Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 10, 1993, Page 5, Image 5

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T he P ortland O bserver • F ebruary
P age
10, 1993
L ife in the P ortland M etropolitan A rea
^ u rtla n ù (©irgeriier
Saturday School
Poetry Book
“My goal is not just to
highlight the soldiers
fo r the black history
month, but to make
this a continued effort
fo r true American
History ”
The Black United Front Saturday
School w ill host a reception and auto»
graph party to celebrate the publica»
tion o f a book o f children’ s poetry
written by Saturday School students.
The event is scheduled fo r Sunday,
February 14,1993 from 2-4 pm at the
M ulticultural Senior Center located at
5325 NE M artin Luther K in g Jr, Blvd.
The book titled “ Sing W ith a
Holler” is a collection o f poems writ»
ten by Saturday School students rang-
ing from 6-13 years old. James
DePreist, conductor o f the Oregon
Sy mphony wrote in the foreword to
ihe book that, “ The poems in this
volume speak o f personal vision that
can strike a responsive chord in a ll
who allow themselves tobe open to the
message.” The poets w ill read from
their works and share their experi­
ences as writers. For additional infor­
mation please call Joyce Harris, Sat­
urday School coordinator at284-9552.
Saturday School volunteers w ill be
available to answer questions about
Right: Mark Little pictured (left),
during his showing at the Shades of
Color, with, Ullyses Tucker,Channel 2
News Public Affairs (back); Norm
Monroe, Gladys McCoy Office
Administrator (center); and Darrell
Mlllner, Director of Black Studies at
Portland State University (right).
Below: The painting highlights the
lives of the BUFFALO SOLDIERS who
were stationed at Fort Vancouver,
Washington, (state) during the Civil
Saturday School and to register new
♦ ♦ ♦
by Riga Brant
Age 13
Sing with praise
Sing with pride
uffalo Soldiers is one o f the several pain tin g s by A frican-A m erican artist M ark
Little. T he painting h ighlights th e lives o f the B uffalo Soldiers w ho w ere stationed
at Fort V ancouver, W ashington, (state) d u rin g th e Civil W ar. They were know n
as the 9th an d 10th Cavalry. W e are unsure why the Indians nam ed them the
B uffalo Soldiers. T here are two possibilities, according to Professor Burt McKinley.
T he first addresses the fact that the soliders w ore buffalo hides to keep w arm during
the w inter to keep w arm . T he second lends itself to the In d ian ’s respect for the
buffalo from w hich they m ade th eir clothing, th eir tepees, it was th eir meat, and
endless other uses. They possibly, felt th at sam e kind o f respect and awe for the
soldiers. It w as a real fact th at the Indians w ere afraid o f the B uffalo Soldiers, as
they w ere considered a real ‘b ra v e ’ unit.
L ittle’s collection is on display at the Shades o f Color Gallery in NE P ortland
Little says, “M v goal is not ju st to h ig h lig h t the soldiers for the black history
m onth, but to m ake this a continued effort for true A m erican History We have an
A frican A m erican cultural arts group called H V A L IT ' w hose first project is to
raise funding to spotlight and develop an o th er docum entary that is an entertai ni ng
an d educational video for a national audience."
(The B uffalo Soldiers w ere presented on C hannel 2, narrated by Rick M eyers
th is past Sunday, Feb 7,1993.)
Little added the Portland Public Schools are interested in th e project for
diversity an d aw areness for the students.
“ In developing the paintings o f the B uffalo Soldiers, my own m in d and body
seem to transcend tim e and touch the spirit o f the 9th and 10th Cavalry’...That
pow erful story w as always there, but w as never part o f the A m erican history taught
in my public schooling. T he soldiers received very little recognition during the
1800’s an d were absent from the textbooks and the Hollywood screen. “
Little grew up in Springfield Illinois, an d though he enjoys the deep green
forest an d m ountain w ilderness areas o f O regon, he does not like th e cold. M ark
has developed and com pleted th e Beautification Project for the V eteran s A dm in­
M ark L ittle's w ork is part o f the perm anent collection o f US B ankC orp, State
o f O regon, D epartm ent o f H um an Resources, P ortland State U niversity, City o f
Portland, Com m ission for the Arts, and visual Chronicle.
Donations for the Buffalo Soldiers project may be sent to:
B uffalo Soldiers Retrospective P rogram
P.O. Box 10596, Portland, O regon 97210
S tudent , S enior P en P als T o
E xchange V alentine S tories
w elve young girls and a dozen eld ­
erly w om en w h o ’vc been pen pals
since last fall m eet for the first tim e
and ex c h an g e V alen tin e stories
about friendship Saturday (Feb. 13)
at 1 p nt at the Salvation Army
RoscC entcr, 1785N .E.Sandy Blvd
T he pen pals arc elem entary
s tu d e n ts in P o r tla n d S c h o o l
D is tr ic t's T a le n te d an d G ifted
(T A G ) P ro g ram from D uniw ay,
M arkham . Skyline and W oodm ere
schools and "senior authors" Pro­
gram fro Portland Park B ureau’s
Senior W riting Program .
U nited by th circo m m o n love o f
w riting, the pen pals have been cor­
responding for eight weeks adult
w riters s e n e as m entors to their
younger counterparts
After identify ing their w riting
partners by m atching up stories, the
authors will share poem s, plays and
short w ritings
Fam ilies and the public arc in ­
vited to jo in the pen pal gathering.
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Sing with joy
And sing real high
Sing about peace
Sing with honor
Sing with respect
And with a holler.
Black Is...
by Riga Brant
Age 13
Black is a color
Not a crime.
Black is a song
W ith rhythm and rhyme.
Black is a culture
W ith contents and pride.
Black is a feeling
You don’t have to hide.
Black is the future
The world to be.
Black is a character
And Black is me.