A r r f r » ”* V * * s » M arch 24, 1993 • Tin; P o r t la n d O bserver P age A2 Rally On Capitol Steps Westside MAX Tunnel Contract Documents Released Representatives o f local ju ris d ic ­ tio n s today jo in e d T ri-M e t in the o f­ fices o f the Westside project’ s new B id lenge—is the number o f jobs it w ill create for Oregonians,’ said T ri-M e t General Manager Tom W alsh The C enter io announce the releaseof docu­ m ents describing the estimated $150 m illio n tunnel construction project T h e tunnel is the firs t and largest $50 m illio n tunnel payroll w ill re­ quire 1 25 m illio n hours o f w ork to complete an employ the equivalent o f through the project and delay opening day "W ere we to w ork conventional 200 people fu ll tim e over the next three years,” Walsh said Walsh said a substantial portion o f the workforce w ill be Oregonian A citizen committee appointed by T ri-M e t is putting fin a l touches on a comprehensive program to boost par­ ticip a tio n o f m inority and women w o rk e rs and s u b c o n tra c to rs in Westside work Recommendations W estside M A X construction contract to go out to bid The three-m ile, tw in tube tunnel w ill bore thorough Portland s West H ills from the W ashington Park reser­ v o irs on the east tojust w est o f F inely s Sunset h ills M ortuary. A station 250 feet below the W ashington Park zoo and other institutions w i l l be the deep­ est tra n sit station in N o rth A m erica T h e T ri-M e t Board o f D irectors w ill hours, completion could be delayed by up to four years, and $60 m illio n additional cost would be incurred Walsh said A stringent program to m inim ize impacts o f construction has been de­ signed by T ri-M e t The nighttime work w ill largely be contained inside the tunnel M aterials excavated at night w ill be removed and stockpiled at either end u n til they can be hauled o ff the next day, m in im iz in g nighttim e are expected in tw o weeks W ork on the tunnel w i ll proceed on a 24-hour basis. "T he tunnel is the key stone for the Westside project,’’ aw ard the contract May 27, w ith con­ stru ctio n beginning th is summer. "T h e beauty o f th is p ro je ct-a sid e fro m its m agnificent technical chal­ Walsh explained. A delay in com ­ p le tin g the tunne! w o u ld rip p le The 1RS And Oregon State Help People Avoid Bankruptcy Good news fo r taxpayers who believe they w o n ’ t be able to pay their tax b ills on A p ril 15th. Both the In te r­ nal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Oregon Department o f Revenue are w o rk in g w ith the n o n -p rofit agency, Consumer C redit Counseling Serv ice (CCCS), to help CCCS counselors set up debt management plans to pay delinquent taxes. T h is specific arrangem ent w ith both the Federal and State tax au th o ri­ ties w ill enable CCCS to be more successful in w o rkin g w ith th e ir c li­ ents who ow e back taxes as w e ll as the usual bank, department store, and crite ria w h ich enables them to figure state taxes into a debt management plan. CCCS is a no n -p rofit agency that helps people in financial trouble. O f­ fering free counseling, CCCS coun­ selors w ork w ith th e ir clients to create a workable budget. When necessary, CCCS w ill negotiate w ith creditors to take sm aller payments over a longer period o f time. Some m ajor creditors reduce or waive interest charges when accounts are paid through CCCS. CCCS is the only v iable alternative to filin g fo r bankruptcy, a blem ish that can rem ain on one’ s credit record for medical b ills. The IRS has trained CCCS coun­ selors on how to arrange installm ent plans fo r those who need help As w e ll, the Oregon Departm ent o f Rev­ enue w ill also provide counselors w ith ten years. CCCS has been serv ing the com­ m unity fo r more than 25 years and has offices in Portland, Beaverton, Gre­ sham, Oregon C ity, M c M in n v ille , The Dalles, Vancouver, and Longview. Faye Burch To Serve As Advocate C o n tin u e d f r o m f r o n t p a g e >►* board o f directors. She w ill also par- ’* •” • ticip a to r in m u lti-ju risd ictio n a l group study researching disparity in con­ tracting. B urch has served as a p olicy ad­ viso r to Governor Roberts since June o f 1991. She was previously director o f com m unications fo r the C ity o f Portland Bureau o i f B D u uiiuuig» ild in g s B urch received the 1988 Serv ice Award from iw u v v u u _ the C om m ission on B lack A ffa irs, and the 1986 Serv ice A w ard from U S. West Com m unications She is a member o f the Urban League O f P ort­ land board and the W om an’ s Foun­ i ' 1 • ‘ • - » ■ - ' . ■ ' , * • 4 4 • •';;?