Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 17, 1993, Image 1

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March 17. 1993
"Serving the com m unity through c u ltu ral divei
Voinnin XXIII. N um ber 11
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THE i n
Potter Retiring
A fte r leading city into com m unity P olic­
ing, Police C h ie f Tom Potter w ill retire
June 30, 1993. Chiefs Dave W illia m s ,
Chuck K arland, Charles Moose are pos­
sible candidates.
“ .../Z is our belief that our youth are
whole beings deserving the opportunity
o f a full and meaningful life. ”
A n inform ational picket w ill be conducted
at various sites to make the public aware o f the
problems A fric a n A m erican contractors and
construction workers are having in gaining
contracts and jobs on federally funded h ig h ­
way construction projects in the state o f O r­
Actions Focus
The Senate select com m ittee on Ethics
makes decision to focus on Senator Bob
Packw ood’ s actions and not the 23
Saturday M arch 13 was Grandparent’ s
nig h t at the house o f Umoja. The House o f
Um oja hosted a w ell spread dinner w hich
included glazed ham, bar-b-que chicken,
tossed salad, deviled eggs, rolls, pound
cake, chocolate mocha, and much more
M usic was provided by Teddy Free-
m an-singing some oldies, but goodies for
the “ older generation, one o f w hich w e all
recognized “ M y G irl ” The younger set
were quite patient about the choice o f tunes.
It was an emphasis on grandparents, but
every age was represented, as w ell as a
‘ broad representative group from the com­
m unity. It met one o f the A frica n proverbs
t i n t is in the resident handbook; “ It takes a
w hole village to raise a ch ild .” “ Umoja is
dedicated and fu lly comnutted to saving the
lives o f endangered youth, who would oth­
erwise be los to the destruction and devas-
tation o f gang life, drug involvem ent and
T h is is not a new problem, however, it has
intensified over the past three years. The
w om en’ s sexual histories
Abortion Doctor
p lig h t o f B lack contractors and highway con­
struction workers was like n to that o f the
spotted ow l as early as July 22,1991. Statistics
released by the Oregon Departm ent o f trans­
portation (O D O T) in 1990 indicated that thirty -
fo u r Black-owned firm s were certified as dis­
advantaged business. O n ly 15 o f these firm s
were able to obtain subcontracts d u rin g the
D avid Gunn paid a h igh price fo r his
b e lie f in womens choice. T h is is a firs t fo r
our nation. He was shot in the back by
M ichael G riffin
Health Proposal
In Jeopardy
previous four years, i.e., since 1987.
In 1991 three Oregon-based B lack firm s
received contracts. By 1992 o nly one Black
firm received awards. Since the new fiscal
The plan to assure health care fo r the
poor in Oregon m ig h t not make it be­
cause o f the state governments fin a n cial
year w hich began October 1, 1992, no con­
tracts has been awarded to an A fric a n A m e ri­
can contractor. O D O T is aware o f this prob­
lem but poses no m eaningful solution. Correc­
tive measures and suggestions have been met
w ith hostile m ajority contractors, organiza­
tions w hich represent them, as w e ll a unions
Yeltsin In Power
Boris N. Y e lts in ’ s economic reform pro­
gram is threatened by the Congress o f
People’ s Deputies. They canceled his
planned referendum and are rejecting
most proposals. He storms out o f session.
vio le n t behavior
...It is our b e lie f that our youth are
whole beings deserving the opportunity o f
and related state agencies. T h is represents
persistent anecdotal evidence that the state
and private construction industry has not pro­
vided equal access to contracting and em ploy­
ment opportunities and have discrim inated on
New Attorney
Takes Oath
a fu ll and m eaningful life .”
One o f the parents, Marga ret Bain, had
nothing bu, high praise for the program,
she is also a volunteer fo r the program as
w e ll as others that lend themselv es to help­
the basis o f race.
On A p ril 10, 1992 congressman Ron
W yden consented to h o ld in g an congressional
hearing on the matter. It was planned fo r later
on in the year, how ever. O D O T has been able
to stonewall the hearing In the meantime the
situation has gotten worse, placing A frica n
Am ericans at the po in t o f extinction in the
Janet Reno takes Oath o f office as A tto r­
ney General. She is the firs t women in
that post
King Trial Contin-
A day and a h a lf on the witness stand left
Rodney K in g exhausted as he explained
in g our youth.
