Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 10, 1993, Page 11, Image 11

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L ife in the P ortland M etropolitan A rea
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Science Fair Offers
Educational Opportunities
Many research
projects at Legacy
benefit from the help
o f college students
who participate in
25-30 summer
internships available
throughout Legacy’s
healthcare delivery
It’s not your average poster g a lle y -th e
w orks displayed in this exhibit come w ith
titles that feature w ords like “T hrom boplas­
tin ,” “P aradigm ,” “ Interferon,” and “O ut­
com es ” T he third annual Legacy Science
F air, to be held Friday, M arch 12, 9 a m .-7:30
p m in the Lorenzen C onference C enter at
E m anuel Hospital & H ealth C enter will use a
poster form at to show case a w ide variety o f
research underw ay w ithin Legacy H ealth Sys­
T h e them e is “B u ild in g th e B ridges
B etw een C linicians and R esearchers W ithin
th e L eg acy H e a lth S y ste m .” It m ean s
scientists, physicians, nurses an d clinical spe­
cialists w ill present studies an d sh a re research
o n neuro sciences, internal m edicine, infec­
tions, H IV research, senior health Alzheimers,
m e d ic a l g e n e tic s, o b ste trics/g y n ec o lo g y ,
onocology, cardiology’, case m anagem ent and
P o rtra it O f S trength
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T h e fa ir also re a c h e s o u t to futu re
s c ie n tis ts .
H ig h S chool stu d e n ts from
last sum m er’s Sahirday A cadem y class o f
th e O regon G raduate Institute o f Science
an d Technology w ill present their projects
as p art o f the fa ir's exhibits. T hese students
develop and conduct m edical research in
co n ju n ctio n w ith Legacy sta ff through a
Legacy m entor/student program .
M id d le school stu d en ts from M E SA
(M ath, E ngineering, Sciences A chievem ent)
an d h ig h school science classes from N orth/
N ortheast Portland w ill receive guided tours
M anaged H ealthcare Northwest PPO.
of the fair and its contents.
Em anuel also provides healthcare schol­
Many research projects at Legacy benefit
from the help o f college students who partici­ arships to high school seniors in N orth/N orth-
pate in 25-30 sum m er internships available east Portland who pursue careers in m edicine.
To further the educational com ponent o f
throughout Legacy’s healthcare delivery sys­
contributions from medical residents
tem : Emanuel Hospital & H ealth Center, Good
r faculty will be evaluated an d pre­
S a m a rita n H o sp ital & M ed ical C e n te r,
top aw ards for both “Basic M edi­
Holladay Park M edical Center, M eridian Park
Hospital, M ount Hood M edical Center, Legacy-
T he keynote speaker, Peter S. Spencer,
V isiting N urse A ssociation and C arem ark/
PH D., F.R.C. pathologist, director and senior
scientist for the C enter for Research on Occu­
pational and Environm ental Toxicology , O r­
egon H ealth Sciences University, will present
an address on “Toxicology an d Health: From
Paracelsus to A1 G ore,” at 5:30 p.m. He will
put research into perspective by addressing
how w e’re forced to live under the sometimes
toxic conditions we impose upon ourselves
an d our environm ent.
Project No Fakes” To Educate Kids
About Law Enforcement Impostors
law enforcem ent officers.
“W hile problem s w ith fake law enforce­
ment officers are relatively rare in Portland,
we are taking the problem very, very seri-
City Police B ureau, P ortland Public
Schools Police D epartm ent and M ultnom ah
County S h e riffs O ffice Join Efforts T o Help
P ortland Students D istinguish Fake Law E n ­
forcem ent ID From T he Real
T hing
P ortland M ayor V era K atz
a n n o u n c e d to d a y a j o i n t
education p roject called “Project
F a k e s ,”
w ith
th e
P o rtla n d P o lice B u reau , th e
M ultnom ah County S h eriff s D e­
partm ent and the P ortland Pub­
lic Schools Police D epartm ent to
educate young P ortlanders on
how to spot the difference be­
tw een a real and fake law en­
forcem ent officer.
T he education project, co-sponsored by
K inko’s Copies, w hich has donated printi ng
costs, calls for distributing to local schools
color flyers show ing the correct pieces o f
identification for Portland, County and School
and shoulder patches
iz « K
i n c incident
id e n t
n flfir
e r c h check
e c k their
badee and
atz w as referencing a February
in w hich Paul G riffin o f Salem w as charged to verily they are w ith a designated (bonafide)
w ith first-degree kidnapping and im person­ police agency.