< / „ • ’ V • V- .- *. • - '■ ■ w ■ -.**- .. • • • f ■ •I‘.\v- ■S.: «» ■ •» ' 2 t - - ; ; ; • • • / a * < **•. v • > '?-<Ç »* * , ’ ♦ - : ' ' . * • - / i ‘ * A'* » • ç ’ *,*• dation o f Oregon. The O ffice o f M in o rity , Women and E m erging Sm all Business is lo ­ cated 155 Cottage St., N E, Salem, Oregon, 97310 For more in fo rm a ­ tio n about the O M W E S B programs, please contact Faye Burch at 378- D B E Inform ational Session The O ffice o f M in o rity , Women and Em erging Small Business w ill be conductinga DBE Inform ational Ses­ sion on Thurs. M arch 2 5th from 5:30pm -7pm at the L lo y d Center Tower, 825 N.E. M ultnom ah, 12th floor, rooms 12A/B. T ........... h is in - fo - rm a l workshop - is dc- signed to assist disadvantaged, m i- ___ m o n -n u n e d businesses nority and „n women-owned businesses w ith questions and concerns regard­ •• - ï < .’f , . - Portland w ill conclude w ith an inter­ national N ig h t celebration at L in ­ coln Tuesday, M arch 30 at 6 p.m. The event w ill feature Russian food and dancing. In A p ril. L incoln stu­ dents travel to Khabarov sk to live and attend school w ith their Russian counterparts fo r one month Stu­ dents also w ill v is it Moscow and St J o y c e W a s h in g to n P u b lis h e r T h » P O R T L A N D O B S E R V E R is lo c a te d a t 4 7 4 7 NE M a rtin L u th e r K in g , Jr. B lvd . P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97211 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 • F a x 2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 < Deadline for all submitted materials: Articles: Monday, 5:00 pm—Ads: Tuesday, noon M , * J •'< : 5, H > • < affro n t to our intelligence. The R ally took place to show the legislature that not only are Orego­ nians ready fo r fa ir tax reform , we demand it! It is unacceptable fo r our children to suffer because our elected o fficia ls have not worked together to is to assure stable school funding. M ay W allace, Pamela K e lly for Parents fo r Q u a lity Education Bank Sponsors State's Largest Hispanic Education Summit S a tu rd a y, M a rc h 2 7 , 1993 at Tacoma C om m unity C ollege. Stu- dentCenter,5900S. 12St.,Tacoma, other as friends and colleagues Wash. Jim Hill To improve Treasury Operations Hot Topic Planned For 1993 CPAO Conference In April C rim e Prev ention and Com m u­ nity P o licin g --” B rid g in g The Gap” C o n tin u e d f r o m f r o n t p a g e is the C rim e Prevention Association o f Oregon (C PAO ) 1993 Conference surer H ill’ s request. A nnually, an outside accounting theme. T h is year’ s conference w ill firm w ill perform an in-depth review be held A p ril 21 through A p ril 23 at and evaluation o f the Treasury ’ s in ­ the Inn o f the Seventh M ou n ta in in ternal controls and procedures relat­ Bend, OR Large group workshops in g to its more complex investment w ill focus on crim e prevention and areas such as the Com m on Stock com m unity p o licin g together to fa ­ Investment Program, the A lternative cilita te changes that law enforce­ Equities Program, and the Venture ment is experiencing. T h e c o n fe re n c e b e g in s on Capital Assets Program, The first Wednesday. The opening ceremony and general membership luncheon w ill feature a presentation on “ La y­ ing the Foundation” - th e natural evo­ lu tio n o f successful po licin g efforts involves both com m unity p o licin g and crim e prev ention tactics A large review is expected to begin in July 1993. These in-depth reviews w ill be conducted on a rotating basis Scholarship applications fo r attend­ ing Portland C om m unity College are now available fo r the 1993-94 academic school year through the