Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 05, 1993, Page 11, Image 11

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    P age 11
Human Resources
City Of West Linn
Employment Opportunity
Utility Worker l-Sewer/
Storm Sewer
SAFECO Insurance Com pany, a
Salary Range $1645-$2139
FORTUNE 300 com pany with Perform s a variety of m anual,
our Oregon branch located in
s e m i-s k ille d and e q u ip m e n t
Lake O sw ego, is looking for
operation tasks in the construc­
som eone to assist with the Per­
tion, maintenanfce and opera­
sonnel functions. W e presently
tion of City facilities. May oper­
have 290 em ployees and expect
ate heavy or specialized equip­
this to grow a t a rapid pace in the
m ent on occasion. W ill be as­
years to com e.
signed as a crew m em ber in
W e are a full service, “generalist”
the Sew er division to perform a
type of Personnel departm ent
variety of laboring and special­
that is responsible for everything
ized tasks including: Sew er in­
from recruiting to benefits ad­
stalls; cleaning m ains and lat­
m inistration to retirem ent coun
erals; culverts; catch basins and
man holes; sew er line cleaning
R equirem ents:
and verm in control. May assist
• Four year college degree with
in custom er service calls. Re­
respectable GPA
quires: High School graduation
• Two plus years o f professional
or G ED certificate; one year
level w ork experience, w ith
experience in public w orks or
some degree of supervisory
two years of general construc­
experience a must.
tion w ork experience within last
• F u tu re ,
im m e d ia te ,
five years which included som e
relocatability out of Oregon re­
operation o f light to medium
m o to rize d e q u ip m e n t. M ust
R esponsibilities:
have valid C D L at tim e of ap­
• Recruiting and interviewing to
pointm ent. NO p h o n e c a lls
fill job openings.
please. Pick-up City o f W est
• M anagem ent and em ployee
Linn applications at City Hall or
mail request including self-ad-
• Salary and benefits adm inis­
dre sse d stam ped envelope.
S u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te w ill be
• B eing re s p o n s ib le fo r e m ­
re q u ire d to s u b m it to a p re ­
ployee w elfare and being an
e m p lo y m e n t d r u g s c re e n .
“advocate” for them .
Applications m ust be received
To top off this outstanding job op­
by F rid a y , F e b ru a ry 12,1993,
portunity, we also offer a benefits
a t 4:30 PM, W est Linn City
package that is second to none.
Hall, 22825 W illam ette Drive,
Included are; profit sharing cash
W est Linn, OR 97068, 656-
bonus and retirem ent plans, a
4518, TD D .EEO .
guaranteed retirem ent plan, a
s a v in g s p la n w ith c o m p a n y
money contributed, m ajor m edi­
available M-
cal and dental and more.
If this sounds like som ething you
stam ped legal envelope, indi­
have been w aiting for, please
position of interest to
. send your resum e w ith salary
M ultnom ah ESD, Attn. Recruit­
requirem ents to:
m ent O ffice, 11611 NE A in­
Attn: Personnel
sw o rth C ircle , P o rtla n d , Or
SAFEC O Insurance Com pany
4101 SW Kruse W ay
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Communication Specialist
Attn: Mark Zeiger
Speech & Language
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
Pathologist (Teachers)
Private non profit seeks asst, for
food program for low-incom e
w om en & children. Supervise
volunteers, w arehouse duties,
o c c a s io n a l c o m p u te r w o rk ,
people-oriented. Req. ability to
lift 50 pounds, forklift exp, good
basic m ath & com m unication
s k ills . 20 hrs/w eek $6.50/hour.
