P age 14 F ebruary 10, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver Scientific Instrument Technician Vehicle Operator (Electronic Scale Technician) The D epartm ent of T ransporta­ tion seeks applicants for a po­ sition located in Salem . This position participates in a state­ wide scale m aintenance and com puter vehicle m onitoring program w hich includes com ­ plex electronic m onitoring sys­ tem instrum etns. Requires two years experience fabricating and repairing electronic scien­ tific in s tru m e n ts /e q u ip m e n t; OR an Associate's degree in Electronics; OR com bination of education and experience. C ontact O D O T R ecruitm ent at (503)378-6281 for an applica­ tion packet. Com pleted appli­ cations m ust be returned by 5:00 p.m ., F e b ru a ry 2 4 ,1 9 9 3 A A /E E O E m p lo y e r C o m m it* te d T o C u ltu ra l D iv e rs tly Experienced vehicle dirver with m inim um of a high school di­ plom a or equivalent and one year experience as a licensed driver with a valid com m erickal driver's license needed for the p u rp o s e o f tr a n s p o r tin g studetns. Individual will be re­ sponsible for operating light trucks, buses and passenger vehicle equipm ent. Preference will be given to those individu­ als with added experience in law enforcem ent or security work. Respond by sending a cover letter of interest and re­ sum e no later than 2/13/93 to: Springdale Job Corps Center, A T T N : H u m a n R e s o u rce s, 31224 E. C ro w n P o in t Highway, Troutdale, Oregon 97060. A n E q u a l O p p o r tu n ity E m ­ ployer M /F/D/V News Editor P o rtla n d A re a R adio s ta to in w ants full tim e R adio/N ew s editor. Experience required. Send ta p e /re s u m e to Operatons Manager, P.O. Box 14957. Portland, O R 97214 Help Wanted: Director o f College Food Services with responsibility for all facets of cam pus food service opera­ tion exceeding $350,000 bud­ get annually. M anage 3 F/T and 2 P/T staff, and student em ­ ployees. Q ualifications include baccalaureate degree in Food Service M anagem ent or m ini­ mum 4 years experience in food service m anagerial position. Requires proven com m itm ent to custom er service and suc­ cess in staff supervision and m otivation. Salary range $26K- $28K w ith excellent benefits. R equest application o r send resum e to Jim Cullen, Director of Hum an R e s o u rc e s , C oncordia College, 2811 NE Holm an, Portland, OR 97211. App deadline 02/22/93. State Police Principal Executive/ Manager A . • *r ** (Regional Dispatch Center Supervisor) The Oregon State Police is es­ tablishing a list of qualified ap­ plicants for positions located in Portland, Bend, Salem , and M edford. The list will be used to fill positions as they occur. Re­ gional Dispatch C enter S uper­ visors provide adm inistrative support for a Regional Dispatch Center and have first line su­ p e rv is o ry a u th o r ity fo r Telecom m unicators w ho sup­ port the com m unications net­ work. Each Regional Dispatch Center is a part of a statew ide netw ork w ith responsibility for c o m m u n ica tio n co o rd in a tio n between field officers; local and county law enforcem ent and em ergency services. Applicant m ust possess the fo l­ lowing requirem ents: for years of experience in lead w ork or supervision, or staff-technical or professional w ork related to public safety/em ergency dis­ patching: and the experience must have included participa­ tion in the m anagem ent o f a program , section or unit includ­ ing such areas as (a) develop­ m ent of program rules and p oli­ cies: (b) long and short range goals and plans: (c) program evaluation : or (d) budget prepa­ ration. (on your application, you m ust clearly describe your ex­ perience in each of the areas (a) through (d) listed above.) a Bachelor's degree o r courses in a field related to m anage­ m ent such as Business or Pub­ lic A dm inistration or a program related to Oregon State Police, may be substituted for up to three years of the required ex­ perience. However, it will not substitute for the specialized m anagem ent experience. Ability to pass a Com puterized C rim in a l H istory a nd M otor Vehicles Division check as well as a thorough background in­ vestigation. Starting salary $2278 m onthly plus benefits. Applications m ay be obtaine d from your local Em ploym ent Division O ffice