« * » * 4 « P age A4 Request For Statement Of Qualifications For The C ity Of Gresham For T ra n sp o rta tio n P lanning Services Issued: 3-12-93 T o in itia te its T ra n s p o rta tio n S yste m Plan, the C ity of G re s h a m w ish e s to hire a firm /c o n s u lta n t ca p a b le of p ro v id in g T ra n s p o rta tio n P la n n in g S ervices, to d e ve lo p a “T ra n s p o rta tio n C hoices" survey, p rocedure , and a d ­ m in is te r th e survey. T he su rve y s h o u ld pro vid e the City w ith b a s ic T ra n s p o rta tio n S yste m Plan d a ta /in fo rm a tio n to id e n tify so cio -e c o n o m ic a nd la nd-use fa cto rs w hich in flu e n c e m odal choice and tra ve l patterns; co m m u n ity n e e d s and p re fe re n c e s fo r m u lti-m o d a l choices; and tra n s p o rta tio n p la n n in g s tra te g ie s fo r the g iven c o m m u ­ nity n eeds, pre fe re n ce , la n d -u se and tra ve l patterns. T h e S c o p e of W o rk in clu d e s a m ode ch o ice h o u se h o ld and e m p lo y e r su rve y fo r p e destrian s, transit, bicycle as w ell as the a u to m o b ile use. T he su rve y will include travel routes, le n g th of trips, land u s e /tra n s p o rta tio n factors, m odal pre fe re n ce , an a c u m u la tiv e a n alysis of stra te g ie s to p ro m o te m u lit-m odal tra n s p o rta tio n ch o ice s. In te re s te d p arties should re q u e s t a S cope of W o rk and s u b m it fo u r co p ie s of a “S ta te m e n t of Q u a lific a tio n s by Food And Beverage Expansion Plans Portland International A irpo rt T he Port of P ortland w ish e s to hold a public inform ation session regarding the food and b e verage exp a n sio n plans at P ortland In te rn a tio n a l A irport. The e xp a n sio n plans will Request For Proposals Five (5) co p ie s of the pro p o sa ls m ust be d e live re d to the O re g o n C o n v e n tio n C e n te r o ffices lo ca te d at 777 N. E. M artin L u th e r K ing, Jr. B oulevard , P ortland, O re g o n or m ailed to P.O. B ox 12210, P ortland, O re g o n 97212 to arrive by A pril 9 ,1 9 9 3 ,5 :0 0 p.m ., PST. All p roposers m ust respond to the re q u ire m e n ts of the M e tro p o lita n E x p o s itio n -R e c re ­ ation C o m m is s io n ’s E conom ically D isa d va n ta g e d T arget A rea P rogram . All pro p o sa ls w ill be e va lu a te d by the M e tro p o lita n E xp o si­ tio n -R e c re a tio n C om m ission staff. A p e rso n a l services c o n ­ tra ct betw e e n the C o m m issio n and se le cte d p ro p o s e r is a n tic ip a te d to result from this se le ctio n process. T h e C o m ­ m ission reserves the right to reject any o r all pro p o sa ls fo r cause upon a fin d in g that it is in th e pu b lic in te re st to do so. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Costco Warrenton, OR Bid Date: March 22,1993 • 2:00 P.M. ROBINSON CONSTRUCTION CO. 7320 S.W. HUNZIKER RD.. SUITE 300 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 FAX * 620-3423 (503) 333-5021 CCB # 6 3 1 4 7 We are an oquol opportunity employer and roquost sub-b ids from sm ell buslnoss and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and women and minority business enterprises. 7320 S. W. Hunziker Rd., Suite 300 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Fax #620-3428 Phone (503) 639-8021 CCB #63147 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and women • A fam ily dining restaurant, • R enovatio n of co n co u rse facilities, • O p e ra tio n of an e m p lo ye e cafeteria, and minority business enterprises. • and fo o d service to the PD X C o n fe re n ce C enter. T h is session w ill be held on M arch 3 0 ,1 9 9 3 from 8 :0 0 AM to 10:00 AM a t the P ortland In te rn a tio n a l A irport C o n fe r­ e nce C enter. T he Port is cu rre n tly in the design process and is in te re ste d in fe e d b a c k on the c o n ce p t and design. P lease call the Port of P ortland at (503) 335-1061 fo r a THE BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY To A d v e r t is e C a ll 2 8 8 - 0 0 3 3 reservation. 