Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 24, 1993, Page 15, Image 15

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P age B7
M arch 24, 1993
^ c r ip iu r e
H e a r m y pra yer, 0 S o J; yio e ear to tfie words o f m y moulfi. fPsalms 54:2
H u inniiiiim im u itin ttUMllUUHHMHi
Bridging Troubled Times: A Way Across
T ravellingacross the country, I’ve
seen many bridges w hose construc­
tio n was as different as w hatever it
w as that it bridged. Some bridges
were ornate (glittering in the sun­
light) structures; w hile an o th er’s form
loom ed om inously in the night creat­
ing a fearful heart as you approached
it. H igh ones, long ones, w ide ones,
narrow ones and
rickety ones.
However dif­
feren t, ea ch one
w as built to pro­
vide a way across.
Some bridges
w ere u n d er co n ­
struction and had
lim ited accessibil­
ity. T ra ffic w as
backed up for m iles as vehicles, o f all
sizes, moved slowly in an im patient
line. Some drivers attem pted to oc­
cupy them selves by reading or listen
ing to music. You could sec their
heads bobbing and swaying. An occa-
s io n a lh a n d w o u ld g o u p w ith a rh y th -
ntical m otion responding to the pulse
o f the music. Still there were others
w ho sat gripping the steering w heel in
a big pile o f some real foul stuff and
you fell likes ou were about Io go dou n
for the third, and final tim e? You
d id n ’t know w ho to turn to or who to
ask or w ho could help—if at all.
“Jesus is the answ er for the world
today. Above H im there is no other,
Jesus is the W ay”, are the w ords a
s o n g w r ite r jo tt e d
dow n one
day.A nother w riter
w ro te ,
“ W hen
y o u ’re d ow n an d
out, feeling small,
a n d f r ie n d s ju s t
c a n ’t be found...” In
the midst oftrouble,
d o n ’t hesitate. Call
on the nam e o f Jesus
Christ! He will hear
you. Yes, He will!
Jesus will bridge the gaps; the
vast crevices; the deep holes, the per­
ilous situations; the exposed, ugly,
risky areas in your life. O nly H e can
heal d am aged em otions Only H e can
draw the bitter poisonous venom from
w ithin your sin riddled life Jesus is
not like m an made bridges. Jesus w ill
never need repairs. He will never get
w ashed out. He will never get rickety
readiness in hope that the line would
move faster, But still crossing the
bridge. O ther drivers, in their im pa­
tience, blew their horns to no avail.
Just to be doing som ething, 1 guess.
But still crossing the bridge.
How many tim e has life dealt-up
from w ear (usage)
Jesus is the piobleni solver. If we
could just rem em ber to, call on His
nam e in troubled tim es But don tju st
lim it your com m unication, w ith Jesus
C hrist, to tim es of distress As born
again, dyed in wool Christian belicv-
Bethel A .M .E . C hurch will hold a H O LY W E E K R E V IV IA L "H E
G A V E H IS L IF E , W H A T W IL L YO U G IV E ? " on April 5 ,6 & 7, 1993
with Rev. Grady R. Brow n (a form er P astor O f Bethel AMI Church) Also
scheduled are: "M a u n d y T h u rsday P ascal l.a m b S e r v ic e " on April 8,
1993 and "Seven L a st W o rd s" on April 9, 1993 All services will begin
at 7:00 p.m . at Bethel A M E C hurch, 5828 N.E. 8th A venue. Lor inform a­
tion call (503) 288-5429
ers, the innerm ost room in our hearts
should be filled, daily, conversing with
COL: 3:16
the Lord. In the m orning, in the after­
noon, in the evening or late in the
m idnight hours, call on Jesus and tell at fellowship baptist church
him w h at’s going on in your life.
DATE: APRIL 04, 1993
Allow Jesus to becom e your very best,
TIME 3:30
our very intim ate friend. He w ill re­
store you. He w ill deliver you.
G od’s power is unlim ited.
T here are, however, some w arn ­
ings. Some who have found them ­
selves in a stew pot, have called on the
nam e o f Jesus, then, they m ake these
For more information call
em pty prom ises to the Lord. In other
Greater Saint Stephens
3707 N. Williams Ave.
words, they lied. I ca n ’t help shudder­
Pastor G.L. Black I
ing at the profound foolishness of
some, so-called “Christians.” God said
that He is A lpha and O m ega; the
beginning and the end. So-how does
anyone think that he or she can lie to
God, fool God, pull the wool over
G od’s eyes?
Stop playing games w ith the Lord!
Believe me, it is not cute. A nd you
d o n ’t w ant to experience the conse­
quences o f G od’s w rath.
W hen all the feathers ftnally settle,
you will find that you are only lying to
yourself. Jesus C hrist w ill not be found
in a lie Will He bridge “th at” gap?
