t , $ • t< ♦ » * ” • «. % * « < * * x’ N S%WVV* w * * * » ' • * * ’' • • l * * 1 • * ” * * * " ’ ’ * * * ’ * * '’ * * * * * '* * * * * ' * M arch 10,1993 • T he P ortland O bserver ENTERTAINMENT P age B4 Boy Krazy, Lo-Koy Added To Z100 Birhtday Bash Line-Up! James Brown z 100 announced tw o additional N ational A rtists due to perform at the Z 1 0 0 9 th B irth d a y Bash - Polygram Recording A rtists - Boy Krazy and Perspective Recording Continued from page B3 H olding true to his moral beliefs Famous Flames were led to a re­ cording contract and a song that surged o f mutual love and equality as success enveloped h im , James Brow n proved to #6 on the R & B charts Since that tim e, James B row n has to be one o f the most im portant black recorded 74 R & B Top 20 hits (17 o f figures o f the '60s and '70s. His words w hich reached Num ber 1) and has alone could spark social unrest and, as sold over 50 m illio n records W ith the in the case o f the 1968 Chicago race exception o f E lv is Presley, James riots, his mere presence could quell Brow n has had more ch a rtin g pop racial disturbances Even today, James singles than any other artist in history B ro w n ’ s w ord remains the universal He's penned such insp ira tio n a l and voice o f a culture. W ith Universal fu n k-fille d classics as C old Sweat , James, he continues to speak against “ Say It Loud, I" m B lack & C m Proud” , racism, sexism and the need fo r im ­ voted to equality, James Brow n was honored w ith both the Am erican M u ­ sic Aw ards’ Award O f M e rit as w e ll as the N ational Academy o f A rts And Science’ s (N A R A S ) Lifetim e Achieve­ ment Award. Both awards honor his continuing importance through his musical and p o litica l involvem ent in the dev elopment o f our society W ith yet another groundbreaking step in music, James B ro w n ’ s ’ 90s flax ored funk allows him to deliver his message o f love to an ever-increasing set o f followers. T his new album is p ro o f that James Brow n is truely the “ Papa’ s Got A B rand New B ag". ” 1 proved education. In 1992, as a result o f his in flu e n ­ Got You (I Feel G ood)” and “ Sex tia l steps in music and a life tim e de­ U niversal James. M achine". TEXAS R estaurant A nd L ounge You and your guest are invited to jo in us for dinner. You can select any entree from the Dinner M enu and pay the regular price. Your guest can select any entree o f equal or lesser value and pay h a lf price. 6.00PM until 10:00PM daily Offer expires 3/31/93 Please present this coupon when ordering Texas II Texas I 1710 N E A lberta Portland, O r 97212 (503) 287-5145 3530 N V ancouver Portland, O r 97217 (5 0 3 )2 8 1 -2 9 3 6 t SF l S F o rt L e o n a rd E. W ood, Waynesville, Mo.-Pvt. Heidi L Jenkins has completed basic tra in in g here. D u rin g the tra in in g , students re­ ceived instruction in d r ill and ceremo­ nies, weapons, map reading, tactics, m ilitary courtesy, m ilita ry justice, first aid, and A rm y history and traditions. Jenkins is the daughter o f Ronald S. and Jolene Jenkins o f S. E. Port­ land. She is a 1992 graduate o f Cleve­ land H igh School, Portland. Z100 9th Birthday Bash Line • Up: • A rista Recording A rtists................. Kenny G • Giant Recording A rtists................. Jeremy Jordan • Elektra Recording A rtists............. Silk • Polygram Recording A rtis ts...............B oy Krazy • A & M Recording A rtists.................. Lo-K ey • Special Z 100 Emcee....................... J °ey Lawrence Happy SATURDAY, MARCH 13th AT THE ARLENE