Apply at Oregon Food Bank,
3808 N. W illiam s, Portland by
2/10/93. Equal O pp o rtu n ity
E m p l o y e r . __________
CityOf Salem
Salem -Keizer Together Outreach
S p e c ia lis t (C o m m u n ity S e r­
vices C ounselor I) - $10.40 -
$12.65/H r + Excel Fringe Bene
pkg. W ork involves coordina­
tion betw een city govt citizen
groups & outreach regarding
youth drug/alcohol prevention
strategies. Considerable know l­
edge of group process, co m ­
m unity organizing & effective
citizen participation techniques
and of youth drug/alcohol pre­
vention, early intervention and/
or treatm ent, and of team -ori­
ented system s & project-based
w orkload. Q ualified bilingual/
bicultural applicants encour­
aged to apply. Requires A ppli­
cation & Supplem ental Q ues­
tionnaire. Closes: 2/19/93. Pers
Dept, 555 Liberty St. Rm 225,
Salem , O R 97301. 588-6162.
Bus Drivers
Volunteer Opportunity
Senior Accountant
In focus System s is at the fore­
front of new generation visual
display system s designed to
substantially enhance the pre­
sentation m arketplace. W e are
actively seeking a seasoned
Senior Accountant w ho will be
responsible for the m onthly
close, assisting with quarterly
review and year-end audits,
weekly m anagem ent reporting,
ADP payroll, and banking and
investm ent activities. The ideal
candidate will have an account­
ing degree with at least 5 years
experience in the electronics
industry ; strong working know l­
edge of spreadsheet applica­
tions and autom ated account­
ing packages. M ust be able to
com m unicate effectively with
and be responsive to internal
and external custom ers. We
offer a dynam ic sm oke-free
environment and excellent com ­
pensation package including
stock options, 401 (k) and profit
sharing. Send or fax your re­
sume (no phone calls, please)
and salary history to:
In Focus Systems
Human Resources Dept., SA/
D epartm ent #FAVOR
7770 SW M ohawk St
Tualatin, OR 97062
FAX # 691 -0685
W om en in C om m unity Service
Inc. ~W ICS" is offering a Vol­
unteer Opportunity for wom en
interested in mentoring, fem ale
offenders in Transition.
Inquiries :Call 503) 280-6646 Ex
6755 N.E. Columbia
Secure Positions Nowl
Equal Opportunity
Em ployer
Public Works, Roads &
Engineering Division
George Fox C ollege invites ap­
plications for two tenure track
positions teaching in an inno­
vative M BA program and un­
dergraduate courses in busi­
ness or econom ics. Requires
broad interests and a specialty
in finance, accounting, manage­
ment, or econom ics. M ust be
professionally qualified through
doctorate, CPA, CM A, and/or
substantial executive experi­
ence. C o lle g e or u n iversity
teaching experience is desir­
able. George Fox C ollege is a
church-related liberal arts col­
lege com m itted to an evangeli­
cal C h ris tia n p h ilo s o p h y of
Environm ental
Girls Wanted
higher education. Please sub­
Compliance Officer
m it a letter of application, re­ From OR & WA, betw een 7-19,
Pacific N orthw est fuel distributor
sume, nam es of three refer­
to com pete in this ye a r’s 4th
w ith o p e ra tio n s th ro u g h o u t
ences, and a brief statem enton
annual 1993 P ortland Pag­
A laska seeks environm ental
eants. O ver $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 In
a personal philosophy of C hris­
com pliance officer. Successful
prizes and scholarships. Call
tian higher education, to Dr.
candidate w ill be located in
today 1 -800-PAG EANT-EXT.
G lenn M oran, D ean o f the
School of Professional Stud­
R esponsibilities will include co ­
ies, George Fox College, 414
ordination & im plem entation of
N. M e rid ia n , N e w b e rg , OR
Federal & State o f Alaska regu­
lations including EPA, OPA 90,
Senior Management
A D E C , H a za rd o u s M a te ria l
Social Service/Domestic
H andling, continge ncy p la n ­
Violence Agency
ning, spill risk a sse ssm ent,
Personnel Division
tra n s p o rta tio n o f hazardou s
Night Case Manager,
m aterial & hazardous w aste
1 Full-time Position
Full time
generation reporting. Ability to
Bilingual, Fluent Spanish/
com m unicate facts, ideas &
Metro is recruiting for one full­
conclusions, both written & ver­
time Senior Management Ana­
bal, in a clear & concise m an­
lyst to serve as the Labor Rela­
4:45PM-9:15 AM
ner is a necessity.
