Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 17, 1993, Page 13, Image 13

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T he P ortland O bserver • M arch 17, 1993
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JK atíÉeaj 4:23
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Constantly, I see and hear the
peoples, o f this world, proclaim ing
their hopelessness. Often, I see men,
women, boys and girls w alking about
w ith their heads hanging so very low,
their hands dug deep into their pock­
ets and w ith an aim less gait. Y ou cant
help saying,
T h a t p erso n
looks like they dont
have any hope or a
friend in the world.
H av e n ’t you
e v e r w o n d e re d
how people get this
way? T he answ er
is that they have
noE ope and no Jesus. T he world has
painted, for them , such a grim picture
until their very appearance depicts
w ith his body developm ent. He was child. 1 thought.
E ach tim e we plan n ed a trip, we
not progressing like his tw in brother.
carry him -physically. T h e older
1 took him to doctors and more doc­
he got, the heavier he got. He w as like
tors. E ach one said,
O h, he w ill grow out o f it. Just dead weight. I cried to the Lord,
O h F ath er! My ch ild is becom i ng
leave it alone. D ont worry mother.
I listened intently; and, instead of a heavy burden. Please help me! I ju st
s u c c u m b in g to c a n ’t do it by myself.
I took my son to th e doctor again;
their inept determ i­
it was determ ined th at he
nations, I stepped
ith cerebral palsy. The
o u t o n f a ith . I
hopelessness. How sad!
However, in the m idst o f all their
darkness and their dism al forecast,
there is a bright ray o f hope; and his
nam e is Jesus.
If no one has ever shared this
w ith you and you are reading this
article, I tell you now that there is hope
in this w orld today. Y ou can find
hope. A nd— w hen hope com es, joy is
right by its side. You see—joy & hope
are close friends.
1 can rem em ber the hopelessness
o f w atching my child after he was
bom. There was som ething very wrong
so u g h t co u n sel
from an expert in
the field o f o rtho­
pedic surgery after
m uch prayer.
M y little boy
w as three years old and he still couldnt
walk. His legs were spindly and just
hanging from his body (inoperative).
W hile his brother, w ho is twenty-
seven m inutes younger, w as progress­
ing norm ally, w alking and running
about, my other baby was sliding ab o u t
on the floor, by pulling him self w ith
his hands. His arm s were developing
and his torso; but, his legs w eren t
doing anything but h anging there.
1 began a regim ent o f PT (Prayer
T herapy) everyday. 1 w ould put him in
a tub o f w arm w ater and move his little
legs; then, rub his little hips, legs, feet
and toes w ith oil. As I was m assaging
his little body, I prayed to the Father
and I believed that God w ould heal my
doctor asked.
W hy w asnt he being treated?
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1 asked,
How can That be? He h asn ’t had
any signs o f palsy. H is only im pair­
m ent is that he cant walk. He h asn ’t
had seizures or convulsions or noth­
T he doctor prescribed for him
and placed him in a
Brow ns Splint (w hich has two
little shoes fastened to a steel bar).
T his contraption w as designed to hold
his legs in a stationary position w ith
hopes that the legs w ould turn forw ard
Church Phone: 289-0147
* • * ,» *
In O c to b e r 1 879, T h o m a s
Edison sat alone in his laboratory at
M enlo Park, New Jesey. His “boys,”
as he called his helpers, w ere home
e x h a u s te d a f te r w o rk in g d ay s
w ithout sleep. For thirteen m onths
they h ad se a rc h e d for a m etal
filam ent that w hen sealed in a glass
bulb and electrically charged w ould
give o il light. All their experim ents
failed. Funds were depleted, and
financial backers w ere clam oring
for results. F o reig n n ew spapers
called E dison a dream er. N oted
m athem aticians said he w as attem pt­
ing the impossible.
T hen Edison recalled a Scrip­
ture verse on light he had read as a
youngster. (Let there be light: and
there was light. G enesis 1:3). Hesi­
tantly, his hand w ent to a m ixture o f
lam pblack and tar. He rolled the
Because you hear me, I am at
peace. Because you forgive me, 1 leave
my sins. Because you overcome evil, I
drop my fears. You are my Shield, my
Fortress, my Advocate, my Shepherd,
my Light, my Wisdom, and my Friend
I have nothing to ask for, really. Just
rem em bering. T h an k you. Father.
Has moved Sunday sevices to
Stone T ow er C hurch
N .E . Sandy Blvd. & 30th
Evening Service
Theme: Whatever yo u ’re going to do for the Lord, do it now
I Peter iv.11
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the light
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d ir e c t o r s
7600 N .E. G LISA N
P O R T L A N D , OR. 97213
Radio M inistry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
Piedmont Friends Church
A T eaching Church W ith A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
5736 N. Albina
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954
"A Church where friends are friends Indeed
Jesus Loves You!
