P age A9 T he P ortland O bserver • M arch 10,1993 G E N E R A I. M A N A G E M E N T The Port of Portland and announces a recruitm ent to establish a Civil Service list to fill future Airport Fire Fighter vacancies Starting salary is $30,189. Temporary Admin. Assistant P E P S IC O “...the ultimate service enterprise.” Fortune Magazine “.. .consumer perceptions of Taco Bell’s value outstrip all com­ petitors ” Harvard Business Review “...Taco Bell continues to cast a shadow on most major competi­ tors.” Nation's Restaurant News As part of the world’s largest restaurant system and one ofFORTUNE magazine’s top five most admired companies, we can offer excep­ tional opportunities as well as participation in PepsiCo’s stock option plan. If you have; • 4 year college degree • minimum of 2+years’ business management experience • passion for an intense, fast-paced environment S u m m a ry O f E s s e n tia l Q u a lific a tio n s • C am bats fires, rem oves victim s from aircraft, buildings, auto, and adm inisters first aid and other em ergency support care. D rug T e s t R eq uired O f Final A p ­ p lica n t Q u a lific a tio n s : H igh S ch oo l D iplom a. T w o ye ars e x p e rie n c e as s e c re ta ry . E x­ p e rie n c e w ith s ta n d a rd o ffice e q u ip m e n t p re ferred . A p p lic a tio n s A c c e p te d U ntil: 3- 19-93 In te re s te d p a rtie s m ay s u b m it a p p lic a tio n s /re s u m e s by m ail to: TCI C a b le v is io n O f O re g o n , In c. 3 50 0 S W B ond S tre e t P ortland, O R 97201 A ttn: Larry G ilb e rt • Drives, m aneuvers, and m aintains fire fighting vehicles and apparatus. • Must be able to learn airport vicinity terrain • Perform s fire inspections, daily routine house duties, vehicle preventative m aintenance and inspections, and other assigned duties. • Participates in and conducts training that is set forth in Fire Departm ent Unit Procedures and m aintains a high degree of professional experience in the use of all equipm ent used by the Airport Fire D epartm ent. • Responds to em ergency alarms. • R esponds to and directs em ergency inform ation. And you share our values: • customer service focus • accountability and ownership in your job • commitment to growth We want to talk to you. Please send your resume to Taco Bell Corp. Attn: Barbara Segna, 1914 Northeast 50th Avenue, Portland, OR 97213. Equal opportu- nity employer, m/f/d/v. TACO O 'B E L L A PepsiCo Company ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ A RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT ~ . Must have or be able to obtain EMT I certification by the end of the 12-month probationary period W o rk in g C o n d itio n s W ork perform ed indoors and outdoors in varying w eather co nd i­ tions. M ay control and supervise Fire Departm ent crew under em ergency and non-em ergency situations. Extreme tension and stressful situations in hazardous conditions may be encountered. There is risk of physical hazard w hen attending to an injured or ill person. May be required to lift or drag approxim ately 180 pounds D ru g T e st R e q u ire d O f F in a l A p p lic a n t Q u a lific a tio n s : H igh S ch o o l d i­ p lo m a or e q u iva le n t. A b ility to lift up to 70 lbs. P re vio us e x p e ­ rience required. In ven to ry c o n ­ trol e x p e rie n ce p re ferred . In te re s te d p a rtie s m ay s u b m it a p p lic a tio n s /re s u m e s by m ail to: TCI C a b le v is io n O f O re g o n , In c. 3500 S W B ond S tre e t P ortland O r 97201 A ttn: D ean B eseda while perform ing sam e activities. P re fe rre d E d u c a tio n A n d E x p e rie n c e • Fire fighting and rescue courses are desirable. • EMT experience preferred. • C rash/fire/rescue experience preferred. • Ability to perform m inor m aintenance on vehicles and other em ergency equipm ent. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Em ploym ent Office, 700 NE M ultnom ah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside the Portland m etropolitan area may request appli­ cation m aterials by calling (503) 731-7400. Preem ploym ent rug screening is required. All applications m ust be received by 5:00 * * SEEKING ENTRY LEVEL & EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT CANDIDATES * * * * * * * Starting in 1972 with a single restaurant, we've rown to where we now operate 29 restaurants .. m the Portland/Vancouver metropolitan area. We are about to start construction on 2 more restaurontsl If you are mature-minded, enthusiastic, and have PRIDE, come óver to Burger King. Most of our Assistant Team Leaders with P^vious apph- cable management experience start at 5 io ,4UL and can make as much as $29,000. We have ex­ cellent training programs and benefits package * * * * * * is a * Restaurant Management Northwest Inc franchise of Burger King Corporation. * Come into our main office & fill out an applica­ tion or send your resume to: Restaurant Man­ agement Northwest, Inc., 1410 SW JeHerson, Portland, OR 97201. Attention: Denise Ribbeck, Director of Human Resources. . + * * * Opportunity tq u Equal a i GJpponuriuy u u Employer pvp» s p.m. Friday, March 19, 1993. N ote: U po n s u b m is s io n o f a c o m p le te d P o rt o f P o rtla n d e m p lo y m e n t a p p lic a tio n to th e P o rt's E m p lo y m e n t O ffic e , c a n d id a te s w ill be g iv e n a te s t p re p a ra tio n m a n u a l. In o rd e r to be c o n s id e re d fo r a p o s itio n o n th e C iv il S e rv ic e e lig ib ility lis t, c a n d id a te s m u s t ta k e a w ritte n te s t o n in fo rm a tio n c o n ta in e d in th e M a n u a l. O n ly th o s e c a n d id a te s w h o re tu rn th e ir a p p li­ c a tio n b y M a rc h 19 w ill b e e lig ib le to ta k e th e te st. T he te s t w ill be a d m in is te re d o n M a rc h 2 7 .1 9 9 3 a t 9 :00 a.m . at th e U n iv e r­ Communication Specialist C ity o f P ortland B ureau o f W a te r W o rks, S taff p o s itio n re s p o n ­ sible fo r d e v e lo p in g and im p le ­ m en ting p ub lic in fo rm a tio n and in v o lv e m e n t p ro je c ts for w a te r utility. S tro n g w ritin g , s p e a kin g and o rg a n iz a tio n skills. E x p e ri­ ence required. S a lary $ 3 4 k p er year. A p plica tion p acke ts a v a ila b le a t C ity o f P o rtla n d , B u re a u o f " W a te r W o rks, 1120 S W 5th, R oom 600, (503) 8 23 -7 40 4. A p p lic a tio n s c lo s e M a rc h 2 6, 1993. W o m en and m in orities are e nco urag ed to apply. T he C ity o f P ortland is an Equal O p po rtun ity E m p lo yer. Alcohol & Drug Treatment R esidential A id es needed for p ro ­ g ra m fo r A fric a n - A m e r ic a n w om en and th e ir ch ild re n. R e ­ q u ire s fle xib le hours, e ven in gs and w eekends. E xperience with Apply at 7 GUNDERSON, INC. 4350 N W FRONT AVE. PORTIAND.OR 97210 ( .underson is an I qual ( )pportumtv I mplovcr and offers company paid med it at dental and life insurance up to 3 weeks vacation college reimbursement 401 K retirement plan with tompanv contribution Mt k pav holubv pav and more A & D reco very req uired . S u b ­ m it re s u m e s by 3 /1 2 /9 3 to: P ro je ct fo r C o m m u n ity R e c o v ­ ery, 3 5 2 5 N .E . M .L.K ing , P o rt­ land 9 7212. 79 Subaru GF 77 Buick LeSabre 77 Honda Accord 80 Mercury Lynx 78 Honda Civic 74 Linclon Continental Minimum Qualifications are: • 21 years of age or older • High School Diploma or equivalent • Licensed to operate a motor vehicle • No felony convictions 71 Datsun 240Z 79 Pontiac Acadian Starting salary is $2,564 per month for the first year Applications may be picked up at any Oregon State Police Office or write: Oregon State Police Personnel Services Division 107 Public Service Building Salem, Oregon 97310 Telephone: Voice/TDD (503) 378-3720 Fax (503) 378-8282 An Equal Opportunity Employer