P age BIO M arch 24, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver Oregon’s Cuisine Of The Rain - “ M s. B ro o ks ca p tu re s the essence o f new c u is in e w ith th is w o n d e rfu l c o m p ila tio n o f re c ip e s ." — C a p ria l Pence, c o ­ o w n e r, W e stm o re la n d B is tro and a u th o r o f C a p ria l's Seasonal OREGON’S - CUISINE OFTHE RAIN From Lush farm foods to Regional Recipes K itc h e n “ K a re n B ro o k s has assem bled an e x e m p la ry c o lle c tio n o f accu ra te , re fle c tiv e re cip e s fr o m O re g o n 's best chefs, re sta u ra te u rs, a n d hom e cooks. O re g o n 's C u is in e o f th e K a in is th a t ra re book. I t m akes yo u w a n t to p in a note to the p illo w : ‘Gone to O re g o n .' T h is is a d a n g e ro u s cookbook. ” — M a tt K ra m e r, a u tlio r o f the M a k in g Sense books on w in e KAREN BROOKS to u a iiti Clitic, Hr ¡heinin The Pacific N orthw est is the last great untapped regional cooking territory in this country and K aren Brooks is its m ost eloquent and authoritative spokesperson. Presently the Arts E ditor and Restaurant C ritic o f The Oregonian in Portland, Brooks has spent the last decade observing and writing about the O regon food scene. The result o f her efforts is O regon's Cuisine o f the Rain: From Lush Farm Foods to R egion al Recipes, the first definitive collection o f Oregon recipes that captures everything the region has to offer: w orld class produce, fertile valleys w here blackberry bram bles and prize-w inning zucchini are as com m on as w eeds, fish o f every stripe and fin, a w ine region gaining in international stature, and a crop o f talented young chefs and hom e cooks with an exciting repertoire o f original recipes that genuinely speaks to the N orthw est experience. Sentry m i SUPERMARKETS ES* & coast.” James Beard “ M s Brooks captures the essence o f new cuisine w ith this wonderful com pilation o f recipes ” C a p ria l Pence, c o -o w n e r, Westmoreland B istro and author o f C a p ria l's Seasonal K itchen “ Karen Brooks has assembled an exemplary collection o f accurate, re­ flective recipes from O regon’ s best chefs, restaurateurs, and home cooks Oregon’ s Cuisine o f the Rain is that rare book. It makes you w ant to pin a note to the pillo w : “ Gone to Oregon.” T his is a dangerous cookbook.” M a tt Kram er, author o f the M a k ­ ing Sense books on w ine The Pacific Northwest is the last great untapped regional cooking te r­ rito ry in this country and Karen Brooks is its most eloquent and authoritative spokesperson. Presently the A rts E d i­ to r and Restaurant C ritic o f The O r­ egonian in Portland, Brooks has spent the last decade observing and w ritin g about the Oregon food scene. The result o f her efforts is O regon’s C u i­ sine o f the Rain: From Lush Farm Foods to Regional Recipes, the firs t d e fin itive collection o f Oregon reci- pes that captures everything the region has to offer: w o rld class produce, fer­ tile valleys where blackberry brambles and prize-w inning zucchini are as com­ mon as w eeds, fish o f ev ery stripe and fin , a w ine region g a in in g in interna­ tional stature, and a crop o f talented young chefs and home cooks w ith an exciting repertoire o f o rig in a l recipes that genuinely speaks to the Northwest experience. U n like other regional fare, O r­ egon cuisine is neither a fad nor a special-occasion sty le. It can easily be incorporated in to the everyday diet and is in tune w ith the k in d o f recipes cooks want today: lots o f fresh fish, chicken, pasta, and vegetables pre­ pared in im a g in a tive ways w ithout relying on an abundance o f specialty foods F rom Gingerbread Pancakes w ith Apple Compote, Gathered Greens w it h F ie ld F lo w e rs in W a ln u t V in a ig re tte , and P oached S ilv e r Salmon w ith PJiubarb Compote, to Hazelnut Lasagne w ith Oy ster M ush­ rooms, C hicken w ith Blackberries, Lim es and Fresh Herbs, and Blueberry Sourdough Bread Pudding, O regon’ s Cuisine o f the R ain is crammed fu ll o f easy recipes fo r fabulous meals. O regon’ s C uisine o f the R ain pro­ vides much m ore than ju s t great reci­ pes Brooks also takes the reader on an almost m ystical jo u rn e y o f the new Oregon eating experience as o n ly the region’ s best-known food w rite r and restaurant c n tic could. The consum­ mate cu lin a ry insider. Brooks provides glimpses at Oregon traditions and spe­ cialties ranging from the hunt fo r the elusive blue huckleberry, to the u lti­ mate custom cooking o f Briggs and C rainpton’ s Catering and Table for Tw o, where lunch is served fo r two people only and the reservation list runs in to tlie next fiscal year W ith a live ly