x/ 4» V • 4 9 » ♦ • • * • • « • . V » J * »-X « # * * * * < * P aoe T he P ortland O bserver • F ebruary 5, 1993 13 BLACK HISTORY Black Wings Ttffufw ANOTHER YOUNG BLACK M AN Another young Black Man That's laid in the sand. Cut down by the hand, of another young Black Man. Photo by Black Wings and Harold Hurd BY 2ND LIEUTENATNT BRAIN A. HILL came after Charles Lindbergh’s his­ the Chicago club was the formation of the first nationwide organization toric transatlantic flight in 1927. * The United States of America, In 1929, the Bessie Coleman for black aviators, the National for the 68th year, has chosen the Aero Club was established in Los Airmen’s Association. month of February to recognize and Angeles, California. Aviation en­ Early inroads for black celebrate the contributions of Afri- thusiasts in the Los ‘Angeles com­ America’s participation in aviation I can-Americans to its rich and storied munity founded the club to promote were made primarily through perfor­ history. Each of us, regardless of skin and foster an aviation consciousness mances in air shows. Black stunt color, realizes that our present his­ among black Americans. The club pilots and parachutists gained wide­ tory and future are shaped by the past. was named after Bessie Coleman, spread notoriety while performing Though many of us are unaware of the first licensed black pilot in the daredevil aerial feats for predomi­ this fact, an overwhelming number United States. Coleman trained in nantly black audiences across the of career fields in today’s society France and then returned to America Midwest. This spawning fame even­ have a history and tradition that spans to pursue a career in stunt flying. Her tually gained the attention and peaked decades and generations. The cel­ life tragically came to an untimely the interest of the United States mili­ ebration of Black History Month pre­ end in a 1926 aircraft accident. Her tary through its fledgling Army Air sents a great opportunity to share name became a symbol of inspira­ Corps. some of the tradition and history that (2nd Lieutenant Brian A. Hill is tion to other young black Americans continues to shape not only black a 1991 graduate of the United States seeking to enter aviation careers. America, but our entire American The legacy of Bessie Coleman Air Force Academy. He received his cultural society. was carried on in Chicago, Illinois pilot wings from United States Air As a young pilot in the United when the Challenger Air Pilot’s As­ Force Undergraduate Pilot Training State Air force, it is clear to me that sociation was formed in 1931. The in November 1992. Lt. Hill is cur­ I have joined a long line of coura­ mission of promoting an aviation rently the Chief, Advertising and Pro­ geous Americans dedicated to supe­ consciousness was the same as that motion Branch for the 361st United rior service to their country through of the 1929 Bessie Coleman Aero States Air Force recruiting Squadron military aviation. As a young black Club, but one distinguishing trait of in Seattle, Washington. pilot in the United States Air Force, it has become apparent to me that 1 2nd G LOU fid M AM M OTH am a descendant and beneficiary of c courageous black Americans who OllOW struggled and at times suffered in s eConj Annual Coloreó , S U N D A Y , A U G . 2 8 , 12:30 P.M their sustained efforts to serve Air and Ground Show SPECIAL FEATURE America in the field of military avia­ W ILLIE tion There outstanding citizens are greatly responsible for the increased a t 2 p. m JO N E S 1 6 7 th and Ffatur:t.g opportunities and successes black So Western A»e aviators have experienced in the lat­ M iss D o ro th y D a rb y o f C le ve la n d BRING WORLD S A i * AL ACROBATICS R C clS TURNS SPINS RECORD 5 o pr , rial Gir. Para- lute Jumper ter half of the 20th century. This, the A RiBBC** C L T T IN C »o» D r aved P jrjc ^ u fc CtAZY FLYINC )wrrp to Ame» c i M ajor G eorge F ish e r first installment of a four part series, ADDED will herald the enduring contribu- Jl ’ C l u c a ; i n a w:-..-anor.al MOTORCYCLE . j u a • u c 'jv c d p a ra c h u te leap fre m a G ia n t Plane A TTRACTIONS Uons made by America s black avia- w , u„ Airplanc Rlde & Stunt Flying KEN H UN TER THRILLS GALORE tion pioneers. . Purr Cor.«'; rf f Mobile n a x) OwtnCl Percy Ricks: An African- American Hero ------ -■ - . . . . . Ricks’assignment and it was marked February is Black History Month, during which African Ameri­ cans who have made a major contri­ bution archonorcd Percy D Ricks Jr was such a man and his story is an important part of our American Cul­ ture. Ricks was a master sergeant in the United Slates Army who was the focal point of an experiment to test whether integration was feasible in the military services. On June 10, 1946, 19 enlisted men. both black and white, from Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, were transferred to the Army Signal Corps Photographic Center in Long Island City, New York This was an unprecedented secret test that put an integrated unit of soldiers under the direct command of a Black sergeant for the very first time, and most of the whites were from the South. Special Order Num­ ber 118 was the order authorizing 1 Restricted Ricks’ success in the com- mand directly afforded President Truman the confidence to desegre­ gate the Army in 1948. In 1946, Percy Ricks stood alone, a top secret guinea pig whose actions gave proof to the words later immor­ talized by Dr Martin Luther King Jr. “A man should not be judged by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character ■AM. * MJkA'