fw rf» - » f t« * * « » tv > « C '“l-ifVTVZ' • *><♦<<* ♦ S < S ■ SPORTS ¡enson Girls Are Still Rolling B enson had two easy w ins last w eek-75 to 32 over M arshall and 55 to 28 over C leveland C enter M fann L'daka scored 21 points in the win over M arshall Forw ard Kim G reen had a season high o f 16 points against the W arriors W ilson stayed one full gam e be­ h in d B enson w ith two w ins over Roosevelt, 55-44 and 53-36 overG rant R achel F ergusen’s 15 points paced the T rojans over the Rough Riders, w ho w ere led by A m onda C am pbell’s 16 points A gain it was Ferguscn with 18 p o in ts in th e w in o v e r th e G enerals Jefferson won one and lost one last week T he loss cam e from L incoln 57-52 in overtim e Jennifer W ilson led the C ardinals w ith 10 points T his weeks O bserver "Player o f the W eek” , K enoris B lackm an scored 23 points Blackman also added 24 points in tech 61 -24 win over M adi­ son. Lincoln also won over M arshall P.I.L. Basketball Scores for Boys HighSchool Basketball Highlites 47-23 behind Jennifer Stout s nine T rojans’ got 17 points from Tyron M anlovc W hile the Rough Riders points and upped it record to 6-5. F ranklin is also at 6-5 after losing were led by Dav id F cris’ 13 points O n to Roosev elt 52-46 and beating Clcv e- Friday the T rojans ju st got by G rant la n d 45 -4 0 . C a m p b e ll a g a in led 75-73 as D errick Gcas had 18 points. Roosevelt w ith 25 big points , and T he G enerals were led by the O b­ M elanie Rose led the Q uakers w ith 12 server “ P layer o f the W eek, K J points. M ichelle M cD ad e's 12 points D aw kins’ 20 points In o th e r gam es Jefferson im ­ led the w in over C leveland T he W ar­ proved to 5-4 w ith w ins over Lincoln riors Julie G rahn scored 25 points in a 75-40 and over M adison 92-60. T he losing effort. Both Benson and W il­ son won two gam es last week to stay Demos were led by M itchell Jackson, tied for the lead in the P.I.L w ith 8 and 27 points and D enm ark Reid w ith 23 points. Joel G reene was the high m an 2 records. Benson beat M arshall 75-69 on for the Senators w ith 17 points. G rant beat M adison 76-53, as Thursday is Richy B riggs scored 23 points for the techm en. Rob Buen led D aw kins again led the way w ith 16 the M inutem en w ith 21 Tech cam e points. T im C o n k lin ’s 19 points led back the next night to win in overtim e the Senators. Cleveland got a season at C leveland 67-66 Jeff N ailar was high 27 points from B randon Maye in the high scorer for Benson w ith 21 a 111-63 beating o f Franklin T he points Jam ain B ranch scored 22 for Q uakers were again led by Nate W il­ liams, w ho scored ISpoints. W illiam s the W arriors W ilson kept pace w ith Benson had 19 points that led his team s w in after beating Roosevelt 81-46. T he over Roosevelt 76-51. Jan. 29, 1993 Boys Jan. 30, 1993 Boys G rant76, M adison 53 W ilson 81, Roosevelt 46 C leveland 111, Franklin 63 Benson 75, M arshall 69 Jefferson 75, Lincoln 40 Jefferson 92, M adison 60 Benson 67, Cleveland 66, O T M arshall 44, Lincoln 33 W ilson 75, G rant 73 Franklin, Roosevelt 51 photo by Veronica Green An Open Letter To Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Super Bowl XXVII - No-Freedom-Bowl” D ear Dr. King: "T he m ore things change, the m ore they rem ain the sam e.” On M onday, January 18th, the nation cel­ ebrated your 64th birthday. Dr. K ing, in 1947 Jackie Robinson integrated M ajor League baseball, in 1952, Earl Lloyd became professional basketbal 1 ’s first B lack to play in an NBA game. In 1989, A1 Davis becam e the first NFL ow ner to hire a Black Coach, w hen he hired A rt Shell Now 46 years after Jackie Robinson, we found Jesse Jack- son in D allas m eeting with baseball ow ners, to express concerns about m inority hiring In New York City, directors of 3 player unions met to discuss ways to encourage minority job advancem ent, that in itself is a sad com mentary on behalf o f professional sports. T he NBA is 75% Black, of the 27 team s, there are only 5 Black head coaches, 3 hired in the last month. The NFL is 62% Black, has