Vehicles that are “Suspicious” or look
ating a police officer after he allegedly tried to
m ark ed p o lic e p a tro l c a rs sh o u ld
abduct a 10-year-old girl.
for actual police agency m ark­
K atz said the idea for this education
project cam e from Bill Hinkle, a north P ort­
land resident who suggested the idea to one o f
Katz.' staff person
In addition to show ing pictures ofbadges
and ID cards, the flyer lists the following
Fam iliarize yourself w ith your local po­
lice A gency’s uniform , badge, and marked
left: Portland Police Badge.
Top: Portland School
District Police Badge
ausly,” said Katz. “E arlier this month, a 10-
year-old Portland girl appears to have been
abducted by a m an who was claim ing to be a
police officer. W ith relatively little effort or
cost, we can better educate our youth to spot a
phony law enforcem ent badge.
police vehicles.
If you a re co n fro n ted o r co n tacted
by an y o n e id e n tify in g th em selv es as a
police officer, ask for identification and
c a r e f u lly c h e c k th e id e n tif ic a tio n fo r
authenticity (issued by a bonafide police
If you are contacted or stopped by som e­
one in a uniform who appears to abe a police
9-1-1 can often tim es verify if a police
u n it either plain clothes or uniform , is in a
certain area.
Immediately report anyone suspected of
im personating a police officer to a police
Share this inform ation w ith friends and
family. But rem em ber, until children are
responsible enough to be on their own, and
adult should always be w ith them.
K atz said the flyer would be distributed
by th e P o rtla n d S chool D istric t police
to c la s s r o o m s a n d th a t K in k o ’s h a d
agreed to pick up the cost o f printing the
flyer) call (503) 823-4120 for copies o f
O SB A testified in support o fa bill (SB 15) w ould be paid by the person requesting the
that w ould m ean all teachers, adm inistrators, license.
W hile Senate Education Com mittee mem­
personnel specialists and school nurses apply­
supported protecting students, they also
ing for a license m ust be fingerprinted for
that this bill was not the vehicle to
crim inal background checks
ild ’s safety
T he bill w ould require the O regon State
Cease (D -Portland) and Stan
Police to conduct a nationw ide crim inal record
argued that the bill in ­
check through the Federal Bureau o f Investi­
civil liberties
gation. and report the inform ation to the Teach-
“ T h is bill sim ply goes too far, an d
ers S tan d ard s and Practices C om m ission
(TSPC ) T he estim ated $38 cost o f the check creates to great a burden on an individual’s
Fire Can Happen AnqTime!
And if it d o es, every seco n d
counts. Will you an d your
family know w hat to d o ?
Practice an e s c a p e plan
from each room in th e
house. Feel your way o ut
with your e y e s closed.
Teach your family to stop,
drop to th e ground and roll
if their clothes catch on fire
K eep the fire d ep a rtm en ts
num ber by th e p h one By
your bed, have a flashlight
to help you se e an d whistle
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liberties," «• said David Fidanquc. executive
d irecto r o f the A m erican Civil L iberties
U nion o f Oregon.
O th e r o r g a n iz a tio n s te s tif y in g in
favor o f the bill w ere the C onfederation
o f O re g o n
A d m in is tr a to r s
(COSA), the TSPC, Sen Bill K cnnem er (R-
M ilwaukie) and Rep. Larry Sowa (D-Oregon
T his bill is sim ilar to HB 2489 that
OSBA is co-sponsoring in the House T hat bill
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to alert your family.
Install sm oke d e te c to rs on
every level of your h o u se
T est th em m onthly, an d
change th e b a tte rie s at
least o n ce a y ear
legal identification)
5-, W
Oregon School Boards Association
Supports Background Check
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in c lu d e s ri:
c la s s ifie d s ta f f as p e rs o n n e l
w ho m ust h av e a c rim in a l b ac k g ro u n d
c h e c k th e B i l l ’s m a in sp o n so r, R ep.
P e te r C o u rtn e y (D -S ale m ). te stifie d in
support o f SB 15 but said that it did not
go far enough to protect children Courtney
u rg ed th e S en ate ed u c a tio n C o m m ittee
to include classified staff in its version o f the
No further action by the Senate Education
Com m ittee on SB 15 is currently scheduled
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