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We feel that a 350,000 paid circulation is w ithin our goal.” Campbell said he has over 50,000 names and addresses ofblack golfers in the computer. “ In the near future we feel that we w ill have a work force o f 250 potential employ­ ees to publish and distribute the magazine. For the first year we w ill only publish L in ks magazine quar­ terly.” Anyone wishing to subscribe to the new L in ks magazine can do so by calling (602) 257-9300 or by send­ ing a check for $16.00 to P O Box 21363, Phoenix, AZ 85074-1363. The Oregon Racing Commission unani­ mously approved the 1993 Race Meet A p pli­ cation o f Multnomah Greyhound Park. Multnomah Greyhound Park announced its cham pionship stakes race schedule which includes The Budweiser Memorial Day Marathon, 16th Annual Murray Kemp Clas­ sic, 6th Annual $50,000 Coors Superstar In vi­ tational, 19th Annual Wood Village Sprint, 30th Annual Fawn Warrior Memorial Mara­ thon, 61st Annual M KC Derby, 2nd Annual Oregon Futurity and the 57th Annual Sapling Derby Racing fans around the state w ill be yblc to wager at twelve off-track w agering facilities located in Albany, Astoria, Beaverton, Bend, Portland Observer Athlete Of The Week Portland’ s new professional soccer fran­ chise has been named “ The Pride” after a several month search in a name the team contest Ov er 300 entries were submitted from around the area “ W ith this name, every positive messages can be conveyed by the team .one, we want to reach the youth o f the area w ith the message o f taking pride in w hat you do This team w ill be “ The Pride o f Oregon” in terms o f the players representing the franchise We can have fun w ith this name and logo” said Brian Parrott, one o f the ownership group for the Continen­ 4 44 44A FFÄ <44 \\\ VÁ fâ 44/ AA/ 44/ fä a 4 z .ti# AA/ 4 4 / 44Z 44Z 44Z 4 4 / 44Z 1 4 / 4A < <4Z AAA AAA a *AA 44/ a AAA AAA AAA ~4Al 1A kZ AZ 4'4Z 4? & $ V a A \A > VA'A M A M À ♦44 444 ♦ '< < «'4 V 4 '4 va a ** I CAA M ä I 4 / / A 4 A f A 7 / AA A At 47 ss & t# W 4 4 ta VA'A V 4 > VAA I A A AA4 Ä 4 ÌA A <44 w « a a AW> f v ’< 4 AA Z vaa 44¿ f f AAÿ Á V ' 44/ A V # W M V J, A 4* ’AA A 4^ * f a V a VA V a \ f a f a f a M A .a f a f . f . . , itr r .r , rr- rFF fft 4F.F z ,. f f / ff Z f f z f f / f f z * f / ft / ff fft rry r ,v » r.T.r er» Z f f f f T /.F T /F F /F F & f ö $ ▼ T i ▼.♦’A tfe *▼ ' 74 v îj fe s $ fe ? A * w /< $ > *♦ FF? rrj Z.F.T W rrl f r y r.wnr r n ¿r^j" My? FF.» FF* /▼ j 22» F<| V4.v FF5 ▼.*' < fv V A FFV 4.FV F ,4 v FF& TF ’ FF < F F F ^ f \ \ f f V f .I b r i > f ) 4 f M V f ì »5X3 £5 ;F.F F F F.F V , ( f f F f i ffv $ 1 • Humorous anecdotes and sports impressions by ESPN's Roy Firestone • Team awards by Rick Aoeiman • Special video presentations on the replay screens F f ' f f C i A limited number of lower level banquet tickets are also available at the Coliseum Box Office. 4 7 F F rF,F Here’s the line-up for this year s M ille r Genuine Draft Blazers Bash: r a “ A vï 44* Join us tor on exciting pro-playoffs party with tfrs Blazers anti ESPN’s tiny Firestone A pril 12 at Memorial Coliseum Doors epan S pm This year, the annual MVP Banquet has been revamped so that more fans can join their favorite players for an entertaining, tun-filied evening M W t t î DON'T MISS OUT ON THE BLAZERS BASH Tivon Abel Jefferson High School Available Through Study For more inform ation, contact: Steven fletcher, Director o f Com­ munity relations (503) 224-2323 w 1 F ix F f \ April 8 Wilson at Cleveland Jefferson at Frankiin Benson at Lincoln Grant at Madison Marshall at Roosevelt April 13 Rooseveldt at Cleveland Benson at Grant Jefferson at Lincoln Marshall at Madison Franklin at Wilson April 18 Grant at Franklin Roosevelt at Jefferson Lincoln at Madison Clev eland at Marshall Benson at Wilson April 22 2 3 r d & N W JO H N SO N F ree C o n ta ct L e n se s April 6 Madison at Benson Lincoln at Franklin Roosevelt at Grant Bleveland at Jefferson Marshall at Wilson Jefferson at Benson Clev eland at Madison Grant at Marshall Franklin at Roosevelt Lincoln at Wilson 2 3 1 -8 9 2 6 2 4 8 -0 1 6 3 April 1 Franklin at Benson Wilson at Grant Cleveland at Lincoln Madison at Roosevelt Jefferson at Marshall Marshall at Benson Madison at Franklin Cleveland at Grant Roosevelt at Lincoln Jefferson at Wilson 3 2 n d & E. B U R N S ID E tal Indoor Soccer League entry. Head coach o f The Pride, John Bain, is very pleased w ith the performance o f the group which has been working out Sunday nights and Wednesday afternoons at the Or- egonCity Soccer Center. (Workouts are FREE to t tic public “ This team has so much speed its amazing Teams