• < t « A’*» « « * « < * M arch 17,1993 • T he P ortland O bserver ENTERTAINMENT P age B 4 Wares Celebrate 60th Anniversary Unforgettable B en W arcand Fannie M aeC arroll w ere united as husband and wife; on M arch 2 1 ,1 9 3 3 in the hom e of W illie C arroll, the b rid e ’s father Shortly after th eir m arriage, W illie C arroll passed aw ay, leaving four young chil­ d re n orphaned, Ben and Fannie took her three sisters and brothers into th e ir hom e to raise them In 1935, they becam e parents, they continued lov­ in g an d caring for her siblings, as well as th e ir ow n child W hen they cam e to P ortlan d in June 1944, w ith five ch il­ d ren o f their ow n, they thought that they h ad their feet on solid ground and th eir future m ade But the V anport F lood destroyed those dream s I hey lost every thing that they ow ned except th e ir five children, and the clothes on th e ir backs. O ne o f their so n ’s saved his fath e r’s lunch-pail and a ham m er T hrough all o f their trials and tribulations they never gav e up hope They raised and educated their grand children. l i v e cnnurvii iic.c ... ----- T he secret to their sixty years o f a five children here in Portland Now they are the proud grandparents, o f happy m arriage, is to take care o f your th irte en grand children, twenty great 0Wn business, turn a d ea f car to insti- g ran d ch ild ren and two great-great gators, and solve your own m arital "TROPICAL BREEZES AND ROM ANCE" rcy LflRGif M ARCH f MONDAY SU N D A Y ’^ ' Ä o THE WATCHMAN 9 p M A SHOWCASE 7 W 0LFE’S BIG PICTURE HATFUL 0E RAIN LEW JONES TRIO CABARET ' h IM P A N I ADDY i S tace cassia W ED N E S D A Y TU E S D A Y s & 3 MO NDE LA BELLA SHIMS & MISS MAY 10TR A C Y KLAS & THE WAITING 17 little W OMEN & N A T IV E S U N S ABA NI AYA 21 wolfe ’S • s s ? » 23 funk A PÛBARET r JU DY W Find a need and fill it” is the tions, the crave grew stronger and credo o f m ost successful business stronger. T his is w hat led her to fur­ people today And that s ju st what ther involve herself in the music in ­ Sandra W adsw orth o f Portland, O r­ dustry. “H ard work finally pays O1T’, egon is doing. says Sandra After being in this busi­ Unforgettable Entertainm cnt-tha, ness for several years, she know s that is w hat Sandra W adsw orth g u aran ­ because an artist is selling out else­ tees those o f you w ho dare to explore w here does not m eans a sell-out here her talents in the world o f concert in Portland or Seattle so you have to be prom otion an d artist m anagem ent. Started in mid last year o f 1992. U n­ selective o f the shows you bring and forgettable E n tertain m en t evolved work hard to get the word out. W om en today have to be risk from experiences accum ulated by Ms. takers, says Sandra. W ith lotsofprayers W adsw orth from being co-ow ner of and determ ination you can succeed. H erb W adsworth Productions; a pro­ T here will always be obstacles. She m otion company established by h er­ has been told that Portland does not self and husband, Herb W adsw orth in have a m arket for urban en tertain­ 1986. Sandra, a flight attendant on leave ment. Nevertheless, Sandra contends is the first and only A frican-A m erican that excellent opportunities exist to w om an prom oter in Portland w ho has bring urban entertainm ent such as taken an interest in the entertainm ent concerts, plays on a consistent basis, arena w hen a craving for urban en ter­ and once that begins to happen we will tainm ent surfaced. Herb W adsw orth sec this city w ith an abundance of Productions then em erged in 1986 good urban entertainm ent In 1989 problem s . T he W are family, the Tolbert s^ presenting Freddie Jackson w ith spe­ Sandra met D avid