only 2 Black coaches. D r K ing, would you believe that M ajor League baseball is only 17% Black, Jackie Robinson must be turning over in his grave. Sports arenas around the country are the field o f play for thousands of Black athletes, at the professional sports level. History reports as early as th e 17th c e n tu ry , th a t w e w ere A m erica’s first professional athletes T he plantation ow ners who had be­ com e fat and rich as a result o f slave labor, decided there was a need for excitem ent and recreation to fulfill their lives. D uring those tim es, the plantations were div ided into two di- visions, NFC South an d AFC N orth T he N FC was know n as the N egro Farm Conference and AFC was the African Farm Conference. All the play- ers were Black, and the owners, gen­ eral m anagers, coaches an d team doc­ tors were all w hite T he players car­ ried the colors o f the plantations on to the playing field, in the plantation verses plantation ball gam es Some o f those play ers were such great athletes, they were given their freedom, after playing for the NFL cham pionship (N igra Fun League) Dr. K ing, 25 years ago y ou gave your life in an effort to free your people, but the struggle for freedom continues today. T he Super Bowl XXVII was played in Pasadena, C ali­ fornia, the NFC met again for pro football's biggest prize, the NFL cham ­ pionship T hree centuries later, there has been little change in the decision m aking and pow er structure o f the NFL. T he team ow ners and general m anagers are still all white. "T he m ore things change, the more they rem ain the sam e.” T he NFC is now the National Football Conference, AFC stands for A m erican Football Confer­ ence and NFL, the N ational Football League. T he nam es havechanged, but the gam e rem ains the same. The best exam ple: A recent settled labor dis- putc betw een team ow ners and play- ers, over free agency As a result some players will be given their freedom since SuperbovvlXXVIl is over, sound fam iliar? The sad part o f this scenario, the play ers actually think they are free. D espite the racial strife in profes- sional sports, w hich many say is a reflection o f our society, Dr. K ing, your dream is still alive. But it is on a life support system, thanks to the ev ents m arking your birthday and President C lin to n ’s inaugural in W ashington, D C., w hich should have brought a sm iletoyourface, w henournevvP resi- dent Bill C linton reached out and hugged all o f A m erica’s people, giv- ing us all a reason to dream again. W hat a great day and way to celebrate your birthday, by keeping hope alive. 1 find it ironic, that our new President is from a little town in A rkansas called “Hope.” Dr. K ing. 1 m ust confess, this is the first tim e since your death, I have felt the urge to celebrate. Someday we will all be free, Happy belated B irthday M artin. Sincerely, H arold Bell Inside Sports (Harold Bell has a sports talk show on W UST-FM Radio in W ashington, D C. and w rites for the W ashington New -Observer in the D C. area. Harold has been a very close friend o f m ine for m any years and 1 w anted the readers o f the Portland O bserver to see his T alents He is a very gifted speaker an d w riter, and I’d like to thank him for his many years o f sup­ port John Phillips, Portland O bserver Left - #20 Brandon Moye for Cleveland goes up for the slam dunk during last Friday’s match up with Benson. Benson beat Cleveland in overtime 67-66. Right - It was a fierce competitive battle between Tubman and Portsmouth last Saturday with Tubman winning 48-43. Smooth shooting forward Kendall Smith sank about four long range shots to help his team win. Observer Male Athlete Of The Week K J. Dawkins Grant High School Observer Female Athlete Of The Week «MACHO MAN” RANDY SAVAGE vs YOKOZUNA BOB BACKLUND vs DOINK KAMALA vs KIMCHEE STEINER BROTHERS vs BEVERLY BROTHERS TATANKA vs BERZERKER EL MATADOR vs DAMIEN DAMENTO TYPHOON vs TERRY TAYLOR Tickets available at the Coliseum Box Office. TicketMaster. 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