Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 10, 1993, Page 12, Image 12

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    M arch 10, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
P age B?
Lazarus Art Society,
INC. And Community
Learning Center
Sylvia McDaniel
Lanita Duke-News Director of
Grassroots News
New Director At
Garlington Center
Sylvia M cD aniel has been
named Director of Public Relations
and Marketing for The Garlington
Center, a mental health agency that
primarily services N/NE Portland
McDaniel, former Director of
Public Relations for KPDX-Fox 49
TV, brings a myriad of experience to
the center’s newly-created position.
McDaniel’s move from media
to social services stems from her
desi re to work w ithin the N/NE com­
munity and raise awareness to men­
tal health needs, one of the priority
Will team up to present the Cradle: dilemmas that engulf many of the
The varied approaches to develop (Children Realizing Art doing, Learn nation’s poor and minorities,
ing self-esteem will provide the youn mg, Experiencing and Studying), Th<
According to the President’s
person involved a well rounded an Trade (Teens Realizing Art doing ant Com m ission on M ental Health,
exciting group of activities, that wi Experiencing), and the Paint (Parent; “mentalhealth is associated with pov-
make learning fun and rewarding. Th are in need too!) Art Programs at the erjy unemployment, and the institu-
course of study will challenge the stu Community Learning Center’s Educa ^onalized discrimination that occurs
dent to think through negative situa uon Facilities Located At 42nd and Qn
uons to reach positive conclusions. n .E. Prescott. Beginning in January, nom icdass „ ln N/NE Portiand ap.
The course periods are 5 weeks ii 1993. For more information Call 727- proximately 16 00{) individuals hve
duration. At the end ot each course th< 2694.
below the federal poverty standard,
works produced during the period wil
These art programs will give the
amaycd hQW
be puton display with the public invitet entire family an opportunity to develop p,ay
importanl ro,e in hlgh risk
to participate in the viewing.
their artistic talents. The Cradles pro mental health disorders; however,
Lazarus art society, INC> and com gram focuses on children between the j ’m enthusedtobeapartofacom m u-
munity learning center is interested ii ages of 2 1/2 and 12 years of age, the jbu.team that cares enough to do
providingacreativeartisticoutletwiihn trade program (13-18) and the paim something about it,” states McDaniel,
the minority community thru activi program is for parents that would like tc
McDaniel’s responsibilities in-
prom olionot w orkingartistsandexten work on an art project with their child oi c,ude deveioping a public relations
sive outreach and instruction to chit children.
and marketing agenda to fostergreater
dren and senior citizens.
Aside from developing artistic tai accessibility o f The G arlington
T his project with Community ents the Cradles and trade program alst Center’s services to individuals, cor-
Leaming Center and Lazarus Art Soci cultivates self-esteem and self-empow ^ ra tio n s and the community at large,
ety, Inc. confirms there are positive erment through the artistic exercise: Her immediate focus will be the new
constructive activities in which chil developed for this course. These ar Child & Fami|y Treatment Center,
dren may get involved in the northeas programs will be a complement to othe
The Garlington Center Child &
community. Activities that are fun ant educational activitiesthatthechild ma; Family Treatment program was in-
participate in and should be a requirei strumental in providing services to
For more liitormation call:
course tor lamdies that are concemei the renowned Ecclsia children.
2694 classes begin January, 1993
about their children academic achieve
for the
Lee Owen Stone
Cooperative Preschool
March 13
7:00 p.m.
I \
1 I
I V V v
rV 1G © C © P| i © f
Center and Rep Avel Gnrdlv.
OMSI Celebrates Albert
Einstein’s Birthday
Visitors to the Oregon Museum
of Science and Industry' may join a
special party on Sunday , March 14.
O M SI w ill c e le b ra te A lbert
Einstein’s birthday with a treasure
hunt, games, an informative exhibit,
activities, drama performances and
birthday cake. The party’will be held
between 10 a m. and 3 p.m.
