Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 27, 1993, Page 9, Image 9

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P age 9
T he P ortland O bserver • J anuary 20, 1993
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Observer’s Male Athlete
of the week
AT&T Long
Distance Shootout
Five o f the N B A ’ s top three-
point shooters so far this season-
Drazen Petrovic o f New Jersey, M a rk
Price o f Cleveland, Dennis Scott o f
O rlando, Kenny Sm ith o f Houston
and C hris M u llin o f golden S ta te -
W ill be jo in e d by three-time defend­
ing champion Craig Hodges, currently
and unrestricted free agent, Dana
Barros o f Seattle and B.J. Arm strong
o f Chicago in the A T & T Long D is­
tance Shootout on N B A A ll-S ta r Sat­
urday, February 20 in Salt Lake City.
“ Even though C raig Hodges is
not currently on an N B A roster. There
has been a lot o f interest expressed in
seeing h im get the chance to defend
his title in this event,” said N B A Vice
President, Operations Rod Thorn.
“ The issue was discussed w ith the
N ational Basketball Players Associa­
tio n so the we could discern how
active N B A players w ould feel about
this participation, and th e ir reaction
was that they thought it w ould be a
great idea.”
Hodges, along w ith Larry B ird
(1986-88), is one o f o n ly two players
ever to w in the A T & T Long Distance
Shootout three times.
•' -
t ’ - - 2 -
G irls
W ilson
F ra n klin
L in co ln
M arshall
M adison
Benson remained unbeaten in
P.I.L. play after w in n in g both games
loss week. On Wednesday, both Tech
and W ilson went in to the game w ith ­
out a lost. But it was Benson that come
up w ith the big game and now leads
the league by a fu ll game. Center
M fo n Udaha led Tech to a 62-48 easy
w in w ith a triple-double, 19 points 16
rebounds and 10 steals. Udaha had a
lot o f help from K im Green who had
20 points and M onica Watts added 16
points, 11 rebounds and 5 steals.
Coach Dennis C arline said that
guards N icole Bradford and Melissa
Hubbert played a great game, w ithout
scoring from the field, but played out­
standing defense and very good ball
handling in Fridays game w ith Grant.
The score was 59 to 25. A gain Udaha
led the way w ith 18 points, w hile
Wednesdays Results (1-20-93)
F ra n klin 61, L in co ln 54
G rant 74, Cleveland 73
M adison 69, Roosevelt 54
Jefferson 76, M arshall 57
W ilson 65, Benson 62 O T
(G irls)
Cleveland 38, G rant 33
Jefferson 60, M arshall 16
F ra n klin 44, L in c o ln 31
Roosevelt 62, M adison 32
Benson 62, W ilson 48
Fridays Results (1-22-93)
L in c o ln 80, M adison 59
M arshall 60, Roosevelt 59
W ilso n 99, Cleveland 76
Jefferson 101, F ra n klin 54
Benson 61, Grant 58 Roosevelt
(G irls)
L in co ln 63, M adison 26
Benson 59, Grant 25
Jefferson 56, F ra n klin 47
W ilson 61, Cleveland 41
57, M arshall 22
Watts added 12.
W ilson came back after losing to
Benson, w ith a 61 fo 41 w in over
Cleveland C la ir Cox led the way w ith
12 after having only 5 against Benson.
Mondays Results (1-25-93)
Cleveland 77, Benson 74
(G irls)
Benson 56, Cleveland 35
i .
- I < •
• » . *t
B ie rh o f s 15 points.
Roosevelt picked up two w i n w ith
a easy 62-32 w in over Madison. Jes­
sica E k o ff had 14 points. Jenelle
M cN e il scored 10 for the Senators.
Jenny O ’ D onnell d rille d the nets for
19 points in the 57-22 w ins over
M arshall Tam m y Oldham scored 9
• !
Senior K.J. Dawkins from Grant High School scored 21 points
against Benson last Friday, but the Techmen prevailed to beat the
Generals 61 to 58. The race for the top spot in the PIL is tight with
Benson Grant, Cleveland and Wilson all battling for first place.
Points fo r the Minutemen.
L in co ln was one fo r two fo r the
week, after losing to F ra n klin 44 to 31.