Leiken, President A lexander s, and the Carroll s, wis i cial guests Najce, and Ray G oodm an o f D ouble Tee Prom otions, the largest them a very Happy 60th Anniversary an d Brown as their first concert ven ­ prom otion com pany in Portland that ture at the University of Portland Chiles has been around 20 plus years D avid w ith Love. Center. It took a lot o f hard work as she becam e S an d ra’s m entor w hich she gained the support o f the com m unity says has been extrem ely im portant to she needed to make this concert a her in the entertainm ent business. Y ou success; and a success it was! A fter the always need someone you can call and com m unity caught w ind o f the excite­ ju st show you the ropes or how to get m ent offered by W adsw orth Produc- around roadblocks. My negotiation 24 native SUNS 4 THE SA TURDAY FR ID A Y THURSDAY 5 NO 6 REACH 11 RENEGADE S A IN T S BODY & SOUL 18 DUB SQUAD F IE L D a, T H E S T I L E T T O S A N D Y S TO K ES B AN D ANDY STOKES BAND 27 & THECLAMTONES ^NATIVE industry. 1993 already appears to have the m aking o f a successful year for U nfor­ gettable E ntertainm ent. H er next con­ cert B rian M c k n ig h t an d ja z z and R&B artist W alter Beasley is set for April 6 in Seattle at the Jazz Alley and April 7 at the Roseland Theater. 'l c 34th Annual Show. DOWN THE CERAMIC TRAIL Entries Accepted M arch 17-12 pm to 6 pm SHOW HOURS SUNS M arch 19 -2 0 - 1 0:00 AM to 6:00 PM M arch 21 - 1 2 Noon to 5:00 PM MUSIC. G O O D PEOPLE EDWARD WADSWORTH INSTITUTE FOR HAIR DESIGN MULTNOMAH COUNTY EXPO CENTER 2060 N. MARINE DRIVE ADMISSION *4.00 Training True Professionals t ~ B enefit of the K idney A ssociation of O e . ISO EXTRA’S A Few Speaking Parts 18 Days Shooting Starts On March 30,1993 Free Food Call GDC 111 Promotions Minority Casting Company Cali 3 3 5 - 8 5 1 9 in com m unity projects and says, you have to reach back an d get someone else. So to no ones surprise she contin­ ues to talk to people w ho w ant to pursue the entertainm ent business as well as opportunities to w ork w ith her on special events. For those w ho has an interest in the business, she says learn every thing you can about the Í V e a e n to 1993. Thank you. C .L .S.C . M anagem ent ____________ J WANTEII is born. Sandra continues to be involved OREGON CERAMIC ASSOCIATION 3041 N. W illiam s Avenue Portland, O R 97227 (5 0 3 )2 8 4 -7 1 5 0 "CLEO ’S" Dear M em bers And Guests: Due to increased operating costs, we m ust ch arg e a $2.00 cover c h a rg e b e tw e e n th e h o u rs o f 10:00pm and 1:30am on Fridays and Saturdays, effective M arch 26, CURTIS S ÄLGAD0 JEFF FREDRICKS makes a move M ixing concert pro­ m otion and artist m anagem ent to­ gether in one Unforgettable and E n­ te r t a in in g package, S an d ra W adsw orth takes Portland to the next level as U nforgettable E ntertainm ent C leo -L illiA n n Social Club W /U M O SA 26 K IL L IN G smiling. As her relationship w ith the com ­ munity and young entertainers flour­ ished, a dem and for her talents in ­ creased In order to accom m odate the developm ent o f urban entertainm ent cravings for both the com m unity and its young artists, Sandra W adsw orth A ZULU SPEAR DELAY BAND power is to the level w here 1 can say take it or leave it offer, says Sandra D on't fool yourself that you are going to have it all. Y ou are not. Psychologically, having it all is not even a valid c o n c e p t T he marvelous thing about hum an beings is that we are perpetually reaching for the stars. The m ore we have, the more w e want. And for this reason, w e never have ■.X.Ä&. it all. 239-0838 “It’s your future, plan wisely.” 3 3 0 1 S E S A N D Y BLV D O h ! W h a t A K n ig h t C o n te s t QtfPhips