SCHNITZER CONCERT HALL TICKETS ARE $13.00 IN .ADVANCE AND $15.00 AT THE DOOR h o w i FOR INFORMATION ON AUDITIONS CALL 224-2616 [Expires Dec. 30,1993) (.zrxlrt Carda MSTDOCX? Rial M a y * (503)244-2689, Ext. 88 24 H o u rs-A -D a y □ 4^, Lucille Harris Sunday, March 14th, 1993 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. Texas II Ballroom 1710 N.E. Alberta 281-2936 DISCOUNT COMPLIMENTS OF THE ESTABLISHMENT ON REVERSE S.OE O Excludes C ha u ffeu r T ip „ Snachs Party for 2 2 4 -T IX X PEACE GOD BLESS ADVANCE RESERVATIONS & DEPOSIT REQUIRED s o m e R estrictio n s A p p ly The Z100 9th B irthday Bash w ill be held at the M elody B a ll­ room ,615 S.E. Alder, Friday, M arch 12th. Tickets w ill not be available for purchase. The only way to ob­ tain tickets is to w in them on Z100. B irth d ay si NE OWNERS & OPERATORS ASSN. OF OREGON 4 A rtists - Lo-Key. IT’S BACK PORTLAND NIGHT AT THE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .J -VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON T S ..................* * * * * ? * * G reater P o rtlan d A re a ^ "TROPICAL BREEZES AND ROMANCE" Brian M cKnight ¿líENOARi /" 2 THE WATCHMAN 7 W 0LFE’S CABARET 9pMA SHOWCASE 8IG PICTURE HATFUL OF raim LEW JONES TRIO Koto'll I^KPANI ADDY & ABA Nl AYA 21W 0LFE’S W ED N ESDA Y TUESDAY MONDAY SU N D A Y 3 M ONDE LA B ELLA SHIMS & MISS MAY 1” ” „oCOdR 22 23 F U N K cabaret 30 29 ------------- g O O D RENEGADE SA IN TS & THE WAITING 17 little rAfxftX 5 NO 4 THE DELAY REACH BAND 10TRACY KLAS W O M EN & NATIVE SUNS 18 DUB SQUAD 24 hative K IL L IN G SUNS JU D Y 31 - a fkGt FIELD NATIVE SUNS SA TURDAY FR ID A Y TH U R SD A Y 6 (Beverly Hills 90210 Soundtrack, Duet w ith Vanessa Williams) \ Jazz A rtist W alter Beasley ZULU S PE A R Local gospel g ro u p l-Z a ya and R & B a rtis t Ervan W /U M O S A M U S IC M IL L E N N IU M BODY & SOUL W ednesday, A p ril 7, 1993 CURTIS S ALGADO 8 :00 pm & TH E S TI LETTO S A N D Y S TO K ES BAND 26 32nd & E. BURNSIDE 2 3 1 -8 9 2 6 ANDY STOKES BAND 27 JEFF FREDRICKS & THE CLAMTONES 23rd & N W JOHNSON 2 4 8 -0 1 6 3 ___ ______ ) We the Louisiana Social Club o f Oregon are having a Easter Party Sir Limousine Service L u x u r y A t I t s B e s t ( S t r e t c h e d ) F u lly E q u ip p e d F o r A U O c c a s io n s * ----------- F R E E H O U R — 7------- ★ Don’t miss this special offer, treat that special one to the Most Unforgettable custom Limousine ride ever. Act now and save! featuring - ★ Color TV • VCR • AM-FM Stereo ★ Cellular phone • intercom ★ Camera, 35mm on board ★ Exceptional seating plan ★ Dual bar facility ★ Private dual divider window ★ Moonroof and much more -------------Tell A F r ie n d ----------- ★ For a fun filled package call. 281 5607,‘enjoy The co$t makes us different •Unforgettable. 'Entertainment $ 1 5 .0 0 in advance $ 1 7 .0 0 ® door (D oes not includ e service charge at tic ket outlets) food . GOOD DRINKS, GOOD MUSIC. GOOD PEUPLtz by Straubron Roseland T heater 8 N W 6 th Ave. fo r the children in the metro area, A p ril 3, 1993 at the Annex B u ild ­ ing 1625 NE Alberta, from 10am to lp m . we are asking a ll parents to stay w ith their ch ild re n du rin g this event. The age group w ill be from 2 to 12 years old. No teenagers A do n a tio n o f $1 per ticket w ill be given to the U rb an League s Y oung Professionals A u x iliary. All Fastixx outlets in fo llo w in g selected stores: B eaverton , S tadium , T ig ard , T u a la tin , O a k G ro ve , G resh am , G a te w a y , H o lly w o o d W e s t, East Salem , M ill Plain, Johnson C