Einstein, a well-known and re­
spected scientist, was bom March
14, 1879, in Ulm. Germany. He
wrote many scientific papers which
Sen. Bill McCoy Named To
State Commission On
Indian Services
enefit Auction
hosted the program Malcolm X remembered at the North Portland Branch library. Guest speakers
included Ron Herndon, co chair of the Black United Front, Joyce Hams, director of the Black Education
State Senator Bill McCoy of nating money entirely for CIS and
Northeast Portland has been named to other commissions.
The Commission, which has 13
the Oregon Commission on Indian
members, was established in 1975 to
McCoy was confirmed for the improve services to American Indi­
commission by a unanimous vote of ans in Oregon. The other 11 members
the state Senate today. He will be one are representatives of tribal councils
of two “Legislative Representatives” and non-reservation areas through­
to the Commission; the other is state out the state, according to McCoy.
McCoy said the commission
Rep. Kate Brown, also of Portland.
“The Commission on Indian Ser­ serves as the main forum in which
vices provides Native Americans a Indian concerns are considered and
link to their heritage, and to state then recommends methods for the
o p e ra tio n s and state pro g ram s, state to improve services to them.
The commission also monitors
“McCoy said. “It gives important ser­
which may affect Indians,
vices to them, and like other commis­
information source about
sions, deserves cooperation and sup­
government and indian communi­
port. I am pleased to fill this position.
One of McCoy’s immediate con- ties, advises both public and private
agencies about
about tne the neeas
needs ana
and eon-
cems is ensuring the commission re- agencies
ceive enough funding in the 1993-95 cems of the Indian community, and
budget to continue operating. He said protects their cultural resources, he
somelegislatorsareconsideringelimi- said.
«- as capillary at­
included topics such
traction, statistical foundations, ther­
modynamics, exi stence of molecules/
correctness of the kinetic theory of
heat, and theories of relativity. He
re-wrote and constantly re-chal­
lenged his own theories.
Einstein created new under­
standings of the structure of the
universe. His papers, published in
1905, rev ealed the equation and his
theory of relativity: E=mc2, which
measures^nergy (E), mass (m), and
speed of lights(c) His work earned
him a Nobel Prize in 1921 and he
became one of the most famous men
in the world
Einstein’s Birthday Party’ will
be included with general museum
1-3 DAYS
317 N.E. Killingsworth St.
Portland, Oregon 97211
co// Valerie Currie
(503) 289-0851
1819 N.W. Everett
admission: $3.00
Training True Professionals
for further information, call 282-0574
The Full Gospel Pentecoslal Association
5th National Women’s Convention
Pre-Musical-March 10, 1993
Featuring Guest Speaker.
Evangelist Iona Locke
"It’s your future, plan wisely.”
3 3 0 1
This is my friend Askia. Like many 4-year-olds, he
spends his days discovering new wonders.
Unfortunately, he also spends every day waiting for a
very special person who can save his life.
You see, like thousands of other African American
kids, Askia has a blood disease that will kill him unless
he finds a marrow donor. His donor is someone out
there whose body tissues are very similar to his.
Detroit. Michigan
March 11 & 12, 1993
7:00 p m . Nightly
God’s Pentecostal Tempio
(16lh & Fir) 150 16th Ave. E.
Seattle, Washington
(206) 323-9573
Evang. Mattie Wells, Convention President
It could he you.
It’s simple to help. You start by taking a free blood test.
Public Notice
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Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off
100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95
braiding and weaving
Wigs and Beauty Supplies
We will meet or beat
anyone’s prices.
Salos and Piomolional iloms excluded.
Rev. Jesse Jackson
Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply
Free marrow donor testing for African Americans
707 N.E. Fremont
Portland, Oregon 97212
(503) 281-6525
Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday
Sunday, March 14,1993
9 a.m. -1 p.m.
American Red C m ,, 4 Bedre’ * M.E Chu^h • 5»2g ne fth Ave -
Portland, Oregon 97211 • 288-5429 281-7139