Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 10, 1993, Image 1

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10. 1993
“The Eyes and Ears of the Community”
Volumn XXIII, Number 6
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Marian Wright Edelman Calls
For “Massive Movement”
Salem Fire Bombing
S. Edwards admits guilt in murder
of two Salem residents ( a black and a
gay) in return for possible parole by
testifying against three other suspects.
Senator Jolin Resigns
State Senator Peg Jolin, convicted
of fraud fund raising letter, announced
her resignation.
Red’s Baseball Owner
M arge Schott, the Cincinnati Reds
owner was suspended for a year because
of her racial and ethnic slurs.
Sailor Facing Murder
Terry Helney is being tried for the
murder of Allen Schindler. Schindler
was battered to death, after he admitted
to being gay. He was being discharged
from the service just before his murder.
The Packwood Saga
Continues To Grow
T h irte e n m ore w om en accuse
Packw ood of sexual harassment. One of
them was a teenager at the time of al­
leged act. Packwood still refuses to step
Blazers Slidn’, Slidn’
Blazers have lost their last four
games. It a tough league!
Old Land Mark Burns
The old Jantzen (swimwear) build­
ing was burned as it was being renovated
for another purpose.
Arthur Ashe Dies
The first African American to win
the Wimbledon, the U S , and Australia
opens. Another hum anitarian loss. (See
story on Page 10)
County Fair Future
Looks Bleak
The main source of revenue, the
M ultnomah Kennel Club, will cut its
amount of contribution to the fair be­
cause track betting has fallen off and that
blame is placed on the state lottery and
the video games.
Drexler Chosen As All
Star Starter
Clyde Drexler is first Trail Blazer to
start in two straight NBA All Star games.
His vote total was second behind Charles
Barkley from Phoenix.
E.Coll Brings
On Lqw Suits
The parent company o f Jack In The
Box, Foodmaker Inc., is suing the meat
companies that supplied the meat that
caused over 300 people to be sick and at
least two persons to die.
Clinton Potpourri
Taxes on social security; possible
higher taxcs-middle class sacrifice?, the
president signing his first legislation on
the family leave bill; another attorney
general candidate bites the dust,same
reason-non payment of employer social
security taxes; looking for budget cuts in
the space station and atom smasher;
reducing W hitehouse staff-approxi-
matcly 300 positions.
M arian W right Edelman, founder and
president of the C hildren’s Defense Fund,
has called for “a massive, insistent move­
ment” to convince the White House and the
Congress that all children are essential to
A merica’s future.
“If recent trends continue, by the end of
the century, poverty will overtake one in
every four children,” Eldelman said in an
interview to be published this Sunday in
P a ra d e magazine.
“One thing this country does not under­
stand,” Edelman told P arad e Contributing
Editor Wallace Terry, “is that we don’t have
a child to waste. We will not be a strong
country unless we invest in everyone of our
children. We need the poor black kid, the
poor brown kid, the poor white kid to be
Edelman, whose Baptist minister fa­
ther taught her that a young black girl
growing up in the segregated South could be
and do anything, declared, “There was never
a time 1 didn’t know segregation was wrong.
I hated it. I cannot to this day stand being
The first black woman to be admitted to
the Mississippi bar, Edelman also hated law
school, but an incident during a civil rights
demonstration fueled her determination to
The incident, she recalled, occurred
during a voter-registration march in Green-
wood, Mississippi, when demonstrators were
met by club-swinging policemen w ho turned
loose their police dogs.
“I called the lawyers in Jackson,” she
said, “but they were 100 miles away. The
FBI was standing there and not doing any­
thing. I was so outraged. I realized how
Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury will
bring before City Council a package of eight
initiatives designed to jum p-start production
of affordable housing in Portland The pack­
age, which includes funding for over 500
units of low and moderate income housing, is
designed to continue the implementation of
the Comprehensive Housing Affordability
Strategy (CHAS) that was adopted by Port­
land, Gresham and M ultnomah County in
December of 1991.
“I am pleased that the new Council will
have the opportunity to continue the momen­
tum we have created in housing over the last
several years,” Kafoury said. "W hile we are
moving forward aggressively or creating good.
How will this new ordinance work?
