<•> ♦^è- ■> V * •»»■«** e*r-n * rV * i ♦ • • • 7 H ‘» ♦ * < r> \ P age A5 Early Black Churches Played Many Roles In Members’ Lives _ Pastor J . J. . Clow x». _<• Mount ___n i; Olivet of pleaded for a citywide open housing policy. Churches and social groups asked the P o rtla n d C o u n c il of Churches to petition the federal hous­ ing policy authority to provide ad­ equate housing The first black religious organi­ zation was The People’s Church, or­ ganized in 1862, when the entire black population of Oregon (according to the U S. Census) was only 138. Ser­ vices were held in the homes of mem­ bers, particularly that of Mary Carr, who owned a boardinghouse on First Street (most of the black residents initially lived on the west side of the Williainctte River, until the popula­ tion began shifting in the teens to the east side.) Seven years later, it became the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church when it incorporated and The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church organized in Portland bought property in Northwest Port­ in January 1869 and originally held services on the westside of the land, relocating to the east side in Willamette River. The congregation moved in 1916 to this location at 1916. 417 Williams Ave. The current site is at 2007 N. Williams Ave. The second church was estab­ lished in 1895 by the California Afri­ queen contest during Rose Festival, (Taken From The Oregonian. can Methodist Episcopal Conference the crown went to the woman selling February 27, 1993 issue) and became the Bethel A.M E. Church. the most tickets for charity. A black BY JANN MITCHELL, The third black church, Mount Olivet children’s band won awards in the OF THE OREGONIAN STAFF Baptist, also was established in the Junior rose Festival Parade. And in Portland’s early black churches 1890s. When it moved to the east side, were one of the very few places a 1932, the Bethel Negro Chorus (with lumber was donated by a branch of the person of color could go and see a more than 100 members) presented an Ku Klux Kian. By 1923, the black outdoor concert series called "Spiritu­ familiar, welcoming face. community boasted five churches and In the book "A Peculiar Paradise: als Under the Stars” at Multnomah two missions. A History of Blacks in Oregon, 1788- Civic Stadium. Today, Portland has more than Early black churches also became 1940,” author Elizabeth McLagan for 50 predominantly black churches, the Oregon Black History- Project a unifying political force for change. whose congregations are growing J.L. Caston, a young minister at quotes a native black Oregonian: "The while white, mainline churches shrink. only time I came in contact with black Mount Olivet, led the most successful Concerns about crime, drugs and gangs people, and all of us did, was when we pre-World War II membership cam­ have driven people back to church, paign for the National Association for went to church. Because black people black leaders say. the Advancement of Colored People. were scattered out over the city, and "People have nowhere else to turn The Portland branch was organized that was.. the reason we w ent to church but the church,” says the Rev. Joe so much. T hat’s the only time we got 1914 with 165 members, but by 1928 Hardie, chairman of the newly formed Caston had boosted local membership to see one another.” African American Clergies and pas­ Churches were not only a social to 694. In the early ’40s, housing for both tor of St. Mark Baptist Church. hub of the black community, but also "Churches are the backbone of provided children opportunities they black and white defense w orkers was our community. When you re down, didn’t get in school. Bethel African short. Negro workers w ere confined to destitute, have no where else to turn, Methodist Episcopal Church produced either a Vancouver, W ash . dormitory they come to the church. Whom else several performances of Shakespeare’s or available housing on W illiams can you call 24 hours a day? No social plays. Churches held speech contests. Avenue O thers found shelter in agency is willing to do that. Mount Olivet Church had its own churches or on tavern billiard tables U S WEST. Investing In The Future. At U S WEST, we are continually investing in new technology to meet the needs of our customers today, and in the future. But some of our greatest investments are the ones we're making in people, through U S WEST Foundation education grants, U S WEST volunteerism and U S WEST'S commitment to diversity We re investing in tomorrow by improving the quality of lite here today uwvesr Making the most of your time. : 1 993 U S WES1, IH l Aid To Families With Dependent Children It’s hard enough being a kid these no longer lives at your house should days. But w ithout one or both parents, also do. As soon as the absent parent moves growing up can be a lonely ordeal. out, your child is eligible for ADC. Thanks to a program called Aid But if the parent has been gone less to Families with Dependent Children than 30 days, more proof may be (ADC), kids deprived of parental care sought that he’s living somewhere and support don’t have to go it com­ pletely alone. If one or both parents else, unless you were already getting die, take off, lose their jobs or become ADC when he moved. This additional incapacitated, ADC may pros ide cash proof could come in the form of filing and medical benefits through Medic­ for divorce or separation, or of signing aid. You may be eligible for ADC if an AFS Declaration of Abuse form, if you are raising your child alone or are you separated to avoid mental of physi­ a brother, sister, grandparent or other cal abuse. The 30-day rule can also be relative taking over the child's up­ satisfied if either the absent parent or the child are