Michael DeJean, M. Div.
Allen Temple C M E Church
Larry & Tiz lluch
Senior Pastors
It's contemporary!
It's Multi-cultural!
It's Spirit Filled!
A church for the 90 s!
Psalms 34:3
(503) 289*0143
Are you tired of the same old thing?
Then you are ready for New Begin­
nings! Come join the excitement as we
take Portland for Jesus!
4236 NE Eigtli Avenue
(corner of 8th & Skidmore)
M allo ry Avenue
Christian Church
bulb was invented.
Is there some dream that you’ re
holding on to? Y our own unique
invention m aybe? Paying off the
house m ortgage? O r getting financ­
ing for a college degree? H old fast to
your dream , w ork tow ard it and,
w ith G od’s blessing, you’ll reach
5211 N. W illia m s P o rtla n d , Or. 97217
"Come Grow With Us"
D is c ip le s
Cleodis D. Vann, Jr.
10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Worship Celebration 10:30AM
Wed. Bible Study
F am ily O w ned and O perated
Since 1954
Serving the C ity o f P ortland
fo r over 37 years
In your hour o f need
Vann &Vann are there to serve
Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N .E . Schuyler
Pastor, Rev James C.E Faulkner
Bible Study
substance, sought a spoon o f cotton
th read an d carbonized a strand.
W ould this frail substance w ithstand
an electrical current that m elted the
hardest o f m etals? He w ould try.
For thirty-tw o hours, he and his
helpers once again strove to produce
one, unbroken, carbonized thread.
Finally, one strand was sealed in a
glass bulb and electric current was
applied. T he filam ent glowed and
soft light crept across the laboratory.
Victory at last! T he electric light
2 ■ -
Sunday School
Lord Put A Dream In
My H eart
Study Phone:289-1911
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I rem em ber that you will keep us
in perfect peace if our m inds are stayed
on you. Father, 1 love you, adore you,
magnify you, praise your Nam e, and
count you more precious than any­
thing in life. A nd for at least two
m inutes my m ind has been stayed on
Continued on Page BQ
Sunday Service
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Heavenly Father, I approach you
in the N am e o f your Son. I don t have
the right words, it’s neither the right
tim e nor the right place. I need to be
quiet but there is no quiet.
I will not ask you to del iver me out
of my situation because a lot o f it was
brought on by myself. I w ill not ask
you to fill my cup, for my cup is a sieve
Instead o f asking I am rem em bering.
I rem em ber that you created the
universe and all its galaxies by your
mighty power, and said it w as good.
Lord God, let me be part o f that good.
I rem em ber that you forgave my
sins an d purchased my salvation with
the blood o f your Son. I place m yself
under that blood and claim Jesus Christ
as the O ne who saved me at the Cross.
I rem em ber that you established
your church as a fellowship o f believ­
ers com m itted to a life o f love. Father,
put me in your church not as pew-
sitter but as a lover.
I rem em ber that you sent your
Spirit into our church to teach us w hat
love is. I need to be taught again.
I rem em ber that your Son is com ­
ing back for us one day. Come, Lord
and get stronger.
In the m eantim e, I continued the
PT O ne Sunday, follow ing a con­
cert at the church, I had gone dow n­
stairs to receive my guests (the au d i­
ence). My accom panist and I were
standing in the receiving line w hen
som eone shouted out my nam e. 1
turned to see my child having a
g rand mal seizure.
W illie M ae H art, a trained nurse
and a m em ber o f my church, w ent into
action. She placed a spoon in his
m outh an d held him flat until his little
body calm ed down. T h en — his little
body w as limp. W e called the hospital
8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland, Oregon 97203
• » .¿ V i* :
A Thirst
For God
J6 y
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
• Anointed Preaching & Teaching
Clay & Tami Drayton
Phillip S. Nelson P astor
C h r is t
• Dynamic Children <& Youth Ministries
• Powerful Praise & Worship
• Street Reach & Overcomers Ministries
"Coma to ma all you uiho ora
uiaary and heavy laden and
I will giva you rast."
The People’s Church
1425 NE Dekum & 15th
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday Bilble
Study and Prayer
(Housed in the Woodlaw n M ethodist C hurch structure
Pastor: Rev. Robert Probasco Sr
Sunday A.M. Worship - 9.00 a m.
Thurs. P.M. Bible Study - 7:30 p.m.
Inter-racial Congregation
126 N.€. Alberto
Portland. OR 97211
7600 NE Glisan Street
Scott & Lydia Sigman
(503) 288-5173
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. Service Times: Sunday 10:30 am 6:00 pm
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