Grandparents and other comm unity
members took adv antaged o f the beautiful
surroundings, the good food and a chance
to m ingle and share thoughts and ideas. It
was an evening w e ll w orth the time. Noone
seemed to be in a hurry to leave.
The T ig a rd Tigers took the Oregon Class
4 A h igh school Boys C ham pionship over
H illsboro 52-48.
Snow Hurricane
was learning so much, she says, that she
The next tim e you go shopping, the sales
person w ho helps you could be a form er w el­
hardly dared miss a day.
Her p a yo ff was a G ED certificate plus
s k ills and self-esteem that led to a job, a near i t ’ s really hard to heal
Although Measure 5 budget cuts w ould
doubling o fh e r hourly wage in 18 months, and
reduce jo b tra in in g fo r w elfare recipi­
an am bition fo r a better job. “ I
„ ..i
her, Governor Roberts is proposing
guess it was always there,” she
m illio n in Oregon Lottery revenues
says o f her success, “ but some­
and increased beer and wine tax revenues be
fa c £
H er persistence matches used in the next two years to continue getting
Oregon state governm ent’ s na­ welfare recipients back to w ork
Here’ s another element o f Oregon w e l­
tio n a lly recognized co m m it­
fare reform: When a teen-ager becomes preg­
nant, she typically drops out o f school to have
stay o ff welfare.
D u rin g th e c a m p a ig n , her baby. But Oregon leads the nation in
president C lin to n talked about getting teen parents to re-enroll in school
32-vear-old Portland resident
w ho is among 600 people a
m onth who make the move
fro m w e lfa rc to w o rk th a n k s to
state-supported jo b training.
The m ile posts along her
W orst ever in our history.
1st Rose Princess Chosen
K u rra Lee Turner, a senior at Central
C atholic H ig h School chosen as firs t rose
road to welfare included her
parents' divorce, the m urder
o fh e r father, alcohol and drug
princess fo r 1993.
abuse that began in the fifth
Public Schools
Face Cuts
yond bartending.
I f that sounds hard, con­
sider her path to the workforce
and a good job w ith one o f the
Northwest’s prem ier merchan­
School Superintendent Jack B ie rw irth
proposed cuts o f 500 to 600 jobs, e lim i­
nating the sports d ivisio n and closing
Vocational V illa g e , “ is going back to
a classroom teacher and a p rin c ip a l.”
She enrolled in a jo b -tra in ­
Clinton Potpourri
Considering more cuts; Democrats ad­
vance jo b creation package; w ill attend
Portlands’ Forest S um m it; swore in new
Oregon is at the
forefront o f
o f welfare,
(raining 600
people a month
fo r jobs that are
s e t ^ g them o ff
welfare. An
Oregonian will
advise the Clinton
administration on
welfare reform.
ing program fo r welfare re­
cipients, daily rid in g the bus to M ount Hood
C om m unity College, nearly tw o hours a day
She also walked 16 blocks to get her ch ild to
a babysitter then to the bus stop, sometimes in
the pouring rain w ithout an um brella . She
“ ending welfare as we know
it.” Oregon is already doing
that, trading in the old welfare
model fo r one that stresses jobs,
and we w ill tell that story to the
L ik e A T & T , we want them back
As a result, 85 percent o f Oregon's teen
mothers who dropped out to have their babies
are back in school, and additional mothers are
w a itin g for classes No other state ev en comes
new administration.
N ationally, 10 percent o f
elig ib le welfare heads o f house­
holds are in w elfare-to-work
jo b tra in in g . But in Oregon, the figure exceeds
20 percent In a given month, more than 8,000
w elfare recipients are being assisted from
close to those numbers
Since October 1990. about 2,400 teen
parents have earned high-school diplomas or
G E D certificates I ’ve attended their com ­
mencements, and I've head them talk proudly
w elfare and trained for jobs whose average
starting wage exceeds $6 an hour.
