♦ • e « » r r v r t * W W M arch 17, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver PAGE A 6 Mental Health Consumer Services Program Administrator Seeking two skill trainers to work in a residential setting with 5 clients who have chronic m en­ $2,773-$3,718 M onthly tal illness. Assistclients in learn­ The Oregon Public Utility C om ­ ing daily living skills such as mission is recruiting for an ad­ meal preparation, laundering m inistrator to provide direction and personal hygiene. Some and monitoring of the Consumer general housekeeping duties Services program . R esponsi­ required. Position requires reli­ bilities include leading and di­ ability, responsibility and high recting the staff in resolving the energy level. Some experience more com plex, sensitive, and/ with persons with mental ill­ or unique custom er problem s, ness helpful. obtaining utility compliance with Hours: 7:00 AM To 10:30 AM, consum er-related PUC adm in­ AND 4:00 PM To 7:30 PM, 5 istrative rules, and reviewing days per week. No benefits. consum er-related tariffs and Minimum Qualifications: Qualified submitting recommendations to M e n ta l H e a lth A s s is ta n t PUC utility staff. To qualify, you (QM H A ), or soon to be certified must have two years of experi­ as QM HA. ence with responsibility for pro­ Resume to: gram or project m onitoring and Rodney R. Harry, coordination. The experience Personnel Officer must have included program Garlington Center evaluation responsibility. Pref­ N orth/Northeast Com m unity erence may be given to indi­ Mental Health Center viduals with experience related 4950 NE Martin Luther to the utility industry. This posi­ King, Jr. Blvd. tion is in Salem, and we will Portland, Oregon 97211 accept a p plicatio ns through Phone (503) 249-0066 March 26, 1993. For applica­ EOE tion m aterials, call 503/373- Minorities and disabled encour­ 7949, or w rite Public Utility aged to apply. C om m ission, Personnel Ser­ vices. 550 Capitol St. NE, Sa­ Manager Of Fiscal lem, OR 97310-0335. Equal Opportunity Employer. Operations M anager Of Fiscal Operations: REQUIRED: BA in Business Adm inistration, Accounting or related field. M ust be CPA. Three to five years (public sec­ tor accounting) experience. At least three years (post second­ ary school audit) experience with working knowledge of fed­ eral fund accounting require­ ments and com pliance. Under­ standing of GASB and FASB and w o rk in g k n o w le d g e of G AAP. S u p e rv is o ry e x p e ri­ ence. DESIRED: MBA/MA in Public Adm inistration or related field. W orking know ledge of com m unity college accounting guidelines and fund structures. CLOSING DATE: 4/19/93. For more information and applica­ tion m aterials call or w rite Mt. Hood Com m unity College, Per­ sonnel, 26000 SE Stark St., Gresham, OR 97030 (503) 667- 7 6 45. E Q U A L O P P O R T U - NITY/AFFIRM ATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER. Environmental Engineer 1 $2239-$3005 M onthly Oregon Departm ent of Transpor­ tation seeks applicants for Haz­ ardous M aterials S p e c ia lis t position located in Salem. W ill perform hazardous materials and air quality studies; analyze data and evaluate im pacts. Requires relevant degree OR two years of related engineer­ ing experience. Contact O D O T Recruitm ent at (503) 378-6281 for information and application packet. Com ­ pleted applications and test re­ sponses due 5:00 p.m., April 5, 1993. AA/EEO EMPLOYER - I Management Distribution PE Instructor/Head Coach Mt. Hood C om m unity College is extending their research for a PE In s tru c to r/H e a d C oach, Cross Country And Track. FALL 1993 REQUIRED: M aster’sde- gree in physical education. Ex­ p e rience in coaching cross country and track field. Experi­ ence in teaching a variety of p h y s ic a l e d u c a tio n a c tiv ity classes. D E S IR E D : C ollege level coaching experience in cross country and track and field. C ollege level teaching experience in health and PE. E xperience in coaching and teaching men and wom en. C ur­ rent instructor certification in A m e ric a n R ed C ro ss “ R e ­ sponding to Em ergencies." Ex­ perience in recruiting student athletes and supervising assis­ tant coaches. Experience in c re a tin g and im p le m e n tin g w eight training program s for athletes. CLOSING DATE: 4/ 23/93. For more information and application m aterials call or write MHCC, Personnel, 26000 SE Stark St. G resham , OR 97030. (503) 667-7645. EQUAL O P P O R T U N IT Y /A F F IR M A - TIVE ACTION EM PLOYER. G reenskeeper l-to $2,418/mo-(Closes 3/26/93) Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for Systems Development Professionals in our For more info/closing dates call (503) 823-4573 (24 hr job information). Systems Service Department. Experience should