M arch 17,1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B 8 Have You Had Your YO-J Today?! Mrs. Jenkins Pot Roast Chuck Hinton’s Rib Express What do Portland consumers get when they combine pure fruit juice with nonfat yogurt? Kem ps YO-J, o f c o u r s e - Amcrica’s first blend of fruit juice with nonfat yogurt containing active yogurt cultures, now being introduced in the refrigerated juice section of Portland supermarkets. The new producL distributed here by Echo Spring Dairy of Eugene, Or­ egon, offers 100 percent of the USDA daily percentage of Vitamin C, abso­ lutely no fat or cholesterol and extra calcium. Kemps Yo-J is sold both in eight-ounce snack servings and in 64- ounce cartons. Yo-J is available in four all­ natural fruit j uice flavors—strawberry, strawberry-banana, orange and peach. Last year, Kemps Yo-J won a national “New Beverage Product of the Year” award from Delta Communications, in that company’s annual Retail New Products Contest. “For over a year, Marigold Foods had been refining the concept of a delicious drink offering the centuries- Mrs. Annie Jenkins is a native of Monroe. Louisiana and remem­ bered the receipt sent down by her mother many years ago. It is absolutely delicious. It is a “must try. ' ■ - This recipe will sene six people. You will need the following ingredients: Select a 3 to 4 pound beef roast Green onions 1 small white onion (sliced) 1 cup carrots (sliced) 2 potatoes (cut in cubes) 1/2 tsp. salt A dash of black pepper 1 tsp. all purpose flour 2 tbsp. cooking oil 1/2 cup water Roll roast in flour and brown in cooking oil. 2 ' ' ,.J U Chuck Hinton has been in Business for eight years and still going strong. Hinton is a retired Navy man he worked for the phone company for 16 years as a code-a-phone person before he quit and started his bar-b-que business. Hinton has been at the same location, 3328 N. E. Kilhngsworth, ever sence he started, his take out orders are available everyday. His specialty items include: bar-b-que chicken, red beans & rice, potato salad, smoked turkey, greens, cakes, and sweet potato pies he also will smoke meats for you for a reasonable tee. You may also purchase various sizes of his bar-b-que sauce. Add water and cook for 1 1/2 hour Add seasonings and vegetables and cook until tender. Allspice. Does the word "allspice" r - — — —■ — — "gseimiiH " " Oran mean the seasoning is a combina­ ON ONE PACKAGE OF | tion of all spices? ANY LOUIS RICH® No. Allspice is a kind of pimento, BREAST OF TURKEY dried and ground. It gets its name, T h it coupon good only on p u rc h a » of prod­ f*JC6OO325O uct Indicated Any other uee conetitutee however, from the fact that it tastes fraud L I M I T - ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE 7 2> 571871230501 To the retaier Louis R« coupon 8< d autxnitted m compliance with LAC and cinnamon. Redempbon Policy C-1 incorporated here-m Py SAVE 50« qkjs reference Valid only if redeemed by retai 0«- &Oukx» of oc* merchand«e or anyone «pacifi­ cally autronaed by LAC Void where ta«ed ra- spieled or prohibited Cash value 1 20« Mall to Louis Rich Company. P .0 Boa 213. Louie 211, Kankakee, Kankakee. IL 60902 Expire» 9 ^ 9 2 ^ ^ 5 ¿ JU D U — g — # 1 African American women can bet­ ter control their weight with pro­ grams tailored to meet their ethnic needs, according to a DeBakery Heart Center study. The 10-week project combined twice-daily, over-the-counter, liq­ uid meal replacements with an evening meal and weekly meetings led by a black dietitian. TRENDS FOR HEALTH LIVING Finding more ways to eat more fruits and vegetables every day is easy, if you think creatively. .. For breakfast, slice up fruit to top cereal, pancakes or yogurt. Spoon on au- fruil spreads or butters on toast. An egg-white omelet is the perfect foil for veggie loading: chopped red bell pepper (great for vitamin C, too, sliced mushrooms and asparagus. Or, try , Sentry SUPERMARKETS ■ » old health advantages of active yogurt cultures with the benefits of the Vita­ min C found in fruit juice, “says David Haley, senior product manager of Kemps Yo-J. At the same time, we watched the drinkable yogurt/juice combination become a sensation overseas, particu­ larly in countries like Holland and Switzerland.” “So Marigold Foods adapted the concept of Europe’s yogurt/juice mix­ tures to American tastes, adds Haley. “What Makes Kemps Yo-J completely different from any other beverage available in Portland is that we ve kept the ‘Active Yogurt Cultures’ alive, just as they are in refrigerated yogurt.” Haley claims that in market re­ search tests of Kemps Yo-J, fully 87 percent of consumers said they liked it-even when they weren’t necessar­ ily yogurt lovers. For more Yo-J information or to obtain free Kemps YO_J recipes, Port­ land consumers may call toll-free, 1- 800-000-000(5. a scrambled egg and s a l s a . iThFP?ÄR