-t- ♦ r it ** • J anuary 27, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver Sub-Bids Requested Multnomah Education Service D istrict Request For Proposal Invitation for Bids State of Oregon Department of General Services D irector’s Office fo r fu rn ish in g s Dairy P roducts and Eggs Bids are solicited to fu rn is h dairy products and e ggs fo r this agency's E n viro n m e n ta l E d ucation O u td o o r S ch o o l pro­ gram . Bids w ill be re ce ive d by M ichael M lynarczyk, P ur­ chasing A gent, a t 11611 NE A insw orth Circle, P ortland, O r 97220 -9 017 (PO B ox 30103 9, P ortland, O r 97230 -9 0 3 9 ) (P hone 503 -2 5 7 -1 7 9 1 ) until, but no later than 4 :0 0 PM, P acific S tandard Tim e (PST), February 1 8 ,1 9 9 3 , at w hich tim e and address the bids w ill be publicly o p ene d but will S eeks consulting services to co n d u ct ag e n cy-w id e diversity tra in in g fo r about 150 state e m ployees. T he w o rk m ust be com p le te d by June 30,199 3. If you have direct e xp ene nce and w ould like a copy of the sta te m e n t of w ork, call R osa C olquitt, (503) 373-797 5. T he state reserves th e right to reject fo r good cause any o r all pro p o sa ls upon a fin d in g of the a g e n cy it is in th e public interest to do so. P roposals m ust be received by 5:00 p.m ., F ebruary 9, 1993. 6712 N. Cutter Circle Portland, OR 97217 (503) 283-6712 FAX (503) 283-3607 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disadvantaged, minority, women, and emerging small business Advertisement For Bid S ealed bids fo rth e D ryden Hall P iping re p la ce m e n t project w ill be received by the O regon S tate Board o f H igher E ducation until 2 :0 0 PM, local tim e, F ebruary 23, 1993. Bids w ill be o p e n e d and publicly read aloud at th a t tim e. All b id d e rs m u s t be re g is te re d w ith th e C o n s tru c tio n S pecifications m ay be o b ta in e d at the above o ffice. Each bid m ust contain a sta te m e n t as to w h e th e r or not the bidder is a resident bidder as d e fin e d in O R S 279.029. T he district m ay reject any bid n o t in co m pliance with all prescribed public bidding p ro cedure s and requirem ents, and m ay reject fo r good cause any o r all bids upon a fin d in g of the aqency it is in the pu b lic in te re st to do so. No bid will be considered th a t is received a fte r the appointed date and C o n tra c to r’s Board. A dd itio n a l in fo rm a tio n m ay be ob ta in e d by co n ta ctin g F acilities S ervices, A dam s Hall, C orvallis, O re g o n 9 7331 - 2001 o r te le p h o n e 503-737 -7694. tim e. S u b -B id s R e q u e s te d M s heating Oil oils Service Oregon State University Forestry Research Lab-Locker Room Remodel Morris P. Kielty General Contractor, Inc., requests sub bids from all qualified MBE/DBEAVBE.ESB subcontractors and suppliers for the OSU Forestry Research Lab-Locker Room Remodel which bids are due by January 26,1993, at 2:30 pm. Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids and material quotes from minority, women-owned, disadvantaged and emerging small business enterprises. 104 NE Russell Portland, OR 97212 282-S111 Andersen C onstruction Co., Inc. enterprises. Oregon contractor’s Board Registration #63053 not be read aloud. T he successful b id d e r w ill not be required to be licensed fo r asbestos a b a te m e n t u n d e r section 7 of ORS 4 6 8 .8 8 3 . Best Cash Prices for Public Service Building Renovation Salem, Oregon Bid Date: Thursday, January 28,1993 @ 3 P.M. Sub-Contracting Opportunities C al-T rans S .O .L. # 18094 du e 2 /2 6 /9 3 T raffic C o n tro lle r/ C a binets fo rth e S tate of C alifornia. S u b -C o n tra ctin g o p p o r­ tunities available fo r Sm all, M inority, W om en and V eteran ow ned b u sinesse s as sup p lie rs of the follow ing: •P.C . B oards •E lectronic C o m p o n e n ts •W ire •F re ig h t H auling T hese m aterials and services shall be su pplied to S ignal C o n tro l C o m p a