Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 24, 1993, Page 10, Image 10

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    M arch 24, 1993 » T he P ortland O bserver
P age B 2
Show tim e
Women’s Support Project, Inc.
with Guest Speaker
Thomas Meloncon
(What Ever Happened to Black Love)
April 8, 1993 • 7-10:30 p.m.
Melody Grand Ball Room
615 S.E. Alder • Portland, OR
Tickets are $25 and available at
Jebel’sTOne Stop Records
Call (503) 284-3965
O h! W h a t A K n ig h t C o n te s t
E nter to w in 2 tick ets to Brian M cK night an d
W a lte r B easley C o n c e rt on A pril 7th, D inner for 2
a t D oris C afe N ew Location. Just a n sw e r th e th re e
q u e stio n s c o rre c tly an d yo u ju st m ight b e th e
w in n er of a C andlelight..., R o m an tic an d
a U n f o r g e t t a b le E v e n in g .
1. What group d ocs Brian McKnight brother perform in?----------------------
1 Who d o cs Brian McKnight sing the hot new #1 duct with?------------------
3. What music instrument d ocs Walter Beasley play?
---------------- —
N am e__________________________________________ _
____________ State_____T elephone__________
Drop off entry form at the following locations: I lou se of Sound, One Stop
Records, Pearls Records an d /or mail to the Portland Obscrvor, 4747 N.E
MLK, Portland, Oregon 97217.
Sponsored By:
Portland Observer, Doris Cafe and U n fo rg e tta b le E n te rta in m e n t
Deadline to Enter is March 31,1993
You must be 21 and Over
Redmond Mother
Wins $2.25 Million
Megabucks Jackpot
' A '
• •
This year the Spring Concert Tour
will lake the choir and Jazz hand to
Berkely, California. Our students are
racially, culturally and economically
diverse. We would like to share that
diversity with a Berkely school. To
help pay for the trip, the jazz band and
choir are hosting a benefit concert.
The evening begins with dinner and a
short performance by students. After
dinner,professional musicians will be
performing jazz, blues, gospel, big
band standards and latin music for
No! Kidding! Choir Where Kids
are Winners welcomes students re­
gardless of gender, race, economic
status, scholastic aptitude, vocal abil­
ity or performance experience. This
m usical self-aw aren ess program
brings together an interracial groupof
youth, ages 5-14 years.
Over the years the Fern wood Jazz
Band has produced very talented
young musicians. The Jazz, band has
won honors is past jazz festivals and
attends 5-6 festivals each year.
Femwood parents are working
with teachers, students and the com ­
munity to raise money for scholar­
ships so that all students will abe able
to go on the trip.
This is a wonderful time of good
music, good dancing and good food.
Please Buy Tickets And Help
Support Our Great Students
T o A dvertí se G all
I 288-0033
("Living The Fantasy 92/93 ’)
The 35th annual Ebony Fashion
Fair will appear in Portland at the
Earle A. Chiles Center, University O f
Portland, on Friday, April 23, 1993, at
8:00 P.M This famed traveling fash­
ion show is produced bv Ebony M aga­
zine and is sponsored by Portland
Chapter of Links, Incorporated for the
benefit o f L inks’ Educational and
Scholarship Fund.
Mrs. Eunice W. Johnson, pro­
ducer and director of the show, person­
ally selecls fashions from the exclusive
collections of famed designers such as
Frank Composto, Bill Blass, Bob
Mackie, Giorgio Sant’Angelo, Fabrice,
Patrick Kelly and Bruce Oldfield.
Mrs. Johnson is meticulous and
thorough in purchasing the most spec­
tacular fashions available for Ebony
Fashion Fair Audiences.
More than 200 exquisite garments
complete with the latest accessories,
10 female and 2 male models, com­
mentator, music director, stage and
busi ness managers, and wardrobe staff
travel from coast to coast on a special
chartered Greyhound Bus. Because of
the unprecedented demand for spon­
sorship of the show by charitable orga­
nizations around the country, Ebony
Fashion Fair now tours two seasons-
thc East and Midwest f rom September
through December, and the Southwest
from January through May-appearing
in more than 191 cities.