include new system development using COBOL, VSAM, OS/JCL, and TSO/ISPF. Experience with Easytrieve Plus, CICS, C++, Adabas/Natural, Expert Systems A City of Portland application is required. For applications and instructions, contact: Bureau Of P ersonnel 1220 SW 5th Ave, First FI. Portland, OR 97204 or PCs is desirable. Lead A nalysts Requires extensive background in the development of main­ frame based systems and demonstrated success in a project management role CICS experience is desirable. apps also available at: Urban League 10 N Russell, Portland 97204 Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply S enior P rogram m er A n a lysts Requires a minimum of 5 years experience in performing systems analysis and design, coding, testing and implementa­ tion assignments. Must have demonstrated project leadership experience. TCI WEST INC Position Opening P rogram m er A nalysts Requires a minimum of 2 years experience in performing systems analysis and design, coding, testing and implementa­ tion assignments. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours and com peti­ tive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #068 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: -4 Open Date 3/12/93 Location Portland Closing Date 3/26/93 NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: • Performs installation of new subscriber taps, house drops and in-house passive devices. • Calculates signal levels as required and verifies proper distri­ bution system performance through use of a signal-level • meter and test set. Performs disconnects, reconnects, installation of additional • outlets and relocations. Explains cable service to subscriber and ensures that satis­ factory work is provided. Maintains and use proper equipment to clean up the area where work has been performed, upon completion. • • Checks, maintains and uses proper safety equipment as issued in conformance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and Company safety rules and regula­ City Of Salem Job Opportunities Women, Minorities & Disabled Encouraged To Apply tions. Maintains and updates knowledge of Company's drop; instal­ lation practices so that job performance conforms to engineer­ • Position Salary Closes Parks Laborer (Seasonal) S8.36/HR 3/19/93 Electrical Inspector $13.19-$16.11/HR 3/19/93 Youth Programs Specialist(P.T) $10.22-$12.80/HR 3/19/93 Drug Prevention Coordinator(P/T) $12.80-$16.26/HR 3/26/93 Maintenance I $9.01-$10.10/HR 3/26/93 Loss Control Representative $2,219-$2,818/MO 3/26/93 Drives Company vehicles. Demonstrates and ensures compliance with The Customer Security Guard $5.64-$6.62/HR 3/26/93 1st philosophy. Shift Manager/Aquatics (Seasonal) S6.34/HR 3/26/93 Other functions that may be assigned. Lifeguard/lnstruction (Seasonal) S5.63/HR Open Until Further Notice ing requirements. Climbs poles, ladders, towers and other structures as needed. Carries and lifts loads of up to 70 lbs; uses bucket truck when required. Must complete the NCTI installer Course within 90 days. (503)588-6162 TDD (503)588-6009 PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS (unless specified otherwise) 555 Liberty Street SE, Salem, OR 97301 • A high school diploma or equivalent. Trade school training helpful. • Must have a valid driver’s license and a satisfactory driving Port Of Portland • Career Opportunities Airport Fire Fighter (Crash Fire Rescue) Portland International Airport Closing Date: March 19,1993 If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be received by 5 p.m. on the closing date. record. Must possess good physical fitness, including the ability to lift and carry loads of at least 70 lbs; climb poles, ladders, towers nd other structures; work within specifications, limitations and confines of a bucket truck and/or ladder. • Must be abler to work within limited confines, such as crawl spaces. • Ability to interpret and correctly fill out various work order forms provided by the Company. • Ability to interact with customers and co-workers: ability to communicate verbally. Send Inquiries to: Information about career opportunities with the Port can be ob­ tained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480. Greg Anderson 3500 SW Bond Ave Portland, OR 87201 (503) 243-7426 TCI Cablevision of Oregon is an Equal Opportunity Port of Portland Employer Needed Construction Inspectors Drug Screening may be required. Oregon State Fair and Exposition Center F rito-Lay, Inc. M achanical • Civil • Structural Steel • W elding • Electrical • A Division of P epsiC o, Inc. a Reinforced C oncrete • M asonry • Prestressed C oncrete • world leader in the snack food Plum bing • Building industry, we operate 35 m anu­ Are in dem and for local construction projects in the Portland facturing plants