» »4 * Vv » < « • ♦ P aoe A7 M arch 24,1993 Assistant Regional Planner ¡¡REEON A rena P roject MAZERS T ra il Blazers Inc. and Oregon Arena Corporation are dedicated to being an A ffir­ mative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity employer. W e believe investment in our community to be paramount to our success. T B I/O A C will be utilizing JobNet and it's affiliated agencies for recruitment, referral, and placement. As we expand and grow, we are proud to announce the following employment opportunities- Senior Event Coordinator Event Services Mgr. Security/Medical Mgr. Asst Box Office Mgr. Merchandise Facility Mgr. Customer Service Rep Events Coordinator Asst. D ir Facility Sales Admissions M gr Group Sales Mgr Set-Up Supervisor Box Office Superv isor Box Office M gr Lead Engineer Interested applicants may apply between Wednesday, M arch 24 and Wednesday , M a rch 31, 1993 through any o f the State o f Oregon Employment Division offices listed below or the NE Workforce Center. Applicants must apply IN PERSON Employment Division Portland/North Employment Division Portland/Downtown 30 N. Webster, Suite E Portland, OR 97217 1433 S.W. 6th Portland, OR 97201 Employment Division Oregon City 506 High Street Oregon City, OR 97045 Employment Division Gresham 19421 S E . Stark Gresham, OR 97233 Employment Division Hillsboro 229 S. First Street Hillsboro, OR 97123 Employment Division Beaverton 12901 S.W Jenkins Road, Suite C Beaverton, OR 97005 NE Workforce Center 739 N. Killingsw orth Portland, OR 97217 HIGH TECH MANUFACTURING JOBS Needed Construction Inspectors M achanical • Civil • Structural Steel • W elding • Electrical • Reinforced C oncrete • M asonry • Prestressed C oncrete • Plumbing • Building A re in dem and for local construction prom tst in the Portland area, But these position require City of Portland and 1C BO certifications before you can apply for these rewarding jobs J f you are interested in becoming a certified inspector ana qualifying for these rewarding positions on the up coming construction project: O regon A rena Project W estside Lightrail _ . T h en contact Certified Technical Consultants Services, at (503) 2 8 8 -9 7 1 7 fo r in fo rm a tio n o n tra in in g cla s s e s and ce rtifica tio n testing. |c Production work in NW section of town. Shift work in team-oriented environment. Some positions re quire lifting and standing all shift. Requires a stable work history, long term commitment, drug-screening and a phone to receive messages. Technical Lead Analyst 354-O393-PL Planning D epartm ent 1 F ull-tim e Position $27,708-$39,004 M etro is recruiting for one fu ll­ tim e Assistant R egional Plan­ ner to perlorm the follow ing e s­ sential job duties: provide pub­ lic contact for questions p e r­ taining to the UGB and p ro ­ cesses for the m anagem ent of its location; assist in m anaging the evaluation of petitions to am end the UGB; assist in the developm ent of the com puter­ ized m odeling technique used for forecasting 50 year growth; assist in th e calibration of the growth m odel; facilitate training in use of growth m odel by other M etro staff, representative of other jurisdictions and various com m ittee m em bers; provide organizational support for com ­ m ittees; represents M etro at m eetings throughout the region and p rovide te chn ical a ssis­ tance. Does o the r duties as assigned This position closes on March 26, 1993. A pplica­ tions and supplem ental require­ ments must be received, or post­ marked no later than 5:00 p m ., Friday, M arch 26, 1993. A ppli­ cations and supplem ental re­ quirem ents can be picked up at: Quality Engineering. Assurance, Controls & Inspections ell p .o . Box 2786 • Portland, Oregon 97208-2786 • Phone & FAX (503)288-9717 Em ploym ent City Of Portland