w ill have a hard time keep­ ing up w ith the pace we can set,” said Bain. The logo design for The Pride is being given to the Commercial Design Department of The Pratt Art Institute in Brooklyn. New York as a class project. all gam es a t 4 :0 0 April 20 M U S IC M IL L E N N IU M Soccer Franchise Named “The Pride' V»À Lincoln City, Ontario, Medford, Roseburg, Salem, Springfield, The Dalles, and Umatilla. Additionally, Oregon racing fans w ill be able to wager on thoroughbred racing’s Tnple Crown events, beginning with the Kentucky Derby on May 1, the Preakness on May 15, and concluding w ith the Belmont Stakes on June 5. In a break from tradition, Multnomah Greyhound Park w ill offer simulcast horse racing from The New Holly wood Park at o ff­ track wagering facilities only A p ril 28-July 26 Greyhound simulcast’s from Florida’s Jacksonville Greyhound Park (A p ril 28 - September 13) w ill be available at both M u lt­ nomah Park and all off-track facilities 1993 P.I.L. Boys Baseball Schedule Wrestling Champion Portlanders Among First The Taste New Miller Reserve Amber Ale Portland was one o f four markets to host a special preview o f M ille r Reserve Amber Ale, a robust American ale brewed by M ille r Brewing Company w ith 100 percent barley and special ale yeast W ith this new product. M ille r becomes the first major U S. brewer to offer a domestically brewed ale in major markets across the country, according to Jerry Schmutte, M ille r director o f allied brands and new products. “ We’ re confident that M ille r Reserve Amber Ale, with its distinctive ale flavor and deep amber color, w ill compete successfully in the grow ingspecialty U S. beer m arket” Schmutte, said "M ille r's brewmasters have combined the ale-brew ­ ing process w ith the richness o f an all-barley recipe to cre­ ate a world-class-tasting ale that w ill be appieciated by beer drinkers everywhere who enjoy hearty , flavorful beers,” he said. To bring oul its distinc­ tive flavor profile, an ale re­ quires a different yeast strain and a brewing process w ith higher temperatures than tra­ ditional lager beer, accord­ ing to Jerry Cebe, master brewer at M ille r "W c researched ales the world over and studied ale drinkers’ taste preferences in our effort to develop a rich, smooth ale with the M ille r Reserve name," he said Amber Ale joins the M ille r Reserv e fam ily o f all-barley draft beers Last year. M ille r nationally introduced two all-barley lagers - - M ille r Reserve and M ille r Reserve Light To further reinforce the all -barley and lager heritage, a new 30- sceond television commercial breaks this week for Reserve in selected markets, inviting beer drinkers to "taste what barley docs for our beer.” New packaging w ill carry the M iller Reserve name M iller Rcscrv e Amber Ale w ill be available in Alaska. California, Connecticut, Delaware, northern Illinois, Main, Maryland. Massa­ chusetts, Michigan, Nevada. New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York. Oregon Pennsylvania, Rhode Island. Vermont, eastern V ir­ ginia, Washington and Washington, D C. M iller is a w holly ow ned subsidiary o f Phillip M orris Companies In«. Principle bcei brands include M ille r Lite, M ille r Genuine Draft, M ille r Genuine Draft Light, M ille r High Life, M ille r Reserve, Lowcnbrau. Magnum, Meister Bran and Milwaukee’s Best M ille r also produces Sharp's, a non-alcohol brew April 27 Benson at Clev eland Lincoln at Grant Madison at Jefferson Franklin at Marshall Roosevelt at Wilson April 28 Cleveland at Franklin Grant at Jefferson «Marshall at Lincoln Wilson at Madison Benson at Roosevelt April 30 Lincoln at Cleveland Benson at Franklin Marshall at Jefferson Roosevelt at Madison Grant at Wilson May 4 Jefferson at Cleveland Franklin at Lincoln Benson at Madison Wilson at Marshall Grant at Roosev elt May 5 Lincoln at Benson Madison at Grant Franklin at Jefferson Roosevelt at Marshall Cleveland at Wilson May 7 Grant at Benson Wilson at Franklin Lincoln at Jefferson Madison at Marshall Cleveland at Roosevelt May 11 Wilson at Benson Marshall at Cleveland Franklin at Grant Madison at Lincoln Jefferson at Roosevelt May 12 Marshall at Cleveland Wilson at Jefferson Fanklin at Madison Benson at Marshall Lincoln at Roosevelt May 14 Madison at Cleveland Roosevelt at Franklin Marshall at Grant Benson at Jefferson Wilson at Lincoln May 18 Cleveland at Benson Marshall at Franklin Grant at Lincoln Jefferson at Madison Wilson at Roosevelt May 19 Roosev elt at Benson Franklin at Cleveland Jefferson at Grant Lincoln al Marshall Madison at Wilson ' • ....................... 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