Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 24, 1993, Image 1

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’Serving the com m unity thro u g h c u ltu ral il
V oinnin XXIII. N um ber 12
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Jim Hill To
Improve Treasury
Tri-Met Unveils Minority and
Women Participation Plan for
Westside Light Rail
The committee
made several
program recom­
mendations focused
on expanding
outreach and
technical assis­
tance to minorities
and women inter­
ested in participat­
ing on what will
turn out to be the
largest public
works project in the
history o f the state
Unem ploym ent S till
A lth o u g h construction and lu m ­
ber seem to be ok, the unem ploym ent
rate is s till at 7.3 percent fo r Oregon.
FBI Check Shooting
Robert Thomas, o f Vancouver
Wash, was shot in the back by Police
O ffice r John Parr. Thomas crashed
in to a u tility pole after a police chase.
Oregon State Treasurer, Jim H ill an­
nounced that, at his request, the Secretary o f
State has agreed to conduct a series o f inde­
pendent audits and reviews o f the Oregon
State Treasury in a an effort to im prove in te r­
nal controls and accountability in Treasury
The First Lady o f A m erican The­
ater dies in her sleep at age 92, o f
> f •.
; ty *
** a t
“ Some questionable investments in the
Com m ercial Real Estate Program uncovered
i ( ó
in 1991 have underm ined much o f the positive
w ork done by the Treasury These events have
led us to a broader review o f the entire Trea­
sury. The audits and rev iews w ill serve as a
blueprint fo r im p ro vin g Treasury account­
ability. O n ly through openness and account­
a b ility can we reestablish the p u b lic ’s co n fi­
dence in the Treasury as steward o fth e State’ s
$22 b illio n investment fund,” Treasurer H ill
■c. J .
.* ♦•• • •
In early January, Treasurer H ill asked
Secretary o f State K e islin g to undertake a
series o f audits and reviews o f the Oregon
Treasury A s a result o f that request, the
trols, and documentation. T h is review ex­
pected to begin in early M ay, 1993.
A d m in istra tive audits o f the Treasury
w ill be done on an annual basis. C urrently the
congestive heart failure.
A m track Train
Crashes Gas Tanker
Story by
James L. Posey
A gasoli ne tanker stuck in tra ffic
at a railroad crossing in O akland
Park, Fla h it by A m tra ck tra in . 6
drivers die, 15 drivers injured and
reach and technical assistance to m inorities
and women interested in p a rticipating on
w hat w ill tu rn out to be the largest public
works project in the history o f the state
Committee members Jennie Portis and Larry
Sanchez presented concepts for im p ro vin g
apprenticeship programs and broader em­
ploym ent opportunities fo r m inorities du rin g
and after completion o fth e project S im ila rly,
the N ational Association o f M in o rity Con­
A s s o c ia tio n o f M in o r ity E n tre p re n e u rs
Wayne Thomas, another comm ittee member
w ho represents H offm an Construction, dis­
cussed plans fo r improv ed access fo r m in o rity
(O A M E ).
The com m ittee made several program
recommendations focused on expanding out-
and women contractors
W h ile the general tone o f the news con­
ference was positive, a representative from
been awarded, and so far the consultants are
the only ones assured a piece o f the action.
Other committee members stressed that the
proposed recommendations were ju st the be­
g in n in g and that the processes w ould be a
A bout 60 people, in clu d in g the media,
gather on Friday, M arch 20, at the Northeast
W o rk Force C enter on K illin g s w o rth to
h e a r th e la te s t T r i- M e t a n d O re g o n
D e p a rtm e n t o f T ra n s p o rta tio n proposal
approxim ately 100 tra in passengers
Branch Davidian
Saga C ontinues
fo r in c lu d in g m in o ritie s and w om en on
the Westside L ig h t R ail T ri-M e t General
Federal agents claim ed the c u lt
was warned about the raid by some
Waco newspaper employees.
M anager T om W alsh presented the report
fro m the O re g o n O p p o rtu n ity A d v is o ry
C om m ittee, w h ic h was chaired by Sam
Brooks, executive director o f the Oregon
S e n a te V o tes On
R egistration
The Senate voted to remove most
o f the hurdles that separate votes
from the b a llo t box. It w ill be as easy
as getting your d riv e r’ s license New
tractors (N A M C O ) questioned the prospect
for the successful participation o f A frica n -
Am erican contractors given the poor history
o f inclusion on the part o f both agencies.
N A M C O o fficia ls later expressed concern
that w h ile the w o rk o f the committee was
positive, it hardly represents any cause for
hoopla. It was noted that not one contract has
Secretary o f State’ s office is required to con­
duct these audits at least every three years. The
firs t audit fo r the period ended December 3 1,
1992, has already begun as a result to Trea-
Contlnued on page 2
Faye Burch
To Serve As
continuous effort.
Tri-Met Encourages Minority
Participation In Westside Max
A lzh e im e r's D ru g
F e d e ra l p a n e l o k ’ d n ew
alzheim ers drug. T acrine has shown
to be effective to reduce the effects o f
the te rm in a l b ra in disease.
The C ity O f P ortland
Takes House
T ri-M e t w ill employ a comprehensive
and far-reaching package o f in itia tive s to
a ■
“ The tra in in g incentive is a bold step fo r
T ri-M e t to take,’ commented Sam Brooks,
direct federal dollars fo r Westside M A X con-
struction to paychecks o f Oregonian workers,
The C ity o f Portland enforced
the receivership law and took a home
fro m the owner Rachel R istick on N E
Everett and gave it to the H ousing
A u th o rity to repair and rent it.
president ofth e Oregon Association o fM in o r-
ity Entrepreneurs and chair o f T n -M e t s O r-
egon O pportunity Advisory
Committee. “ T h is is the d i­
rection o f the future fo r pub­
For the fir s t time on
lic agencies, and I am pleased
a m ajor public
T ri-M e t has follow ed our
a cco rd in g to a p la n an­
nounced by T ri-M e t Gen­
eral M anager Tom Walsh,
members o f the agency’ s
Oregon O pportunity A d v i­
sory Committee, and U S.