n ie s d is trib u to rs the P rim e C o n tra cto r, S everinas A viation and Fuel. Interested parties should co n ta ct D ebbie Lenab urg at P hone (50 3 )3 7 1 -1 0 3 2 o r Fax (503) 364-893 6. F ö /' ¿CXÍ//'CSu/iJi A dvertise in the O bserver BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Studio 14 Hair Design M r. Tuna Brown, President C le o - L illia n for men & wom en N a tu r a l F la ir S o c ia l C lu b Marsha Brown Brian Sims Dominique Gill T exas II 1710 N.E. Alberta Portland. Oregon 97212 503/287-5145 moiæ - out TRANSPORTATION SERVICE P.O. Box 11084 Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 /2 8 8 9849 *•_ • « . : "• ’ ARCO MINI-MART • Certified Tech 12 yrs exp. • D om estics & Foreign • Reas. Rates 7509 N.E. M.L. King Jr. Blvd. h ' • • i Ask about our specials coke classic 4/8oz btls $1.25 30w oil $1.09 '• v . 7 V (503) 286-5303 Insurance and Investment TV? Financial Rapreaantatlva 121 Southwest Morrieon Street. Suite 1250 Portland. Oregon 97204 503-228-6645 503-222-7407 FAX O n e on O n e S w e et ’ s M ar U et Help Younelf— Serve your Country It'» a great Part-Time Job. F' i I t :í i /4 O 6 N. V im n i vi li Avi \ i i BEEF it up PORK It down CHICKEN out if you want the greatest BAR-B-Q In town go to B oy S couts of A merica To Advertise Call 288-0033 M ary K. Richardson D irector o f In School Scouting DOriS’ mon.-Sat. 11am -10pm Cafe 287-9249 Columbia Pacific Council 2145 SW Frount Ave. Portland, Oregon 97201 (503)226-3423 3420 N. Williams 206-696-6201 McMurphy's Applionce Center UJasher fit Dryer ’ 199°° Up to 70 cars (many under $ 1 0 0 0 ) • Gafes open at 9:00 a.m. i •v> 85 Nissan Sentra 77 BMW 320 i •V < i* 82 Olds Delta 88 85 Cadillac S/DeVille 68 MGB Roadster 80 VW Rabbit a 84 Olds Cutlass 78 Chev Camero A-28 86 Hyundai Excel Refrigerators From ’129 00 Ranges From ’ 129°° Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm 84 Toyota Camry Saturday 10:00am to 2:00pm PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION • » 65OO NE MLK • 2400448 THE BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY (503) 289-0851 2 8 5 -4 7 5 0 7 85 Plymouth Voyager 78 Buick Regal 0$ Public Auto Auction REINTRODUCES 317 N.E. K illingsw orth Portland, O r 97211 WHY PAY FULL RETAIL? * up to 70 cars-many under $ 1 000 Sat. 12 noon - gates open at 9 :0 0 am itü^c j o i l l a n i » (¡D h s c n ii'i tax service M i a i - S i A food M ah I o i Tax C onsultant i.i.i.'.Ut; John A. Tarver T ax R eturns 4 5 4 5 N.E. MLK Jr. Blvd. G io o ing to t< College? 3 IL 0 L .” " makes life easier $5 P a r ts 6 5 0 0 N E M a r tin Luth e r K in g , J r.z B lvd . • P o rtla n d W o rk s h o p To A d d re s s J u v e n ile S e x O ffe n d e r s “ Boy s and Girls Who Abuse: The Problem o f Juvenile Sex Offenders" is the title o f a workshop to assist clinicians in understanding the cause o f abuse in juveniles and c urrcnt meth­ ods o f treatment. Co-sponsored by the Multnomah County O ffice o f Child and Adolescent Mental Health Ser­ vices and the Pacific University Psy­ chological Service Center, the w ork­ shop w ill beheld Tuesday, February 16 from 2:15 to 5 p.m. in the Portland Building, Meeting Room C, 1120SW 5th Ave. The workshop is designed for psychologist, professional counselors’ marriage and fam ily therapists, c lin i­ cal social workers, other mental health workers,administrators, and students. Participants w ill have the opportunity to define the population o f juveniles who abuse, identify normal and ab­ normal sexual behavior, define the ! consequences o f offensive behavior for the victim and the offender, and discuss basic treatment components. For more information, please call the Pacific University Psychological Service Center, 220-0390. i '¿•V 1 nffuirjjitoiiftl - < *--< “ ' 4 ■* ' ' Wpi? .A . .............. .............. ............................................................ . . ¿ m a a • - • « - A* • ♦ «. • * * eM. V 7 : V- ' A, ** *►'*»* *** * * ' *- ....... * ■ • * I —— _