Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 27, 1993, Page 4, Image 4

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J anuary 27, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
P age
im u r is w im
C u rr en t R e le a s e s W ith
I n te r r a c ia l S itu a tio n T h em es
6 y
Linda Warren McClain
The C ryin g G a m e (B ritis h )
W ith the innocence o f a ch ild , you sit down to
w aich this movie, not know ing what is in store.
Innocently, N eil Jordan drowns you in the lives o f
three Irish Republican A rm y terrorists The female
played by M iranda Richardson seduces a Black
B ritis h Army soldier, Forrest W hittaker. She puts
in hands o f the terrorists.
For nearly th irty minutes you sit back and
listen to the ridiculous, uninteresting dialogue
betw een the soldier and one o f the terrorist, Fergus
played by Stephen Rea A fter, the soldier is taken
out to die Once the soldier is dead, Fergus sets out
to purge his soul w ith the lover o f the dead soldier.
You are wondering where in the w o rld is this
th in g going'’ 1 would assume other critics w ill tell
you this is where the movie gets interesting. 1, on
the other hand w ill tell you this is where it gets
strange. So go see it, the surprises are w orth it.
Running time: 100 min. Rated R
The L o v e r (F re n c h )
I f there was ever an example o f what the phrase
‘ opposites attract’ means this movie w ould be it. In
The Lover, w hich was o rig in a lly a novel by M a r­
guerite Duras, a Chinese m iddle aged business
man played by Tony Leung finds h im se lf attracted
to and mesmerized by a very young European
woman. This couples love a ffa ir becomes predict­
able as it slow ly moves through a relationship o f
lustful encounters in a rented room. Because she is
young and innocent she must be seduced into
exploring her bloom ing sexuality. As you can tell,
this mov ie turns out to be a series o f sexual esca­
pades that reeks o f an X rating. As a matter o f fact,
this international film had to be cut dow n to get the
R rating for us Americans.
Y ou could imagine what h it the cutting room
floor, or maybe you shouldn’ t. R unning time: 110
m in. Rated: R
F lirtin g (A u s tra lia n )
The B odyguard:
Purely form ula since Bodyguard’ s script is
pretty simple. N o thing really dram atic ever hap­
pens. The couple seems to be more scared o f each
other than any obsessed fan Whitney has the
‘ b itc h ’ part down cold.
I f there’ s ever a sequel to this movie, le t’ s hope
1 louston and Costner act a little more 1 ike they were
once lovers and not like squabbling siblings. Run­
^ o x -tla n h (D b s e ru e r
• .
A R eel M usic
* Bi
show you.
The most unnerving part is that you, at any
tim e in your life, may fin d yourself having to
make the incredible discussion these people had
to make.
In the Andes o f 1972 a airplane carrying a
Uruguayan rugby team crashes. Thus begins a
journey through a frozen hell that gets progres­
sively w orse u n til you get the feeling that the lucky
one are already dead.
T h is film was o rig in a lly a novel that had
previously been film ed in M exico under the name
‘ Survive. ’ However, after the crash and before the
ending, the rest o f the movie is pretty tasteless.
Pardon the pun. The o ff colored jokes were even
more sickening than the flesh eating. M y advise
to you w ould be to go see the movie. We all can use
a dose o f reality once in a w hile. R unning time:
140 Rated. R
Body o f E vid en ce:
W ell, M adonna’ s done it again. She has the
uncanny a b ility to thoroughly sicken us w ith her
sexual adv entures, an unbelievable story line and
her extremely bad acting.
The story line goes something like this. M a ­
donna gets these old guys. She puts a w hipping on
them, and they drop dead in her arms. W illia m
Defoe plays her attorney that must prove M a ­
donna d id n ’ t use her body to k ill these men. Can
you believe that? Sounds like a movie after her
Immature’s World: Virgin recording artists Immature, whose
debut "Da Munchies" single from thelr’ On Our Worst
Behavior" LP hit the streets Jan. 18, recently guest on "A
Different World" as students on their worst behavior In
Jasmine Guy’s (Whitley's) class room. It may become a
recurring role for the group. Immature was recently honored
with the Best New Music Group award at the Youth In Film
Awards. Immature will perform live with their pre-teen band
and hang out with their 12-year-old road manager on The
Arsenio Hall show on Friday, Jan. 29. See what you’ve been
hearing and check out Immature’s slammln' live "New Jack
Funk" and "Psycho Logical" style!
own heart.