No! Go to God w ith forgiveness in
Tabernacle, 1505 N
your h c a rt-n o t ju st in your mouth.
24 to 26 at 7pm.
He will hear you. ( I John 1:5-10,
2:1-6) Jesus is your way across in The Evangelist will be Ruby Nelson
from Shreveport Louisiana.
troubled limes.
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Speaking With God
T he b est p a rt o f sp eak in g
with God is to b e still long enough
to listen to w hat He has to say.
And if we listen closely w e may
hear Him saying, “W hy are you
p r a y in g ?
s o m e th in g ! ”
For some o f us it’s much easier
to p ray fo r s o m e o n e th a n to
go take ca re o f an d help th a t
The Bible tells us to pray w ith­
o ut ceasing, but it also tells us that
faith w ithout w orks is dead. W hen
Jam es wrote faith w ithout w orks is
dead, I ’m sure he had the super
pious in m ind, know ing that they
w ould use prayer and m editation to
dodge involvem ent in visiting the
sick, lifting the fallen, clothing the
poor, sheltering the hom eless, feed­
ing the hungry, listening to the
lonely, assisting the elderly, or an y ­
thing that w ould require w ork o r
How do we keep prayer, faith
and w orks balanced? It’s easy. If we
pray w hile working it shouldn’t be
to hard. If we pray any and every
w here, and not ju st on our knees, we
should be in a position to help. T o
my know ledge there is no signifi­
cance betw een our position and the
strength o f our prayers. O therw ise,
C hrist w ould have insisted that His
disciples get on their knees and
close their eyes when they prayed.
G od focuses on our heart condition
not our prayer position.
7600 N .E. G LIS A N
P O R T L A N D , OR. 97213
It’s contemporary!
It's Multi-cultural!
It's Spirit Filled!
Larry & Tiz Ilu d i
c llM C ll f o r tile
Senior Pastors
. D ynam ic C hildren & Youth M inistries
• Pow erful Praise & W orship
• Street Reach & O vercom ers M inistries
. Service Tim es: Sunday 10:30 am 6:00 p m
7600 NE Glisan Street
J H ts s ta n a r u ^ B a p tis t ( C lju r r lj
"Serving The Lord With Gladness
Psalm 100:2
Sunday School 10am
Morning Worship 11:05
Mid Week:
Prayer & Bible Study 7pm
Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor
• A nointed P reaching & Teaching
Place: Maranatha Church
4222 NE 12th St.
Portland, Oregon 97211
(G re a te r J S a tn t JB te p tje n
Are you tired of the same old thing?
Then you are ready for New Begin­
nings! Come join the excitement as we
take Portland for Jesus!
Date: Sunday March 28, 1993
Time: 6:00 o'lock p.m.
We Welcome You To The
Scott & Lydia Sigman
BAPTIST CHURCH "Come Grow With Us"
Has moved Sunday sevices to
Stone T ow e r C hurch
Piedmont Friends Church
3707 N. Williams Ave.
(503) 281-8117 Portland, OR 97227
N .E . Sandy Blvd. & 30th
5736 N. Albina
W o r s h ip S e rv ic e s 8 :0 0 a.m . & 11:00 a.m .
$aul ^lisisitonarp
^Baptist Cljurdj
8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland, Oregon 97203
Sunday Service
Sunday School
Bible Study
Evening Service
lew s
,f& r
126 N.€. Alberto t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173
Church Phone: 289-0147
in the
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday ßilble
Study and Prayer
Inter-racial Congregation
M allory Avenue
Christian Church
"Como to me all you who are
weary and heavy laden and
I will give you rest."
T r T iT r m / i
Study Phone:289-1911
Worship Celebration 10:30AM
Wed. Bible Study
C h u r c h S c h o o l 9 :3 0 to 10:30 a.m .
B ib le S tu d y , W e d n e s d a y s , 116 N .E . S c h u y le r
"A Church where friends are friends Indeed"
Michael DeJean, M. Dlv.
1 0:30 a .m . a n d 7 :0 0 p .m .
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
A T eaching Church \ \ ith A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
Jésus Loves Vou!
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954
Allen Temple CME Churcfi
The People’s Church
Psalms 34:3
4236 NE Eigth Avenue
1425 NE Dekum & 15th
((o rn e r of 8lh & Skidrnore)
(Housed in the W oodlawn M ethodist C hurch structure.)
Porlland, Oregon 97211
Pastor: Rev. Robert Probasco Sr.
Sunday A M. Worship - 9 00 a m.
Thurs. P.M. Bible Study - 7:30 p in.
Theme: Whatever you're going to do for the Lord, do it now
(503) 287-0261
Phillip S. Nelson Pastor■
I Peter iv 11
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