f* 4 ♦ v u < < < < u • i * ’ • »*♦<■ » r t r * f 1 1 <<<< < ■< * v t %■< J anuary 27, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age 6 >‘M s D isc ¡píes sa ief unto M m , ßoref, te a c £ us to p r a y ... a n d M l saief Scripture Of O/ie lSÙee£. unto i/iem , a M n y e p r a 'p s a y “Our_ REFLECTIONS by Mattie Ann Callier Spears J /□ We have reached the “top” so to speak, yet we cannot improve this simple peti­ tion. Let’s look at what we are asking “Our Father.” “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” “But Lord, we have to go over here first, we have to finish this project, we have to close this deal so we can acquire all this money, when w e’re finished we will see what you have in mind. Mat­ Most of us have either heard or ter of fact, as long as we’re succeed­ repeated this prayer at some point in ing, we don’t need to concern our­ our lives. Some of us hear this occa­ selves with ‘Thy will’.” How simplc- sionally at special events, or as a -when “ His will is done”, everything weekly ritual at church. For others falls in its proper place. No need to go it’s a daily routine because we astray. “Give us this day our daily bread.” learned it as children and have al­ What more could we want? Clothes, ways “said our prayers.” We could houses, money, cars, fam e?-the list probably repeat it in our sleep-som e goes on. Asking for nourishment alone of us do. , This prayer has spanned the es­ seems not enough. “Forgive us our debts, as we for­ sence of time, the mix of cultures, give our debtors.” When we internal­ the global sphere, and the most dif­ ize this exchange, it gets to be a real ficult group—the differences of reli­ heavy request. Can we actually be gious beliefs. W e have acquired degrees, good to the persons we think owe us stately positions, political aspira­ something? Like, “Lord be patient tions, various accomplishments, and with us as we are with those around Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever, Amen: Matthew 6: 9-13. ” ßu£e_ us.” If He really forgave us the way we forgive one another, there would be no need for the word compassion to exist. “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” The Lord must work overtime on this one. If we seriously meant for Him to de­ liver us, He would probably need all the angels to help carry the over­ load. Can we imagine the amount of interceptions it must take to keep just one of us on the straight and narrow? “Our Father...Hallowed be Thy name...for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for­ ever.” Our flesh should respond with goosebumps, our ears should re­ sound like clapping thunder, our eyes should fill with tears of adora­ tion and awe. Our hearts should burst with praise, our physical bod­ ies should leap to unm easured heights, and our souls should con­ nect with heaven! Our Father! Our Father! He hears uS all. He has the power. He is the power, forever! “Amen.” So be it!. When you feel yourself slipping— Tie a knot in the end of the rope and hang on—Help is on the way. not w ander from thy com m and­ Ina time when men, women, boys out in his mind. Don’t you know that ments.” and girls are seeking to find some­ every time we use ourselves as sources The key word in that passage of thing to hold-on-to...to trust in... to of wisdom: We fail. Let God be your scripture is—sought. Are you seeking believe in .to m ake th em feel main source. For the Scripture says, the Lord? O r-a re you seeking other good.. but, instead of finding satisfied “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, (worldly) ways and means to figure and lean not to your own understand­ people, w e find a myriad of confused, out your problems? “In all your ways ing.” (Proverbs 3:5) disillusioned and unhappy people. In every area of life, we falter acknowledge him, and he shall direct So many different avenues are your paths.” (Proverbs 3:6) being sought and tried to bring about without the help of the Holy Spirit. We could surely save ourselves a As individuals continue to as­ relief, such as: alcohol, sex, drugs (of sume that they are solely cognizant of lot of “wear and tear” if we would just every conceivable kind),lying, steal­ put our trust in the Lord; instead of ing, hatred, cheating, food, cigarettes, what transpires in their life, there will trusting in man. continually be prisons and other places coffee (all caffeine sources-teas, Some people hold onto rocks and filled with confused, supposedly in­ chocolate, cola) and the list goes on say that this source helps them to and on. These represent only a few telligent individuals going straight to connect to the earth. I don ’ t want to be easily accessible resources which “Hell”. Scripture again proves to be a connected with the earth. I want to be mankind has chosen to further his connected to and with the one who handicapped situation. This list even worthy source, for it states, “seek ye made the earth. includes murder; and satan created first the kingdom of God, and his Some people worship the cow righteousness; and all these things the list.. and they refuse to eat of its meat; but, shall be added unto you.