or by calling the State Police P er­ sonnel Section (503) 378-3720 ext. 358. Equal O pportunity Em ployer Economic Opportunity Committee Of Clark County, Inc Family Service W orker II -AA in H uman Services or related field with 4 yrs. w orking w ith chil­ dren and fam ilies in hum an ser­ vices. Family Service W orker I -12th grade or equivalent. O ne yr. working with children and fam i­ lies in human services. Prefer­ ence given to past Head Start parents. Act as advocates and case man­ agers for Head Start/ECEAP families. Full-time and Part-time positions available. Entry level salary $6.67 for FSW I: $8.24 for FSW II. R e q u ire k n o w le d g e o f C la rk County and its resources, de­ pendable autom obile, insur­ ance, valid driver's license. Obtain application pkg 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, M on.-Fri., EOC o f­ fice, 10621 N E C oxleyD r.,S uite 207, Vancouver, W A 98662 (206)896-9912. Com pleted ap­ plications m ust be received in EOC Office by 4:00 P.M., Tues­ day, February 16,199 3. State Police Telecommunicator 2 (D ispatcher) The Oregon State Police is Es­ tablishing a list o f qualified ap­ plicants for positions located in Portland, Salem, M edford, and Bend. The list will be used to fill positions as they occur. The Telecom m unicator 2, as part of a statew ide network, is re­ sponsible for com m unication coordination betw een field offi­ cer, local and county law en­ forcem ent and em ergency ser­ vices, State agencies, and the public within a large geographic area encom passing m ultiple counties, cities, and towns. Applicant m ust possess the fol­ lowing requirem ents: • One year of public safety dis­ patching experience; OR • six m onths of experience as a S tate Police C adet and six m onths o f public safety d is­ patching experience; OR • successful com pletion of a cer­ tified em ergency com m unica­ tion course and six m onths of public safety dispatching e xpe­ rience; AN D • keyboarding (typing) speed of at least 25 words per m inute; AN D » ability to work under stressful conditions; AN D ability to pass a Com puterized C rim inal H istory and M o to r Vehicles Division check as well as a thorough background in­ vestigation. Starting salary $1612.00 m onthly (salary will increase 3% e ffec­ tive March 1, 1993) plus ben­ efits. Applications may be ob­ tained from your local E m ploy­ m ent Division O ffice or by ca ll­ ing the State Police Personnel Section (503) 378-3720 ext 358. Equal Opportunity Employer. Hazardous Waste Tech’s 331-0193-SW Solid Waste Department 12 Full-Time Positions $12.O4-$16.94/Hr. Metro is recruiting for 12 full­ time Hazardous W aste Techni­ cians to perform the following essential job duties: assist in inspection identification, collec­ tion, sorting, manifesting and preparation for disposal of in­ coming household hazardous waste: assist the Hazardous Waste Specialist, Facilities Man­ agement Project Coordinator, and contractor in the cleanup of spills from incoming waste loads; and prepare inventory counts report forms and transport mani­ fests. Does other duties as as­ signed. This position closes On February 23,1993. Applications and supplemental requirements can be picked up at. A c c o u n ta n t $1951 -$2374/m o. + Excell Fringe Bene Pckg. City of Salem Housing Authority is seeking a professional accoun­ tant for a newly created posi­ tion to perform auditing, gov­ ernm ental accounting and fi­ nancial reporting; recom m end­ ing procedures to resolve ac­ counting problem s; preparing fiscal reports and other related work as required. Experience in professional accounting, gov­ ernm ental accounting, auditing and/or financial reporting; 4-yr. degree or any equiv. experi- ence/training providing a thor­ ough knowledge of governm en­ tal and proprietary accounting principles. Will use personal and mini com puter systems for word processing and spread sheet applications. C loses: 2/19 93 Apply: City of Salem , Person­ nel Dept. 555 Liberty SE, Rm. 225, Salem , OR 97301 EOE/ AA. “IT’S MORE THAN A LIVING... IT’S LIVING YOUR IDEALS!” Is W omen's Healthcare Important To You? Is Reproductive Choice Important To You? At Planned Parenthood we promote the health and well-being of the individual, the family, and the community. Your clinical expertise, your language skills, and your cultural sensitivity are