Then came back w ith a 63-26 w in over
M adison M ich e lle Lee scored 11
points for the Cardinals. Heather Wells
led M adison w ith 16 points.
Blazers Stay In
Kicked Off
Portland Parks and Recreation
invites adults to take advantage o f the
lap swims offered in fo u r Portland
pools: Buckman, Dishman, M L C , and
C olum bia. A ll four pools o ffe r m orn­
ing, noon, and early evening lap hours,
The Portland T ra il Blazers tipped
w ith lanes fo r diffe re n t sw im m ing o f their 1993 N B A Stay in School
campaign Monday, January 25th when
A dm ission fees are $1.50 per C l i f f Robinson and former N B A player
sw im , or passes are available. F o r a and Blazers co m m u n ity a c tivitie s
complete pool schedule, see the Park coordinator N ick Jones visited George
B ureau W in ter Program G uide o r con­ M iddle School fo r a rally. A p p ro x i­
tact the Aquatics Department, 796- mately 600 sixth, seventh and eight
grade students attended the assembly.
The N B A e ffo rt was organized to
encourage students to stay in school
and complete their high school educa­
tion. The focus o f the assembly was to
in s till P R ID E in students. Jones and
Robinson brought the message home
thorough a simple but direct presenta­
tion o f o u tlin in g the letters o f the word
PRIDE. ‘ P’ stands for Positive Mental
A ttitu d e ; ‘ R ’ stands fo r Respect; ‘ I ’
stands fo r in te llig e n t Decision M a k­
ing; ‘ D ’ stands fo r Dreaming Dreams
and Goal Setting; * E ’ stands fo r E ffo rt
Everything In The World O f Sports On PDX Sportsline!
■ 7 ’ • A
Cleveland won a close game w ith
Grant on Wednesday 38 to 33 as Josie
Boccuzzi scored 14 points. Roberta
H all led Grant w ith 17 points.
Jefferson won tw o games last
week, w ith wins over M arshall and
Franklin. K enoris Blackm on scored
23 points in the 60-16 blowout o f the
W arriors. T iffa n y Lamberth had 18
big points in the w in over the Quakers,
56 to 47. F ra n klin was led by Sarah
Lap It UP!
P D X Sportsline On Paragon Cable
Hosted by John Phillips
30 & 38 (live)
8:30 p.m.
38 (replay)
5:00 p.m.
38 (replay)
Wednesday 9:30 a.m.
30 (replay)
11:30 a m.
38 (replay)
Thursday 7:30 p.m.
38 (replay)
9:30 a.m.
38 (replay)
4:00 p.m.
Monica Watts
Benson High School
Nate Williams
Franklin High School
enson Girls Win
After 28 years of pleasure in serving the good people of
Oregon and Washington, we are no longer able to com­
pete against the forces of big business. We are eternally
grateful to those of you who supported us to the end and
hope you are able to visit us during these final days.
Benson Boys Loses One,
Wins One Stay Atop P.I.L.
Benson fe ll to W ilson in O ver­
tim e 65 to 62 as Tyrone Manlove
scored 21 points. Jason F ra n klin led
tech w ith 19 points. Benson came
back w ith a close 61-58 w in over
Grant. Richy Briggs and E arl C lark
scored 16 points each, w h ile K.J.
Dawkins led the Generals w ith 21
A fte r W ils o n ’ s b ig w in over
Benson, The Trojans came back strong
again w ith another big w in over Clev e-
land 99 to 76. Bryan M cM ahan had 21
points and M anlove also added 20
Walking, Aerobics, Basketball, Tennis, Dress,
Casual, Cross Training, Basketball, Kids Soccer, Kids
Casual, Running and more
Warmups by Diadora, Ellesse, Vengo, Fila,
Socks, T-Shirts, Shorts, Etc.
Nike, Avia, Converse, Diadora, Ellesse,
Foot-Joy, Ewing, Etonic, L.A. Gear, Starter, Saucony,
Patrick, Prince, Stacy Adams, Etc.