E lectrical Inspector-to $19.27/hr-(C loses 04/02/93) G reen skeeper l-to $2,418/m o-(C loses 3/26/93) For m ore inlorm ation info/closing dates call (503) 823-4573 (24 hr job inform ation). A City of Portland application is required. For applications and instructions, contact: Bureau Of Personnel 1220 S W 5th Ave, First FI. Portland, O r 97204 apps also available at: U rban League 10 N Russell, Portland 97204 M inorities, fem ales and disabled encouraged to apply City Of Salem Job Opportunities Oregon Convention Center 777 N E. Martin Luther King Jr., Bh/d Portland, OR Temporary Services METRO Living E pistles, w o rld 's larg e st m a n u fa c tu r e r /d is tr ib u to r o f C h ris tia n th e m e d sh irts, lo o k ­ ing fo r V .P . o f S a le s & M a rk e t­ ing. M ust h ave 5-10 yrs. e x p e ­ rie nce w /p ro v e n track record. C o m m u n ic a tio n s and m a n a g e ­ rial skills p re fe ra b le . S e n d re­ su m e to: L ivin g E pistles, 16323 C la rk A ve, S u ite B, B e llflo w er, C A 90706. Child Care A g e s : All Lunch S n a cks P rovided M on da y T h ru F rid ay 7 A .M .-6 P.M . C all: C h e ric e a t 2 8 4 -7 9 6 0 T h e S ta te o f O re g o n , S e n io r a n d D is a b le d S e rv ic e s D iv is io n is is s u in g a re q u e s t fo r p ro p o s a l (R F P ) fo r g ra n t fu n d s to b e g in g ro u p d a y re s p ite c e n te rs fo r in d iv id u a ls w ith A lz h e im e r’s d is e a s e o rre la g te d m e m o ry d is o rd e rs . Salary Closes Summer Parks Program Coordinator $6.36-$7.22/HR 4/2/93 Youth Track & Field Instructor $6.36/HR 4/2/93 Ree Leader ll/Senior Center $5.63/HR 4/2/93 Word Processing Spec (Job Share) $9.44-811 69/HR 4/2793 Parks Program Ree Leaders $5.63-$6.43/HR 4/9/93 T w e n ty $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 g ra n ts w ill b e a w a rd e d , 9 in 1 9 9 3 a n d 11 in 1 9 9 4 . P ro p o s a ls s h o u ld b e b a s e d o n th e B ro o k d a le m o d e l, w h ic h n b is d e s ig n e d to p ro v id e a ffo rd a b v le a n d a c c e s s ib le re s p ite c a re s e rv ic e s to fa m ilie s w h o p ro v d ie c a re to in d iv id u a ls w ith d e m e n tia -s p e c ific d is o rd e rs . S5.63/HR 4/9/93 S p e c ia l c o n s id e ra tio n w ill be g iv e n to p ro p o s a ls th a t s e rv e Ree Leader ll/Housing lifeguard/lnstructor S5.63/HR Open Until Further Notice University Hospital South-Step Down Unit Bid Date March 31,1993 at 3:00 p.m. PCC Rock Creek-Hydraulic Passenger Elevator Bid Date March 30,1993 at 2:00 p.m. Washington Park Zoo-Elk Meadow Exhibit Bid Date April 12,1993 at 2:00 p.m. Mackay Construction, Inc. p. 0 . Box 219007 Portland, Oregon 97225 Phone (503) 292-2374 Fax (503) 292-2486 CCB# 62800 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from minority, women-owned, disadvantaged and emerging small business enterprises. operating efficiency o r m eet user needs. • Keeping inform ed o f advances in l/S technology and the application of that technology to the establishm ent of better new and im proved system s. • Fulfilling adm inistrative reporting requirem ents in order to inform m anagem ent of project status. • Serving as a technical leader to other team and l/S members. Blue C ross and Blue Shield o f O regon otters an excellent em­ ployee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours and competitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resum e is processed im m ediately, place ad #073 at th e top of your resum e or in your cover letter. Send resum e to: Metro 2000 S.W. First Ave Portland. OR Position Sub-Bids Requested • D esigning and directing system im provem ents using new technology to solve problem s in order to achieve greater The Urban League Public Notice Women, Minorities & Disabled Encouraged To Apply The Technical