ss-S s w» » * * * * f* .-. , w »s-^y-rYssrrsvs-ss •* * * • »♦’ * SssS** S s s S S S WS'« » « «S » • »» « SV, 'SWee’fS'V »»WM WSSS P age B3 T he P ortland O bserver • M arch 17, 1993 / ’ > • ». * . e •. -,r. , I . • * • .-.u Z — ? ' V i < *’• e 1 . *v S»*- 7 s FA L L IN G DOWN M ichael D ouglas is a fired de­ fense w orker who, w hile sitting in rush hour traffic loses it and goes on a ram page through the streets o f Los Angeles. He is a m an w ho has lost too much. B arbara Hershey stars as his em o­ tionally battered ex-w ife w hom he te r­ rorizes as he m akes his way “hom e” through “G angland” . First, he encounters a K orean store m erchant who is charging exor­ bitant prices. Second, the walk “ hom e” m eets w ith increasingly more d an g er­ o u s e n c o u n te rs. W h en you w a lk th ro u gh “G angland” y o u ’re bound to m eet up w ith a few gang members. In this case, w ere H ispanic. N ext, its an over zealous beggar; a burger jo in t that doesnt sell breakfast food after 11:30 a m and a fellow friend, a N azi racist. For tips on how to handle the above persons, take notes w hile view ­ ing the movie. T his is a story that hits hom e in an unnerving way. We all have felt hopeless and abused by the system. Stuck in traffic, gouged by an unscrupulous store m erchant, hounded by beggars, afraid to w alk in a certain neighborhood, rushing to get som e­ w here and arriv in g ju st in tim e to see it close. However, most o f us m anage to hold back the anger, and stay sane in the process. Yet, have you ever w ondered w hat it w ould feel like to lose it, ju st once. Go “tem porarily” insane and express your anger. W hat a release! W hat keeps us from doing ju st that is sanity. Som eone will be hurt, including ourselves, our fam ily and friends. We know there w ill be a p rice to pay. T om orrow will com e and the debt w ill com e due. But then theres the point o f no return-w hen it’s longer to go back then to continue th e jo u m e y . T he D ou­ glas character stepped over that line. T his movie is poignant, in its use o f hum or, and dram a as w ell as sus­ penseful scenarios. It is a rarity that a m ovie can successfully m ix dram a, hum or, and electrifying elem ents and m ake you w ant to laugh, scream and cry all at the sam e time. See this movie. Go by yourself, if you have to- its well w orth - FULL PRICE. .s r ’’ • ana‘y ou. V ■' • - O* • ■ L 7 •Mi ■z o-. -.r ■ G . c ■ < 21 A p r i l 7, 1993 ♦ 8 :0 0 p m < g ‘ o sd a n d theater w ith l-Zaya Special Quest: TCrvan $1.00 Donatwn ptr ticlft f”** W tnt Urban Ltagut i ProftMumab 2nd Place T he “J” D ance Crcw - FIRST PLACE Janelle T hom as T asha T hom as D candra Jones Rica Jones Shakila H arris Sim one Jordan T enisha W arren B rittany G raig For Best Results A dvertise In The Portland Observer Call 283 0033 is p r o u d to p r e s e n t a p lo y by Phillip Hayss Dean R estaurant A nd L ounge hxuil You and your guest are invited to jo in us for dinner. You can select any entree from the Dinner Menu and pay the regular price. Your guest can select any entree o f equal or lesser value and pay h a lf price. HEM 6:00PM until 10:00PM daily O ffer expires 3/31/93 Please present this coupon when ordering Starring JOHN HENRY REDWOOD Texas 11 1710 NE Alberta Portland, Or 97212 (503) 287-5145 Texas I 3530 N Vancouver Portland, Or 97217 (503) 281-2936 1st Place T am m y Taylor (R and B Song-Y ou Give Good Love) Paul Robeson, he was an all-American football hero, valedictorian at Rutgers University, Phi Beta Kappa from Columbia University Law School, and is remembered for his stunning bass singing in "Show Boat'. John Henry Redwood, so powerful last year in "Fences', begins this extraordinary national tour in Portland. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i ><1 " .../ fe e l lik e a n e n g in e I g o t n o d r iu in ' ‘ Funded in part by Metropolitan Arts Commission & Oregon Arts Commission. A Portland Repertory Theater production at the Winningstad Theater. Tickets: 224-4491 or any Ticketmaster outlet March 25-April 3. Group discounts available. Don't miss this special offer, treat that special one to the Most Unforgettable custom Limousine ride ever. Act now and save! - FEATURING- ★ Color TV • VCR • AM-FM Stereo ★ Cellular phone • intercom ★ Camera, 35mm on board ★ Exceptional seating plan ★ Dual bar facility ★ Private dual divider window ★ Moonroof and much more -Tell A Friend For a fun filled package call: 281 5607,‘en joy n e w / / b ee n lin in ' w ith th e b lu e s ." M U S IC M IL L E N N IU M Interm ediate T heater, Portland May 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, 1993 8:00 p m. each night Jefferson D ancers’ 1993 reper­ toire is a m ulticultural blend o f cho­ reographic gem s, including Dennis Spaight’s Polovetsian Dances, Brenda Bufal i na ' s new tribute to the late great Honi Coles, Julane S tites' new Carib­ bean-flavored D jzam aw on. plus old favorites like Jack 's V isit, T ake 8, 7, 6, five and Beneath the G athering T e a f c S I ■■ ö J l i X—' V i i • ó y T h .- .J ■ i I 3 Spunk by Z o ra Neale H urston a d a p te d by G eo rg e C . W olfe 32nd & E. BURNSIDE 2 3 1 -8 9 2 6 23 rd & N W JOHNSON 2 4 8 -0 1 6 3 e a t r e i T i ^ C c S c n L s .. . March 27 - April 24 Portland For tic k e ts c a ll 2 7 4 -6 5 8 8 tic k e ts priced from $8.00 - $28.00 ticket« also available through alt FASTtXX outlets and at 2 2 4 TIXX. Ó t The Magic Horse A p u p p e t p la y a d a p te d fro m R o m a n ia n fo lk lo re Winningstad Theatre of the Portland Center for the Performing Arts March 14 & 21-22 Performance* at 2 & 4 p m. Call for ticket* (503) 248-4496 O r e g o n ^ b a k e s p e a r e jis tiz a l In th e In te rm e d ia te T h ea tre of th e P o rtlan d C e n te r for th e P erfo rm in g A rts 1 1 1 1 SW Broadw ay • P 0 Box 9 0 0 8 P o rtlan d . OR 9 7 2 0 7 sponsored In part by a generous gWt I $8 Adult $6 Child iijcwest Subject to additional senice and handling fees The co$t makes us different : * * s w h e e l I I'm n o t a s h a m e d I n o th in ' The Jefferson Dancers in Concert Portland Center for Performing Arts by Siraubron ★ --------- FREE HOUR---------- ★ - 'Brian M cK rtifa ‘Waiter'Beasley TEXAS L uxury At Its Best (Stretched) Fully E quipped For AU Occasions - Candlelight-. ‘R omana Portland Apollo Night Winners Portland Repertory Theater Sir Limousine Service • Recommended for children 5 & older * A A » * * • ft - ..•!•' A ’ • ... * / ' 'A