D e fe n d in g c h a m p io n C e d ric
Ceballos o f Phoenix heads a field o f
eight competitors in the 1993 Gatorade
Slam -Dunk Championship on N B A
A l-S ta r Saturday. February 20 at the
Delta Center in Salt Lake C ity. Also
N.E. 30th & ALBERTA
» A
accepting invitations to compete were
Seattle’ s Shawn Kemp, San A ntonio's
Scan E llio tt. Houston’ s Robert Horry,
D enver's C h ris Jackson, M ia m i's
Harold M in e r and D avid Benoit o f the
Utah Jazz. The host team for the 1993
N B A A ll-S ta r Weekend A n eighth
contestant w ill be announced in the
i f
game w ith 31 points.
G rant’ s w in last week was over
Cleveland as the Generals nipped the
W arriors 74-73. A gain K.J. Dawkins
This Week In The P.I.L.
Thursday (1-28-93)
Girls At 5:45 P.M . - Boys At 7:3 0 P.M .
Franklin At C leveland
G rant At M a d iso n
B enson At M a rsh a ll
R o o se velt A t W ilson
Friday (1-29-93)
Girls At 5:45 P.M . - Boys At 7:30 P.M .
B enson A t C leveland
R oosevelt A t Franklin
W ilson A t G rant
M a d iso n A t Je ffe rso n
M a rshall A t Lincoln
Schick Legends Classic
Rosters Announced
awarded an assembly.
The Stay in School program, now
in its fourth year, is a jo in t in itia tiv e o f
the N B A , its member teams, the N a­
tional Basketball Players Association
and the N ational Basketball Coaches
shooter Denm ark Reid led the Demos
in both games w ith 24 and 27 points.
Note W illia m s had 15 points in the
lost to Jeff. He scored 21 points in the
Quakers 61-54 w in over Lin co ln . The
C ardinals M a tt Lansing had a very big
led the way w ith 31 points.
Madison got a w in over Roosev elt
on the road 69 to 54. Led by Joel
Greene’ s 30 points Then the Senators
lost to L in c o ln 80 to 59 as Nat Meade
Jefferson scored tw o w ins last scored 22 points fo r the Cardinals.
week, 76-57 over M arshall and 101 to Joel Greene again led M adison w ith
54 over F ranklin. The Long range 19.
in Education.
A total o f 10 visits are scheduled
during the rem ainder o f the regular
season w ith a d iffe re n t T ra il Blazer
player accompanying Jones at each
assembly. A random draw ing o f Port-
land-area m iddle schools was held to
determine w hich schools w ould be
All your friends at B&R
u; X
W E Q U IT !
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P.I.L. Basketball Standing
W ilson
F ra n klin
M adison
L in co ln
M arshall
A ' - i . ■>
• :*V 74- *1
Observer's Female Athlete
of the week.
H a ll o f Famers Dave Cowens and
Connie Haw kins top a list o f 20 o f pro
basketball’ s a ll-tim e greatest players
who w ill suit up and take to the court
one more tim e for the 10th annual
Schick Legends Classic on N B A A ll-
Star Saturday, February 20 at the Delta
Center in Salt Lake City . Six men
closely associated w ith pro basketball
in Utah, cither w ith the Jazz or the
A B A ’ s Utah Stars, w ill also take part,
w ith Ron Boone, Z clm o Beaty, W ali
Jones and Hot Rod Hundley play ing in
the game and Jazz. President Frank
Laydcn and form er Stars Coach Joe
M ullancy coaching. A lso playing in
the classic are Spencer Haywood, A rtis
Gilmore, GeorgeGervin. Bobby Jones,
C alvin M urphy, C liffo rd Ray, Dan
R oundficld, Maurce Lucas, Jamaal
W ilkes, O tis Birdsong, A u stin C a n ,
Lou Hudson, M L. C arr and Bob Love.
The events o f N B A A ll-S ta r Sat­
u rd a y, w h ic h also in c lu d e s the
Gatorade S lant-D unk cham pionship
and th e A T & T L o n g D is ta n c e
Shootout (see below), w ill be tele­
vised live nationally at 7 p m E T on
February 20 by T urner N etw ork Telc-
vision (T N T )
Brian Mitchell s 19 points let Marshall just S ^ y ^ e v e l t 60 to 59.
Tommie Charles paced the Rough Riders with 21 points
near future.
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