“A Recap Of Black History
Month For 1993”
“Emanuel’s Healthy Kid’s
Are we to be the only people on God’s
earth that alleged "historians" are permit­
ted to defame and degrade?
Children can meet the life flight crew, see
inside the helicopter and an ambulance
and tearfully about their achiev ements.
F inishing school is im portant because 49
percent o f current welfare recipients either are
o r were teen parents, rendered uncompetitive
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D u rin g the past year, Sabin C om m unity
Association has increasingly been faced w ith
real public safety concerns over speeding cars
and unregulated intersections. Last year neigh­
bors raised concerns about tra ffic speeding
down the lu lls from
the ridge being a
th re a t to school
children The P rin­
The Principal o f
School, Michael
reiterated the
need for push
button crossings
on Prescott and fa
cipal o f Sabin E l­
ementary School.
M ic h a e l Jordan,
reiterated the need
fo r push b u tto n
c ro s s in g s
Prescott and Fre­
mont In our neigh­
borhood surveys,
speeding cars and
the need fo r speed
bumps and more regulated intersections turned
out to be o f primary concern to many, many
neighbors. Numerous com plaints have been
made about accidents at unregulated intersec­
tions and hit-and-nm s w ith speeding vehicles
crashing into parked cars. Most recently a
speeding car crashed in to a house on Prescott
near 16th, causing serious damage to the
property w hich had been painstakingly im ­
proved and landscaped over the past year.
In response to this accident, a number o f
neighbors have begun to organize around
speeding cars and public safety p articularly on
Prescott Avenue near N E 15th street They
have sent a letter to the d istrict tra ffic e nginesr
requesting speed bumps o r some other appro­
priate measure to control tra ffic in order to
ensure reduced speeds and pedestrian safety.
O n Monday M arch 2, at the Pacific Power
and L ig h t Sabin Community Room, the Sabin
Community Association general meeting fo­
cused on speeding cars. C o m m issio n e r
Blumenhauer, Susan Hartnett, director o f
Neighborhood T ra ffic Management and oth­
ers spoke on how to go about m aking the
necessary changes to ensure comm unity safety.
Sabin hopes to launch a campaign fo r long­
term improvements as a means o f reclaim ing
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in the jo b market ow ing to th e ir failure to
graduate C h ild abuse is a frequent and tragic
O ur com m itm ent to getting people o ff
welfare— and helping them stay o ff— extends
to a fam ily necessity that recently made
headlineschild care.
In order to help welfare recipients enroll
in classes, get job tra in in g and accept em ploy­
ment. the state provides help w ith ch ild care
costs I recently talked to a young mother in
Medford who said that, w ithout this help, she
w ould have been unable to get o ff welfare to
take the jo b she now relishes at w hich she
excels. She’ s only one o f many.
The importance we place on child care is
reflected in O re g o n 'sN o . 2 ranking nationally
in our use o f transitional child care to help
parents and their fam ilies become self s u ffi­
The next tim e someone argues that i t ’ s
time to “ reinvent” welfare, you can nod kn o w ­
ingly— and point to your state as a model fo r
how to do it
(K e vin W. Concannon is director o f the
Oregon Department o f Human Resources. He
is one o f 10 people, including five governors,
recently named to a national task force to
advise the C linton A dm inistration on welfare
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“Falling Down”
“Thirst For God”
Movie Review: Someone will be hurt
including ourselves, our family and
I will not ask you to deliver me out o f my
situation because a lot o f it was brought
on by myself.
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Speeding Cars
To Be Focus Of
Arts & Entertainment
In Lane County , a welfare recipient re­
cently told me that w elfare w ithout jo b tra in ­
in g is like a crutch— it helps people walk, but
fare recipient.
A n example is a woman named Betty, a
It was a snow hurricane that w iped out
the east coast costing at this point 114
lives, temperatures as low as 2 degrees,
hikers missing, a irlines shut dow n, h ig h ­
ways closed an m illio n s w ith o u t power.
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Reinventing Welfare
Tigard Tigers Win­
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our streets.
highw ay construction field.
in his confusion o f what happened two
years ago. " I thought I was going to die.”
attorney general.
House Of Umoja
Workers To
fa fa