(St. Matthew Satan is the main source of all I shall worship the Lord my God for 6:33) these over-indulged stimulants. Christian believers—your work he hath made the heavens and the In my weekly visits to the prisons, earth and all that dwells within. Yes! I have found many, many older men, is cut out for you! What is the solu­ He even made you and me. older women, young men and young tion? What do you tell these confused The Accuser (Satan) places all minds? Tell them, “If you want to get women who are sitting in prison be­ these foolish ideas in our heads and cause of overindulgence in oron some­ high...if you want to freak-out on hearts-only if we let him. thing that eventually led them to com­ something, get high on TLC. Freak- Heaven and hell are real places. mit a crime.. and, many of these people out on TLC.” Yeah! Try it! I know Don’t wait until it’s too late to make that you’ll never turn back. You see- claim to be Christians. So many of up your mind. them say, “Yes, I am a Christian; but, -TLC is “The Living Christ” . When the w orld’s addictions Let your life be full of TLC. Hide 1 fell by the wayside.” come upon you, draw strength from God’s word deep in your heart so that As I visit the “general populous” the Holy Spirit. Don’t stick nothing and the “Alcohol and Drug Units: you won’t sin against God. (Psalms (which are separate f(om one another), 119:11) And as David said, “with all Continued on page 7 I’ve met individuals of all races-m ale my heart have I sought thee: O let me and female. Each had a story to tell— but, each story had a com m on Jesus Loves You! denominator..’’Addiction” Sin! An addiction that was allowed to control them, divert their attention, take their eye off the prize, knock them down on Psalms 34:3 their bellies, face-down in the muck and mire. Satan presents himself in so many 4236 NE Eigth Avenue attractive, incandescent, alluring ways. (corner of 8th & Skidmore) You hear so many people saying, “I just couldn’t help myself. You just Portland, Oregon 97211 don’t understand how it is out here.” Satan will lie, cheat, deceive, be your friend or even turn himself into Phillip S. Nelson Pastor an angel of light (11 Cor. 11:14). You see—he is after your most prized pos­ session.. your soul. The “supreme accuser” causes humanki nd to have everythi ng worked Allen Temple CM E Church (503) 287-0261 Introducing the new... a.m.e. The People’s Church’ 1425 NE Dekum & 15th MT. OLIVET baptist church (Housed in the Woodlawn Methodist Church structure.) Pastor: Rev. Robert Probasco Sr. Sunday A M. Worship - 9.30 a.m. Thurs. PM. Bible Study - 7:30 p.m. CHRISTIAN CENTER 7600 I O V V N ■ ™ .E. GLISAN P O R T L A N D , OR. 97213 Has moved Sunday sevices to Stone Tower Church N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th (Led by Rev. Probasco with everyone contributing to the discussion.) Come as you are for Sunday and Thursday meetings. Join us for warm fellowship. Become a member of our family. We accept you as you are. We are not a ‘fashion’ statement. We are a ‘people statement. Larry & Tiz. Iluch Senior Pastors It's contemporary! It's Multi-cultural! Clay & Tam i Drayton Pastors It's Spirit Filled! A church fo r the 90's! 283-5917 M allory Avenue Christian Church D is c ip le s f Are you tired of the same old thing? Then you are ready for New Begin­ nings! Come join the excitement as we take Portland for Jesus! Scott & Lydia Sigman Pastors • Anointed Preaching & Teaching Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, W ednesdays, 116 N .E. Schuyler 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS A T eaching Church W ith A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. M artin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954 g>t. $ a u l Jtttööionarp JBaptíét (Cljurtlj 8101 N. Flske Avenue • Portland, Oregon 97203 . Dynamic Children & Youth Ministries C h r is t Church Phone: 289-0147 • Powerful Praise & Worship ’’Come to mo all you who aro weary and heavy ladon and I will givo you rost." 9:45om 11:00am 7:30pm Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00pm • Street Reach & Overcomers Ministries • Service Times: Sunday 10:30 am 6:00 pm Sunday School Morning Worship Tuesday Bilble Study and Prayer PMor' 7600 NE Glisan Street 256-6050 Inter-racial Congregation Study Phone:289-1911 Pastor, Rav James C E Faulkner Theme: Whatever you're going to do for the Lord, do It now I Peter iv.11 126 N.6. Alberto t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173 t ........... ' ‘ " ............................... - - a . *— * ****** * • • •*. ■ A :. *. • '• <• , ■ - ____ .