Mrs. Jacquelyn Brown, General
Chai rperson of the benefit performance
indicates ticket sales are going excep­
tionally well an expects and even larger
attendance than last year. Tickets may
be purchased at Mrs. C ’s W igs(707N .
E. Fremont), House O f Sound (3606
. Williams Avenue), and Earle A
Chiles Center, University O f Portland
(5000 N. Willamette Boulevard).
Proceeds from previous shows
made it possible to make contributions
to many local charities such as: POIC
(Portland Opportunities Industrializa­
tion Center); NAACP-locally and na­
tionally; St. Vincent DePaul Child
Development Center, Volunteers O f
America Fund, Portland State Univer­
sity; Multnomah Association For Re­
tarded Children; United Negro Col­
lege Fund-locally and nationally;
American Cancer Society, Oregon
Division; Kidney Association O f O r­
egon; U .N .I.C .F: E th io p ian Aid
(Africare, Inc ); American Heart As­
sociation, Oregon Affiliate, Inc.; K en
Young Parents Program , Portland
Dance Academy Scholarship; Head
Start; Peninsula Little League, and
many other groups and organizations.
Saturday, April 3,1993
at the
Travelodge Hotel
1441 NE 2nd Street,
9 am to 6 pm
4 weekly sessions
Outstanding basketball facilities at the University of Portland campus
Quality instruction, team games and skill sessions. Day and night activities
fully monitored by staff Overnight and day camps.
Initiated by Moral Re-Armament
Overnight Camp $315 p e r week - Day Camp $185 p e r week
A sk us about team discounts
In association with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon.
The conference will be opened by the Mayor of
Portland, Vera Katz.
(503) 283-7117
REGISTRA TIONS Postm arked by APRIL 15th
, for Less
Fresh Cut Economy Pack
Oregon Grown
Plump juicy, a family favorite!
Nobody does it better for less
John DcPue. a Portland dancer
and a member of the Jefferson Danc­
ers from 1985-87. has been hired to
join the Broadway show Cats on its
European tour He had appeared in
Germany with West Side Story until
December and joined the Cats cast in
Femwood Middle School
Music Deportment Jazz Band
The No! Kidding! Choir
Where Kids Are Winners
A d P ric e s G o o d M a rc h 24 th ro u g h M a rc h 3 0 ,1 9 9 3 A t S afew ay.
Dancer Makes
Ebony Fashion Fair Returns To Benefit
Links’ Educational And Scholarship
Fund. 1993 Ebony Fashion Fair
Nobody Does it
Regina "Gina” Rodgers says she
always felt she would win the Lottery
someday The 41 year-old Redmond
resident ’ s dream became a real ity when
she won the $2 25 million Megabucks
jackpot in the Wednesday, March 10,
drawing. When Gina arrived at Lot­
tery headquarters this morning to re­
deem her winning ticket, she received
the first of 20 annual payments of
$112,500 After 28 percent is with­
held for federal taxes, she will receive
a check for $81,000 each year
Gina w as accompanied to Lottery
headquarters by her daughters Jill. 16,
and Michelle. 18; M ichelle’s baby
daughter, Kelsce. 3-1/2 weeks; and
family friends K.C. Kenny and Misti
Gina bought her $5 Quick Pick at
Fred Meyer in Bendon Tuesday. Maich
9. She said she's been so busy that she
d id n 't have time to check the numbers
for several days. Gina began search­
ing for a newspaper on Friday so she
could compare the numbers on her
ticket. “For some reason. I knew I just
had to find those numbers.’’ she told
Lottery officials.
E n j o y E x t r a S a v i n g s W it h T h e
N e w T n -S to r e *
S a f e w a y S h o p p in g G u id e
Available at your Safeway store.
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