M '* * ' ►WW r W -*"» ! , V'l'A*-- V ► A»"*»"» f T he P ortland O bserver • F ebruary 10. 1993 Baby Ruth Shooting Stars Showdown Ask a group o f a basketball fans to nam e one o f the most creative shooters in the N ational B asketball A ssociation (NBA), and a wide variety o f nam es are sure to come up. W hile different superstars excel at every­ thing from low post m oves to three-point shots, there has been no real gauge for deter­ m ining th e “Sweetest shooter”- u n til now. T he Baby Ruth Shooting Stars Show­ down, a prem ier event o f the N BA Jam Session presented by Fleer, on February 20 in Salt Lake City, w ill go a long way toward settling the issue, as four top NBA players go head-to-head in a contest to show case pure shooting talent. Clyde D rexler, Jeff M alone, Reggie M iller and C hris M ullin w ill each shoot from nine predeterm ined spots, accru­ ing points for each basket made. A total o f $75,000 w ill be divided am ong the first- through fourth-place finishers, $45,00 o f w hich will go to the p layers’ favorite chari­ ties. “Baby R uth is delighted to have created, w ith the NBA, this com pletely new, truly innovative com petition as an expansion o f theN B A A ll-Startradition,“ said Gail Kenney, category m anager for N estle Chocolate & Confections, m anufacturers o f Baby Ruth candy bars, :The Baby R uth Shooting Stars Showdown will show case four o f the league’s best shooters in a contest to exhibit their shooting skills w hile earning money for ch ar­ Drexler, left, was runner-up for the league’s Most Valuable Player Award last year. Je ff Malone, top right, star of the host Utah Jazz, played the first seven years of his career with the Washington Bullets, where he developed a reputation as a clutch shooter. Reggie Miller, right middle, has led the Indiana Pacers in scoring for three straight seasons. T he w inner o f the Baby Ruth Shooting Stars ShowdowTi, based on total points accu­ m ulated, w ill receive $15,000 w ith an addi­ tional $22,500 aw arded to that player's c h a r­ ity. Second place earns $7,500, w ith $11.250 tochantv .th ird p lac e earns $5,000 w ith $7,500 to charity, and fourth place earns $2,500, w ith $3,750 aw arded to the player’s designated charity. T he four contestants are all veteran w ho have been am ong the league’s scoring leaders for several years D rexler. the Portlanu T rail B lazers’ superstar, was runner-up for the league’s M ost V aluable Player A w ard last year, w hile also leading his team to the N BA F inals and serving as an integral part o f the U nited States' “D ream T eam ” at the B arcelona O lympics. A six-tim e A ll-Star. D rexler has led th e B lazers in scoring for five consecutive seasons He jo in e d the B lazers in 1983 after leading the U niversity o f H ouston to two straight trips to the NCA A Final Four Jeff M alone, star o f the host U tah Jazz, played the first seven years o f his career w ith the W ashington Bullets, w here he devel­ oped a reputation as a clutch shooter. Now in his th ird year w ith the Jazz, Jeff has m ore than 14,000 careei points. W hile a senior r - Z w L Benson Wilson Roosevelt Franklin Cleveland Jefferson Lincoln Grant Marshall Madison 13 12 9 7 6 6 6 5 1 0 0 1 4 6 7 7 7 8 12 13 Wednesdays Results (2-3-93) Boys Jefferson 68, Wilson 49 Grant 74, Marshall 63 Lincoln 49, Roosevelt 44 Benson 72, Franklin 51 Cleveland 72, Madison 57 Girls Wilson 62, Jefferson 60 Roosevelt 50, Lincoln 41 Benson 60, Franklin 22 Grant 41, Marshall 37 Cleveland 60, Madison 36 Fridays Results (2-5-93) Boys " : Bensons Girls Stay Unbeaten over Lincoln 50 to 41 an d 52 to 46 over G rant. A m anda Cam pbell had a big night against Lincoln w ith 23 points Kafoury w as high scorer again for the C ardinals w ith 12 points in the w in over G rant. A m anda Cam pbell had a big night against Lincoln w ith 23 points Kafoury was high scorer again for the C ard i­ nals w ith 12 points. Jenny O D onnell led the way w ith 10 points in the vv in over G rant. The G enerals also gleaned 10 points from Roberta Hall. Jefferson had three gam es last week and won two o f them T hey scored 61 to 25 win over M adison as Blackm on scored 20 points. She also scored 20 points again as the Demos got by Cleveland 52 to 45. Cam ille A nas 12 points led the W arriors F ranklins win o f the week cam e over M adison 59 to 40. M cDade again was the scoring leader w ith 16 points. Benson Boys Still Lead P.I.L. BY JOHN PHILLIPS After w inning both gam es last week, the Benson T echm en rem ained a full gam e ahead o f G rant in the P.I.L. standing. Jason F ranklin