all needed in order for us to effectively serve our diverse communities. C linic S upport S taff We are looking for dedicated individuals to provide medical clinic support in family planning setting. Responsibilities include medical assisting, patient education and patient information systems. Qualified applicant's need a high school diploma/GED and orien­ tation toward patient focused care. We offer a competitive salary with full benefit package. All appli­ cants may forward their resume to: Amalia Fuchs Planned Parenthood 4326 NE Killingsworth Portland, OR 97218 Metro 0 MetroERC and Oregon Convention Center Administration Offices The Urban League Planned Parenthood 0« th« ColuinbWWilanwtM The N.E. Workforce Center Metro 2000 S.W. First Ave. Portland, OR Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Portland, Or Resumes will not be accepted AA/EEO Employer METRO roc I’ORTIAM) DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION COMMISSION MEETING Date: February 16,1993 Place: Portland Building 1120SW Fifth Ave., 11th Floor Portland, Oregon Time: 9:30 a.m. Commission meetings are open to the public. A complete agenda is available at PDC or by calling 823-3200. Citizens with disabilities may call 823-3232 or TDD 823-6868 for assistance at least 48 hours in advance. PDC is the City of Portland's urban renewal, housing and economic development agency. Secretary Logistics Secretary Pope & Talbot, Inc., a Portland- based Pulp, Paper & W ood Products Com pany is seek­ ing a full-tim e secretary. The qualified candidate will pos­ sess 3 to 5 years of recent secretarial experience. This position will require word pro­ cessing. Spreadsheet and graphics, typ­ ing skills of 60 wpm, excel­ lent gram m ar skills and the ability to dem onstrate orga­ nizational and Interpersonal skills, initiative and profes­ sionalism . Qualified applicants should call the C orporate Hum an Re­ sources D epartm ent to ‘request an ap­ plication packet. Com pleted packets m ust be returned prior to the closing date of Feb 26, 1993. C orporate Hum an Resources (503) 228-9161, Ext. 490 Pope & Talbot offers a com ­ petitive em ployee benefit pro­ gram and salary com m ensu­ rate with experience. Pope & Talbot, Inc. Equal Opportunity Employer Advertisement Project M anager Non-Profit housing organization serving N/NE P ortland seeks project manager with 3-5 years experience in residential construc- tion/renovation, work write-ups and Immediate Opening cost projections, and dem on­ E x p e rie n ce d A lc o h o l & D rug strated ability to coordinate efforts Counselor for innovative grow ­ of large volunteer workcrews. Sat­ ing program . Full tim e with b e n ­ urday is a mandatory workday. efits. Send cover letter & re­ This position is for 30 hours per sum e to: week. Inact Send resum e and salary 1135 S.E. Salmon requirem ents to: P.O. Box Portland, O R 97214 3137, Portland, OR, 97208. CityOf Portland Public Works, Roads & Engineering Division -Computer Services Manager- to $66,967/annually at top of step Cadd Technician Road Design -Public Works Supervisor /Golf- to $3,898/month at top of step $2,773 - $3,503 AutoC AD drafting for civil roads work in a high production Sun SPARC w orkstation environ­ ment. Position uses AutoCAD, Softdesk and Pacsoft software for perform ing a variety of com ­ puter aided drafting and design engineering work in support of engineering for road im prove­ ment projects. AutoC AD soft­ ware, civil roads drafting expe­ rience required. C loses Febru­ ary 12,1 993. Applications-King County Office of Hum an Re­ source M anagem ent, 500 4th Ave., Rm 450, Seattle 98104 (206) 296-7340. EOE. For more info/closing dates call (503)823-4573 (24 hr. job information). No resumes please. BUREAU OF PERSONNEL 1220 SW 5th Ave, First FI, Portland, Or 97204 apps also available at: URBAN LEAGUE 10 N Russell, Portland 97204 Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply Announcement for: Assistant Professor Department of Public Administration Portland State University The Department of Public Administration in the School of Urban and Public Affairs at Portland State University expects to hire an Assistant Professor for a tenure-track position beginning Sep­ tember 16, 1993. responsibilities of the position include teaching, research, MPA and Ph.D. student advising, and public service. Group