Lead A nalyst's responsibilities will include: The N.E. Workforce Center Metro P riv a te n o n p ro fit s e e k s m o ti­ va ted , e n th u s ia s tic p e rso n to jo in its d e v e lo p m e n t te a m . S tro ng p la nn ing , p ro b le m -s o lv ­ ing, & tim e & p ro je ct m a n a g e ­ m e n t skills req uired . A tten tion to d e ta il a m ust. D em on strated a b ility to c o o rd in a te s p e c ia l e ven ts. E xce lle n t w ritten & oral co m m un icatio ns skills required. M u st e xe rcise good ju d g e m e n t & w o rk w e ll u n d e r p re ssure. P re vio us w o rk w ith n on -p ro fits a p lu s. S a lary d e p en d o n exp. exc. b e n e fits. S e nd resu m e & letter o f interest to O reg on Food B ank, 2540 NE R iversid e W ay, P ortland, 97211 by 4/7. Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo yer. m ay substitute for college experience. Metro ERC and the Oregon Convention Center Administration Office» Resumes will not be accepted. AA/EEO Employer Special Events Coordinator Technologies and Practices D epartm ent. Q ualified candidates m ust have a strong dem onstration o f PC/ DOS, SQL, Relational D atabases. C lient/Server, Data Modeling, Data Analysis, and D evelopm ental M ethodologies. The mdtvxtoal m ust be able to com m unicate w ell orally and in writing, relate w i with m anagem ent and staff and w ork w ell in a team environment. Training in system s analysis is required with special emphasis In the areas o f project m anagem ent, user relations, data gathering techniques, and com m unication. In addition, knowledge of IBM/ M VS TSO , distributed application languages, and networking is desired. Any additional P C /D istributed Platform skills are a plus. A college degree in com puter science or related area is desirable, although com m endable perform ance as a Senior or Lead Analyst Blue Cross Blue Shield of O regon Hum an R esources Dept., 3rd fir 100 S.W . M arket Portland, OR 97201 TD D # 225-6780 Equal O p p o rtun ity Em ployer || C ertified T echnical C onsultant S ervices T Blue C ross and Blue shield o f O regon is currently accepting applications for a Technical Lead analyst in our D evelopm ental Metro Call 227-1711 for further information. l/r i IV IXI.LL7 Data Processing ru ra l a re a s a n d /o r m in o rity p o p u la tio n s . a n E d -N e t in fo rm a tio n a l ¡m e e tin g is s c h e d u le d in 17 s ite rs ty h ro u g h o u t th e s ta te o n W e d n e s d a y , A p ril 7, a t 2 .0 0 p .m . In te re s te d p a rtie s m a y re q u e s t fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n o n th e B ro o k d a le p ro g ra m , c o p ie s o f th e r e q u e s tr fo rp ro p o s a l, o r s ite in rfo rm a ito n fo r th e E d -N e t m e e tin g s b y c a llin g : C in d y M ille r S e n io r a n d D is a b le d S e rv ic e s D iv is io n 5 0 0 S u m m e r S tre e t, 4 th F lo o r S a le m , O re g o n 9 7 3 1 0 -1 0 1 5 (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 -8 1 0 3 g ra n ts a v a ila b le in 1 9 9 3 . In c o m p lia n c e w ith th e 1 9 9 0 A m e ric a n s W ith D is a b ilitie s A ct, th e R F P is a v a ila b le in b ra ille , a u d io , o r w ritte n fo rm a t. The Portland Observer tion E m p lo ye r K • • • * *,* ♦ • • Codes Agency is’recruiting tor Plans Examiner 1 In Salem. This recruitment will be used to establish a list of qualified ap­ plicants. This position exam­ ines construction plana, blue­ prints, architectural drawing«, and specifications for compH- ance with com plex bulking, mechanical, plumbing, and Ike protection codes. Applicants must have the appropriate cer­ tifications from the State of Or­ egon Building Codes Agency. Salary: $2217-$295O monthly plus benefits. Call the Human R esources Section at (503) 3 7 8 -5 5 5 3 (T D D 373-1358) tor