scored 14 points in the win over the Q uakers, 72 to 5 1 Scdikie K antara had 12 points for Franklin In a 57 to 43 win over Lincoln, Ricky B riggs scored 15 for the Techm en. T he C ardinals were led in scoring by M att L ansings 19 points G ran, rem ained in a tic for the num ber,w o spot in the league w ith two easy w ins T he first over M arshall, 74 to 63. It was K.J. Daw kins and Pierre Enyiw a each scoring 14 points to lead the G enerals. Brian M itchell had 22 for the M inutem en, G rant ran all over Roosevelt, 87 to 3 6 n s D aw kins ag ain led the way w ith 19 W ilson was upset by Jefferson 68 to 49 on its hom e court Sharp shooter D enm ark Reid led the Demos w ith 15 points w hile Tyron M anlovc scored 19 points for the Trojans. W l Ison cam e back w ith a easy 90 to 68 vv i n over M arshall to rem ain in a tie with G rant M ontrail M cncfccs 19 paced W ilson. A gain B rian M itchell led the M inutem en w ith 20 points. Jefferson won two o f its three gam es last week T he easy w in was over M adison, 96 to 54, w ith Reid sco rin g a gam e h ig h o f 34 points Joel G reen had 16 points for the Senators. T he Demos lost to Clev eland, 103 to 87, as L eif Spencer scored 34 points T errell Penney' had 20 points for JcfT. T he W arriors also received 20 points from Brandon Moye in a 72 to 57 w in over M adison T in, C onklin had 16 points. for the Senators I Mil JVutul W Girls 7 7 Girls “sweetest shooter” in the NBA. M onica W atts led Benson to a easy 60 to 22 win over F ranklin w ith 15 points. Kim G reen helped out w ith 12 points o f her ow n. Franklins M ichelle M cDade paced the Q uak­ ers w ith 10 points. In Fridays 72-61 win over Lincoln, M fom Udoka scored 19 points for Tech. Kelly K afoury was the high scorer for L incoln w ith 13 points. W ilson rem ained just one gam e behind Benson w ith two w ins last week. The first was ever so close over Jefferson, 62 to 60. Rachel Fergusons 14 points led the Trojans. Tire Demos were led by K cnoris B lackm on w ho scored 28 big points. W ilson had a m uch easier tim e with M arshall on Friday w ith a 73 to 45 win. This tu n e the T rojans got 18 points from Elizabeth W ecgce in the one sided win. Rachel Kearby led M arshall w ith 10 points. Roosevelt also picked up two wins, one IM 4 3 3 0 2 3 3 4 5 5 8 9 4 12 Jefferson 61, Madison 25 the year w hile at St. Jo h n 's University. A lthough all four o f these stars have established themselves am ong the prem ier shooters in the league, only the w inner o fth e BY JOHN PHILLIPS ih h Benson Grant Wilson Cleveland Franklin Jefferson Lincoln Madison Marshall Roosevelt Boys Jabbar. M ullin, a team m ate o f D rexler on the "D ream T eam ," led the G olden State W arriors in scoring last year for the fifth straight season. A four-tim e NBA A ll-Star. M ullin joined the W arriors in 1985, after w inning the John W ooden aw ard as college player of TNT Schedule Change Portland vs. Miami on February 2 4 ha3 been moved to 4 :3 0 p.m. PST L 10 9 9 8 Jefferson 96,Madison 54 all-tim e leading scorer. Reggie M iller has led the Indiana Pacers in scoring for three straight seasons. A n A ll-Star in 1990. M iller’s61 three-pointers in th e 1987-88 season broke Larry B ird ’s record for most three- pointers b\ a rookie. M iller finished his college career at UCLA second on the school’sa ll-tim e sco rin g list, behind Dareem Abdul- 20 year old Superstar Rookie, Shaquille O'Neal grabbed 11 rebounds and scored 22 points. Shaq Is having an outstanding Rookie season in the NBA, he's second in rebound and seventh in scoring. photo by Veronica Green W ■ at M ississippi State, M alone was nam ed the Southeastern Confer­ ence Player o fth e Y ear in 1983, finishing his career as the school's Shaq Attack Visits Portland Boys Mondays Results (2-1-93) Mullin, right bottom, a teammate of Drexler on the “Dream Team," led the Golden State Warriors in scoring last year for the fifth straight season ity.” P.I.L. Basketball Standing Benson 57, Lincoln 43 Grant 87, roosevelt 35 Cleveland 103, Jefferson 87 Wilson 90, Marshall 68 Franklin 63, Madison 62 Girls Roosevelt 52, Grant 46 Wilson 73, Marshall 45 Benson 72, Lincoln 61 Jefferson 52, Cleveland 45 Franklin 59, Madison 40 This Week In The P.I.L. Wednesday (2-10-93) Girls at 5:45pm Boys at 7:30pm Marshall at Cleveland Franklin at Grant Roosevelt at Jefferson Wilson at Lincoln I Benson at Madison Friday (2-12-93) Girls at 5:45pm Boys at 7:30pm Jefferson at Benson Roosevelt at Cleveland Marshall at Franklin Lincoln at Grant Madison at Wilson Advertise your sports event in the Observer Call 288-0033