periods o f musical development It w ill also
include spiritual, gospel, and light-hearted
Q uintet and the Lanitc Singers.
The public is cordially inv ited to attend
this concert by the Lane College Concert
C h o ir The concert is free to the public For
m ore in fo rm a tio n , please contact L in d a
Thompson, Event C hair at 281-9626 o r A lle n
Temple C M E Church at 282-1158 T h is con­
cert is sponsored by A lle n Temple C M E
choral music W orks to be performed range
J g . T T
The Lane
Choir con­
sists o f
from all
tions and
major areas
o f study at
thee College