t ¿ v \> r / > . \ • •’% v ’<* • ♦ > ♦ * «- ♦ • 1» /"4 <>»♦''«*'*•« •*■♦*' •» ••"•■ V*o*’ P age 11 T he P ortland O bserver • F ebruary 10, 1993 BLACK HISTORY Sister Souljah To Lecture Lewis & Clark College PSU Black History H e a t" by R Betsy T cnebaum and "O a k la n d H ideaw ay ," by Eric Levin, directed by Stephanie A rnold, ch air of the College's T heatre D epartm ent, Sunday, Feb. 14, 7 p.m ., in the Black Box, Fir A cres T heatre. ($3 general adm ission.) ♦ " J u ic e ," a movie, Thursday, Feb. 18, 7 p in., in the Rusty Nail, C opeland Residence Hall. (Free) ♦ " T h e F ive H e a rtb e a ts ," a movie, Saturday, Feb.20, 7:30 p.m ., in the A gnes F lanagan Chapel. T ick ­ ets m ust be purchased in advance. ($11 general adm ission.) ♦ "M alc o m X S p eec h /D ram a tic R e ad in g s" by M ichael Lang, an A fri­ can-A m erican, Thursday, F eb,25,7:30 p.m ., A gnes F lanagan Chapel. ($3 general adm ission) ♦ N o rth w e st A F rik a n A m e ri­ c a n B allet C o., Saturday, Feb. 27,7:30 p.m ., E vans A uditorium . ($7 general adm ission.) ». - *4 ./»» 'Cjctlft (Schedule Continued From Last W eek) L ew is & C lark College invites the public to a celebration o f "P rid e an d H e rita g e " during Black H is­ tory M onth. H ighlights include a lecture by Sister Souljah, dram atic readings by M ichael L ang, a dance concert by the N orthw est A frikan B allet Co., plays on diversity, and movies. A ctivities are sponsored by the Black Student U nion and are open to the public. M any o f the events are free. Schedule: * "E y e s on th e P riz e " series, a docum entary film, show ing every Tuesday throughout the m onth at 8 p.m ., in Rusty N ail, C opeland Resi­ dence Hall. (Free) * " M o ' M o n ey ," a Spike Lee movie, T hursday, Feb. 11, 7 p.m ., in the Rusty Nail, C opeland Resi­ dence Hall. (Free) Readings: " T h e T ra n s f e r of • -4’ < » *¡f.4 2/15 Black History Film , T w o D o llars a n d a D re am , 12 to 1:30 pm . Sm ith C enter's Parkway C om ­ m ons 2/16-18 Act 2 o f My C hildren, My A frica, a poem by Beali Richards perform ed by PSU theater arts stu­ dents, 12, to 1 pm , L incoln H all Studio theater Room 115 2/17 M usic p erfo rm an ce by Janice Scroggins an d Gospel C on­ nections, 12 to 1 pm Sm ith C enter's Parkway C om m ons 2/19 Soulfood luncheon, 12 to 2 pm, and ja zz perform ance by Ron Steen, 12 to 1 pm , N ordic Room #26 ,$5 at the door 2/22 Black hstory film, Elhaijj M e lik Al S h a b a z z , 12 to 1:30 pm, Sm ith C enter's Parkway Com m ons 2/23 Black traditions in A m eri­ can m odern dance, panel dicussion, 12 to 1:30 pm, V anport Room #38, S m ith Center 2/24 A frican d ru m m in g b y O b o Addy, 12 to 1 pm , Sm ith Center's Parkw ay C om m ons Lecture on Buffalo Soldiers by D arrell M illner, 12 to 1 pm. Cascade Room #236, S m ith Center 2/25 C elebration o f the open­ ing o f PUS's new M ulticultural C en­ ter. Activities run from noon to 6:30 pm, including a lecture by Jam es Sauceda, and perform ance by singer Linda Hornbuckle. 2/26 M usic by H ittin g B irth , 12 to 1 pm, Sm ith C enter's Parkway Com m ons *.v ••V Ä-. IN HIS EYES WE'RE ALL THE SAME ri S’ A sheltered life I lead, not having to live off water or bread. I wasn't yellow, red, or black by any means, but the most natural color to me I seemed. I was “w hite," to most the only race, but yet it’s not, I had to face. I grew up wearing rose-colored glasses, where people of race w eren't wanted in my classes. "What's the difference?" I never could see. They are all just people like you and me. Prejudice is something that I am not. For behind the slaves, 1 would have fought. Blindness can make a smart man naive. As an ignorant man w o n 't listen nor believe. We were all created equal in His mind, flesh and blood o fa ll the same kind. We must see past the surface and into the STRIVE TO SURVIVE heart. SO M EH O W O UR PEOPLE HAVE LOST THEIR W A Y, That's the only place that we can start, MISPLACED O UR CULTURE. GONE ASTRAY. to live in this w orld united, and not apart. Carrie West Mapleton High School Age: 16 Mapleton, Oregon '• s» • » • * % * * * * •••♦ •••* ♦ •• ■ ... • . ' • ■ li • * *» » J ’ A U ll e * » V* * ■ ■' ‘ •‘ A? V 4 k vknk t ' :■ ■ „ ‘ I t • • . - ' • • ; • . &