homeless, and you can bringing According to Adult and Family get two people to verify the parent Services (AFS), a child is considered doesn’t live with the child. Once approved for ADC, your deprived, and thus eligible for ADC, if child can still see the absent parent the absent parent lives somewhere without fear of losing benefits. For else and visits the child less than four example, AFS allows the absent par­ times, or a total of 12 hours, a week. ent to visit four times each week in the You must provide proof of this. For child’s home, for a total of 12 hours a example, you could show that the week Going over 12 hours a week absent parent receives mail, pays rent could mean an end to ADC payments, and utilities, or keeps his or her per­ but additional visits outside the home sonal things someplace other than the arc allowed. But even if visits in the child’s home. The absent parent’s home go over the 12-hour limit, ben­ new rental lease or a statement from his new roommate should convince efits may continue if the absent parent AFS. A statement from your neigh­ is not providing the child with care, bors or landlord saying that the parent guidance or support. However, a hear- O regon's nonagricultural wage and salary' employment (the number of pay roll jobs in the state) increased by 12,300 between January and Feb­ ruary. according to the Oregon Em ­ ployment Division. After adjusting for regular seasonal trends, payroll employment reached an all-time high If you thought you couldn’t afford the full cable package, now you have a lower cost option from Paragon Cable. For less than $15 a month, you can enjoy great cable program­ ming: CNN and Arts and Entertainment...Nickelodeon and the Family Channel...the Nashville Network, TBS Atlanta and W ON Chicago, VH-1, Comedy Central and more. Even college telecourses for your continuing education. of 1,292,900 C o n stru c tio n em p lo y m en t bounced back strongly in February Mild weather and low interest rates provided incentive enough for 1.800 construction jobs to be added in Feb­ ruary. a tune of year when the loss of 900jobs is normal AU components ot the industry added jobs, with general contractors, street and highway con­ struction; and roofing contractors lead­ Act now. Call 2 30-2000 and ask about our $ 14.95 service option, or our Northwest’s Favorite package tor just $8.15 more. Some restrictions apply. P A R A G O N CA BLE ing the way. Oregon's lumber industry also benefitted from this good weather, particularly in the logging sector Logging basically accounted for all of the 900 lumber jobs added in Fcbru- Education employment, both pri­ vate and public, returned to pre-holi­ day levels Employment in private schools now stands a 16.800. while public sector schools employ 116,500. O regon’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate remained at 7 3% in February, unchanged from the re­ vised January rate One year ago, Oregon’s rate was 7 6%. The number of people who w ant to work in Oregon-the labor force-has grown by 53.000. The total number of lobs in Oregon has increased by 51.100, This includes all those who earn a pavchcck from an employer, agricul­ tural workers; and the self-employed. Even though the number of Orego­ nians who want to work has increased bv more than 50.000, the number un­ employed has grown by just 1,900 There are now 127,300 unemployed Oregonians, compared with 125.400 one year ago 1 'VE PICK UP. HAUL AWAY. ANO OtS PET S DROPPINGS. DISINFECTED BETWEEN EACH SERVICE CALL. ;.**’•* . I'«. »¿.«A » • t EK1.Y. M il .TMLY, ANO ’ EMERGENCY* RATES AVAILABLE. PLEASE C A U FOR A PRk e quote . 2 8 9 -2 1 8 7 •••••■ • Service 3:30 p.in. Tuesday, March 23, 1993 at Caldwell’s Colonial Chapel 20 NE 14th Ave Portland, Oregon 97232 Power Loss How long has it been since your car has had a new fuel filter? This is a commoneauseofpower loss, which also can be due to some of the same condiloins that cause poor gas mile­ age. We the Louisiana Social Club of Oregon arc hav ing a Easter Party for thcchildrcn in the metroarea, April 3, 1993 at the Annex Building 1625 NE Alberta, from 10am to 1pm. we are asking all parents to stay with their children during this event. The age group will be from 2 to 12 years old. No teenagers please PCS YOUR PET S SAFETY ANO HEALTH, ALL TOOLS ANO FOOTWEAR APE PARAGONCABLE.LOOKAGAIN FOR OUR MOTHER, CEORGIE L. MAYS Louisiana Social Club Pet W aste R em oval S ervice s w® HAVE The hands of Jesus touched her and she slept May 14, 1927 • March 18, 1993 ary. TIDEE KENNELS tM M É ing may be required to prove this. AFS also allows the absent parent to sleep over at the child’s house less than 30 percent of the time each month. If the parent sleeps over more than that, the child will lose ADC for that month, unless you can prove the ab­ sent parent gives no care, support or guidance But you may have to show up at another hearing to prove it. If both parents share the burden of prov iding care, control and super­ vision of the child, including joint legal custody , ADC may be cut off if the child spends at least 30 percent of each month living with each parent. If its less than 30 percent, your child remains eligible. It’s best to play it safe, staying within the AFS rules to avoid threat­ ening your child's support. Multnomah County Legal Aid Service prov ides legal advice and rep­ resentation to low-income people in Multnomah County who hav e welfare problems. Appointments may be made by calling our downtown office at 224- 4086 or our North/Northeast Com­ munity Law Office (on the Portland Community College Cascade Cam­ pus) at 295-9494 O rcall Legal A id’s Welfare Rights Hotline at 241-4111. Employment In Oregon: February 1993 34 Cool Channels, just $14.95 a month. ■C M z ) *,i». t a ? Î * * * * * * L%