,.» > w m »<< k w o w > V . * ♦ r » • ♦ * » »*■» » » ♦ • • - ' 0. » P age B7 House Of Umoja Dines In Grand Style Joe Collins, proudly displays his special Teriyaki Chicken, ’the lunch for the day, being a former Navy cook makes it all seem easy. The youngsters create a family atmosphere, he jokenly, says," you should be around here during the holiday,it feel's just like home" The Portland House of Umoja, Inc. is a program that operates an extended family for gang-affected and other high risk youth, based on traditional African values and culture. A part of their mission statement lends itself to “...will seek to build and implement comprehensive community support in order to nourish...” Nourish is the part that Linda Huff and Joe Collins does in the kitchen daily. Three square meals, plus snacks, that are well planned and provide proper nourishment for the youngsters in grand African cultured back gtound cooking. Huff and Collins not only prepare for the y oungsters, but tney also cook for the various luncheons that are held, as well as fund raisers. A few of the names dropped were Jim Brown, TheTrail Blazers, US West, The Housing Authority, and the list grows for supporters of the House Of Umoja. There are also such occasions as Parent’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Grandparents’Day and others. Someofthemenuitems include: BBQChicken,NeckBones&(. abbage.and Chili, Burritos, and Stir Fry Noodles. Huff and Collins have chosen to share a favorite dish. They both gladly shared the major items in their recipes, but you will have to figure out your own seasonings. Linda’s Oregon Gumbo Chicken Wings Crab Crab Meat Linda Huff,Nutrition Supervisor Hot Links prepares her special Southern Gumbo, Shrimp she enjoys preparing food for the residents, Okra Whole Tomatoes of Umoja, because they always enjoy there meals Onions Bell Peppers Marion Joyce COUPON COOKBOOK Your Own Seasonings Boil or Steam for an hour CORNER — x - Have a Banana ... tOtftlilUtiltlOII E veryone loves b a n a n a s. And why not? B a n a n a s ta s te g re a t. As an added bonus, th e y ’re nu t r i t i o u s , p r o v id in g c o m p le x c a rb o h y d ra te s, fiber, v ita m in s an d m in e ra ls —in clu d in g lots of p o ta ssiu m , an e sse n tia l m in eral for good h e a lth , says M ary H elen G u n k le r, r e g is te r e d d ie titia n Teriyaki sauce is both m arinade and baste for these wings into sauce Cover and refrigerate tor 3 to an d s ta ff n u tr itio n is t for T otal chicken w ings. C om plete the m enu w ith rice, stir- 4 hours, stirring several times cereal. fried vegetables, and alm ond cookies. Lift wings from sauce (reserve sauce); arrange P o ta ssiu m plays a v ita lly im ­ on a rack in a broiler pan. Drizzle with half the p o rta n t role in h elp in g to keep Teriyaki Sauce (recipe follows) sauce, then broil about 6 inches below heat until th e hodv w orking p roperly. For 3 pounds chicken wings (about 16), rinsed golden (about 15 minutes). Turn wings over, driz­ exam ple, it w orks w ith sodium and patted dry to m a i n t a i n h e a l t h y w a te r zle with remaining sauce, and continue to broil 2 green onions (including tops), thinly until meat is no longer pink when slashed in thick­ b a la n c e in body cells R ecent sliced s c ie n tif ic r e s e a r c h in d ic a te s est part (8 to 10 more minutes). Garnish with th a t a d ie t high in p o ta ssiu m onions. Makes 3 or 4 servings. Prepare Teriyaki Sauce. Cut tips off chicken wings an d low in sodium may help to and reserve for o ther uses, if desired; then stir co n tro l h y p e rte n sio n , or high blood p re ssu re Teriyaki Sauce. In a w ide frying pan, combine total T hose ta k in g some d iu re tic s % cup sesam e seeds and 3 tablespoons salad oil; a re a t p a r tic u la r risk of p o ta s­ • A diet high in potassium cook over m edium -low heat, stirring occasionally, an d low in sodium m ay help sium sh o rta g e D iu re tic s may just until seeds are golden (about 4 m inutes). Let control high blood p re ssu re . draw excess fluid out of th e body, cool briefly, then pour into a large bowl. Stir in % • Good sources of potassium th u s ta k in g th e e s s e n tia l p o ta s­ are c itru s f ru its an d juices, cup soy sauce; 2 tablespoons firmly packed brow n sium th a t is in th e fluid. b a n a n a s and tom atoes. sugar; 1 tablespoon dry sherry; 2 to 3 teaspoons E n d u ra n c e a th le te s also have • C onsult a physician or a minced fresh g in g e r;'/»teaspoon pepper; 2 green re g is te r e d d ie t i t i a n a b o u t a sp ecial need for p o ta ssiu m your need for more potassium. onions (including tops), thinly sliced; and 2 cloves b ecau se e x trem e ph y sical e x e r­ garlic, m inced or pressed. tion uses up th e m in e ra l. Teriyaki Chicken This luscious dessert is made with products that are good for you, too. A great deal has been written about the importance of fiber in your diet. Notice the ingredients used in this recipr The fruits and espe­ cially the NABISCO® 100% Bran, which is high in fiber, makes this cake a ad choice for health conscience individuals. v - "an serve it at a formal dinner party or a morning brunch, or for a wi. >iesomo mid-day or late night snack. UPSIDE-DOWN BRAN-FRUIT CAKE 1 (16-ounce) can need Cling peaches 1 (16-ounce) can sliced pears 1/2 cup margaime or butter blend, softened 1/3 cup firmly pac ked brown sugar 1 1/2 cups NABISCO® 100% Bran 1 /2 cup honey 2 eggs, beaten 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger Drain peaches and pears, reserving 1/2 cup syrup. Reserve Z peach slices and 7 pear slices. Chop remaining fruit; set aside. Melt 1 tablespoon margarine or butter blend; stir in 2 tablespoons brown sugar. Toss reserved peach and pear slices in brown sugar mixture. Arrange in bottom of greased 9-cup fluted tube pan. In bowl, mix bran, honey, eggs and reserved syrup; let stand 5 minutes In large bowl, with electric mixer on high speed, beat remaining margarine or butter blend and brown sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in flour, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger and bran mixture until well mixed. Stir in chopped fruit. Spoon batter over sliced fruit in pan. Bake at 350°F for 50 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan on wire rack 10 minutes. Remove from pan; cool completely. Makes 14 servings. •T h . Coupon CooWxjok Inc.. 1891 Nobody Does it Better» for Less Ad Prices Good March 10 through March 16,1993 At Safeway. G round Safeway quality Regular ground beef, approx. 5-Lb. Rolls. 5-Lb. Bag Juicy Grapefruit Loaded with juicy flavor and Vitamin C. Marketed by Sunkist. Quality guaranteed This week take advantage of the great savings on a wide selection of quality products for only 99C There's never been a better time to snop Safeway! 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