• , Z .vww******* r iw r — ~*-‘k P age A5 T he P ortland O bserver • M arch 10, 1993 * 4 .* - r. W • Jr I ■ ' , . »•* •• a - r 4-*i VU A z». •’ • v. • z . V» » ò crip tu re Cty J fie (SÙeef 7s)£oeoer £um £ies £ im s e iffié e l£ is c£iiJ, £ e is l£ e greatest in t£ e Cinydom o f£eaoen JKatt£erv 18:4. ‘Til Death Us Do Part REFLECTION S J "Out O f The Mouth O f Babes" T he parents were apprehensive as they gathered for open house , at the 3rd grade classroom , espe­ cially sin c e som e h a d been at open house before, and w eren’t re­ ally excited about sitting in the pint sized chairs. They were in for a real surprise w hen the teacher said, “ I prom ised y o u r c h i ld r e n y o u w o u ld a ll help w rite the class poem .” As sh e ig n o r e d th e g r o a n s a n d m o an s, she e x p la in e d th a t th e poem w ould be free verse and all the . . a e» • • parents had to do would be to finish a sentence that began “ I w ish...... ” The p are n t’s lists were self centered “I w ish 1 could be happy an d problem - . 1_ »» much “ 1 w ish my mom and dad would love each other like before.” N one o f the ch ild ren ’s wishes were self centered. T he silence in free” “I w ish 1 had a hom e o f my ow n.” the room was deafening, not to m en­ “ 1 w ish 1 had more money in the tion the tears. A sk any group o f children to com plete the ”1 w ish" bank.” After the teacher read all the se­ sentence. T he list you get will su r­ lections aloud from the parents, she pass any serm on on faiih, hope, or quictlv opened another folder and read love. “Let ine approach the world like a child today and leave it a w hat the children had w ritten: better place for having seen through "1 w ish my grandm a didn t die. I w ish my daddy didn t drink so their eyes again ” Don't Get Discouraged Help Is On The W ay! Reach Out He’ll Be There 1425 NE Dekum & 1 5th 7 6 0 0 N .E . G L IS A N P O R T LA N D , OR. 97213 L a rry & Tiz Huch Senior Pastors (Housed in the W oodlawn M ethodist C hurch structure ) Pastor Rev. Robert Probaseo Sr. Sunday A.M. Worship - 9.00 a.m. Thurs. P.M. Bible Study - 7:30 p.m. 283-5917 It's contemporary! It's Multi-cultural! It’s Spirit Filled! A church fo r the 90rs! M allo ry Avenue Christian Church D is c ip le s Are you tired of the same old thing? Then you are ready for New Begin­ nings! Come join the excitement as we take Portland for Jesus! o f C h r is t "Como to mo all you who are uueary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." > Anointed Preaching <& leaching C lay & T am i D rayton Pastors K illing, w hether it be hum ane or inhum ane, is wrong. As 1 was listen­ ing to the radio, Lou D avies was host­ ing and discussing the topic of "E u ­ thanasia”, w hich is defined as the intentional causing o f an easy and painless death. O ne statem ent that w as m ade, “ We now live in an age o f c o n v e n ie n c e , instant and ready­ made. Those terms are all right in ref­ erence to an object, such as a toaster, but not w ith a hu­ man life. As C hristian Believers, we m ust address this issue and not w rite it off as a fad or a vapor w hich will ju st vanish w ith a strong breeze. 1 have heard too many C hristian Believers em bracing this idea andev en justifying the action w ith com m ents like: God is gracious, m erciful and loving, and 1 know that he w ouldn't w ant so and so to suffer like that 1 d o n ’t know how m any tim es or how many ways to say it...but, 'God does not, 1 repeat, does not need our feeble-minded help.” A g a in -th e Holy Scripture says, “Lean not to your own understanding. but, “ ...in all thy The People’s Church CHRISTIAN CENTER ■ Dynamic Children & Youth Ministries 9 :4 5 a m S u n d a y S chool 1 1 :0 0 a m M o rn in g W o rsh ip 7 :3 0 p m T u e s d a y S ilb le direct your path.” How m any tim es have you been on the job and as you clocked-in, w ent to your w ork area, checked your work for the day and discover that some w ell-m eaning person has usurped your duties/position of authority, taken an im portant task and botched it up be­ cause they did not com pletely know how to coordinate th e in fo rm atio n T h e -th e next move is to throw it out or spend precious tim e re-doing it Now you have lost valuable