Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 20, 1993, Page 8, Image 8

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J anuary 20, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
P age 8
^jcrtpiurc O f ^J/ie "l$)ee£..
'X o w fa itd is t£e substance ofidinys d o p ed for, id e evidence o ftd in ys noi seen....
J d r o u g d fa ild u e understandtdal td e worlds „ e refra m e d d y
u.ordofSod, so td a i tdinys „ d ie d are seen „ere noi made
f 7or *
? v P T I m
oi tdinrys „ d ie d do appear. Jle£re„s II. I • 3.
l6 o u y 6 b on >«■»> o f l £ ^ l f a i l £ « ¿ . e n t u m rea d t i e a ,h r , l l t i c i a p l ^ o f J M ™ . /
Martin Luther King, Jr. ElementarySchool
Honors Their Namesake Legendary Dr. jung.
How Well Does Your
Faith Stand Up
L et’s exam ine our faith. W ith
w hom does it lie. W here are we
putting m ost o f our faith, in God or
in man. N o m atter how m uch or how
little faith w e may possess, we can
alw ays use more.
W e have so little-w e say in God.
Y et we have faith in checks and
banks, train s and airplanes, cars
and buses, and even space shuttles
and w arships. We are not afraid of
strangers w ho drive us in cabs, or
doctors w e’ve never met perform ­
ing surgery on our bodies, or people
w ho cook food for us in public res­
taurants We show a kind o f unques­
tioning faith in people we know
nothing about, yet we cannot exer­
cise a ‘sm idget’ o f faith in God, who
know s us b etter than we know our­
tim es m aking it com plicated, w hen
G od alreads has a special an d per­
fect plan for us. M any o f our prob­
lem s and frustrations occur because
w e refuse to look at His p lan for us,
m uch less use it.
L et’s make a positive aggres­
sive move and increase our faith by
depositing our lifes’ account into
G od’s checking an d savings bank,
w here one of the m any investm ents
is faith. Believe by faith that the
interest and dividends wil 1 be p ressed
dow n and running over.
...St Luke 17: 5,6.....Lord in ­
crease our faith ... If ye had faith as a
g rain o f m ustard seed
The Portland Observer staff
want to share a new addition to our
religious page. This will be a weekly
H'e hope you are enriched
by the thoughts that
W e are usually trying to find an
this column.
easy path through life and most
School Of Religious Learning To
Launch 70th Session At First
Methodist Church
T his year m arks the 70th A nnual
ession o f the School o f Religious
earning, a program o f Ecum enical
dinistries o f O regon (EM O).
The Scool, w hich runs for five
onsecutive M onday evenings from
':30 - 9:30 P M . will be held at First
Jnited M ethodist C hurch, 1838 SW
efferson in Portland, beginning M on-
lay, January 25, 1993.
As in past sessions, a diversity of
study courses will be offered, in areas
jf interest such as parish life, personal
m lig h te n m e n t, sc rip tu ra l/b ib lic a l
Pictured is Principal Laverne Davis
Student Choir members "Lift Every Voice and Sing.
"I have the audacity to believe that people everywhere can hMe t^ . ^ eals a
day for their bodies, education and culture for their m in d s, a n d dignity,
equlity and freedom for their spirits
Introducing the new... a.m.e.
The People’s Church’
the Revelation to St. John, am ong
1425 NE Dekum & 15th
Courses are open to all, an d the
general public is cordially invited to
(Housed in the W oodlaw n M ethodist C hurch structure.)
T he first n ig h t o f th e school,
M onday, January 25th. will begin at
7:00 P.M . w ith an opening assem bly
and w orship service, and presentation
o f the Louise K. H undcrup Award.
T he aw ard is presented in recognition
o f an individual’s outstandi ng co n tri­
bution and service to religious educa­
tion in an ecum enical setting.
Among those w ho have been hon­
studies, and social concerns.
in the past include the Rev. John
“ We look forw ard to an outstand­
Jackson, Rabbi Joshua Stam pfcr, and
ing program o f study at this year s
school,” said the Rev. Rodney I. Page, E M O D e p u ty D ir e c to r B a rb a ra
E xecutive D irector o f E cum enical George.
Course description an d registra­
M inistries o f Oregon. “ We are pleased
aterial can be obtained through
that a num ber o f educators and clergy
the Ecum enical M inistries o f O regon
o f note w ill be teaching our courses,
w hich range from issues o f hum an C entral Office, 0245 SW Bancroft,
sexuality and Christian faith, to build­ Portland, O regon 97201; (503) 221-
ing the G ood Society’, and a study of
Allen Temple C M E Church
Psalms 34:3
4236 NE Elgtli Avenue
(co rn er of 8th & Skidmore)
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
Phillip S. Nelson Pastor
7600 N.E. GLISAN
Pastor; Rev. Robert Probasco Sr.
Sunday A.M. Worship - 9:00 a.m.
Thurs. P.M. Bible Study - 7:30 p.m.
(Led by Rev. Probasco w ith everyone contributing to the discussion.)
Come as you are for Sunday and Thursday meetings.
Join us for warm fellowship.
Become a member of our family.
We accept you as you are.
We are not a ‘fashion’ statement.
We are a ‘people statement.
Larry & Tiz Huch
Senior Pastors
I t’s contemporary!
It's Multi-cultural!
Clay & Tami Drayton
I t’s Spirit Filled!
A church fo r the 90’s!
Are you tired of the same old thing?
Then you are ready for New Begin­
nings! Come join the excitement as we
take Portland for Jesus!
Scott & Lydia Sigman
Jesus Loves You!
Martin Luther King. Jr. — Acceptance speech. Nobel Peace Prize. Dec. 10. 1964
• Anointed Preaching & Teaching
• Dynamic Children & Youth Ministries
¡g>t $aul fftotonarr
JBapttsit (Cljurdj
• Powerful Praise & Worship
• Street Reach & Overcomers Ministries
. Service Times: Sunday 10:30 am 6:00 pm
8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland, Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 289-0147
Study Phone:289-1911
Cameron & D'Ncce Hunter
Sunday Service
Sunday School
7600 NE Glisan Street
Bible Study
Evening Service
M allory Avenue
Christian Church M allory A venue
s of
C h r is t
D i s c i p
7.00 pm
Pastor, Rev. James C.E Faulkner
Them e- W hatever you're going to do fo r the Lord, d o it n o w
I Peter hi.11
"Coma to me all you tuho are
weary and heavy laden and
I will give you rest.”
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday Silble
Study and Prayer
Inter-rociol Congregation
126 N.6. Alberto t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173
C hurch of C hrist
A nnouncement
Free? What?
C lothes and Food O nly
Tuesday: C lothes • Friday: Food
1:00 to 3:00pm
M allory A venue C hurch o f C h rist
3908 NE M allory Ave. • P ortland, O R 97211
for further inform ation contact: P at at 503-288-1092
Has m oved Sunday sevices to
Stone T ow er C hurch
N .E . Sandy Blvd. & 30th
W orship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, W ednesdays, 116 N .E . Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
A T eaching C hurch W ith A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. M artin, Senior Pastor
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954