tions Officer in performing the
Send resum e and salary require­
two nights per week
following essential job duties:
m ents to: Personnel Manager,
Send resum e/cover letter to:
develop negotiation strategy,
PO Box 70438, Seattle, W A
Bradley-Angle House
write contract language, negoti­
PO Box 14694
ate labor agreements for Metro
Portland, OR 97214
and MetroERC; provide contract
CALL 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 o r FAX 2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 TO
E E O /A A /Fem inist Organization
interpretation to managers and
C lo se D ate: Feb 1 7 ,1 9 9 3
supervisors; handle grievances
through mediation or arbitration;
develop and present labor rela­
Port Of Portland
tions training; and a variety of
Career Opportunities
other personnel related assign­
HVAC Electrician II
ments. This position closes on
Aviation Maintenance
February 10,1993. Applications
supplemental requirements
Closing Date: February 5 , 1993.
must be received, or post­
If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland
marked no later than 5:00 p.m.
Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants
Wednesday, February 10,1993.
residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically
Applications and supplemental
disabled applicants may request application materials by calling
requirements can be picked up
(503) 731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All
applications must be received by 5 p.m on the closing date.
Office Assistant
Finance & Management
Temporary/Full Time
$7.03 - $9.90
Metro is recruiting for one tem-
porary/full-time Office Assis­
tant to perform the following
essential job duties, serve as
the department receptionist to
screen calls and visitors and
take messages; receive and
sort incoming mail for distribu­
tion to department staff; file,
alphabetize invoices, organize
and file checks and purchase
orders; act as departmental
contact or resource to com­
municate data and informa­
tion to the public and Metro
staff members; perform data
entry. Does other duties as
assigned. This position closes
on February 17, 1993 Appli­
cations and supplemental re­
quirements can be picked up
The Eyes and Ears ot the Community
Office: (503)230-0033
F ax#: (503)200-0015
A dvertise in the O bserver
Fralghtlinor Corporation is a major manufacturer of heavy duty
diesel trucks. Currently, we have opportunities available at our
Corporate Headquarters for the following positions:
Data Applications: You will be responsible for maintaining person­
nel software in support of staffing, relocation, EEO and ad hoc
reporting using Excel (Lotus), R:Base and Focus. Also, you will
assist in employment related functions, including screening, refer­
encing and preparing ads/postings for open positions. An
Associate's degree in Business, Computer Science or related
administrative field required. You must have a minimum of four
years' database software experience; one year of experience
involving personnel procedures and employment law desired.
Secretary: You will prepare confidential correspondence, reports
and technical literature, and compose replies to correspondence.
Your duties will also include answering routine policy questions,
m onitoring the budget, m aintaining adm inistrative
and personnel files, and receiving a high-volume of incoming
telephone calls and visitors. A minimum of three years of
progressively responsible secretarial experience required. Word
processing and Lotus skills necessary.
Freightliner Corporation offers a competitive salary and benefits
package. For immediate consideration, fax your resume to
(503) 735-6657, or forward it to:
Personnel Operations
Freightliner Corporation
PO Box 4750
Portland, OR 97208-4750
Equal opportunity employer. No agency referrals accepted.
MetroERC and Oregon Convention
Center Administration Offices
The Urban League
Don’t miss out on on opportunity to join Paragon Cable,
a cable company that is on the leading edge of technol­
ogy. O ur sales team is currently recruiting for individuals
to contact potential subscribers, demonstrate, sell, and
install Digital Music Express and ancillary services. The
qualified candidate w e are looking for would possess a
high school diploma or equivalent and valid driver’s li­
cense with good driving record. Previous sales an d /o r in­
stallation experience is preferred; able to lift 40 lbs; use
of personal vehicle is required. W e offer a com prehen­
sive benefits package Please come in and complete an
application at 3 0 7 5 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR 9 7 2 3 2 .
Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr.
Portland, OR
C o n sig n m e n t G foifnn g
/o r
JICen a n t / W o m en
Resumes will not be accepted
AA/EEL Employer
ó e c o n c f ZJime ^ r o u r t J
570/ Œ
The Eyes and Ears ol the Community
Office: (503)200-0033
Fax#- (503)200-0015
/re m o n /
P o ri/a n t/, O retjo n 9 7 2 /5
We are an Equal Employment/#’' A Employer
IM C .
A A A *
Fn/' 6es/; resu/te-
- à
The N.E.Workforce Center
“U ioia W ax/tin tj/on -//iox/ttn
Letter of Credit
N ike has an im m ediate opening
for a Letter o f C redit Specialist
in our International C redit De­
partm ent. In this position you
w ill perform various D epart­
m ent functions, including ex­
port letter o f credit (L?C) o pera­
tions and exam ination of L/C
docum ents to determ ine com ­
pliance w ith L/C and ICC regu­
lations. Also, you will be in­
volved in close correspondence
with banks, distributors and in­
ternal staff to expedite export
transactions, and assist the
Credit M anager with D epart­
ment projects and clerical sup­
port as needed.
To qualify, you m ust have a m ini­
mum of two years ‘experience
in international banking, export
operations, freight forwarding,
or a sim ilar international busi­
ness e nvironm en t. W orking
knowledge of ICC Publication
400 is required, as is com puter
literacy, preferably on an IBM,
using W ord for W indows and
MetroERC and Oregon Convention
Excel. Familiarity with foreign
Center Administration Offices
and U.S. anti boycott
The Urban League
preferred. You must
The N.E. Workforce Center
be detail-oriented, have strong
2000 S.W. First Ave
communications skills, and pos­
Portland, Or
sess the ability to manage m ul­
Oregon Convention Center
projects and priorities.
777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr.
every career oppor­
Portland, Or
tunity with an excellent salary
Resumes will not be accepted
AA/EEO Employer
and benefits package. For im ­
mediate consideration, please
forward your resum e to N ike,
In c ., E m p lo y m e n t C e n te r,
INTL., One Bowerman Drive,
Beaverton, Or 97005. T h is
P ersonal, S econd M ortgages
p o s itio n m ay c lo s e a t a n y
an d D e b t C o n s o lid a tio n s .
tim e. W e are an equal o p p o r­
Available up to 50K.
tu n ity e m p lo y e r.
2000 S W. First Ave
Portland, OR
/ fjO jJ 257-2ÍO S
T R A N ■ I T.
King County Logo
$2,773 - $3,503
AutoCAD drafting for civil roads
work in a high production Sun
SPARC workstation environ­
ment. Position uses AutoCAD,
Softdesk and Pacsoft software
for perform ing a variety of com ­
puter aided drafting and design
engineering work in support of
engineering for road im prove­
m ent projects. AutoCAD soft­
ware, civil roads drafting expe­
rience required. Closes Febru­
ary 12,1 993. Applications-King
County O ffice of Hum an Re­
source M anagem ent, 500 4th
Ave., Rm 450, Seattle 98104
(206) 296-7340. EOE.
Port of Portland
Between 9AM -2PM
Pre-Em ploym ent
Drug Screen Req'd
Help Wanted
‘ Extra Income “93"*
Earn $200-$500 weekly mailing
1993 UWTI travel brochures.
For m ore inform ation send self
addressed stam ped envelope
Travel Inc. P.O. Box 2530,
Miami, FL 33161.
Cadd Technician Road
Information about career opportunities with the Port can be obtained
by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480.
Immediate Opening
E xp e rie n ce d A lco h o l & Drug
Counselor for innovative grow ­
ing program . Full time with ben­
efits. Send cover letter & re­
sume to:
1135 S.E. Salmon
Portland, OR 97214
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