F ebruary 5, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age 4 Charles Wallace’s Heath Bits Pecan Pie Soul Food With A Healthier Twist Vi 4 1 4 Cup Heath Bits Toffee Chips Eggs, slightly beaten Cup Light Com Syrup Tablespoons Butter or Margarine, melted Vi Cup Sugar 1 Tablespoon Vanilla 1 Cup Coarsely Chopped Pecans 1 Keeler Graham Cracker Ready Crust Pie Crust Cover the bottom o f a 9-inch readv crust pie shell with Heath Bits. In a mixing bowl combine eggs, sugar, corn syrup, butter and vanilla. Mix well and add pecans. Pour mixture over the Heath Bits in the pie shell. Bake at 350 for 55-60 minutes or until the oie is done. Test with knife or cake tester; when the filling does not stick to the knife, the pie is done. Charles Wallace And Pecan Pies Affable Charles Wallace ad­ mits to a certain nuttiness. The man is crazy about pecan pie. So much that he has published his own collec­ tion of tested pecan pies, N u ttin ’ ‘C ept Pecan Pies. A health special­ ist in theTexas Department of Health, Wallace learned how to make pies as a youngster in the 4-H Club. His mother encouraged him and after her death a few years ago, he de- African American History Month s a time to celebrate. This year, cel- :brate a little healthier with cooking nethods that use less fat. Sumptu- jusly spicy cuisine, often referred to is “soul food” has fueled the bodies of African Americans for generations A rich part of African American culture, soul food meals are pleasing to the cided to take his love of pies and create a cookbook dedicated to his m om . D o u b le -N u t, C h o c o la te Haven, Tipsy, Heath Toffee—the names run delightfully off the tongue and into everyone’s favorite dessert catalogue. Here is Charles’s very special, surprisingly simple, Heath Bits Toffee Pecan Pie recipe. (And ladies, this happy cooker is single!) Kellogg Kitchens H n n itr ln ip n l C - 3 rhe Spice Is Right BY DEREK RASHEED D e I cum Food M ar I set 800 N.E. D e I cum 2 8 5 -1 2 4 0 S onny K ìm , O wner B oston MiM MARkET 726 N.E. KilliNqswoRTh 2 8 2 -6 7 7 6 K C Food MARkET 509 N. KilliNqswoRTh 28 9 -7 4 5 0 AlbERTA Sì. MARkET 91 5 N.E. AI òerta 281 -6 588 Nu-RiTE-WAy Food C enter 596 5 N. Mississippi 2 82 -0 247 F res I h G reens & M eat CRAiqo's 106 N. B eec I h 280-0454 K nott S t . G rocery 270 9 N.E. 7 t I h 2 8 4 -7 4 9 0 P rescott C orner MARkET 1460 N.E. P rescott 284-7418 Mid-K B eauty Supply 541 1 N.E. MLK Blvd 555-0271 BARqAiN PI ace S wap M eet & M ax + KiNqs FAshioN 710 N. KilliNqswoRTH Philly C a F e 445 N.E. KilliNqswoRTh 2 88 -9 567 veloped a brochure with cooking tips which can add a new twist to familiar recipes like Succotash and Jambalaya. For the free brochure from Kellogg Kitchens, write to: vinto Voi thnrí* ie rpiicnn in he cnn- butter. The KLcllosß Kitchens has de' K orean A merìcan G rocery A ssocìatìon O f O reqon KiNq Food M art 5510 N.E. MLK Blvd. 28 1 -0 5 5 7 cerned about traditional high fa, cook­ ing methods associated with soul food. With a little care in preparing meals, you can cut the fat and cholesterol with simple substitutions, such as us­ ing non-fat yogurt rather than heavy cream, two egg whites in place of one whole egg, or sauteing vegetables in cooking spray instead of margarine or 287-8082 or 7788 W e A ppreciate Y our B usìness A nc I S upport TI tan I c Y ou Do you have a problem try ing to decide the right kind of seasoning to use in your cooking? If so, the Richardson family says you haven’t tried th e ir nationally acclaim ed "Rene’s Exotic seasoning.” "Rene’s Exotic seasoning" isa family ranbusi- ness headed by their mother Evenlyn Richardson, who is president, John Richardson is regional manager, and Rene Richardson is the creator and operations manager. The seasoning was created in a family restaurant on 8thand Dekum, Portland. Or in 1987. Many times Rene maintained the busi­ ness alone. It was her idea to save time and take the guess work out of what to use. She mixed several seasonings, herbs, and spices together resulting in the nationally acclaimed seasoning combination. The seasoning was not intended to be a marketable item, but after it became a repeated request on food in the restaurant, and over the countcr-the family decided to market the seasoning in 1990 The family contends that the road was not easy. At times it felt like they were drown­ ing instead of swimming. However, they’re swimming well now. The Richardson family says that Rene’s Exotic Seasoning is nutri­ tional and is low in salt content They have three different flavors available. T wo of them are avai lable at Safeway. Those are ‘original no salt’ and origi­ nal low salt. There will be demos for those two in March at Safeway and Sentry markets. The third flavor ‘ spicy hot’ is available through distribution only. The seasonings are very eco­ nomical. Evelyn Richardson says,” our seasonings will make a better cook out of everybody. If you are a good cook, it will make you a great cook. If you can’t it will make you a good cook.” KBOO’S Mardi Gras Bash SAFEWAY Ad Prices Good February 3 through February 9,1993 At Safeway. Bum ble Bee Chunk Tuna Chunk light tuna in oil or water pack... 6.125-Ounce can. Stock-up and save this week. 3.5-Lb. Krusteaz Pancake Mix Buttermilk or Wheat and Honey pancake mix. The complete mix..all you add is water. Nobody does it better for less. x>k In The This Week agazine for your Safeway hopping Guide for a complete »t of specials on sale this eek at Safeway! / • ' * G o ld e n R ip e F ancy B a n a n a s • » « » * Creole Dinner February is here and that means that it’s Mardi Gras time again! For the third year in a row KBOO is proud to present another rom pin’, stom pin’ zydeco dance party with one of the Northwest’s premiere zydeco bands- -File G um bo. It will take place Satur­ day, february 20th at 8:30pm (dinner at 6pm) at the Melody Ballroom at 615 SE Alder (All Ages Show. The Cost: Special Concert and Creole Dinner Package-$18 in advance $20 at the door and Concert only-$8 ad­ vance for K BO O members, $9 ad­ vance for all others, and $10 at the door. D inner w ill in c lu d e s: O kra Gumbo with chicken and sausage/ Red Beans and Rice/Bcct Etoufee/ Chicken and sausage Jumbalaya/Com Maquechoux/Grcen Beans with ba- con/Mustard Greens/Potato Salad and Colcslaw/ComBrcad/Buttermilk Bis- cu its/G in g e rb re a d M uffins w ith Whipped Cream and more! The File Gumbo Zydeco Band is guaranteed to have you dancing, sing­ ing and partying New Orleans style. The band is very active in the Seattle area and they’ve opened for such Zydeco and Blues legends as Queen Ida and Katie Webster. So, come on down and enjoy a great Mardi Gras party that benefits yourcom m unityradosta lion, KBOO! W e’ll supply the beads and fun, all you need to do is bring your dancin’ shoes!!