Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 05, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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iRTLAND O bserver • F ebruary
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----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- --------------------------- ---------------------
Kaiser Permanente Honors
Long-Term Staff
Ihlene Shiles, 25 yrs
Fiorine Thompson, 25 yrs
Gail Snethen, 25 yrs
Audry Black, 25 yrs
Mabie Kyles, 25 yrs
for your many
years of
Margaret Robinson, 25yrs
Jo lus, 25 yrs
Vida Beaulieu, 25 yrs
Mary Ellen Devenport, 30 yrs
Living Gracefully With Diabe­ and setting priorities to low er the risk
tes,” a new class offered by St. V incent of complications. Special attention
Hospital and Medical Center, will be will be given to everyday activities
such as grocery shopping and meal
offered on Wednesdays,
Jan. 27 to Feb. 24, from 7 to 9 p.m. planning. The instructor is a regis­
The class will meet at the hospital s tered nurse diabetes specialist. Cost is
Health and Lifestyle Center, 1885NW $72 and preregistration is required.
For more information contact the
185th Ave in Aloha.
Topics will include interpreting Health and Lifestyle Center at 645-
Portland Public Schools superin­
and monitoring blood glucose results 4864.
tendent Jack Bierwirth joins state and
county officials in signing an agree­
ment that brings “one-stop service” at
Roosevelt High School to north Port-
land families in need of social ser-
O regon Dept. o f Human Re­
sources, Multnomah County and the
Portland School District are cooperat­
Best Cash Prices
ing in the model program, which brings
basic health-care and other social ser­
104 NE Russell
vices to one location to s e n e north
Portland, OR 97212
Call for Quote!
Portland families.
lad’s heating
Oil oils Service
The Lewis and Clark Chapter
March of Dimes invites civic organi­
zations, community leaders, profes­
sional groups, businesses and indi­
viduals to submit names of potential
honorees for its annual White Rose
Awards. The honorees will be recog­
nized at the 11th annual white rose
Luncheon Scheduled for May 4,1993,
at the Hilton Hotel in Portland.
Nomination forms are available
by calling the March of Dimes office
at 222-9434. Nominations for honor­
ees are due at the March of Dimes
office by Wednesday, February 10,
1993, at 5 p.m.
The White Rose Luncheon, “A
Salute to Women of Achievement,” is
held each year to recognize and honor
women of achievement for their ex­
emplary work in both the community
and in the professional sphere. In the
White rose honorees have repre­
sented a wide range of interests and
the diversity o f the region.
Julie Emry of KATU TV will
serve as Mistress of Ceremonies for
the luncheon and will provide a brief
background on each honoree and
present the awards. Jackie Vanderberg
and Donna Baca, both of Portland,
are the W hite Rose committee co-
chairs for the 1993 luncheon.
The White Rose Luncheon is a
benefit for the Lewis and Clark Chap­
ter, March o f Dimes Birth Defects
Foundation. Funds raised will sup­
port the Campaign for Healthier Ba­
bies which focuses on reducing the
incidence of low birthweight, birth
defects and infant m ortality. The
Lewis and Clark Chapter March of
Dimes serves counties in northern
Oregon and southwestern W ashing­
Tanya Renee Jackson
Last Seen April 22,1992
<*J Vs
i'9 d -
’« A ;
> t
1 . .
? -•
..t <•
w.“ '
" , y
Birthdate October 30, 1960
Was wearing black jeans, an Army
coat, a knit hat, and a red band.
Usally wears hair back in pony tail.
Approximately 5 ’4", 1401bs, and
five months pregnant
If seen or whereabouts known please
contact the Portland Police Dept..
F r id a y , F e b r u a r y 12
8pm to la m
Your Presence is Requested to Attend the
" ¡ L A D i E S IM K E © "
at the
V alentine
Professional and Quality
Dry Cleaning A Laundry
Date: February 10,1993
Place Portland Building
1120SW Fifth Ave., 11 th Floor
Portland, Oregon
Time: 9:30 a.m.
PDC is the City of Portland's urban
renewal, housing and economic
development agency.
A dvance tickets
at TicketM astcr
i M ust be 21 o r O lder
A Valentine dance sponsored by
The Portland Jaycees, on Friday, Feb­
ruary 12, 1993, at 8pm to lam at the
Holiday Inn Airport, 8439 NE Co­
lumbia Blvd. The S pinnaker band
will provide the music. You must be
21 or older.