QUALITY AT WORK M.L.K., J.R. BLVD STEADY IMPROVEMENT YOU CAN SEE IT!!! • " -, - • •• ♦ ■ - . . : ■ a F • •' - ' ' :•:••• :• • Public Auto Auction 6SOO NE Martin luther Xing, Jr. Bkd '/ V •• • . •• ' • ' '• •’ ______________________ À.C.IÌ.4A » ♦ * * f t 77 Mercury Cougar 71 Dodge Dart 77FordI-B ird 77 Lincoln Continental 81 Buick Skylark 77 Chevy Chevelle 80 Toyota Tercel 75 Cadillac Eldorado 76 VW Dasher 81 AMC Spirit 76 Toyota SW 74 Mercury 2 DR 77 Chrysler Cordoba 77 Toyota Corolla 79 Honda Accord 77 Plymouth Grand Fury 69 Pontiac Grand Prix 73 Plymouth Fury 62 Ford Fairlane River City M.L.K...IR BLVD ' hours. E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo yer $500 and Under - .............. , C o rre c tio n s T ech n icia n ; $10.51 per h ou r; apply by M arch 12. For 24 hour jo b inform a tion , c a ll 2 4 8 -5 0 3 5 o r v is it M u lt­ n om ah C ou nty E m p lo ye e S e r­ vices, 1120 S W 5th A ve., R oom 1430, Portland, during business is now accepting applications for Recruit Police Officers. All applications received will be processed for a future eligibility list. A S S ’N J R B 39* Nike backs every career opportu­ nity with a com petitive salary and outstanding benefits package. For im m ediate consideration, please forward yo ur resum e to: NIKE Inc., Em ploym ent C enter, ObserverEF, O ne Bow erm an Drive, Beaverton, OR 97005. W e are an equal o pp or­ tunity em ployer Oregon State Police... Police Officer Applicants BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT "•? tant. Why Ray Full Retail? Buy today!! ’ Numerous positions available, including production welding from between $8 50/hr to $ 10.30/hr. based on experience C,underson just might have the nght job for you To qualify for this position, you must have a 4-year college degree in a b usine ss related area, or equivalent work experience, and two years of inventory control ex­ perience. College level English and math skills, proficiency using a PC (MS W ord and Excel preferred) and outstanding organizational and com m unication skills are required. The ability to m anage m ultiple projects within a deadline-inten­ sive environm ent is also im por­ Multnomah County £ 4 Port °f Portland Attention: Gunderson, one of the nation's largest manufacturers of railroad freight cars has immediate job openings You will m anage our footwear prod­ uct availability, ensuring N IKE 's costs are m inim ized and sales are m axim ized. s ity o f P o rtla n d . $ V * * * ***** ***** Gunderson's Competitive Edge... You're Looking At It. Availability Specialist state driver’s license (CDL preferred). Warehouse Person/ Temporary position • teamwork City Of Salem L a w C le r k $ 8 .4 3 5 /H r S e ekin g law c le rk fo r C ity A tto rn e y 's o f­ fice to a s sist in m u n ic ip a l c o u rt c a se s, in te rvie w in g , and p re ­ parin g various m e m o ra n d a and com plaints. E xp erien ce or tra in ­ ing in p rinciples and p ro ced ures o f law and m e th o d s o f legal rese a rch ; 4 yr d e g re e + n ot m o re th a n o n e y e a r o f law sch o o l; and in te re st in d e v e lo p ­ ing c rim in a l trial skills. M u s t be a v a ila b le to w o rk duri ng s c h o o l, holidays & vacations. (503) 588- 6 16 2. C lose s 3 /1 2 /9 3 . P e rs o n ­ nel D ept. Rm . 225, 5 55 Liberty S tS E , S alem , O R 9 73 01 . En- g lis h /S p a n is h b ilin g u a l skills, w o m e n and m in o ritie s e n c o u r­ aged to apply. • Must possess or be able to obtain a valid O regon or W ashington TC I C a b le v is io n O f O re g o n , Inc., an Equal O pportunity Em ployer, c u rre n tly has a full tim e o p e n ­ ing fo r the fo llo w in g p osition : • an entrepreneurial drive I Fire Fighter TC I C a b le v is io n O f O re g o n , Inc., an Equal O pportunity Em ployer, c u rre n tly has a full tim e o p e n ­ ing for the fo llo w in g p o sitio n : A **■ Mb-f ft A £ * ' ’ 77' 240-0448