Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 10, 1993, Page 7, Image 7

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T he P ortland O bserver • F ebruary 10, 1993
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Dennis Haysbert Co-Stars With Michelle Pfeiffer In
Orion Pictures Release
It is the davafter the assassin a­
tion of P resident John K ennedy and
Paul Cater, an A frican-A m erican
pharm acist from W ashington, D C.,
is trying to leave D allas w ith his
sm all daughter. At a bus station, his
path crosses w ith blond D allas
housewife L urene H allette. w ho, in
h e r sy m p a th y f o r J a c q u e lin e
K ennedy, is draw n to the sam e
T his is “ L ove F ie ld ,” starring
D en n is H aysbert a n d M ic h elle
Pfeiffer, a film about race an d rela­
tionships in the segregated South.
“M y character Paul C ater is runnng
away w hile M ich elle’s character,
Lurene, is ru n n in g to som ething,”
explains D ennis. “O u r p aths cross
and circum stances continually throw
us together. Both o f us are alone and
lonely, and as we cross the country a
reluctant bond form s betw een us.”
D ennis grew up in a fam ily o f
nine children in San M ateo, C alifor­
nia. H is m other is a hom em aker and
his father w as a deputy sheriff as­
signed to San Francisco A irport secu­
rity. D raw n to acting and sports, he
opted for dram a and attended the C ol­
lege o f San M ateo. He later moved to
the Pasadena b ranch o f the A m erican
A cadem y o f D ram atic Arts.
E ver since a guest starring role on
“ Lou G r a n t,” D ennis has been seen
all over the television dial. He had
recurring roles in “ B uck R ogers In
T h e 20 C e n tu ry ” an d ”J u s t T h e T en
O f U s.” A nd he w as a regular in two
ABC scries, “ O ff T h e R a c k ” and
“ C ode R ed .” But one o f his most
personal roles w as in the T V movie
“ G ra m b lin g ’s W h ite T ig e r.” “The
reason that film m eant so m uch to me
w as b ecau se C o ach R o b in so n o f
G ram blingw as my fath er’sbest friend
w hile they w ere grow ing up,” he re­
This m onth, Dennis has a fea­
tu red role in the CBS m ini-series
“ Q u e e n ” the sequel to A lex H aley’s
acclaim ed "R o o ts.” It’s the saga o f
H aley’s grandm other from slavery to
th e 20th century. D ennis portrays
D avis, a union organizer, who is the
fath er o f Q ueen’s first son.
H aysbert’s motion picture debut
w as “ M a jo r L eague,” an offbeat base­
- Jeanne W olf, JEANNE WO1.I S H O LLY W O O D
- Rex Reed NI W YORK OBM RVl R
.«x-D O 3 N R O O ’ S G11XZBVRG
a -JA\'EK
UK s OX, ue ^ ^ - M F SARAH
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Pnnts Rv M ine ’
O r tio r f I PICTURES
. . 4 Q.çH,s Release
FEBRUARY 1 1 ,1 9 9 3 .
Available a t The Portland O bserver Office,
4 7 4 7 NE M artin L uther King B oulevard
........................ ................................................ ................•••••/.
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By Linda McClain
Set in the post civil w ar era a
young m other, L aurel Somersby
(Jodie Foster) w aits six years for
her v eteran husband to return.
W hen he finally does, h e ’s som e­
how different. H e’s sm aller, has
w eight loss an d his shoe size is two
sizes too sm a ll. C ould that be from
the w eight loss. Sure it is, b u t he is
nicer, m ore attentive and m uch
m ore desi ruble. Could the w ar have
chan g ed him th at m uch?
R e m em b er th e ‘G o o d o le
d ay s’ w hen the ‘N eg ro es’ knew
th eir place an d m any found that
place han g in g at the end o f a rope
in th e m iddle o f town. H anging
there, w hile w hite ch ild ren play ed
w ith the decay ing corpses? D o you
rem em ber the tim e w hen the south­
ern accented w ord ‘n ig ra ’ rang
out like a melody ? W ell, if you
d o n ’t, you need to see th is m ovie
for a little dose o f th e way it was.
H ow ever, in S o m ersby th e h is­
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ball story starring Tom B erenger
and C harlie Sheen. H is character
was “ Ped ro Ce r ra n o ,” a C uban w ith
a shaved head, a goatee, an d a voo­
doo shrine in his locker. T his w as
followed by O rio n ’s “ N avy S eals,” a
film about an elite m ilitary team .
