Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 05, 1993, Page 8, Image 8

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    F ebruary 5, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
P age 8
ò c r ì p t u r e o f t/ie f f e e f
/ I n / / o / sau> e v e r y tfiin y t / i a t ïie f i a / in a /e , a n //> e /io i/\ /*/ a>as v e r y y o o / / e n e s is 1: 31
The Church that
Love Is Building..
44N .E. M orris (one block east of
Williams Ave. The old St. Vincent de
Paul building) Portland, OR 97212,
Phone: 669-8737 or 249-8284.”The
church that love is building in the
heart of N.E. Portland.”
Morning Worship 10:30 A M.
Pastor Wallace will be speaking.
* The Gifts of the Spirit are in
* The priesthood of the believer is
* The “Voices of New A zusa’s
Inspirational Choir”
W ednesday Evening 7:00 P.M.
to 8:30 P.M ., teaching and training
for all ages. O u r Vision... Reaching
the unchurched. Equipping all mem­
bers. Assimilating new members into
the fold. Celebrating Christ by life and
by lips, and Healing for all of life’s
O u r M ission...Knowing Christ
more and more universally, to make
Him known more and more univer­
Listen to...N ight T alk Show ev­
ery Sunday on KPDQ 93.7 FM/800 AM
at 10:30 pm to 12 midnight.
W hat is love? Ask a dozen people
and you will get a dozen answers
Love is mere than words; in fact, mere
words can never express the depth of
real love. Only actions can reveal love.
(John 13:34,35;John 3:18)
At New Azusa we are endeavor­
ing to show the love of God through
actions. Every Sunday scores of lov­
ing people gather to celebrate the love
of Jesus. Why don’t you make plans to
(Picture caption: W endell H.
be with us this Sunday and see the love
Founder & Senior Pas­
of God in action.
New Azusa C h ristian C en ter
Has moved Sunday sevices to
Stone Tower Church
N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th
Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Radio M inistry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
...And God Created...
In the book of Genesis, it
reads, “In the beginning God cre­
ated the heaven and earth, and the
earth was without form and void;
and darkness was upon the face of
the deep And God said, “Let there
be light”, and thqre was light.
There is a young man named
Arsenio Hall who hosts a talk
show, and he does a comedy rou­
tine each time, on some occasions
he does a popular line that says,
“th in g s th a t m ake you say,
hmmmmm”. Things that make
you think and wonder
Lets try a few...
...and God said let there be
light... hmmmmmm
.. and God called the dry land
earth. .. hmmmnmim.
...H e m ade th e s ta r s ...
and God called the firm a­
ment heaven, hmmmmmm
and God made night and
day... hmmmmm
. and the gathering of the wa­
ters he called seas... hmmmmm
.. and God created every liv­
ing creature that moveth... hmmmm
...so God created man in his
own image... hmmmm
. . and with the rib. . . He made a
woman., hmmmmm
.. and God said, all these things
were good... hmmmm
...and then he made me....
Shall you com plain w ho feeds the w orld?
W ho clothes the w orld?
W ho houses the w orld?
Shall you com plain w ho is the w orld?
O f w hat the w orld m ay do?
As from this hour you use your pow er,
T he w orld m ust follow you.
Jesus Loves You!
Allen Temple CME Church
Psalms 34:3
4236 NE Eigth Avenue
(corner of 8th & Skidmore)
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
Phillip S. Nelson Pastor
The Holy scripture has been
around for thousands of years. Some
scholars say that we could even go as
far as to say “millions” o f years.
Evidenced by the discovery of fos­
sils, tide lines, soil erosion and other
scientifically proven elements, man
has made one frail attempt after an­
other trying to solve the mystery qui­
etly. “ How did we all get started on
this planet and from what?”
O ne c u rio u s fa c to r alw a y s
emerges as a reference-the Holy
bible. However, isn’t it strange that
these people would use the very thing
that they are trying (o disprove as a
point o f reference; to substantiate
their grounds as an argument against
he Bible? Foolish isn’t it? It’s more
like confused, instead.
Many organizations, each year,
spend thousands o f dollars trying to
disprove the Holy Scripture. They are
fighting a loosing battle. Since these
persons are so intelligent; since these
people are so persistent, why don’t
they just read the Bible, in its en­
tirely, and just let the Scripture speak
for itself?