tim e un­ doing this w ell-m eaning deed. However, w hen a hum an life has been term inated through abortion, mercy killing or suicide, there is no way som eone can undo, rectify, cor­ rect or repair their mistake. “ Sorry !" ■' 1 the inventor, are present or not. It’s ju st like the scientist who thought of, invented and then success­ fully tested the atom ic bom b N either he nor his family m em bers will ever forget the devastation, the carnage, the desolation, the after-math, the tears and aloneness-caused by th is in g e­ nious invenuon. E uthanasia is another sound o f "W ar” . A silent was w hich has be­ come so sophisticated until even the judicial system has been caught un­ aware. Judges and lawyers are now scurry ing about in an attem pt to either defend or prosecute the culprit If the Holy Spirit is not the one leading you to explore certain areas, leave it alone. Satan can get into an intelligent m ind and reap havoc w hen God is not there. And because the person is so intelligent, there are a l­ ways weak people to listen. E uthanasia is ju st another rude aw areness of satam c forces. I he scrip­ 1 s I i fci . i ■ : . h * ture says, does not help “Be sober, be vigilant; because God created life an d God, and your adversary the devil, as a roaring only God, determ ines how long we lion, walketh about, seeking who he should live or w hen we should die L et’s call it for w hat is really may devour.W hom resist steadfast in is ..’’E uthanasia is m urder.” T here is the faith, know ing that the same af­ no excusing it And--yes, it is a pre­ flictions are accom plished in your meditated act w hen a person goes brethren that aie in the w orld.” [Peter through the trouble o f creating and 5:8-9 KJVJ developing a sophisticated device that continued on page B4 will take a perso n ’s life w hether you. â>t. J9aul ítliásionarp ®aptiSt C lju itli 8101 N. Fiske Avenue« Portland, Oregon 97203 Study Phone:289-1911 Church Phone: 289-0147 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00pm Pastor, Rev Janies C E. Faulkner I Peter iv41 MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHU RCH In te r-ra c ia l C o n g r e g a tio n • Street Reach & Overcomers Ministries ways acknow ledge Hint and He will a- *. Theme: Whatever you're going to do for the Lord do it now S tu d y a n d P ra y e r • Powerful Praise & Worship • Has moved Sunday sevtces to > Service Times: Sunday 10:30 am 6:00 pm 126 N.€. Alberta t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173 7600 NE Glisan Street 256-6050 Jesus Loves You! Allen Temple CME Church W o r s h ip S e rv ic e s 8 :0 0 a.m . & 11:00 a.m . C h u r c h S c h o o l 9 :3 0 to 10 3 0 a.m . B ib le S tu d y , W e d n e s d a y s , 116 N .E . S ch u y e r t f Ve'» ’ • •■ : ; ** - •* * ». ”> »•.< 10:30 a .m . a n d 7:00 p .m . Psalms 34:3 Scott & Lydia Sigman Pastors Stone T o w e r C h u rc h N .E . Sandy B lv d . & 30th i: Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KbMS 4236 NE Eigth Avenue (co m er of 8th & Skidmore) VANN & VANN FU N ERA L Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 D IR E C T O R S F am ily (la m ed and O perated Since 1954 S itt ’ ihx the C ity o f P ortland for over 37 years In your hour o f need Vann O V a ttit are there to serve "Come Grow With Us" Christian T raining Center 44 NE Morris St (1 Block East of Williams Ave.) "Phc church thatloye is buildup in the heart ojiiorth/northegst Portland Join with us in worship this 503/281-2836 5 2 1 1 N . W illi a m s P o r t la n d , O r. 9 7 2 1 7 Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954 Phillip S. Nelson Pastor N ew A zusa Cleodis D. Vann, Jr. A T eaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor N ight T alk Show Every Sunday N»gnt 10.30 to 12 midnight K PD Q 93.7 FM /800 AM Sunt Jay at 10:45 A M W ednesday ¡ c a tlin g & T rain in g 7:00 PM Classes for all ages C hild care available Piedmont Friends Church 5 7 3 6 N. Albina Worship Celebration 10:30AM 7:30PM Wed. Bible Study ”A Church where friends are friends Indeed" Michael DeJean, M. Dlv. Pastor (503) 289-0143 t * • ». USVM * - M - • *4 y - • » V * • V” ‘ JrfrA V * M *• > * A Ä Î 3 ♦VV?;.*/*.* 7 ’ ' VVMVHW4S t ■ •* • - ' v'-T V. , Í ¡ ? 7 '7