* » ♦ • > k > * V * *. •. ♦. •. » * «>. * ’• ^ < ^ * ^ ’*l***r “ » F ebruary 5 , 1 9 9 3 • T he P ortland O bserver P age 14 TORY Portland Community College IFCC Gallery News CELEBRATE BLACK HISTORY M O N T H O N OPB-TV E ve n in g at Pops Songs o f Freedom Roscoe Lee Browne Odetta, Shirley Verrett, and the Boy- Choir o f Harlem ,oin John Williams. Thursday, February 4, 1 0 P M Presents Black Business Expo '93 During the month of February (N ational Black H istory M onth), the IFCC Gallery will feature a first­ time solo exhibit of recent sculpture and assemblages by area artist A.R. Stutton. Thisexhibit, titled The Sand­ box, focuses on the eternal conflict between human beings over land and power, and how physical, ethnic and religious differences among people arc exploited to achieve power and Saturday, February 20th 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday, February 21st 12:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m. at the Cascade Gymnasium 705 N. Killingsworth control. "If we stand back and look at the world, without bias, we see there is only one people-the human race, and we are killing each other off.” A.R. believes that children playing in a sandbox who are exposed to prejudice and violence will inevitably struggle with one another for control of the sandbox. On a global scale the result is war. “Violence and prejudice are taught through ignorance....The more knowledge and understanding we can obtain about one another, the more objective we will be.” The exhibit will be: February 4-27,1993 Tuesday-Friday, Noon-5:00pm Saturday, Noon-4:00ptn Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center 5340 N. Interstate Avenue Portland, OR 97217 C jr e a t Performances Kathleen Battle and W ynton M arsalis: Baroque Duet A remarkable performance documentary Saturday, February 6, 9 PM A b r a h a m Lincoln: A N e w Birth o f Freedom Lincoln and the explosive issue of race relations. Thursday, February I I , 10 PM G r e a t Performances Black and Blue This Broadway musical review carries on the jazz and blues tradition of the 1920s and 1930s. Thursday, February 18, 10 PM G r e a t Performances Featuring: African American and African food, art,clothing, products and services Come and join us fo r the 4th year o f this highly successful event! For more information call 2 4 4 - 6 1 1 1 x 4 3 6 1 or 2 8 6 -3 1 4 6 1 KATU'S "SUNDAY NORTHWEST" TAKES A LOOK AT THE BUFFALO SOLDIERS In lig h t o f b la ck h is to ry m onth, KATU's Hick Meyers talks ab o ut the h isto ry o f the b la ck ca lva rias In the C iv il War w ith H isto ria n N orm an M onroe and (Tri-Met Bus 45) P o rtla n d State U nive rsity C hairm an o f B la ck Studies Dr. D a rryl M illn c r There will be a reception the first Thursday, February4,1993at5:00pm- 7:00pm.The Public is Invited. o( the John Wayne figures, however, there wero two calvaries in the Civil War Portland, O B -- Most Images of the American West are Caucasian or made up entirely of black soldiers who (ought bravely on the W estern frontier. Miles Davis: A Tribute A program honoring the music and B la c k mystique o f this jazz great. Saturday, February 20, 9 PM L o ca l Color An award-winning report on Portland's racial history. D . P . T. F Many were stationed at Fort Vancouver, Washington. KA1U Channel Z s "Sunday Northwest" on February 7 ,1 9 9 3 at 9.00 a.m. D o lla r P a y s T a s k F o rc e gives recognition to the Buffalo Soldiers when Host Rick M eyers talks about Black Dollar Days February 1 -7,1993 their history and contributions with Historian Norman Monroe and Portland Economic Empowerment! Art Gallery In Northeast Portland to took at a co llo d io n of his paintings which State University Chairman of Black Studies Dr. Darryl Millner In the Ulysses S. Grant house at F oil Vancouver. Moyers will also visit with local artist M ark Little at the Shades of Color depict the images of (tie Buffalo Soldiers. Support African American Owned Businesses Sunday, February 2 1 , 10 PM i A m e r ic a n Playhouse The Meeting n Commemorate Black History Month . ßU .iUjt— lilt.At K n o t I An imaginary meeting between civil rights leaders Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X Thursday, February 25, 10 PM OPB CHANNELS 3 • 7 • 10 • 13 • 28 IT'S WHERE YOU BELONG Panelists Announced For Summit‘93-TBS’ Black History Month Special Continuing a tradition of celebrat­ ing Black History Month each Febru­ ary, TBS Superstation presents its annual Black History Month Special- Sum m it ‘93,Saturday, February 20, at 10:05-11:05 PM (ET). The pro­ gram takes the form of a