reek, and W a lk e r Road. ’D ire c tio n s 'T h e Salon, House of Sound, O n e Slop Records, and Pearl's M usic Shop. please. ‘Til Death Us Do Part C o n tin u e d f r o m p a g e 5 The key w ords o r phrase is may devour” Does Satan have your per­ mission to wreck your life , yo u r home, tu r n an in t e llig e n t m in d in to This was a w e ll dressed gentle- men. Seemingly in te llig e n t from the tenor o f his dialogue. However, he don’ t want to feel left o u t-so . they take part in hopes that they w ill be acknowledged and given equal adula- persisted in saying, " I am a C hristian tion. I d id n 't argue w ith the gentle­ ju st like anybody else, but, I feel that spaghetti Some people are so smart man A n d -h e soon left because his u n til they are stupid A lso, some a person has charge over his/her own car wsa finished B u t-a s he w as leav­ sm a rt people fe e l th a t because body. I f I am ill and don’ t choose to ing, he said. T go to church every they are so smart, they need not suffer... I feel the same way that D r Sunday and I read my B ible and 1 s till do what is being quoted to them K vo rkia n does ” I asked h im , “ How feel that I am no less a C hristian as the can you say that and claim to be a as ‘ ‘the lig h t way” because...’’ there other guy.” C hristian?" No sooner had the words are so m any o th e r o p tio n s to W ell, sir' I do believe that my explore—you know " WTien anyone left my lips did 1 hear m yse lf “ . claim brother is just a tad-bit confused be­ approaches you w ith a bunch o f to be ” cause. i f he really, really had read his I have found that w ith many rhetoric like that, rebuke them in people, C h ristia n ity is like a little scrijXure. as he had declared, he would the Holy name o f Jesus C hrist. have discovered that God does not As bold as these other charlatans c h ild w ho goes to class and asks approve o f us. H is creations, taking the question. “ M y daddy has a big are. C hristian Believers must rise and red truck Does your daddy have matters into our own hands Do you be hold for the lord remember Sarah & A bram or Esau & As I was w a itin g for my car to a trackr T h e n -so not to feel left Jacob or Jonah and the list goes on be washed, I was w ritin g this story, out, several hands go fla ilin g in There are consequences! the a ir A nd as i f the raising o f the a man, who was also w a itin g for You don I believe in just one part hand was not enough, vou feel com his car. asked what was I w ritin g o f what God says but E ve ryth in g . pelled to share, even il it is a lie. This about I revealed the subject to is how some adult C hristian are They God is merciful and He is just He w ill him and the discussion began not put on His ch ild anymore than He (God)knows that he (his ch ild ) can stand. Paul is a great example. Paul lived w ith an in firm ity , yet, he contin­ ued to serve the Lord u n til he was called home to glory. [Cor. 12:7] I, fo r one, don’t know why God allowed me to have m u ltip le sclero­ sis; but, nevertheless, I shall continue to serve my God. I shall tell o f his “ Saving Grace” and how he restored my live so that 1 can w alk again. Just th in k o f what w ould have happen i f I had given up and chosen to end it all because o f my condition? A ll the places I have gone and a ll the souls that were saved because I was obedient... Oh where w ould they be? Sometimes God uses afflictions to chastise Sometimes to demonstrate His healing power M an needs to stop going around playing God The shoes w ill never fit.