Counselor Experienced counselor with mini­ m um B a ch e lo r's d e g re e in counseling or associated field and two years related experi­ ence. R esponsibilities w ill in­ clude planning, coordinating, developing and implementing a professional individual anc group counseling program ins fast paced student training en­ vironm ent. Respond by sending a cover let­ ter of ineterest and resum e no la te r th a n 2 /1 3 /9 3 to : Springdale Job Corps Center, A T T N : H um an R e so u rce s, 3 1 2 2 4 E. P o in t H ig h w a y , Troutdale, Oregon 97060. An E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ­ ployer M /F/D /V Municipal A ccountant (Accoun­ tant II) $ 2 2 1 9 -$ 2 8 1 8 /m o . + Excell Fringe Bene Pckg. City o f Salem Finance Dept. is seek­ ing a professional, supervisory accountant to perform auditing, governm ental accounting and financial reporting. W ill recom ­ mend procedures to resolve accounting problem s; prepare fiscal reports, supervise other personnel and other related work as required. C onsiderable professional accounting expe­ rience in private or governm en- tai accounting; 4-yr. degree or any equiv. experience/training provid i ng a thorough knowledge of governm ental accounting, auditing and financial reporting principles. W ill use personal com puters for word processing and spread sheet applications. Requires Supplem ental Q ues­ tionnaire Apply: City of Salem, Personnel Dept. 555 Liberty SE, Rm. 2245, Salem, OR 97301 503/588-6162. Closes 2/19/93. EOE/AA. CALL 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 o r FAX 2 8 8 - 0 0 1 5 TO ADVERTISE O R RESERVE Y O U R SPACE Applicants must have, by September 16,1993, an earned doctor­ ate in public administration or closely related discipline and a commitment to scholarship and quality teaching. The person appointed will be expected to teach a course on public bureau­ cracy and other public administration courses, possibly including courses on health administration, administrative theory and be­ havior, public budgeting and finance, and environmental man­ agement. Two years of teaching public administration courses at the college level and experience in government and/or dealing with mid career students are desirable. The MPA degree program and the MPA/Health Administration degree program at Portland State University are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administra­ tion (NASPAA). A letter of intent, vita, example of publications and/or statement of research interests, and description of teaching experience should be postmarked no later than March 31,1993, to: Daniel E. O'Toole, Chair Department of Public Administration Portland State University P.O.Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 (503)725-3920 FAX (503)725-5199 In addition, letters of recommendation from three references should also be forwarded to Professor O'Toole, no later than March 31,1993. J | ■. Portland State University is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. Minorities, women, and members of other protected groups are encouraged to apply. Project Manager Family W orker for hom eless shel­ ter. Knowledge of dom estic vio­ N on-Profit housing organization serving N/NE Portland seeks lence & local resources req’d. project m anager with 3-5 years $6/hr. +benefits. Call VOA, 235- experience in residential con- 8655, for info. Open until filled. s tr u c tio n /r e n o v a tlo n , w o rk EOE. w rite-ups and cost projections, and dem onstrate d ability to R adio Traffic R eporter - for A M / coordinate efforts o f large vol­ FM, m in 1 yr exp. Send resum e unteer workcrew s. S aturday is to A pogee C om m unications, a m andatory w orkday. 4614 SW Kelly, Portland, OR 97201. A n Equal Opportunity rhis position is for 30 hours per week. Em ployer. Send resum e and salary Equal Opportunity Employer requirem ents to: P.O. Box 3137, Portland, OR, 97208. Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. We are committed to Equal H ousing O p p o rtu n ity. F irw ood M anor Eugene, OR 687*0946 GMC Subsidized Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are committed to Equal list. We are committed to Equal Housing Opportunity. Housing Opportunity. Clearwater Manor Solhavn L = J Myrtle Creek, OR Clatskanie, OR GMC 728-3169 GMC 863-3748 ta i * < 4 «* > v ' ? > - '■ ■ ■ < *1/ ’ * . •