F ebruary 10, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age 6 ***««»tu* Very Strawberry Shortcakes .4 truly sensational treat.' Made with oat bran and sweetened with fresh fruit, there is no longer any reason to skip dessert. 2V j cups sliced strawberries (about 1 pint) 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon orange-flavored liqueur (optional) 1’/2 cups all-purpose flour V2 cup Quaker Oat Bran hot cereal, uncooked 3 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder ’/ j teaspoon salt (optional) % cup skim milk 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 cups dessert topping mix prepared with skim milk Combine strawberries, 1 tablespoon sugar and liqueur; mix well. Cover; chill at least 1 hour. Heat oven to 375°F. Lightly spray cookie sheet with vegetable oil cooking spray or oil lightly. Combine flour, oat bran, 3 tablespoons sugar, baking powder and salt; mix well. Add combined milk and oil, stirring with fork until mixture leaves sides of bowl and forms a ball. Drop six 3-inch dough balls onto prepared cookie sheet. Bake 20 to 22 minutes or until light golden brown. Cool 1 minute on cookie sheet: remove to wire rack. Cool completely. Split each shortcake in half crosswise. Spoon ‘A cup strawberry mixture onto bottom halves of six shortcakes. Top each with '/•» cup dessert topping and remaining shortcake halves. Garnish with remaining strawberries and dessert topping. Makes 6 servingi Nutrition information: Each serving (1 shortcake) Calories 310 Fat 10 g Protein 7 g polyunsaturated 4 j Carbohydrate 47 g monounsaturated a f . f . v . cookies Oat Bran 7 g Dietary Fiber 4 g Sodium 180 mg Cholesterol 0 mg S w e e t s Fisk & M eats R TANGO 7.12 oz. • REGAL GRAHAMS 10 12 oz, • ROYAL DAINTY 10.12 oz. » 7406 N. Vancouver Avenue Corner of Lombard & Vancouver - Next to Pizza Hut EACH DARE COOKIES • CHOCOLATE FUDGE • LEM O N CREME • MAPLE LEAF EACH BOHEMIAN PASTRIES Cherry Boston Creme Cake F O R TH A T _ " special <{* CZQ V A LE N TIN E " EACH Cherry Almond Coffee Cake^ Pork Ribs Beef Ribs (t* 50.lb. Meat Pack 15 lb. Steaks 15 lb. Beef & Pork Roast 15 lb. Ground Beef 5 lb. Chicken Food Stamps Welcome! 20 lb. Budget Pack ■ EACH Meat-Seafood Market 7406 N. Vancouver Avenue 285-4750 V IS IT OUR W E D D IN G CAKES SHOWPLACE, cafcM. 11411 ».I. MORRMOM. PM. M4-3V $5.00 Off Any Meat Pack Offer Valid With Coupon Only! WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 2 lb. Texas T-Bone 3 lb. Pork Roast 3 lb. Pork Ribs 3 lb. Beef Ribs 4 lb. Ground Beef 4 lb. Beef Roast 3 lb. Pork Chops 3 lb. Sausage or Bacon $49.95 ■ REG. »2.75 EACH • bMvtMul dt.ptar •» 25 lb. Variety Pack Ground Beef Rib Eve Steak C i llC kC l I REG 5 4 .9 5 EACH FOR S O M E T H IN G MORE W IT H THAT EARLY M O R N IN G COFFEE 20 lb. Budget Pack $35.95 2 lb. Ham Hocks 2 lb. Stew Meat 3 lb. Chicken 3 lb. Sausage of Bacon 5 lb. Hot Dogs 5 lb. Ground Beef THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN TOWN SINCE 1906 SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TUESDAY through SUNDAY FEBRUARY 9 through 14. 1993 MEMBER OF UNITED GROCERS HOURS WEEKDAYS OlTcr Expires 9/1/92 2 lb. 2 to 3 lb. 3 lb 5 to. 5 to. $35.95 Ham Hocks Slew Meat Chicken Sausage of Bacon Hot Dogs Ground Beef 25 lb Variety Pack 5 lb Ground Beel 5 lb. R.b Eye Steak ' 5 lb Chicken 5 to. Pont Ribs 5 to Beel Ribs 25 lb. Beel & Pork Pack 555 95 2 lb. Texas T-Bone 3 to Portt Roast 3 to 3 to 4 lb. 4 to. 3 to 31b $49,95 Portt Ribs Beef Ribs Ground Beef Beef Roast Portt Chops Sausage or Bacon 589.95 50 lb. Meat Pack 15 to Steaks 15 lb Beef 4 Portt Roast 15 to Ground Beef 5 to. Chicken SUH0AY 9AM U) 7PM SAFEWAY Creole Gumbo Dinner Immaculate Heart Church's an­ nual chicken and seafood dinner w ill be Saturday , Feb. 20,1993, from noon to 8:00pm, at Immaculate Heart Com­ munity Center 2926 N. W illiam s Ave. Adults $7 & kids under 12 $3. Annual Zoo Cookoff The twelfth annual Great N orth­ west C h ili Cookoff benefiting Metro Washington Park Zoo w ill be held on Feb. 20, 1993, at Convention Hall in the Memorial Coliseum. It is open to the public from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm. Awards w ill be made in three categories: best tasting chili, show­ manship and "Peoples Choice." C h ili teams w ill perform during the day amid the cookin' and tastin'. Y ou can jo in by doing your own dance to the music o f The Lansings. Prizes w ill be awarded starting at 4:30 pm. Ad Prices Good February 10 through February 16,1993 At Safeway. 48-Ounce Apple Juice Town House 100% pure apple juice. No preservatives, just wonderful flavor! Stock-up! Large Seedless Sunkist Oranges Sweet and juicy, enjoy between meals, in salads or make fresh squeezed juice! Nobody does it better for less Look In The This Week Magazine for your Safeway Shopping Guide for a complete list of specials on sale this week at Safeway! M A G A Z Women Are Helped To Prepare For Pregnancies Women o f all ages can learn the latest on how to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby during two free evening seminars sponsored by Legacy Women's Health Services. "Pregnancy in the '90s: Prepar­ ing Yourself for the Best." The first seminar w ill be held Thursday, Feb. 25, 7 to 9 pm, at Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center in the Neurological Sciences Center Audi- torium. 1040 NW 22nd Avenue. The second seminar w ill take place March 9, 7 to 9pm, at Emanuel Hospital <& Health Center, first floor, 2801 N Gantcnbcin Preregistration is required, call Legacy Health Sys­ tem at 335-3500