roundtable discussion featuring a panel of di­ verse and dynamic black leaders .With help from hosts Tony Brown and Su­ san Taylor, who are in their third year m oderating, panelists discuss the plight of poor urban children. The following people are mem­ bers of the Sum m it ‘93 panel: • John Bess-Founder and Execu­ tive Director of Manhattan Valley * Youth Program of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. • A ngela Glover Blackwell- Founder and Executive Director of the Urban Strategies Council • Dr. James P. Comer-Associate Dean of the Yale School of Medicine The Oregon Children’s Founda­ tion added six more schools to its S m art book and reading program this • Dr. Julius Debro-Associate Dean month. This makes a total of 21 O r­ and Acting Assistant Provost o f the egon schools participating in the early University of Washington Graduate literacy effort. The new schools are Sunrise and Waverly in Albany, Tuck School • Dr. Collette M. Hopkins-Edu­ and Lynch in Redmond, David Hill in Hillsboro and Cornelius School. cational Consultant S m art, S ta rt M aking A R eader • Earl Phillips-Executive Direc­ T oday, helps children in kindergar­ tor of the Atlanta Housing Authority • Magaret B. Spencer-Professor, ten through second grade improve Division of Educational Studies at their reading skills by providing books and trained volunteers. More than Emory University • Armstrong W illiams-Chief Ex­ 1,500 volunteers are working with ecutive Officer of Graham Williams 1,500 students; the Foundation will give away 18,000 books this year. Group Eighty-four businesses and orga­ Tony Brown and Susan Taylor are both celebrities in their own rights. nizations are sponsoring S m art by Brown is the writer, film director and allowing their employees to leave producer of the nationally broadcast work during the day to tutor one-on- PBS television series Tony Brown’s one S m art students, and by providing Journal, the nation’s longest-running the funds to operate the program and and top-ranked black-al fairs program. purchase the books. The Foundation recently received Taylor is the editor-in-chief of Es­ a $25,000 direct grant and a $13,750 sence Magazine and the vice presi- matching grant from the Oregon Com­ dentof Essence Com munications, Inc. munity Foundation. These grants were m ade p o ssib le th ro u g h the Summerville Fund, the Anna Wheeler Hayes Fund, the Jerry and Corrine Nothman Fund;, and the Weston Fam­ ily Fund. The Foundation’s b o n d of Di­ anthology, Kuumba IV. Available at rectors is meeting this month to deter- the OHS Bookshop, the book is pub­ minc how many new schools S m art lished by the N orthw est African ta n bring on next year. There arc 40 American Writers Workshop. schools on a waiting list. Located in Portland at 1200 S. W The Oregon Children’s Founda­ Park Avenue, the Oregon History tion is a non-profit organization Center is open Tuesday through Sat­ fo u n d e d by fo rm e r G ov. N eil urday, 10:00am to 5:00pm, Sunday Goldschmidt and the law firm of Ater 12 noon to 5:00 pm. Admission fees Wynne Hewitt Dodson and Skcrritt. are $3.00 for general adm ission ,$1.00 for students 6 years and older, free to TO THE JUDICIARY COMM.,AND children under 6, free to seniors on LOOMS AS A POWERFUL INFLUENCE IN THE CAPITOL. A FINE ORATOR Thursdays, and free to Oregon His­ 5HEWAS SELECTED AS torical Society members. KEYNOTER AT THE DEMOCRATIC For more information about the CONVENTION IN ttTG IN MADISON afternoon of readings by African S quare g ar d en , a c h am pio n OF CIVIL LIBERTIES AND t %D0M / American authors, contact School Services, 222-1741. OHS Salutes Regional African American Writers With Afternoon Of Readings The Oregon Historical Society and the Northwest African American W riters W orkshop will present an af­ ternoon of readings by regional Afri­ can American Writers on Sunday, February 7, at 2:00pm. The event, free with paid admission, will take place in the Madision Room at the Oregon History Center. Presented in recognition of Black History Month, the afternoon will fea­ ture poetic and historical readings. Writers, reading from their own works, include Jennifer and Danny Doncan, Joe Franklin, M attie Spears ( a w riter for the P o rtla n d O bserver), and Lillian W hitlow. Several of the writ­ ers will present works published in the A 'V O / > f j . i l J » .t * . 4 Oregon’s Children’s Foundation PO RTLAND P U B L IC Salutes The organizations and individuals that build understanding through action tgíwa. ' » u p * » M " during B lack H istory M onth F ebruary , 1993 M ‘• * . ‘M M M - . 1 : ?- *