B ut-I guess that sounds too easy.
How many times have you at­
tempted to assemble something, like
a child’s bicycle or a small appliance
and no matter how much you read the
directions, you couldn’t p[ut it to­
gether; so -y o u threw it away? Then
you justify your inept act with these
words, “Those people lied! They
didn’t even know what they were
doing when they drew up these in­
structions.” Man is so quick to dis­
prove the words and writings of an­
other: especially when he can’t fig­
ure it out for himself.
Believe-it-or-not, the Holy bible
is the inspired word of God himself.
[Timothy 3:16] No matter what prob-
C o n t in u e d o n p a g e 1 2
Ecumenical Ministries Of
Worship Celebration!
The Annual Meeting of Ecu­
menical Ministries of Oregon will be
held on February 7 at First United
Methodist Church, and in a depar­
ture from past Annual Meetings, it
sill be set in the context of a worship
The General Secretary of the
National Council of Churches,
th e Rev. D r. Jo a n B row n
Campbell, will travel to Portland to
give the celebratory address at the
worship service.
The music at the se n ice will be
from the World Assembly of Churches
of the world Council of Churches
held in Canberra, Australia. There
will also be a Tongan choir singing
music o f Tonga.
In addition, the Vollum Ecu­
menical Humanitarian Award will
be given to Rabbi Joshua Stainpfer of
Neveh Shalom Synagogue for his
years of sendee to the religious and
wider community on behalf of the
poor, the sick and the addicted.
Several Ecum enical Sendee
Awards will also be presented: to Ray
Watson of KXL Newsradio 750; to
Helen Peterson; Hall Templeton; and
the Reorganized Church o f Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints.
There will also be installation of
the new president of Ecumenical Min­
istries, the Rev. William Creevey of
First Presbyterian Church The Rt.
Rev Robert Ladehoff. Bishop of the
Episcopal Church, will be installed
as President-Elect.
T he c e le b ra tio n w ill begin
promptly at 4:00 p.m. at the First
United Methodist Church. 1838 SW
Jefferson, in Portland Immediately
following, there will be a reception
with light refreshments. The public
is encouraged to attend
A T eaching Church With A Reaching M inistry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
iz |tud d flie Women of Excellence
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954
Invile All Women To Attend A Special Breakfast
With Guest Speaker And Author
Mallory Avenue
Christian Church
D is c ip le s
o f
C h ris t
’Com« to ma all you uuho ara
uuaary and heavy laden and
I will give you rest."
Portland Community College
as part of Black History Month
Saturday, Feb. 6
Sunday School
Morning 'JJorship
Tuesday Silble
Study and Prayer
Her liberating message to women has caught the
attention of Oprah W infrey and Sheila Walsh and has
been featured on their shows. You won’t want to miss it!
Inter-racial Congregation
7600 NE Glisen • 256-6050
7 p.m.
Mallory Avenue Christian Church
126 N.E Alberta
Join us fo r a
m em orable and joyous evening!
PQ All PCC Black History Month events
L arc free and open to the public Call
244-6111, ext. 5222, for a brochure.
126 N.€. ñlberta t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173
B>t. $aul ffhssionarp
JBapttsit (Ojttrrb
8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland, Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 289-0147
Family Owned and Operated
Since 1954
Serving the City of Portland
for over 37 years
In your hour of need
Vann &Vattn are there to serve
Cleodis D. Vann, Jr.
5211 N. W illia m s P o rtla n d , O r. 9721 7
Sunday Service
Sunday School
Bible Study
Evening Service
Study Phone:289-1911
T he People's Church’
1425 NE Dekum & 15th
(Housed in the Woodlawn Methodist Church structure.)
Pastor: Rev. Robert Probasco Sr.
Sunday A.M. Worship - 9.00 a.m.
Thurs. P.M. Bible Study - 7:30 p.m.
Come as you are for Sunday and Thursday meetings.
Join us lor warm fellowship.
Become a member of our family.
Pastor, Rev James C E Faulkner
Theme: W hatever you 're going to do for the Lord, do It now
I Peter hr. 11