PCC Foundation. The Foundation o ffic e is located at PCC's Sylvania on Thursday is a workshop on "C o m ­ m unity Involvem ent and Problem S o lv in g S trategies” . W a sh in g to n C ounty’ s C rim e Prevention Special­ ist A rlene W ittm ayer w ill focus the w orkshop on the techniques neces­ sary to id e n tify, reach and achieve sustained inv olv ement at a ll lev els o f the com m unity. B reaking up the h ig h ly p a rtici­ patory w orkshop w ill be a “ Resource Fair” luncheon in the outdoor p a vil­ ion Conference attendees w ill be re­ warded Thursday evening w ith a “ good o ld fashioned Western Ho- D ow n!” E njoy scrumptious grub, try y our hand at some “ chancey” Kansas C ity-style games and k ic k up “ yer" feet to some pretty fine honky-tonk ” group workshop, entitled: "P repar­ in g fo r Change,” features Johnnie Cain, PhD, a w e ll-kn o w n BPST in ­ structor who holds his doctorate in O rganizational B ehavior. P a rtic i­ pants w ill explore health survival s k ills to cope w ith the inevitable c o n flict that accompanies change. Rounding out the after noon is a Campus, 12000 SW 49th Avenue, CC B u ild in g , Rm. B21. Deadline fo r applications is Friday, M ay. 14. A ll materials must be in the Foundation office by 5pm. Any late applications w ill be d isq u ali­ vv ken rou r e ir u n in g piano music. O ur featured and fin a l workshop o f the confcrence~” C rim e Preven­ tion and Com m unity P olicing: W hat’ s W o rk in g !” --w ill fo llo w continental breakfast on Friday. Joseph E. Brann, C h ie f o f Police C ity o f Hayward, C A, hosted hospitality hour The 8am continental breakfast a strong advocate o f com m unity po­ licin g , is the featured instructor. F rid a y’ s luncheon w ill include the annual CPAO awards Ceremony and the election o f officers. tre e ? ^ o r t la n i» (© b s e ru c r | | I , T he P ortland | I O bserver can be sent I j D IR E C T LY TO Y O U R H O M E J J F O R O N LY $ 3 0 .0 0 P E R | I YEAR. * 1 P lease fill out , j ENC LO SE C H E C K O R j j | • I I I M e m o ria l G arden MONEY O R D ER , I M ail to : ’ I I and S ubscriptions 1 llii’l i l i l f f F u n e ra l Home * Cemetery Killingsworth Chapel 430 N Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 283-1976 ï POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to: Portland Observer, P.O. ¡ B ox 3137, P o rtla n d , OR 97208. Second class postage paid at Portland PO B ox 3 1 3 7 , ■ P ortland , O regon 9 7 2 0 8 | Oregon. The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and can not be used in other publications or personal usage, without the written eonsent of the general manager unless the client has purchasea the composition of such ad. © 1993 THE PO R TLAN D O B SERVER. ALL R IG H TS R ESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART W ITHOUT PERMISSION IS •?/ ' ‘ /'••■l'i V '-*1 ■ ’ x i* Í * <; « * , ■ ■ . y>„<- • • - < .* . ' < Kl . „•> V T«. : •- '■**? •• • . : ■• •’ •• • .•• . r*?. *»*-’ » * • X L * i ».V- S V , . Russian and American schools. The program enables students in both countries to advance in their la n ­ guage studies and allows Americans and Russians to get to know each Petersburg ! (U S P S 9 5 9 -6 8 0 ) O R E G O N ’S O L D E S T A F R IC A N A M E R IC A N P U B L IC A T IO N < £ easy ' S ubscribe ! te < agers o f both countries Developed as a result o f the Reagan-Gorbachev Moscow Sum m it Treaty, the Presi­ dential H ig h School Academic Part­ nership Exchange currently spon­ sors exchanges between 60 pairs o f fied. E s ta b lis h e d In 1 9 7 0 b y A lfre d L. H e n d e rs o n ‘ ally sponsored program is designed to increase language proficiency and cultural understandingbetween teen­ Khabarovsk this month The Russian students' stay in nities Special guest: FHW A Region 10, C iv il Rights D irector, W illie Harris. t , r 1 center at N E Seventh and Oregon, measure! It has failed to give us tax three blocks cast o f the Oregon Con­ reform, and i t ’ s h u rtin g schools! We have learned that i t ’ s im pera­ vention Center The bid inform ation center is open on weekdays from 8 tive that we fin d replacement rev enue fo r education, now, not