perspective, an ex­ tensive food p rim e r to define foods o f the region, and the only current collec­ tio n o f recipes drawn from O regon’s top chefs and home cooks, O regon’ s Cuisine o f the Rain is your guide to the best Oregon has to offer. K a re n B ro o k s has o b se rve d O regon’s Burgeoning food scene fo r more than a decade and is currently A rts E d ito r and Restaurant C ritic o f The Oregonian in Portland Her ar­ ticles on food and travel have also appeared in many national publica­ tions, in clu d in g The Chicago Tribune, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and The N ational Observ er She is the author o f The Complete Vegetarian Cookbook and The G lobal K itchen O regon’ s Cuisine O f The Rain by K aren Brooks Publication Date: A p ril, 1993 Price: $14.95 paperback, 336 pages IS B N 0-201-63282-9 909 N. K lllin g s w o rth Se-r/otâ about sew/ce,. fi/r /s “ W hen 1 recall the taste sensa­ tions o f my childhood, they lead me to the great razor clams, the succulent Dungeness crab, the salmon, craw ­ fish, mussels, and trout o f the Oregon 285-6352 S e n try R o b e rt F o o d S ta m p D e c re a s e ■■Mi 6UPÍ A M A 8 K IT 1 V E&M SENTRY Caryl Phillips reads from his new novel, Cambridge (Vintage). Born in rhe West Indies and raised in England. Phillips M a n y Oregonians who receive food stamps w i ll see a drop in their benefits beginning in A p ril We believe in rewarding our customers for getting in the Sentry habit. Thar’s why we offer Saver Shields. Here’s how they work: for every five dollars you spend at Sentry, you get a Saver Shield stamp.* Stick six stamps on a card, and bnng it back to Sentry for unbelievable savings on items all through the store. Here are this week’s Saver Shield specials: Valid March 24-March 30,1993. includes • V.7. •D o e s not apply to tobacco o r alcohol purchases script w ritin g for television and radio, movie screenplays, stage plays, non-fiction, and novels. His 1985 novel, The F in a l Passage. won the Malcolm X Award, and The European Tribe, a work o f non-fiction, was awarded the 1987 M a n in Luther K ing Mem orial Prize. He has also w ritten the novels, A State o f Independence and Higher Ground. The decrease in benefits should average between $20 and $30, and w ill affect only recipients who use a “ standard u tility allowance” rather than th e ir actual utility' costs in com­ putations. I n O re g o n , a p p ro x im a te ly 1 2 1 ,0 0 0 h o u se h o ld s c o n ta in in g 280,000 people receive food stamps. M ore than $20 m illio n in benefits are distributed each month by AFS, w hich adm inisters the program in this state. The cost o f food stamps is paid by the federal government, w ith costs o f ad­ m in istra tio n split between federal and state funds. **. 1 -V • career that has encompassed a variety o f genres; his work The change results from an ad­ justm ent made in benefit computa­ tions each spring because o f low er u tility b ills that come w ith warm er weather D u rin g cold w inter months, recipients are given additional food stamps to offset the cost o f heat. As u tility b ills decline in spring and sum­ mer, the extra benefits are discontin­ ued It pays to stick with Sentry'. * ;v graduated from O xford and prom ptly embarked on a w ritin g 7 :3 0 p m , M o n d a y, M a rc h 29 P ow ell’s C ity o f Books - 1005 W B urnside BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY 5 ’?»" • zf,’ •*. ? /’• *• — I MOlt-OtfT --------- - O - • ° w»'' MOVE-OUT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE P.O. Box 11084 Portland. OR 97211 5 03 /2 8 8 9 8 4 9 ARCO tr M IN I-M A R T , t Nick’s Arco ' t.' 7 5 0 9 N .E. M .L. K in g Jr. B lvd. & A s k a b o u t o u r s p e c ia ls c o k e c la s s ic 4 /8 o z b tls $1.2 5 3 0 w oil $ 1 .0 9 (503) 286-5303 : :.<î O ’; The New England .. . e. • •• Insurance and Investment • m Jo hn A. Tarver Financial Raprsssntatlve 121 Southwest Morrison Street. Sute 1250 Portland. Oregon 97204 503-228*6645 503-222-7407 FAX I f e T exas I I 1710 N.E. Alberta Portland, Oregon 97212 503/287-5145 T exas I 3530 N . Vancouver Portland, Oregon 97217 503/281-2936 2 8 2 -7 1 4 2 ATLAS U. • S e rv in g N .E . P o r tla n d s T Natural Flair for Hair M a rs h a Brown B rian S im s D o m in iq u e Gill finger waves • spiral sets hair care products • color perms clipper cuts specializing in ethnic hair services Beauty Salon 3609 N E M .L .K B lv d . P o rtla n d , O regon 97211 (503) 249-2925 Cleo-Ullian Social Club 3041 N. W illia m s 284-7150 1993 membership a p p lication now available $5.00 Soul Food kitchen - D.J. Wed-Sun 9:00 pm - 2:30 am open 10am to 2:30am 3 1 1 7 NE M LK • 2 8 7 -2 5 5 7 T ax R eturns S w e et ' s M ar U et M i ap S i a I oo