F ebruary 5, 1993 • I ïie P ortland O bserver Advertisement For Bids City Of Oakridge Wastewater Facilities Improvements Sealed proposals for the City of Oakridge, Wastewater Facilities Improvements, addressed to Jerry Shanbeck. Public Works Director. City of Oakridge, P.O. Box 385, 48318 First Street, Oakridge, Oregon 97463, will be received at the office of the Public Works Director until 11:00 a.m. on the 3rd day of March, 1993, and then will be publicly opened and read in the council chambers of the City of Oakridge, 48318 First Street, Oakridge, Oregon. Bids may be mailed or delivered to the address shown above. Principal items of work consist of the following: 1. Schedule A-Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade: The work includes demolition of existing structures, equip­ ment and piping, construction of a 3.4 mgd pump station, headwords, sequencing batch reactor treat­ ment system, and U.V. disinfection system. The work also includes modification of an existing tankand opera­ tions building, construction of new operations building, well system and site work. 2. Schedule B-Collection System Improvements-Sewer Line Segments 1-8 Inclusive: The work includes re­ moval and replacement of approximately 2,240 lineal feet of sanitary sewer line and construction of 1,370 lineal feet of sewer line, including manholes, services and related appurtenances. 3. Schedule C-Collection System Improvements-Sewer Line Segment 9:The work includes construction of 1,790 lineal feet of 10-inch sewer line including man­ holes and services. Bids shall be based on the contract lump sum for Schedule A work and unit prices for Schedule B and C work as stated in the Bid Form. The Contractor may submit a bid for either or all schedules. The City reserves the right to award each schedule separately. Schedule A work shall be completed within 240 calendar days after the date set forth in the Notice to Proceed. Schedule B and C work shall be completed within 90 calendar days after the date set in the Notice to Proceed. Drawings and specifications are available at the project office of Kramer, Chin & Mayo. 7080 SW Fir Loop, Portland, Oregon 97223. A nonrefundable deposit to cover printing costs in the amount of $75 per set made out to KCM is required for the Drawing and Specifications. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the follow­ ing: City of Oakridge. 48318 First Street, Oakridge, Oregon 97463; Kramer, Chin & Mayo, Inc. offices: 7080 S.W. Fir Loop, Portland, Oregon 97223; 1917 First Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101; 1125 S.E. Madison Street, Suite 200, Portland, Oregon 97214; construction Data, 1200 N.W. Front, Suite 180, Portland. Oregon 97209; Minority Business Development Center, 8959 S.W. Barbur Boulevard, Port­ land, Oregon 97219.Funding is provided by a grant from the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (under Public Law 92-500.); a grant from the Oregon Economic Develop­ ment Division Block Grant Program and local contribution from the City of Oakridge. 66% Federal EPA $1,963,959 State Local OCDBG Up to $500,000 Remainder of Project Cost Bidders on this project must comply with all applicable government requirements as explained in the Federal Con­ tract Provisions included in the Contract Documents. This project is partially funded by EPA and Davis Bacon Wages are required. No Bid will be received or considered unless the Bid contains a statement that the provisions regarding prevailing rates of wage required by ORS 279.350 and the Davis .Bacon Act, as may be applicable, shall be complied with. All bidders must be willing to comply with the applicable provisions of the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Actof 1972 and the civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. A prebid meeting will be held on February 19,1993 at 10:00 a.m. in the city Council Chambers, 4818 First Street, Oakridge, Oregon 97463. For information regarding this project, contact Steve Kraushaar, P.E. (KCM) at (503) 684-9097. Dated: This 1st day of February, 1993 Published: By: City of Oakridge, Jerry Shanbeck, Public Works Director Section 8 Waiting List Closure The Housing Authority of Clackamas County will be closing the Section B Existing Housing Program waiting list on February 19,1993 at 5:00 PM. Any application received after the closing date listed above will be returned to the applicant. The waiting list will remain closed until further notice. Applications will continue to be accepted for the Public Housing Program and the Moderate Rehabilitation Pro­ gram. For further information contact The Housing Authority of Clackamas County, 1390 S Gain Street, Oregon City OR 97045; 655-8267. t=I ibsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list We are committed to Equal H o using O p p o rtu n ity . F irw ood M anor Eugene, OR 17-0946 GMC Rockwood South, Mid-County Collector Sewer S.E. 175th To 182nd Between Yamhill And Division Streets Project #3076 Sealed proposals will be received by the City Engineer, at the City Hall, 1333 N.E. Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon 97030. until Wednesday, February 17, 1993, 11:00 a.m., Local Time, at which time they will be opened, for the construction of the R ockw ood South, M id-County C o lle cto r Sewer P roject, S.E. 175th to 182nd Avenue Between Yam hill And D ivision Streets, P roject No. 3076. The major quantities involved are as follows: 2,450 L.F. 10" Gravity Sewer Pipe 14,350 L.F. 8“ Gravity Sewer Pipe 300 L.F. 6" Gravity Sewer Pipe 10,150 L.F. 4/6" Service Lateral Pipe 58 Manholes Contractor for this work shall furnish all labor at current U.S. Department of Labor prevailing wage rates, materials and equipment and services of all kinds to complete the work in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor. Plans and specification may be examined at the office of the Department of Environmental Services Director, 1550 N.W. Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon. Copies of said plans and specifications may be obtained upon application to the Department of Environmental Services Director and by posting a non-refundable fee of $25.00 with the Department of Environmental Services Director for each set of plans and specifications requested. Contractors must prequalify for sanitary sewer construc­ tion with the City of Gresham, as required by the laws of the State of Oregon, before the date of a bid opening. Otherwise, theirproposal may not be given consideration. All proposals must be submitted on the regular forms furnished by the City of Gresham, addressed and mailed or delivered to the Department of Environmental Services, City of Gresham, in a sealed envelope plainly marked, “ Sealed Bid On R ockw ood S outh, M id-C ounty C ollec­ to r Sewer P roject, S.E. 175th To 182nd A venue Be­ tween Yam hill And D ivisio n Streets, P roject No. 3076” bearing the name and address of the bidder. Each must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid. A performance and payment corporate surety bond in the full amount of the contract shall be required to guarantee faithful performance of the terms of the contract at the time of contract execution. Each bid must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. In determining tho lowest responsible bidder, the public contracting agency shall, for the purpose of awarding the contract, add a percent increase on the bid of a nonresi­ dent bidder equal to the percent, if any, of the preference given to that bidder in that state in which the bidder resides. Each bidder must file with his bid an affidavit of non­ collusion. The City of Gresham reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids, waive informalities or to accept any bid which appears to serve the best interests of the City. The City of Gresham is an equal opportunity employer. By Order Of The City Council 1333 N.W. Eastman Parkway Gresham, Oregon 97030 Oregon Arena Project Drake/Turner, Joint Venture We are seeking active participation by Minority Business Enterprises, Women-Owned business enterprises and emerging small businesses in the construction of this project. We request that such firms express their interest in writing, to bid on portions of the work for the OREGON ARENA PROJECT. Bid packages will be issued for sub­ contracting and supply opportunities on this project over the next six (6) months. Please address your letters of interest to: Drake/Turner, Joint Venture 1740 Northwest Flanders Street Portland, Oregon 97209 Attention David L. Brenneman Sub-Bids Requested For Metro Headquarters Project Portland, Oregon Final Cleaning Package Bid Date: Feb 9,1993 • Bid Time: 10:00 AM Mandatory Pre Bid Conference Date: Feb 1,1993 1:30 PM at the Jobsite Hoffman Construction Company Of Oregon 1300 SW 6th Ave P.O. Box 1300 Portland Oregon 97207 Oregon License #28417 Bid Phone 503-221-8811 • Fax Number 503-221-8934 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans or emerging small Document 00020 Advertisement For Bids The Port Of Portland Portland-Troutdale Airport Runway Exit B3 And Hangar Access Taxiways Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Project No. 3-41-0061-06 Sealed bids forthe Portland-Troutdale Airport, Runway Exit B3 and Hangar Access Taxiways, will be received at the office of the Manager, Contracts and Procurement, Of The Port of Portland, 700 N.E. Multnomah Street, 15th floor, Portland, Oregon , (mailing address: Post Office Box 3529, Portland, Oregon, 97208) until, but not after, 3 p.m., Tues­ day, February 23,1993, and thereafter publicly opened and read. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program: Bidders are required to show that small subcontractors, suppliers, or manufacturers which have been certified by the Oregon Executive Department as disadvan­ taged, minority, orwom en business enterprises (collec­ tively “Disadvantaged Business Enterprises” o r“ DBEs”) will participate in not less than 14 percent of the total dollar amount bid. Description of Work: Runway Exit B3: Construct a 10O-foot-long asphalt concrete taxiway with associated edge lighting and directional sign­ ing. Hangar Access Taxiways: Construct approximately 7700 square yards of as­ phalt concrete taxiways to serve four proposed"T” hangars at two different sites. A prebid conference will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 10,1993, to discuss all phases of the work. The prebid conference will be held at the Portland-Troutdale Airport Building 1260., just east of the control tower. Please report to the second floor. Technical questions may be directed to the Project Engineer, Ken Asburry, (503) 731-7329. Bids must be on the bid form which will be provided to prospective bidders and must be accompanied by a certi­ fied or cashier's check drawn on a United States bank or a bid bond payable to The Port of Portland in an amount equal to at least 10 percent of the total amount bid.Bidders are required to prequalify in the following category; Asphalt Concrete Paving - Highways, roads, Streets, and Airports Prequalification applications must be submitted not later than 5 business days prior to the bid opening date. The drawings and the contract manual may be examined at Port offices. Copies may be obtained by prospective bid­ ders at no cost from Contracts and Procurement (address above). This is a federal aid contract, and all labor shall be paid no less than the minimum wage rates established by the U.S. Secretary of Labor, as included in the contract documents. The labor and civil rights requirements in the Bid and the Supplementary Conditions apply to this work. The pro­ posed Contract is under the subject of Executive Order 11246 on Nondiscrimination Under Federal Contracts, September 24, 1965, and as amended; and 49 CFR Part 23, on Participation By Disadvantaged Business Enter­ prises in United States Department of Transportation Pro­ grams, March 31, 1980, and as amended. Disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in consideration for an award of any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement. Bidders are required to state whether or not the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. (Reference Article 3 of the Instructions to Bidders). No bid will be received or considered unless the bidder is registered with the State of Oregon Construction Contrac­ tors Board, pursuant to ORS 701.055 (1), priorto submitting a bid. (Reference Articles 10,12, and 13 in the Instructions to Bidders.) A license for asbestos work under ORS 468A.720 is not required for this work. Bids may be rejected if not in compliance with bidding procedures and requirements. Any or all bids may be rejected if in the public interest to do so. The Port Of P ortland Ron Stem pel M anager C o n tra cts and P rocurem ent Sub-Bids Requested The Grand Oaks/Wilkhire Apartment Substantial Rehabilitation of apartment building Portland, Oregon Bid Date: February 16,1993 - 2:00 p.m. A.C. Schommer & Sons, Inc. Attn: Mike Smithey 3429 N. E. Sandy Blvd. * Portland, OR 97232-1959 (503) 233-1026 Fax: (503) 233-2714 business enterprises. CCB #04937 Subsidized Subsidized Notice To Contractors Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. We are committed to Equal Housing Opportunity. S olhavn C latskanie, OR 728-3169 CMC Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units may be available at this time If not, qualified appli­ at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting cants may be placed on a waiting list. We are committed to Equal list. We are committed to Equal Housing Opportunity. H o u sin g O p p o rtu n ity. St Vincent de Paul u ) C learw ater M anor 2800 N. Williams M yrtle Creek, OR 288-3186 GMC 863-3748 GMC Opportunity for Masonry Metal Fabrications, Thermal moisture protection, doors, windows, glazing, flooring, carpet, Panting, elevator, electrical, louvers, vents, signage, bath Accessories, cabinets, countertops. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and women and minority business enterprises.