later-before a m to 5 p in . our ch ild re n ’ s futures are damaged. A pre-bid conference offering We have learned that a creative detailed in fo rm a tio n on all aspects o f and equitable tax solution is possible. this com plex project w ill be held M arch 25 at the Red L io n Inn -L lo yd In fact there arc several excellent pro­ posals stuck in committee-proposals Center For more info rm a tio n call fo r solutions that Oregonians w ould 239-2166. vote fo r i f given the chance. The Legislature believes that the m ajority o f Oregonians can’ t see that we’ re facing an immediate crisis. They believe we must “ suffer” before we N ow in its fifth year, the feder­ w ill vote fo r new taxes. T h is is an L in co ln H igh School Russian language students and their fam ilies host 22 exchange students from P o rtla n d 's R u ssia n s is te r c ity b ilitic s • Licensing/credential issues • C o n s tru c tio n C o n tra c to rs Board education requirements • Westside L ig h t R ail opportu­ - ,.‘ M ‘ ^ 3 1 Lincoln High Families Host Russian Students In itia l certifica tio n process E xpandingcertificationcapa- . • » f .. L • À*r* A ? . • •• ' funding crisis to the voters. M any Oregonians voted fo r M ea­ sure 5 because they wanted tax re­ form They thought that the passage o f Measure 5 w ould force the Legislature to do som ething about the increas­ ingly inequitable tax system in the w ill be imposed on the contractor state. They also trusted that schools Prospective bidders and subcon­ w ould be protected tractors can pick up copies o f the 10- Now Oregonians have learned volumc, 2.000-page packet o f tunnel bid documents at a bid inform ation that Measure Five is a failed ballot eted nighttim e sound levels. W orking from the east end. a tunnel boring machine w ill chum up rock that w ill be earned by a covered 5651. . »' . Sr vvith one voice, challenging the legis­ lature to offer a solution for the school convey or belt into a cov ered hopper A t the west end. construction activ ity w ill be concent rated away from homes, w hich w ill be protected from stray noise bv noise walls. S trict lim its on noise generation , strictly enforced, noise and tra ffic Homeowners over­ looking the east portal construction site w ill be offered a sound insulation program to assure substantially q u i­ ing: • • Today at the C apitol, hundreds o f Oregonians from across the state spoke T he P ortland O bserver ! ! Fbwerimes I Name !— Subscriptions. $30.00 p e r year. «s V . • » * • A -- ■».. » The Portland O b se rve r-O re g o n ’s Oldest African-American P ublication- is a mem ber of the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc., New York, NY. and The West Coast Black Publishers Association • ------------------- 1 ?.4 Serving Portland and Vancouver .city State j Portland. The home, called the H ER E T o ­ day House is b u ilt w ith materials and technology that arc H ealthful, E n v i­ ronmentally responsible. Resource and zip-code T hank Y ou F or R eading T he P ortland O bserver The Grand O pcning/R ibbon-C ut- ting Ceremony fo r the state’ s first e ntirely environm entally responsible house w ill be held Friday, M arch 2 6 at 3 p.m . at 2204 S. W . Luradcl Street in Address I ’ behind tree Grand Opening For The States First Entirely Environmentally Responsible House ! j 1 love to hide ! PROHIBITED. . Lombard Chapel 3018 N. Lombard Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 283-0525 Energy efficie n t (HERE). Products that have been recycled and used in the home w ill be featured during the ribbon-cutting. Self-guided tours o f the house w ill be offered until 4:30 p.m. To get to the HERE Today House, take the C apitol H ighw ay e xit o ff o f I- 5 south. Go right o f f the e x it on C api­ tol and cross Barbur. G o le ft on Huber Street and proceed u n til it ends at S. W . 25th. G o rig h t on 25th and take your first le ft onto Luradcl Street. limbs Don’t set yourself up for a shocking surpnse If there are powerlines near or in your trees, call 671-1455 for ad­ vice before you prune PortLmd General Electric Then look fo r the signs. *' F. J i; i A « *_ -/r • • ”4 i y-y % z* * * A *