The Drug B eta
In te rfe ro n G ets
construction project
in Oregon, prim e
contractors will be
required to be
certified training
agents Tri-Met will
p a y contractors a
incentive to train
m inority o r women
workers in critical
construction trades.
C o n g re s s m a n
R on
W yden. (Represented by Lou
Beta interferon w h ich stops the
process that causes m u ltip le sclerosis
For the firs t tim e on a
m ajor p u b lic construction
project in Oregon, prim e
r m tractors w ill be required
to be c e rtifie d tr a in in g
agents. T ri-M e t w ill pay
contractors a $2-per-hour
incentive to train m inority
o r women workers in c r iti­
cal construction trades A
$ l-p e r-h o u r incentive w ill
be paid fo r tra in in g w hite
male workers in these trades
F or the tunnel contract, firs t o f the
Westside M a x contracts to go out to bid, the
c ritic a l trades are carpenters, operating engi­
neers. electricians, cement masons and skilled
general laborers. A n amount o f $ 150,000 in
the tunnel contract w ill be available fo r tra in ­
was approved by the advisory com ­
m ittee o f the Food and D ru g A d m in ­
Yeltsin Im peachm ent
B oirs Y e lts in is threatened to be
impeached. He needs to go to the
sum m it, but maybe shouldn’ t leave
his country.
Clinton Potpourri
Proposing a scientific approach
to meet inspection; seeking $45 m il­
lio n to fin is h S & L cleanup, approval
for Oregon M edicaid w aiver; national
health plan w ill ask fo r more taxes
and lim its on choice o f doctor; House
gave h im budget victo ry; Oregon
health b ill approved;
“C iv il R ig h ts E n fo rc e m e n t:
R e n o ’s M a n d a t e ”
Racism and sexism are twin evils that
should be consistently challenged
Mt. Olivet Baptist... lumber was donated
by a branch o f the Klu Klux Kian.
E d itio n
' ’
a m
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■ ■
P a rt III”
We are about developing minds, not
destroying them with "Ritlan or Prozac.
Page B9
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“T h e C o lo r O f H e a lth :
Page B8
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Continued on page 2
In O u r A n n u a l E a s te r
Page A6
i-? :
T h e P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r
In v ite s You S a v e Up To 70%
fa ll 1993.
General Manager Tom W alsh said he
“E a rly B la c k S h u rc h e s
P la y e d M a n y R o le s In
M e m b e rs L iv e s ”
action s im ila r to T ri-M e t’ s when our tu rn
comes,” asserted O D O T regional director
Bruce W arner. O D O T ’ s firs t m ajor Westside
p ro je d co n tra d w ill not be ready fo r b id u n til
Page A3
'T' ' T ri-M e t’ spartner
«« tlwk
in the
Westside preyed,
the Oregon Departm ent o f Transportation, is
cosponsor o f the Oregon O pportunity C om ­
mittee. “ W e are com m itted to a program o f
its Oregon outreach program.
Civil Rights Journal
advice,” he said.
Jennie Portis, director “ co u ld n ’ t be more pleased” w ith the process
Faye Burch
o f the Northeast W orkforce leading to the announcements. "T h is com­
Governor Roberts has appointed Faye
C enter and c h a ir o f the mittee did an absolutely outstanding jo b w ith
Burch to permanently f ill the position o f Ad­
com m ittee’ s workforce sub­
vocate for the O ffice o f M in o rity , W omen and
committee, also praised T ri- have a better set o f advisors,” Walsh said.
Emerging Small Business (0 M W E S B ). Burch,
M et but cautioned the p ro v i­
who had been acting Advocate, w ill also con­
sions are only a firs t step.
tinue to serve on the governor’ s senior policy
“ They are m oving in the right
direction, but we hope they prospective workers and contradors. Women
Burch, 43, w ill manage the O M W ES B
and disadvantaged business enterprises w ill
w ill go fu rth e r," Portis said.
a io n and compliance program, as d i-
Congressman Wyden, be offered technical assistance in preparing
ORS 279.059, provide a clear­
bids fo r Westside work. W orkforce outreach
unable to jo in com m ittee
seeking b id opportu­
includes referrals fo r contractors seeking
members in Portland because
d ire d o ry o f
q u a lifie d applicants and assistance to a p p li­
o f duties in Washington, ex­
prim e con­
pressed his pleasure that T ri- cants in locating c h ild care, transportation
M et had in itiated an aggres- and other support services.
As Advocator, B urch w ill represent the
T ri-M e t’ s new Westside P rojed B id Cen­
held a hearing on
sive program. Wyden
, , 7— ----------------
ter at 629 N E Oregon St. w ill be the central governor on the Westside L ig h tra il advisory
Westside contracting and employment oppor­
committee, the M etropolitan Exposition Rec­
tunities last August. “ T ri-M e t agreed to make source o f in fo rm a tio n and referral services on
reation Committee advisory committee, the
an extra effort then, and it is clear their effort contracting opportunities. T r i- M d is engag­
Oregon Association o f M in o rity entrepreneurs
w ill spark the creation o f new jobs and busi­ ing fo u r organizations to prov ide inform ation
ness opportunities in Oregon s small business
sector,” Wyden said.
ing incentive pay.
fo llo w in g actions w ill be taken;
A n independent operations review w ill be
performed to evaluate the Treasury’ s invest­
ment accounting procedures, internal con­
H elen Hayes Dies
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