Portland police officers stop motorists
after observing a traffic violation or recogniz­
ing a vehicle as one reported stolen or involved
in a crime under investigation. An officer will
ask the motorist to produce a driver’s license,
vehicle registration and proof of insurance. If
the m otorist adm its that the vehicle is
uninsured, or if the officer other­
wise determines that the issu­
ance of a citation for driving
uninsured is in order, the officer
will issue the citation and order
the vehicle towed to disrupt and
prevent its unlawful, uninsured
operation. To claim the vehicle,
the motorist must produce proof of insurance
to the Records Division at the Justice Center
The motorist will be given a form to show the
towing company to release the vehicle. The
affordable rental housing and new opportu­
nities for home-ownership, we are also tak­
ing the time to develop the skills and re­
sources o f our community groups, and w ork-
ing on new solutions for the problems o f the
“We are taking a comprehensive ap­
proach to our housing problems.”
Key items in the Kafoury package in­
A $ 1.5 mi 1 lion agreement with the Port­
land Development Commission to imple­
ment a portion of the federally funded Home
program. This agreement will provide the
loan funds necessary for the development of
over 150 units of housing.
ever since, said small gains were made in the
Nixon and Carter years, culminating in a
child welfare act in 1980.
“The first thing President Reagan w anted
to do was repeal the act,” she asserted. “I’m
proudest that things didn’t get as bad as they
could have. We kept the erosion from being
“I get tired,” she added. “Some days I do
feel burned out, a little mad, but I get up and
try to do the right thing. Eitheryou have hope
or you don’t. I have hope.
“I’ve seen extraordinary progress The
sharecroppers I knew in Mississippi, their
children are now in college. I go through my
periods of depression like anyone else. But I
look for the blessings. I try to find the grace
around us. It is easy to be joyful.”
A $4.1 million dollar contract amend­
ment with the Portland Development Com­
mission for new housing and economic de­
velopment projects in NE Portland. This
agreement will create opportunities for 100
ho m eb u y ers, a ssist 100 lo w -in co m e
homeowners with repairs, and support the
dev elopment of approximately 175 units of
rental housing.
A $150,000 contract with the Neigh­
borhood Partnership Fund (NPF) to help
seed the opening of a Housing Dev elopment
Center. This Center will provide much-
needed technical assistance to non-profit
housing developers and will complement
NPF’songoingcapacity-buildingwork. The
Center will share office space with the Port­
land Community Design Center on Martin
Luther King Blvd.
An application to the federal Emergency
Shelter Grant in the amount of $136,000 to
support homeless programs.
A contract amendment with the Housing
Authority of Portland to provide staff support
for two special projects; the first focused on
dev eloping new resources for affordable hous­
ing. the second on preserving affordable hous­
ing at the risk of being lost.
“We should all be very proud of the work
we are doing,” Kafoury said. “We have moved
forward aggressively, and are making decent,
affordable housing a reality in Portland.”
Page 4
lation of ORS 806.010.
After February 8 , 1993,ifyouarecitedfor
driving without liability insurance your ve­
hicle will be towed and impounded at your
expense until you can provide proof of insur­
There are five ways to provide
proof of liability in­
1. a n
in su ra n c e
2. a card from an in­
su ra n c e com pany
verifying the issu­
ance of a policy
3. proof o f a bond
(as provided under
1993. Beginining February 8, 1993, officers
started ordering tows in addition to issuing
citations for driv ing without insurance. Offic­ and English): Warning. You have been cited
on page 2
ers may not order a tow on a vehicle specifi-
motorist is responsible for paying towing and cally equipped for and operated by a handi­
capped driver. Other exceptions must be ap­
storage fees.
proved by a supervisor
When does the new ordinance start?
Officers issued warning letters to motor­ What does the warning letter say?
ists cited for driv ing without insurance from
proud o f our culture and we
want others to know about us.
isolated the people there were, totally at the
mercy of local authority.”
“It convinced me to get through law
school,” she added. “I hated every minute of
it. W hat kept me there was knowing I was
needed in Mississippi ”
Edelman, who founded the Children’s
Defense Fund in 1973 and has worked tire­
lessly on behalf of disadv antaged children
Towing For ‘No Insurance’ Facts
“Local Students Active
With Whitman"
We want to stand out..., We're
u If recent
continue, by
the end of the
poverty will
overtake one
In every four
Kafoury Announces New Housing Initiatives
New s
To Convince
Government All
Children Are
Essential, Founder
of Children’s
Defense Fund
‘H a ted ’ Law
School But
Endured to Help
Fight Segregation
“Sister Soudan to Lecture
Lewis & Clark College"
“Hie Legendary Buffalo
“Baby Ruth Shooting
Stars Showdown”
An all African American cavalry
that served during the Civil War
and was respected and feared by
Page 5
Four stars competing for top
dollars for their chosen charity.
Page 9
Black History
S ister Souljah am ong m any
celebrities and events
scheduled a t Lewis & C lark
Page 1 4