Last fall, D ennis co-starred w ith Tom
Selleck in “ M r. B a seb a ll” , an o th er
baseball comedy. T hese baseball
roles have been good practice for his
hobby— playing com petitive, m odi­
fied, fast pitch baseball in L .A ’s
Show Business League.
D ennis is m arried to actress
L ynn G riffith H aysbert a n d the
couple has a two year old son. H e’s
attracted to roles th at both en tertain
and educate audiences. He w ants
audiences to get som ething back. “I
w ant people to respect me an d to
know that I am respectful o f th em ,”
D ennis explains. “1 w ould like them
to see me as a guy w ho cares.”
An O rion Pictures presentation
o f a Sanford/Pillsbury Production,
“ Love Field” is directed by Jonathan
K aplan (“ T h e A ccu sed ” ) from a
screenplay by co-producer D on Ross.
T he film is produced by M idge
Sanford and Sarah Pillsbury and
e x e c u tiv e p ro d u c e d by G e o rg e
Goodman. T he cast includes B rian
K erw in, Peggy Rea, Louise L atham ,
Beth G rant and Stephanie M cFadden
in her acting debut. “ Love F ie ld ”
features an orchestral score by A cad­
emy A ward-winner Jerry Goldsm ith,
and will open nationally on Febru­
ary 12th.
Pledges Its Support To The National
Association For Sickle Cell Disease, Inc.
has chosen
to give a
portion of the
from these
calls to the
For Sickle
Cell Disease
in support of
our efforts to
find a cure
for sickle cell
disease. The
Society will
also share in
the proceeds
from this
O n Fcbrcuary 11, and 18, 1993,
“ M a rtin ” , Fox's most successful hit
o f the season, will have a very special
three part story that will benefit the
N ational Association for Sickle Cell
D isease, Inc.
The producers o f “ M a rtin ” con­
tacted the organization in January and
told them about a special three part
story line that will involve view ers o f
the show M artin and his girlfriend
G ina (T isha C am pbell) break up and
begin datin g other people, w ith televi­
sion view ers deciding the final o ut­
com e in a special 900 num ber vote
T he telephone lines will be open from
February 11 through 16 so th at view ­
ers can vote on w ho should apologize
first: G ina or M ah in . Tw o different
endings w ill be film ed, and the poll
results will determ ine w hich is b road­
cast for the third episode. E ach call
w ill cost 75 cents.
M artin Law rence has chosen to
give a portion o f the proceeds from
these callsto the N ational A ssociation
For Sickle Cell D isease in support o f
our efforts to find a cure for sickle cell
disease T he national M ultiple Scle­
rosis Society will also share in the
proceeds from th is national prom o­
We arc encouraging our friends,
supporters and the general public to
w atch “ M a rtin ” w hich airs on FOX,
T hursdav, 8:30 -9 :0 0 P M . ET/PT. Be
Continued on page 8
tory lesson is m ild. R acial insults
and disrespect! ve innuendo is spar­
ingly sprinkled throughout to give
the story a touch o f realism . E ven
the K n ig h ts o f th e G a r d e n ia (I
believe that w as th eir nam e) m akes
an appearance to to rtu re a black
m an for the supposedly w rong do­
ing o f a w hite man.
Y et com passion an d racial
kindness flood the screen. W ith
the determ ination o f the tow ns
people, black and w hite, w orking
together to rebuild th eir lives an d
th e e n t ir e to w n . B u t to d o
so.som eone m ust die.
Jam es E arl Jones delivers a
riv eting perform ance o f the p re ­
siding ju d g e over the m urder trial.
W hen the confronts the K n ig h t
an d sentences him to sixty days for
contem pt o f court, the m ovie th e­
ater audience roared w ith la u g h ­
ter an d hand clapping.
A w o rd o fw am in g , the w ife’s
pregnancy is so prcdicable, at least
to us w om en, w hen she faints in
the field, the w om en in the au d i­
ence shouted, “sh e ’s p reg n an t.” I
did too. But I ju st w hispered it.
How did Jack Som ersby (R i­
ch ard G ere) know his w ife had a
baby girl, w hen he en tered the
room directly after the b irth o f the
ch ild ? No one told him! U ltra­
sound available back then.
But the m ost b latan t exam ple
o f lax cam era w ork is the court
room screen If you start to get
dizzy w hile w atch in g it, relax
T h e cam era toggles back and forth
betw een focused an d unfocused to
such a degree, its distracting.
Y et this rem ake o f T h e R e­
tu r n o f M a rtin G u e r re is re­
fresh in g ly h eart w arm in g , and
renew ing o f faith in m ankind. It is
w ell w orth the Full Price!
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