and distribute a area, But these position require City of Portland and ICBO full line of top quality products certifications before you can apply for these rew arding jobs. If on a national scale. you are interested in becom ing a certified inspector and Dean Of W e are taking resum es for S u­ qualifying for these rewarding positions on the up com ing pervisors in W arehousing/T raf- Administrative construction project: fic at our Vancouver location. Proiect Oregon A rena Project Services Starting Salary: W estside Lightrail $31,000-$40,000; depending on Dean Of Adm inistrative Services: Then contact Certified Technical Consultants Services, at (503) REQUIRED: MBA or MA in Fi­ experience. B.S. or B.A. de­ 288-9717 for inform ation on training classes and certification nance, Accounting, Public A d­ gree, preferably in business, testing. m inistration or allied field. At transportation, or industrial en­ gineering. Minimum of two (2) least five years of progressively CERTIFIED TECHNICAL CONSULTANT SERVICES years of progressively related Q u a lity E n g in eerin g , A ssu ra n ce, C o n tr o ls & I n s j/c c tio n s increasing adm inistrative re- T supervisory experience. M ust r.O. Dox 2786 • l’orlland, Oir^u., 972U8-2786 • PbrtM A FAX (503)288-9717 s e n s ib ilitie s in a com plex or­ C be able to work any of three (3) ganization or college environ­ m ent in the areas generally shifts. M ultnom ah County Teachers If you meet these prerequisites, associated with adm inistrative Data Analyst/Assess mail your com plete resume and services. W orking knowledge 2nd grade and 5th grade experi­ & Taxation enced teachers in integrated, salary history in confidence to: of budgeting and fund account­ m u lti-d iscip lin a ry, c h ild -c e n ­ Hum an R esources $14.10 per hour; ing. DESIRED: Previous com ­ tered. W ell versed in problem ­ m unity co lle g e se n io r level F rito-Lay, Inc. apply by M arch 26. solving, m a n ip u la tive -b a se d m a n a g e m e n t e x p e rie n c e . 4808 N.W. F ruit Valley Rd. Laundry S upervisor; $25,99 8- math, literature-based w hole CLOSING DATE: 4/19/93. For 31, 197 a n nua lly; apply by V ancouver, WA 98660 language reading and a pro­ more inform ation and applica­ April 2. No Phone Calls Please cess approach to writing. Send tion m aterials call or w rite Mt. For 24 hour job inform ation, call Interviews will be by appointm ent resum e by M arch 26 to: Hood Com m unity College, Per­ 248-5035 or visit M ultnom ah only. Due to the anticipated re­ sonnel, 26000 SE Stark ST., Peter Scott Duyan C ounty E m ployee S ervices, sponse, it will not be possible to Head, Lower School Gresham, OR 97030 (503) 667- 1120 SW 5th Ave., Room 1430, correspond with all applicants. 7645. E Q U AL O P P O R TU - Catlin Gabel School P o rtla n d , d u rin g b u s in e s s Frito-Lay is an NITY/AFFIR M ATIVE ACTION 8825 SW Barnes Road hours. Equal Opportunity Em ployer Portland, Oregon 97225 EMPLOYER. Equal Opportunity Em ployer M/F/D/V t, P o sitio n Installers ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS OF POSITION INCLUDE, BUT ARE Blue C ross Blue Shield Of O regon Hum an R esources Dept., 3rd fir 100 S.W. Market P ortland, OR 97201 TDD# 225-6780 Equal O p p o rtu n ity Communication Specialist City of Portland Bureau of W ater W orks, Staff position respon­ sible for developing and im ple­ menting public inform ation and involvem ent projects for water utility. Strong writing, speaking and organization skills. Experi­ ence required. Salary $34k per year. Application packets available at City o f Portland, Bureau of W ater W orks, 1120 SW 5th, Room 600, (503) 823-7404. A pplication s close M arch 26, 1993. W om en and minorities are encouraged to apply. The City of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer. City Of Portland Data Professionals Request For Proposals Fairtime Food Concessions Proposals Due April 9,1993 T he O re g o n S ta te F a ir& E xpo C e n te r is re q u e stin g p ro p o s­ als fo r th e o p e ra tio n o f fo o d co n ce ssio n sta n d s and p u sh ­ carts d u rin g the 1 9 9 3 O re g o n S tate Fair. If you are in te r­ ested in receiving a co p y o f the RFP, ple a se co n ta ct Tim P lum m er, D eputy D irector, (503) 3 7 8 -3 2 4 7 . Public Notice Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off 100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95 braiding and weaving Wigs and Beauty Supplies We will meet or beat anyone’s prices. Salos and Promotional Horns oxdudod. Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply 7 07 N .E. F rem ont P ortland, O regon 97212 (503) 281-6525 O pen; 1 1 :30 - 6:00 Tues thru S aturday • t • ÿ • * \ ' . + » - - -A i, Í ■ *1 /' •w? ' * ' ♦ ' ' • , • ' ' S- *- r ♦ f. • •, « • » < • *2r- - '4 ' 1 - •*.