311,c J lo r tln n b (f tlitr r u tr CADD Technician Civil Engineering T he M e tro p o lita n E x p o s itio n -R e c re a tio n C o m m issio n is s o ­ liciting w ritten p ro p o s a ls to be filed no la te r than A pril 9, 1993, 5:00 p.m ., PST. R e q u ire m e n ts and p ro ce d u re s fo r s u b m ittin g p ro p o sa ls and of th e services being s o u g h t are d e s c rib e d in d etail in a form al req u e st fo r p ro p o sa ls (R FP) a va ila b le from C hris Bailey, O re g o n C o n ve n tio n C enter, (503) 2 3 5 -7 5 7 5 , P. O. Box 12210, P ortland, O re g o n 9 7212 . R obinson C on structio n Co. include: • T he a ddition of a ce n tra lize d fo o d court, c M etropolitan E xposition-R ecreation C om m ission Peer-Group S ecurity Services Proposals Due 5:00 p.m., Friday, A pril 9,1993 Kalama School Modernization & Addition Phase I Kalama Washington Bid Date March 22 Bid Time: 6.30 PM Public Information Session 5 :0 0 P.M . M arch 26, 1993 to: Susan Bergen, T ra n sp o rta tio n P lanner C ity o f Gresham P lanning D ivisio n , 1333 N. W Eastm an Parkway Gresnam , O regon 97030 503 669-2549 Sub-Bids Requested Port Of Portland A S S I Security ; E D Mental Health c Managers/Assistants/ APG Security, Inc. is now accept­ Seeking a culturally com petent child and family therapist to Trainees ing applications for Security W &H Pacific is currently seeking work with emotionally disturbed Join the N o rthw est's Prem ier Officer positions in the Port- an experienced CADD techni­ children and their fam ilies. land/Vancouverarea. Positions N on-P rofit housing m anage­ cian. M ust have design experi­ available are full tim e post posi­ Experience in screening, evalua­ ment team. ence in surveying and/or civil tion of children, diagnostic as­ Due to business expansion and tions and offer the following engineering. Extensive expe­ sessm ent skills, im plem enta­ promotions within our firm , C en­ Benefits: rience with Softdesk (CD A) civil tion of treatm ent plan and w ork­ • M edical tral City Concern is soliciting engineering applications for ing with physically and sexually applications for experienced • Dental autocad a must. W e offer e x­ abused children. • Optical m ulti-fam ily property m anag­ cellent benefits, a team -ori­ Master degree in mental health • Life Insurance ers, assistant m anagers and ented work environment, ad­ related field, and two years ex­ • Paid Vacations other qualified individuals de­ vanced equipm ent and oppor­ perience in mental health field. • Tuition Assistance siring a career in housing m an­ tunities for growth and devel­ Com petitive salary and ben­ • Free Uniforms agement. W e operate nearly opment. Applicants m ustbew ellgroom ed, efits. 900 apartm ents in the Portland Please send cover letter and Closing Date: March 2 6 ,1 9 9 3 have reliable transportation and Inner City in 11 hotels and will resum e To: Resume To: Mary DuPain PhD telephone. begin construction of one new W &H Pacific Program Director Please apply in person between hotel in 1994. 8405 SW Nimbus Ave. Garlington Center Children's the hours of 8 AM and 12 noon Minim um requirem ents for m an­ Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Program at 811 East Burnside, Portland. agers and assistants include a Attn: Katherine Brown 3802 N. E. Martin Luther King minim um of a high school di- Suite 223. We are an affirmative action/ Blvd. APG S ecurity p lo m a /G E D w ith c o lle g e equal opportunity employer Portland, Oregon 97211 230-2772 strongly preferred plus dem on­ Phone: (503) 249-7990 Mental Health Crisis E.O.E. strable m ulti-fam ily m anage­ E-O-E m ent e x p e rie n c e . T ra in e e s Services Food and Beverage Minorities and the Disabled are must have a stable work his- Community Mental Health Center Encouraged to Apply ‘ory, ba sic a cco u n tin g and Analyst seeks skilled, motivated clinician to m aintenance skills plus the edu­ Private club has opening for a F a provide crisis services, including c ri­ City Of Salem cational requirem ents outlined B analyst. Individual m ust have sis intervention, outreach and stabili­ Drug Prevention Coordinator-PT/ above. A sense of humor, a basic accounting, bookkeeping zation, evaluation for voluntary and E xem pt-$12.802-$16.258/H r. w illingness to work hard and a and com puter skills. Fast and involuntary hospitalization, diagno­ Seeking coordinator with expe­ sense of mission to our clients accurate ten key, com puter rience in youth program s and sis o f mental disorders using DSM- is absolutely essential. entry skills, good com m unica­ drug prevention. W ill develop W e offer a com petitive starting 111-R A b ility to work independently tion and analytical skills. Food com m unity resources network and as a member o f a team. c o m p e n s a tio n p a c k a g e for and Beverage experience a to im plem ent