an announcem ent and appti- cation. Application i ‘ June 3 0 , 1993. An I . portunlty Em ployer: Ity, fem ale, and d to aM dldates are encouraged apply. General Counsel First AID/CPR H e a lth G u a rd S e rvice s, Inc. dba, S e le ctC a re , and H M O (70,000 Instructor p lu s m em be rsh ip) loca te d in C o n tra c t, o n -call instructors E u ge n e, O regon, se eks an a t­ needed to teach our corporals to rn ey w ith a t le a st fiv e ye a rs clients. Will train (40-50 Hra. health insu ra n ce/m an a ge dca re re q u ire d ). After successful e xp e rie n ce to be an in -ho u se completion of training, position c o u n s e l to th e o rg a n iz a tio n . will be offered. C ollege gradu­ M ust be a m e m b e r o f th e O r­ ate in health education, emer- egon Bar A ss o c ia tio n o r m ake gency services of any combi­ s u ita b le a rra n g e m e n ts to be nation of relevant training and adm itted. C om pe titive c o m p e n ­ experience preferred. Daytime sation and b e n e fits p ro gram . availability a plus. Must have W o m e n and m in o ritie s e n c o u r­ own car for transporting equip­ aged to apply. ment, and able to lift 40 toe. 8 9 / Please send resum e in confidence Hr. plus mileage. Apply Bern - 1 p m , M o n .-T h u rs . at: N O to: A lice J. B e cker, A s s o c ia te P H O N E CALL PLE A S E I G e ne ra l C o u n se l American Red C ro a t H ea lth & H ospital S e rv ic e s 3131 N. Vancouver Avs. 1715 1 14th A v e n u e S E , Portland, O r. 97227 S uite #110 D rug te s t Administered B ellevue, W A 980 04 A n E qual O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo ye r. Labor Representatlvg EZ CARR WINNERS drawing Norma Easley of Northeast Portland Won $50.00 for referring Danette Naroste. Both EZ Corr customers now have a chance to get their car paid for in the EZ car grand opening Sell A Friend drawing on April 3 , 1993. Call 288-0033 MA, Plans Examiner 1 The State of Oregon Building M a n u fa ctu rin g C o m p a n y se eks an e x p e rie n c e d in d ivid u a l to w o rk te m p o ra rily in o u r c re a tive se rv ic e s d e p a rtm e n t for a p e ­ riod o f 4-5 m on ths. T h is in d i­ vidu al w ill la y o u t and fo rm a t our label d esign s, p ro d u c e c a m e ra ready m e c h a n ica ls for re p ro ­ d uctio n , anO e d it e xistin g a rt­ w o rk as required. P e rson m ust p o sse s 2-3 y e a rs g ra p h ic p ro ­ d u ctio n e x p e rie n c e in layout, p a s te -u p and d e s k to p p u b lis h ­ ing. E xp e rie n ce u sin g M a c in ­ tosh co m p ute r system and have a th orou g h k n o w le d g e o f Q uark X p re ss. A lso e x p e rie n c e w ith various printing p ro ced ures and p ro d u c tio n re q u ire m e n ts re ­ q uire d . P lease se n d resu m e to P.O. Box 13480, P ortland, O r 9 7213. W e are an E E O C /A ffirm a tiv e A c ­ Jim Hubbord Won $50.00in this weeks P ro p o s a ls m u s t be re c e iv e d n o la tg e r th a n 5 :0 0 p .m ., F rid a y M a y 14, 1 9 9 3 fo r c x o n s id e ra tio n fo r o n e o f th e 9 For Best Results A dvertise In Temporary Production Artist * e e • • ♦ e.A Growing, aggressive public em ­ ployee labor union seeks moti­ vated individuals for fuU-servtoe field representative positions. Experience in organized labor required; C o rrectio n s back­ ground preferred. Duties wHI include negotiating contracts, handling grievances, present- ing arbitration cases and o tfw representative duties. Must be willing to relocate; initial assign­ ment area is Pendleton/East- ern O regon. Cover letter, re­ sum e and salary history to: Grant McElroy, Executive Di­ rector ; Oregon A F S C M E Coun­ cil 7 5 ,4 6 6 0 Portland Road N E, S u ite 1 0 1 , S a le m O re g o n 9 7305. E .O .E . > » » y !► »»«(►» • * • .► * » ♦ * * » * ' 8 • * • ■ V ’ » t ♦ • *1 ■' f