There are people in our commu­
nity that have alcohol/drug and/or
mental health problems . We want
& M ore
Monday, February 1, 1993 M ult­
nomah County officials kicked off con­
struction of a new regional Juvenile
Justice Complex. The groundbreaking
occurred at the site of the Donald E.
Long Home located at 1401 NE 68th.
The $36 million project will replace
the Donald E. Lorn» Home and pro­
vide ajuventlcdctcntion facility, court­
rooms, and office space for juvenile
ju s tic e p ro g ra m s an d D is tric t
Attorney’s staff.
S a tu r d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 3 , 1 9 9 3
The B ro o k s B u ild in g
3 6 2 0 N . W illia m s
9:00 pm - 2:00 am
Multnomah County
Begins Construction
Off New Juvenile
| Fresh, Silk & Dried
Plants, Balloons
Fruit Baskets
Complele Wedding Service
them to get helpl "Learning To Help’
and evening series will take place at
Woodland Park Hospital, 10300 NE
H ancock S t., P o rtlan d , O R, on
Wednesday, February 10th in the Caf­
eteria. To register or questions, call
257-5805 Need dircctibns-call 257-
Cal & M arva M itchell
O w ners
6800 NE MLK Blvd
P ortland, O r 97211
(503) 289-6346
Music provided by Ervan
$12.00 Adv.
$15.00 at the door
Special Guest: The Lova
Tickets available at:
House of Sound
'Directions' The Salon
Waves Hair Design
Fred Meyers Fastixx
• •*
f lL,
Tickets: 21 and Owr
$10.00 Single
$17.00 Couples
Enter to win aValoilincM.Tkoovcr
Produced by < lJ .n fo i( jc tta lj£ c ¿ n t c i t a i n m c n t
Most Romantic Couple Contest
Are you the most romantic couple
in town? Here’s your chance aide
prove it in Jantzen Beach Center’s
“Most Romantic Couplc”Contest. Co-
Sponsored by M G M , semi-finalist
will attend a free screening of the new
movie “U ntam ed H e a rt” starring
Christian Slater on Wednesday, Feb­
ruary 10 at 7:30 p.m at the Janzten
Beach Act 111 Theatre.
Winners will be awarded Nicolct
( o r a n e v e n in g o f m u s ic
(lo c a te d n e x t to th e H o u s e o f S o u n d )
We Specialize
in Silk Cleaning
& Leather Goods
Commission meetings are open to
the public. A complete agenda is
available at PDC or by calling
823-3200. Citizens with disabilities
may call 823-3232 or TDD 823-6868
for assistance at least 48 hours in
B all
a n d h o rs d 'o e u v r e s
Wc Offer
Professional Alterations
Drapery Cleaning
All Weather Proofing of
Ski-Wear & Rainwear
48 Hour Shoe Repair
Open From 8 ■ 6 Mon. - Fri.
and 9 - 4 on Saturday
March Of Dimes White
Rose Award Nominations
Class Helps People Manage Diabetes
Brings “One
Stop” Social
Services To
Roosevelt High
Kaiser Permanente honored 117
employees, physicians, and allied
health professionals recently, who,
combined, have over 2,545 years of
service. Receiving special recognition
were several North/Northeast Port­
land residents. (
Mary Ellen Devenport of North­
east Portland, who works for Kaiser
Permanente’s Center for Health Re­
search, celebrated 30 years of service.
Recognized for 25 years o f ser­
vice were Northeast Portland resi­
dents. Vi Beulieu, RN, Bess Kaiser
Medical Center; Betty Bennett, a unit
secretary at Bess Kaiser Medical Cen­
ter; Audrey Black, who works in the
surgery department at Bess Kaiser
Medical Center; Jo lus of patient busi­
ness services, North Interstate Build­
ing; Mabie Kyles of the Anesthesia
department at Bess Kaiser Medical
Center; and Ihlene Stiles, RN, who
works in administration at Mt. Talbert
Medical Office
North Portland residents receiv­
ing recognition included Rosalee
Garifalakis of the radiology depart­
ment at West Interstate Medical O f­
fice, Myra Gourley, RN, Bess Kaiser
Medical Center; Margaret Robinson
of the surgery department at Bess
Kaiser Medical Center; Gail Snethen,
LPN, West Interstate Medical Office;
and Florine Thompson, CNA, Bess
Kaiser Medical Center.
watches worth $300, and a $100 gift
To enter the contest, pick up an
entry form at Jantzen Beach Center
Customer Service Center, February
4-7. The first 100 entry forms will be
guaranteed tickets to the special movie
screening. Completed entry forms
must be relumed no later than Sun­
day, February 7, at 6 p.m.