the design and M inim um requirements: Psycholo­ m anagers with a live-in hous- plus. Excellent benefit package. delivery of public housing alco- gist; MSW, or other Masters plus 2 ing/salary package in excess of Send Resume to P.O. Box 390, hol/drug prevention program . yrs. experience, or BSN and 2 yrs. $17,000 plus a generous ben­ Portland, Oregon 97207, Atten­ Spanish/English bilingual skills experience, or RN and 3 yrs. experi­ efit package. tion Personnel Office. a plus. Class C O D L required. Mail resum es to or com plete an ence. C hild and fam ily mental health Equal Opportunity Em ployer R equires City A pplication & application at: experience preferred. Starling salary Supplem ental Questionnaire. Child Care Central City Concern range $24,744 to $27,312. For job (503) 588-6162. Closes 3/26/ Adm inistrative Offices description and application, call Co­ Ages: All 93. Personnel Dept. Rm. 225, 709 NW Everett lumbia River Mental Health Services, Lunch Snacks Provided 555 Liberty St SE, Salem, OR Portland, Oregon 97209-3547 P.O. Box 1337, Vancouver, W A Monday Thru Friday 7 A.M .-6 97301. EOE W om en, m inori­ No Telephones Calls Please P.M. 98666, 206-737-1397. ties and disabled encouraged An equal opportunity em ployer C all: Cherice at 284-7960 E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y EM to a p p ly., BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY S tu d io 1 4 H a ir D e s ig n M r. Tuna Brown, President for men & women Natural Flair fo r Hair u u u u n t wsxci T exas MOVE-OUT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE P.O. Box 11084 Portland. OR 97211 5 0 3 /2 8 8 9849 ARCO 0 MINI-MART Nick’s Arco 7509 N.E. M L. King Jr. Blvd. Ask about our specials coke classic 4/8oz btls $1.25 30w oil $1.09 (503) 286-5303 II 1710 N.E. Alberta Portland, Oregon 97212 503/287-5145 T EX AS I 3530 N. Vancouver Portland, Oregon 97217 503/281-2936 2 8 2 -7 1 4 2 ATLAS U Serving N.E. P ortlands T Auto Needs • C ertified Tech 12 yrs Jo hn A. Tarver Financial Representative 121 Southweet Morrieon Street. Suits 1250 Portland. Oregon 97204 503-228-6645 503-222-7407 FAX S w e et ' s M ar U et M iap S ia I wm I M ak I i i i (503) 249-2925 up to 70 cars-many under $1000 Sat. 12 noon - gates open at 9:00 am .0$ Public Auto Auction 6 5 0 0 NE MLK • 2 40 -0 4 4 8 Q u ality M a in te n a n c e O ne on O ne V a le rie Ç u rrie A Full service Janitorial Co. Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Floor Maintenance 24 • Window Cleaning Hour • Pressure Washing Service • Janitorial Supplies • Building Maintenance Tax C onsultant (503) 452-2430 tax service 285-4750 (5 0 3 ) 2 8 9 -0 8 5 1 B oy S couts of A merica BEEF it up PORK it down CHICKEN out if you want the greatest BAR-B-Q in town M ary K. Richardson D irector o f In School Scouting go to Doris ’ C a fe mon.-Sat. 11am • 10pm 2 8 7 -9 2 4 9 It's a great Pari-Tinte Job. GRESHAM Ä T ax R eturns /4O6 N. V am oevm A v in l i TOWING AVAILABLE Help Yourself — Serve your Country 3609 N E. M L K Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 317 N.E. K illingsw orth Portland, O r 97211 4 5 4 5 N.E. MLK Jr. Blvd. G oing to College? 1 $5040 “OI BILL" makes life easier 2 $ 10 000 Students I »an Repayment pmgr.im Not Going to Sdm ol? (L e e k this Out! 1 Job T rauung — over 200 ^recialties 2. $2,000 Cash Bonus 3 . 1 cadetship — Officer Candidate School 4 Good Pay and more1 5 Pnor Service Opportunities Beauty Salon -PUBLIC AUCTION- 3041 N. W illiam s 284-7150 1993 membership application now available $5.00 Soul Food kitchen - D.J. Wed-Sun 9.00 pm - 2:30 am open 10am to 2:30am 3 1 1 7 NE MLK • 287 -2 55 7 • Reas. Rates THINK Insurance and Investment finger waves • spiral sets hair care products • color perms clipper cuts specializing in ethnic hair services exp. • D om estics & Foreign Your Future Is Important The New England M arsha Brown Brian Sims Dom inique Gill WHY PAY FULL RETAIL? Cleo-Lillian Social Club Columbia Pacific Council 2145 SW Frount Ave. Portland. Oregon 97201 (503)226-3423 Where Deals Are Made With A Handshake 665-7121 if) 3 O 3 /? M 4 ) M 4 Q? « T H E P U B 1526 N F 'W’uaftyuMCf A lb e ri« S treet Blues Jam Session Every Sunday (2 0 6 ) 8 9 6 -6 2 6 7 Addle F. Templeton 1526 NE Alberta 288-0844 13314 SE 19th St.,#W -1 Vancouver WA 98684 I • -A v?3 - >. - •*' • k. * -M. » ¡L X < , « . — jto N r a - "tyau Birthdays • Anniversaries Christmas • Etc. 3420 N. Williams 206-696-6201 1975 East Powell ■ • •• •