T h is continues u n til it becomes a sp ira llin g
mess o f courtroom and bedroom scenes. Y o u ’ re
about ready to go to court yourself over your hard
earned $6.00 that somebody in that theater has
ripped off. Come on Madonna, get a life. Yet,
there’ s one th in g y ou really should go to the movie
to see-it’ s fun It's called, "Nam e the Portland
scenes.” Who ever names the most scenes wins.
Running tim e: 108 min. Rated: R
West Coast
Premiere of
“Killing Me
John B innie recently won the In ­
dependent Award for Best Playwright
at the E dinburgh International Festi­
val. He comes to Lewis & C lark Col
O. Henry Award W inner, teacher and author o f the novel
I Get On The Bus reads from his new s h o rt story collection
published by Little, Brown
— P hi - s t \ I '
*< *
ning lim e: 120 m in Rated: R
A liv e
W ith the promos that are being run by this
m ovies'm arketing department, you know some
poor body, lite ra lly, is going to be ‘ fille t’ for
dinner But what you don;t know is the level o f
human pain suffering and desperation it takes to
get there T h is movie, w ritte n by John P. Shanley
and directed by Frank M arshall w ill graphically
\ ck H istory M onth C oncern
lege fresh from a sellout season at
London's prestigious Hamstead The
atre. A t 27, he has w ritten 13 plays and
is artistic director o f Clyde U nity The
atre - a radical Scottish touring theatre
p t : i n r im ; —
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T he K ind O f L ight
T hat S hines O n T exas
Stories by Reginald McKnight
3 2 N D & E B U R N S ID E
2 3 1 -8 9 2 6
" K illin g M e Softly” is about the
special friendship betw een two young
students-a gay boy and a straight g irl,
2 3 R D & N W JO H N S O N
2 4 8 -0 1 6 3
who meet at a university.
C larence F o u n t a in
& F ive B u n d B oys
T H A T P H Y I 1 1 M . I t l O Y f B L U E S
7:30 pm,Wednesday, January 27
F ebruary 6 th F ox T heater 7 pm
T IC K ! FS i n 50 VIA •.
! HI
C e le b r a te D iv e r s ity
Powell’s City of Books
1005 W Burnside
'I-1 n u i I \ i n ' n ; n.vv m sn o w
I H U I 15 M FIB I I C ' ( PY
— P ti'i'i i H' H i ■
T o g eth er as friends a n d n e ig h b o rs let's
em b ra ce o u r sim ilarities w hile
P O R T L A N D AR I AM ISI I At \ i 'R I I I VX I s I F I! At t I \ IT R
P O R T L A N D S T A I I I 'N IV IR S I I Y 5 H O O I. O l I M I X I ’ I P
S T U D IE S A N D D E P A R T M E N T S v ' l RI.V- '► S T U D IE S A N D M U S IC
IVillanK ette
> 1
T he 4 th A nnual R e el M usk and M ardi G ras P arty
D ito Y
Share o u r c o m m o n
lit tut )i ing < >ur differences.
p o Z tN
b r a s s ßAnd
S unday F ebruary 28 th
goal to affirm a n d
u p h o ld th e rights o f
Henry W cinhard’ s K P T V Party Cruise
February Party Cruises Aboard the Stemwheeler
Friday February 5 - Terraplanes 7-to 10pm
Sunday, February 7 - C urtis Salgado, and Friends 7 -10pm
F riday, February 19 - The Lansings 7-10pm
Sunday, February 21 - Vern C ollins Band 7-9pm
Friday, February 26 - Loretta Carey, Pamela N orbum ,
V a lo ry Lawcmce 7 -10pm
Sunday, February 28 - Loretta Carey, J.P. L inde, D w ig h t Slade,
and Ed Newcomer. 7 -9pm
all citizens to p u rsu e
their lives w ith dignity
a n d respect.
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“ Ladies In Red” Valentine B all
February 13, 1993 9:(K)pm to2:(X)am
The Brooks B u ilding
3620 N. W illia m s (located next to House o f Sound)
M usic by Ervan and L.ocal rap artist The ‘ L o va ’
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C eleb ra le H irers il y
N e w s ra d io
Sade and T B A
A rlene Schnitzer Concert H a ll
Friday, February 26, 1993 8:00pm
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B e in fo r m e d ,
G e t in v o lv e d ,
S a y s o m e th in g .
750 AM
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