* * > t v ? * * yyy I* v v< *<*< W ” <'w V \ » > r w> w w r ^ v V W ^ F ebruary 10, 1993 * T he P ortland O bserver P age 10 r SPORTS j Arthur Ashe D r B enjam in L Hooks, E xecu­ tive D irector/C E O of N A A CP makes th e fo llo w in g state m en t; A rth u r A sh e’s all too b rief life w as one constant reaffirm ation o f the nobil­ ity o f his spirit, his heartfelt com pas­ sion for others that knew no bound­ aries, his innate dignity that enabled him to accept the plaudits o f the crow d, w ithout losing his perspec­ tive, and his basic sim ple goodness. He w as one q f those rare indi­ viduals w hose greatness can be m ea­ sured by the deep sense o f personal Observer Male And Female t Athletes Of The Week ON SALE NOW! Dr. B e n ja m in L. H ooks, A d d re s s e s The D e a th O f A rth u r A sh e ORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12.8:00 PM • Memorial Coliseum INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH loss that so many feel at his passing His was an inspiring story o f over­ com ing the odds w ith courage, per- sistence and gentleness, o f always being ready to give unselfishly o f him self to others, and the causes in w hich he believed We at the N A A C P can never forget and will alway s cherish the memory o f how , despite the status of his health, Mr. A she felt so deeply about the plight o f the H aitian refu­ gees that he joined us on a blazingly hot day last Septem ber to protest outside the W hite House No greater com m itm ent to justice could anyone possibly give. T his w as so typical o f M r Ashe. T his w illingness to m ake a personal sacrifice for others. He was a h um anitarian in the profoundest sense o f the w ord No m ore appropriate tribute can be paid to him than to say he was a constant source o f inspiration to so very, very many; an unfailing rem in d er that a life spent in good w orks is a life well spent. We grieve at his passing, but he has left us a rich legacy o f achieve­ m ent, service and bravery that will endure. MB. PERFECT . SHAkH MICHAELS “MACHO MAN" RANDY SAVAGE V» YOKOZUNA BOB BACKLUND vs DOINK KAMALA vs KIMCHEE STEINER BROTHERS vs BEVERLY BROTHERS TATANKAvs BERZERKER EL MATADOR vs DAMIEN DAMENTO TYPHOON vs TERRY TAYLOR Tickets available al the Coliseum Box Office, TicketMaster. Gl Joe Outlets or charge by phone (503) 224 -4 4 00 For B e s t R e s u lts A d v e r tis e In FOR MORE INFORMATION ON LIVE EVENTS... The Portland Observer Call 288-0033 Applications Now Available For Blazers Scholarships WATCH THE WWF SUPERSTARS ON KPTV-CHANNEL12 SATURDAYS AT 11:30 PM For the past 13 years, the P ortland T rail B lazers an d N ational Basketball A ssociation hav e jo in ed forces to offer ■ Registered Trademark of TitanSports. Inc Card Subiect Io Change four scholarships to area students. T his year, the NBA will be m aking a d o n a­ tion on b eh alf o f its 27 team s to the Jefferson High School iscelebrat- N ational T eachers R ecruitm ent Pro­ ing the school’s them e "W e’re A Class gram . T he Blazers, however, w ill co n ­ A ct” w ith an open house for eight tinue to offer four $2,000 scholarships nio Spurs gam e at M em orial C oli­ grade students on W ednesday, Febru­ to students in O regon an d southw est seum on April 18, 1993. D uring a ary 10, 1993, at 7:00PM . W ashington w ho will begin college special half-tim e presentation, each Jefferson’s aw ard w inning F inan­ during the spring, sum m er or fall o f “ S uperstar” w ill receive a recogni­ cial Services Academ y, com puter sci­ 1993. These scholarships may be used tion plaque an d a $500 check that ence team , literary m agazine, televi­ at any accredited four-year college or will be donated to the charity o f their sion p roductions an d perform ance tw o-year com m unity or ju n io r college. choice. classes are only a few o f the program s S ch o la rsh ip ap p lica tio n form s Individuals interested in nom i­ to be presented. For m ore inform ation hav e been m ailed to public and private nations to the Budw ciscr Blazer Com ­ call D an Z enor, 280-5180. school principals in O regon and south­ m unity Superstars Team should co n ­ w est W ashington. Students may also tact th eir local cham ber or the P o rt­ PORTLAND OBSERVER request a scholarship application form "The Eyes and Ears ol the Community land T rail B lazer office (700 NE by calling or w riting the B lazers office: O ffice: (503)2 8 0 -0 0 3 3 M ultnom ah, Portland. OR., 97232) 700 N E M ultnom ah, P ortland, OR F a x # : (5 0 3 )2 0 0 -0 0 1 5 at 1-800-346-8037. 97232, (503)234-9291. Interested stu­ dents need to return th e com pleted Entry Deadline Fast Approaching For Budweiser Blazers Community Superstars Team T he deadline for nom inations to the B udw eiser B lazer C om m unity Superstars T eam is fast approaching. All entries m ust be postm arked by February 26. W ith all o f the o ütstanding com ­ munity activists, concerned citizens an d volunteers that m ake a difference throughout O regon and southw est W ashington, the Portland T rail B laz­ ers and B udw eiser have team ed up to provide the B udw eiser B lazer C om ­ m unity Superstars T eam 36 C ham bers o f C om m erce in O regon an d southw est W ashington counties have been designated as the prim ary contacts th a t w ill review nom inations from th eir county and select 10 that will be forw arded to the T rail B lazers office. A panel ofjudges w ill review the regional nom inations and select the final 10-m em bers to form the 1992-93 B udw eiser B laz­ ers Com m unity Superstars Team . At the end o f the regular season, the Budw eiser B lazer C om m unity Superstars Team w ill be invited to attend the T rail B lazers/S an Anto- M Fon Udoka B enson H igh Sch o o l D e n m a rk R eid Jefferson H igh S ch o o l Announcements scholarship application form an d en ­ close a copy o f their h ig h school tra n ­ script through ju n io r year. A letter of recom m endation from a faculty m em ­ ber and an essay o f 500 w ords or less on the subject: “T he im portance o f a C ol­ lege E ducation” m ust also be included along w ith appropriate SAT and A CT n n scores. Scholarship A pplication Form s M ust Be Postm arked By No Later T han M arch 1, 1993. A pplications will be review ed by a special selection com m ittee consisting o f form er B lazer player Lloyd N eal, Professor A rleigh D odson o f Lew is and C lark College, Dr. E rnest H artzog, assistant superintendent o f P ortland Public School (retired), George Pasero, O regonian sports colum nist, Sandy C hisholm , T rail B lazers ad m in istra­ tive assistant and form er T rail B lazers vice-president o f public affairs, G eorge Rickies. 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